Revival of the Gods

Chapter 164: Fighting dragon

Xiao Hua did not hesitate, and his body flew out from the house of Shen Xiangdan. ? WwW.suimeng.lā

Xiao Hua just flew out of Dan's house, and he felt that the spirit of the fairy spirit became thin, but he couldn't look at it, and the technique of inciting the bandits rushed out of the ground.

"Master, lord..." Xiaoguo's face will be white and will come over, exclaimed. "There is a dragon behind..."

"Hey..." Not waiting for Xiaoguo to finish, a burst of Xiaohua’s familiar voice of Long Xiao came, scaring the timid little fruit to a chill.

"You go back to Kunlun Wonderland!" Xiao Hua said, a small fruit, said in his heart, "I am going to save Xiaojin and Xiaoyin!"

"That..." Xiaoguo hesitated and said, "Don't blame Xiaojin, it is... it is small to pick the dragon's grass..."

"Hey..." Xiao Hua snorted, "The old man knows!"

Xiaoyin is seeing the money, and even the spirits in the spiritual world are dare to take it. What else dare not? Xiaojin is even more daring. In the past ten years, there has been no less squandering of dragons and stagnations in Shenxiangdan. Today, there is no need to think about it. It must be that Xiaojin and Xiaoyin have provoked others to be chased!

Xiao Hua received a small fruit, his body shape shook, and flew out of the air, waiting for him to fly forward and swept away, not to be a frown.

When Xiao Hua came before, he was taken by a loose baby. His thoughts were imprisoned. Therefore, he did not have time to check it out. As for the later escape, he has been sneaking up and practicing, and he has not released his thoughts to look far away. After all, What does Xiao Hua think, even where Xiao Jin can sweep, what is worthy of his attention?

Can be seen today, but seeing a piece of space debris in front of the head will cover the heavens and the earth, each space debris has different light and shadow flashing, and the sweeping can detect different situations inside.

After the sound of the Long Xiao, there was no special sound coming from the debris. For a time, Xiao Hua did not know which space to fly to!

Xiao Huagang had to fly, and the sound of the strange winds of the "呜" sounded, and the sound of the smashing of the glass smashed, and the sound of the roaring sound of the "Rumble" space was endless.

Xiao Hua hurriedly looked up and saw dozens of light and shadows scattered like shattered fireflies. There were more than a dozen spaces in the interior that collided with each other, giving birth to extremely powerful space. The force of space would distort the collision of the space near the space. More hurricanes tear everything away into the distance!

"The place is so dangerous!" Xiao Hua’s eyes gave birth to a different color, and the dark road said, "The only way to make Xiaomou avoid the pursuit of the male fairy!"

"Oh..." At this time, another whistle sounded, but the sound was a lot lower.

"Not good!" Xiao Hua's eyes fell, his face changed slightly, but the space debris seen by Long Xiaosheng was covered by other space debris under the hurricane tear, as if the ice sinked into the water.

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, physique urged, pounced on the space debris!

"Si Si" is not waiting for Xiao Hua to fly near, there are countless fine space of the blade in the void, and it is drawn to Xiaohua!

Xiao Hua hurriedly urged Xianli, and he was able to protect himself with silver and silver. Even so, the space filament still shattered the silver light.

Before Xiao Hua flew to the space debris, there was no hesitation, and the figure was thrown in. The sound of "噗" was born, and a heavy space was born. After Xiaohua was immersed, the "bang" sounded loudly, and the space was suffocating. The swell of the air is to break the surrounding light and shadow.

Xiao Hua's figure fell into the space debris, and the light and shadow flashed in front of him, which is actually an ancient wood cluster!



But listening to the roar of the distant places, countless ancient woods were picked up, a burst of roaring sounds loudly, and Xiao Jin's voice was born in Xiaohua's heart: "Old...Masters help!"

Xiao Hua did not answer, turned into a streamer to the roaring place, staying close, is seeing the previous attack on He Lanzhao's Qianzhang dragon waving the dragon tail sweep, under Longwei, Xiaojin's body is full of golden light, one is not good The dragon phase of Yu Long, the dragon's tail, emerged and was competing with Long Long of Xiaolong. As for Xiao Jin's back, the poor little silver seemed to be drunk.

Seeing the dragon's tail of the dragon, the air is not only the tide, but the space is also torn. In particular, a heavy hail is also condensed in the air as the dragon tail sweeps.

Xiao Jin saw Xiao Hua appear, quite a bit of fear, a negligence to dodge, and the sound of "噗" was swept by the light on the dragon's tail. The little figure is like a stone being hit into the ground, as for the small silver floating in the air, like a dust!

The dragon tail is not declining, and the "bang" hits a hill with a hundred feet on the ground. The hills are broken and countless graves rise to the sky!

The dragon is very flexible, the dragon tail has just swept, the whole dragon body is turned around in the air, and the long dragon claws catch it with lightning. Seeing that the small silver body is about to be beaten into a meat sauce!

