Revival of the Gods

Chapter 135: Warlord King

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Xiao Hua's figure is blurred and there is a piece of light and shadow in front of him. Above the sky, the fire burns in the clouds. The three sounds of earth-shattering sounds, three large fire pillars are born, straight through the ground of Yuanling Mountain, the fire pillar There are more than a hundred feet in thickness, and the earth's vibrations are so powerful that there is a real power!

The three pillars of fire fell, and a loud sound of "呜", a huge shadow of the furnace was born on the surface of the burning cloud. In the sound of the "嗡嗡", the shadow of the shadow fell rapidly, and the square was covered for hundreds of hours! There are thick runes between the pillars of fire, and a heavy and transparent barrier is born!

Looking at Xiao Hua again, the figure disappeared when the fire column appeared. Waiting for it to appear again, it has reached the edge of the virtual shadow. The sound of "噗" is broken, and Xiao Hua’s body is broken and his figure is abruptly stopped.

Xiao Hua looked at the barriers of the rock, the barriers were not thick, and there were countless flames swaying inside. There were thousands of fire crows flying in the flames. Then look at the surface of the barriers. The huge runes flashed in flames. Generally, the space is sealed, and it is said that Xiao Hua’s eyes are not able to break through.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed and turned to look at the sky, saying, "Which fairy friend is here?"

"Oh, it turned out to be Xiao Xianyou!" The fire spirit king flew out from the high heavens, his body shape slightly illusion, and his face showed an intriguing smile. He said, "Seven Lingshan is a few years old, I can’t think of it." When Lingshan meets, this king is happy!"

“Oh?” Xiao Hua said with a brow and said, “Since it’s a deceit, is this the hospitality of Xianyou?”

"If Xianyou is a bright and honest visit, the king will open the door to hospitality!" Huo Lingwang changed his face and sneered. "Xiao Xianyou actually hides himself from the ban, and listens to the secret of the king. You said how the king should treat guests." ?"

Xiao Hua is quite a nahan, strange road: "Xianyou, are you too overbearing? Xiaomou is only practicing in the ban, you don't carefully explore, and do not pass the sound, just in the blatant deliberation, Xiaomou doesn't even want to listen!"

"Then the benevolent friend is unlucky!" The fire king shrugged and looked very weird. He said, "Since you listened to the things I discussed, I naturally knew that this matter was tight, and the king could not let you go." Go."

"Xiao is a bit strange!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly and asked, "Xiao is very confident about his hidden technique. I don't know how Xianyou discovered it?"

"Xiao Xianyou's hidden technique is of course!" Huo Lingwang smiled. "The king did not realize that there are still immortals hiding around the ban, but you have forgotten it. If these days are open, you have taken away the flowers, how can you not let the king be suspicious?"

Saying, the King of Fire Spirit looked around and said: "While the king is not sure, he can think that if there is a fairy or a spirit hidden in the side, the secret of the king will not be revealed. So the king is waiting On the road of Qing Yiyuan, sure enough, Xiao Xianyou entered the shackle!"

"Weird!" Xiao Hua became puzzled and asked, "Why is it clear direction?"

"Because the King of Jinghong is in the vicinity of Qingyuanyuan for a few days!" Fire King said one word, "Xiao Xianyou is reporting to Jinghong Dawang?"

The sound of the King of Fire Spirit landed, and the flames rose from the sky, surrounded by Xiao Hua. The voice of the fire king, Leng Sensen said: "Xiao Xianyou, this king has some Nahan, in the Dan furnace of Qiling Mountain, how did you break the ban, what did you get in the real cave house in Qilingshan?"

"Ha ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and asked, "The fire king, it seems that even if Xiaomou has not broken your secret, you will see Xiaomou when you see it!"

"Xianyou wise!" Huo Lingwang replied, "Other spiritual kings don't know what happened in Qilingshan, but the king knows clearly. You are the key to breaking the big seven mountains. Your income must be better than me. Get more! Not to mention..."

Not waiting for the fire king to finish, Xiao Hua will have a mouth, "噗" five-color fire spurt out, with Xiao Huafa sway into a layer of five-color fire net to protect Xiao Hua, watching the five-color fire, Xiao Hua A faint saying: "More than the situation, Xianyou has already had a slap in the face of Xiaomou in Qilingshan?"

"Haha, Xiao Xianyou is really a wonderful person!" Fire King Wang Yangtian laughed and said, "It’s not too tired to talk to you. The five-color **** of fire has not yet explained, you took it out yourself. So, look. When you are so interested, the king will let you go, you only need to give the five colors of fire and the things you got in Qilingshan to the king, the king will let you go to the soul, and also promise not to make your baby body into a spirit! ”

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed and looked at the flames of the sky. "I really don't know what you think. Since you know that the real fairy cave in Qiling Mountain is opened by Xiao, it is hard to achieve. I don't know the rock." The king is also killed by Xiaomou?"

