Revival of the Gods

Chapter 159: Clean and tidy

A glimpse of the spiritual world, a myriad of shadows of the spirits piled together, the spirit is thin, under the shadow of the spiritual fragments, these spirits can be seen by the naked eye, especially the spirits that have crystallized the nucleus, the body The crystal nucleus is uncontrollably flickering, or reddish, or yellow, or silvery, and the faint five-line phantom is spotted in these lights. X

"Less master..." A pile of spiritual crowds, a circle of blue light inside the wooden three-dimensional circle seems to rush out, he can not help his own excitement, whispered to the surrounding Yunfeng Road, "you ... you When I noticed that there is no, the aura of Yuanling Mountain is getting richer and thicker. Underneath, there are already some uncontrollable influxes of spirits. What about you?"

At this time, Yunfeng, the flames of the whole body were born in a dense and dense manner. On the head of the man, a drop of sweat like a sweat rushed out of his body, and there was a flash of Suzaku in every drop.

"Well..." Yunfeng's voice was a little trembling, and the excitement was just as obvious. "I feel that the spiritual power in the body is like a choppy wave. If you can meditate, you will be able to rush into the realm of a fairy in a short time."

"Less master..." Jing Peng was on the alert at another place. At this time, he whispered, "The King of Jinghong has already begun to attack the ban, and it seems that the ban can not be supported for a long time, or do we also impact it? The immortal ban, that is the world of our spiritual body, the soldiers can not go deep into the Yuanling Mountain!"

"Damn!" Mu Li listened, immediately changed color, and whispered: "Jing Peng's palm, this... Whose idea is this?"

"This...this..." Jing Peng hesitated for a moment, did not answer.

Mu Li did not expect Jing Peng to answer. He said to Yun Feng: "Less master, now it is waiting, let us not act rashly! King Jing and the comet king ordered the spirit to rush, it is still stupid..."

"The problem is..." Yunfeng looked at the near left and whispered. "It is very dangerous here. I feel that I can't suppress the spiritual upheaval!"

"There will be a drastic change!" Muli replied without hesitation. "The Lord is the son of the Yuanling. It is normal in this pure spiritual aura. Only when the Lord changes, can the attention of the fairy be brought to the attention." At that time, hey, the role of the young master can be reflected, maybe there is no need to open the main opening, the position of the king of the Yuanling..."

"Boom..." At this time, there was a roaring sound in the distance, and a noise came from me. "The fairy is forbidden, and the fairy is forbidden..."

Then countless spirits flowed like a stream of water toward the roar.

Yunfeng was overjoyed, and his body shape was just about to fly, but it was just a change of mind, and he stopped at the spot and looked at the wooden stand that did not move.

After standing for a long while, Mu Li said: "Fortunately, the Lord, if you go, the small will leave!"

The next one can't help but whisper: "The wooden palm, this is a good opportunity, no longer go, the fairy is coming..."

"Booming and banging..." It is said that more than a hundred red clouds have fallen from the sky, and above the clouds, the light columns of the size of the road are madly laid down. Yunfeng feels the ground trembles at the foot, and previously flew in the distance. The spirits are turned into fly ash!

"With the palm of your hand..." Mu Li cold and cold, "Is the squadron able to lay a ban here, why can't they kill the spirit?"

"This...this..." Liansheng dumbfounded, whispered, "I... Why didn't I think?"

"咔嚓嚓" is saying that a few 霹雳 霹雳 霹雳 霹雳 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Sexy gas scent??" Mu Li looked at the current human-shaped silver light inside the red and blue light and shadow like yin and yang fish revealed, could not help but exclaimed, "Little master, this ... this must be the leader of the fairy!"

The natural person is the great man of the tiger. He stands in the sky and looks at the chaotic spirit on the ground. He is cold and cold: "Let the spirit kings of Yuanling Mountain come over..."

Jie Ming’s voice is like thunder, and it’s shattered around the void, and the fascinating aura suddenly rolls in this voice!

"The tiger has a command..." A singer flies out and sighs. "When the Yuanling Mountain King comes over!"

The King of Jinghong and the King of the Stars hesitated for a moment, flying one after another in the air, transforming the human form and seeing the ceremony. However, with the impact of the aura, the weaker Wang Tengwang and the Huanhua King can not maintain the human form, one by one to restore the spirit of the body, only the Jinghong King and the Star King continue to maintain the human form.

"Jinghong King..." Jie Ming did not ask faintly, "Is the old man heard that the spirit that rushed through the ban is your majesty?"

A stunned king, hurriedly waved: "The adults misunderstood, how dare dare..."

“Hey...” Jie Ming snorted and said, “You are naturally dare!”

With the sound of this Jieming, the top of the King of Jinghong was born with a thunder, and immediately saw a red light curtain and a heavy blue light curtain in the thunder, which closed the surrounding space.

"Adults are forgiving..." Seeing Jie Ming can't let him distinguish and say that he started, Jinghong Wang was shocked and shouted.