In the faint wind of the "嗖", Xiaoyin disappeared at once, and the dragon claws were caught empty, and the sharp dragon claws broke the void!

"Hey..." The dragon screamed, the huge faucet turned around, and the fierce light from the two dragons that were too big compared to the lanterns!

"Old... lord!" Xiaojin struggled to fly out of the rock and was covered with blood. He dared not approach, but shouted in fear.

"Useless things!" Xiao Hua squinted Xiaojin and said, "A little dragon can't beat it. It's a good idea to say that you have eaten dragons! See how the master cleans it!"

Xiao Hua, who is short of protection, sees Xiao Jin injured, and where will he ask questions? The voice landed, hands motivated, "Boom and Boom" Xianxie hit, a huge five-color hand out of the air straight out to catch the dragon. Although they are all Thunder's big hands, although they are all the shadows of Sendai, the Thunder's big hand and foot are now a dozen acres, and the left and right spaces are closed, especially, the gap between the big hands, the vague fluctuations with the big hand Falling down, the road to life and death rushes to the dragon's dragon!

"Hey!" In the eyes of Xiaolong, there was fear, but the huge dragon tail slammed against the wind, and the "bang" banged with Xiaohua's Thunder! The space instantaneously produces a crack like a cobweb, and several hurricanes rise, like a python rushing around. Xiaohua’s thunder is broken and turned into pieces, and the dragon’s dragon body is rolling in the air. Fall to the earth!

"Brush" 鎏 身 身 身 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Oh..." Xiao Hua felt that the whole body was tight, and the silver light converges quickly. An unspeakable heart grows out. He knows that this is the power of the dragon's breath, and he sneers. "All the little guys are playing with the rest." And let you see the real skills of the dragon!"

Speaking of Xiao Hua’s mouth, he wanted to use the dragon language, but, unlike the real dragon language export, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that the baby’s body was under heavy pressure, and then “咔咔咔” a sharp pain from his body. Xiao Hua was shocked when he looked down, and some faint cracks appeared on his baby!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua whispered, secretly, "How is the power of this dragon language's counter-attack in the fairyland so strong? Xiaomou is afraid of the body of Xianying is unable to display..."

I just thought of it here, the dragon's interest and the ice cold have already come to the body, and Xiao Hua can't avoid it. Recently, the extremely mature mustard coagulation technique is naturally applied.

But seeing an inexplicable spot of light appears like a hay in the dragon's breath. This spot is extremely shaken and almost extinguished. The dragon has no attention at all. It is full of **** eyes staring at Xiao Hua, waiting for Xiao Hua's fairy to be shocked in the dragon. Broken down! However, the light spot shook a little, and the sound of the huge wind and whistle suddenly came out. The light curtain suddenly rose, and an invisible space comparable to the mountains gave birth to the dragon and the cold!

The dragon suddenly screamed, and it didn't know what the invisible thing suddenly appeared.

Although the mountains are invisible, they can be more like the essence. If you look at the mountains and the dragons, you will break the dragon's breath immediately. Even if this is like a mountain, you will set off a wind and rush to the dragon!

The bang of the "Boom", the dragon's dragon on the top of the dragon splashed countless fine-grained dragon patterns, "嗷嗷 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 鎏 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"Returning is useless!" Xiao Hua screamed, his body shape flew high, avoiding the tide and ice, and smashed the wishful stick in one hand, cried, "Dare to chase the little boy, you must smoke your dragon's ribs... ..."

"Boom" is like a stick, it is on the dragon's ridge, but see the sparks, a heavy dragon pattern is smashed, a trace of blood oozing from the scales!

"Hey!" 鎏龙大吼, a few dragon claws caught at the same time, the mountain-like light and shadow fell to Xiaohua baby body.

"Hey..." Xiao Hua’s wishful sticks are also waving, and the stick shadow is like a wave welcoming the dragon claws!

"咔咔咔" a burst of noise, the dragon claws are all retracted, "呜" does not wait for Xiaohua Ruyi to withdraw鎏龙龙尾 again!

Xiao Hua also played some real fires. He shot his own eyebrows. The silver light in the fairy marks blew like water. Xiao Hua’s body swelled like a big blow, but he yelled at him: “I let you fight, come, come, Come, see who is amazing..."

During the speech, Xiao Hua’s two big hands were caught in the air, and they were turned into dozens of feet. The electric dragon and the flint caught the dragon’s tail, and then he listened to Xiao Hua’s big voice: “Hit!”

The dragon body that saw the size of the dragon and the dragon was picked up by Xiao Hua, and the "bang" slammed on the ground! The whole earth is shaking in the roar!

"Boom!" Xiao Hua did not stop, his body shape was wrong, his arms were a glimpse, and the dragon was not able to react, and the dragon body was lifted again on the other side of the ground!

So twice, the dragon's dragon body has been ruptured, and the dragon's blood drops are everywhere!

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