The King of Jinghong couldn't be shackled. With the pursuit of mercy, he was full of light and shadow, especially around the nucleus. The shape of the ruined madness shook, and the surrounding voids immediately gave rise to wrinkles, and the inexplicable volatility rushed toward the enclosed space.

It is a pity that after the King of Jinghong finished, Jieming’s right hand explored it. The whistling wind of the “呜”, the big hand flashing silver light crossed the sky, it was caught in the spirit of the King of Jinghong. But seeing Jie Ming's silver hand out of the Thunder area, the surrounding spirit immediately drowned his big hand like a tide, and the inner light of the aura was like the poisonous snake rushing into the silver light on the arm of the arm, giving a "Zi La La" sound, but All of this can't stop Jie Ming from trying hard. Under this grasp, the fluctuation of the King of Jinghong into the space is imprisoned, and the outline of the forbidden vibration of the King of Jinghong is also static.

The sound of "啪" sounded, and the spirit of King Jinghong was smashed!

The burst of a spiritual body that leaks the power of the fairy should have been earth-shattering. In this big hand, it seems that the blisters are broken, and the waves are not shocked!

Then the giant two-color runes were born, and the two light curtains fell into the broken spirit of the King of the King. The light curtain rotates into a crystal ball of several feet!

"Su Tong collar..." Jie Ming told him, "The old man gave him to you! The old man only needs the result, not the process."

"Yes! Adults..." Su Su did not dare to neglect, the big hand fell and took the crystal ball, replied, "The end will not be insulted!"

Seeing the way of Jie Ming and Thunder, no one in the spirits of the spirits dared to speak.

“Where is Yunfeng and Yao Yao!” Jie Ming ignored them and looked at the many spirits on the ground.

"Less master..." Mu Li was overjoyed and hurriedly pushed Yunfeng Road. "Fast, everything is listening to this tiger!"

"Good!" Yunfeng took a deep breath and flew high above the sky, respectfully said, "Little Yunfeng, I have seen the tiger!"

Over there, Yao Yi also flew out, and also cautiously said: "The little Yao has seen the tiger."

"Yuanling Mountain is the Yuanling Mountain of the King of Yuanling!" Jieming is not ill, "When the old man heard the king of Yuanlingling control the Yuanling Mountain, Yuanling Mountain is the place where the night is not closed. Now Yuanling Mountain is the King of Jinghong. The old man is quite unhappy. The old man hopes that you will inherit the spirit of the Yuanling Mountain, and the former forces of the King of Jinghong will be controlled by you. Are you willing?"

"Small willing!" Yunfeng ecstatic, hurriedly answered, he hesitated while talking, kneeling down on one knee.

"Yeah!" Jie Ming should look at Yao Yao and said, "The power of Xianying Cave is not small. The old man makes you the King of Xianying. You can help the King of the Spirit. Would you like?"

"Small willingness!" Where does Yao dare say half a word?

"Remove the ban..." Jie Ming ordered, "Let the spirits return to Yuanling Mountain. Yuanling Mountain is the Yuanling Mountain of the spirits. The son of Yuanling is leading Yuanling Mountain, and the old man is safe!"

Finished, but listening to the high-altitude sounds, Jie Ming and several other silver human figures are also stepping on the thunder.

The kings of the spirits face each other, and all this happened too suddenly, but they did not dare to neglect, hurriedly shouted: "Gongzhu to the adults!"

"Adults..." Returned to the military account, Wu Zhongyu looked at Jieming, and tried to find out, "At the end, I will be puzzled. Can adults enlighten me?"

"Well..." Jie Ming did not look up. His eyes only looked at the shadow of the Yuanling Mountain in front of the book. There were countless light and shadows that went out to Yuanling Mountain, and they screamed, "Say!"

"At the end, I will not understand why the adults raise the son of Yuanling in the face of so many spiritual bodies. At the end, they will think that the adults will call him alone!"

"Hey, the old man thought that you would ask why you killed the King of the King on the spot!" Jie Ming took a look and smiled ~ ~ Wu Zhongyu accompanied the laughter: "Stop the King of Jinghong will be able to Understand that the dragon rider’s order, the adults do not use the means of thunder, it is impossible to get the truth in a short time."

"Well..." Jie Ming glanced at the empty space at the bottom right and smiled. "If Su Su is here, he will not ask the law!"

"Oh, the end will be more than the Soviet Union, this is to ask adults!"

"You can ask in person, it has been very improved!" Jie Ming laughed. "I don't want the old man to bring you out!"

"At the end, Xie adults will be promoted!" Wu Zhongyu hurriedly thanked him.

Jie Ming was satisfied with a smile and said: "Mingli clearly and secretly arranged, nothing more than the difference between conspiracy and conspiracy. The so-called temptation is a means of great light, forcing the other party to have to submit to it! Now my Tianzunfu is not facing Yuanling Mountain. Is a kind of crushing? The old man is telling the spirits of Yuanling Mountain. Your king is appointed by the old man. He is the old man’s embarrassment! You obey or disobey, this is the arrangement of the old man! If you separate Yunfeng Called out, other spiritual kings do not know, but there are many obstacles. The old man is different from others. He likes to be simple and rude, and he simply points out."

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