"Ah? Shanyan... is it that you killed?" The King of Fire Spirit stunned, "Isn't that the two five elements killed?"

"Even if it wasn't for Xiaomou!" Xiaohua smiled slightly and asked, "Whether the Qilingshan Zhenxian fire array can't help Xiaomou's five-color fire, do you think that you can build merit with your fire?"

"The tripod is unmanned, how can it compare with the king's tripod?" Huo Lingwang thought he had pierced Xiaohua's lie and sneered, "and that Ding furnace is obviously an alchemy fire, how can it be followed? This king is better than this fire?"

"You... can you tell the fire of the Ding furnace?" Xiao Hua gave a slight glimpse.

"Haha, this king is the King of Fire, naturally the Holy Spirit in the fire..." The King of Fire Spirit is laughing again. "Xiao Hua, Mo and then the king is procrastinating, this time there will never be a five elements to save you, you Let's live!"

"Hey, off the seniors, how come you?" Xiao Hua suddenly gave birth to a happy face, shouting at the sky.

"Ah!" The King of Fire Spirit was shocked and stunned, and his morphing face suddenly disappeared, appearing behind his head, but for a moment, the face of the Fire King reappeared, and some angered and shouted. "Dare to slay this king, this king must make you a ritual!"

After that, the fire king will put a mouth, "噗噗噗" a burst of Mars, Mars is falling, surrounded by three fire pillars, the sound of the "bang", then see the visible increase of Mars Big, waiting for a few dozen feet high, "啪啪啪" burst, sparks, one by one, dozens of feet of fire spirit will be born in armor, these fire spirits will be fierce abnormal Each has a power that is not inferior to the fire king.

A fire spirit war will be born near Xiao Hua, just born, and immediately waved a hammer-like weapon.

The sound of "Boom", the fire of the five-colored fire was shaken, Xiao Hua was furious, and the big hand waved, and the fire shattered out, and the fire crow rushed to the fire spirit, not waiting for the fire crow to fight with the fire. Will fight together, behind Xiao Hua, "Boom" is a fire spirit will fly, the gun is tied to the five-color fire!

"Boom..." The fire crow slammed into the fire spirit, and made a powerful roaring sound. He slammed the spirit of the fire spirit warrior into a big hole. The fire crow just whispered a few times, suddenly the fire of the firecracker The color speed is dim. And the fire of the body that was knocked open will suddenly turn, throwing at the fire crow, another loud noise of "Boom", the fire spirit war will be turned into a huge fireball, and the fire crow will also dissipate in this fireball!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua snorted, he did not expect that the five-color fire will actually be killed by the fire, and hurriedly explored the star stone to take out the star magic battle.

At the same time, other fire wars are all thrown, or use weapons to attack the five-color fire, or directly burst, for a time, to protect Xiaohua's five-color fire is attacked thin, Xiao Hua is in jeopardy.

"Haha, Xiaohua..." Huo Lingwang laughed. "Your five-color fire is powerful, but after all, it is weak, and where is it better than the king's fire-fighting war? You still surrender quickly!"

Xiao Hua looked at the star stone in his hand and smiled faintly: "If you can destroy these five colors of fire, why bother with Xiao?"

"Not bad!" Huo Lingwang's face changed and nodded. "You are a stranger of the five colors. It is only the life of the king. The king admits that it can't be destroyed in a short time. However, you can rest assured that this king will seal you in... Refining you bit by bit! Hahaha..."

After that, the King of Fire Spirit will open a mouth, "呜" a three-column virtual shadow flies out, the space near the left begins to tremble, and the three pillars of fire and even the high-altitude furnace slowly fall!

"Hey..." Seeing this, Xiao Hua smiled, and his backhand shot his forehead. "Brushing" a glaring silver flash, silver fairy marks were revealed, and Xiao Hua was full of silver.

" have become a leaking fairy?" The fire king was shocked, but immediately he laughed again. "How about becoming a missing fairy? The king has swallowed you, and will be able to go further from Yuanling!"

Xiao Hua looked at the star stone in his hand and smiled: "Xiao Mou is afraid to start, because it has been impossible to determine whether you are the body of the fire king, you can see the seal of this seal ~ Xiaomou finally understands that this tripod must be sacrificed by your body. You have to seal Xiaomou and have to be in it..."

"You... what do you mean?" The body of the fire spirit retreats, it seems that Xiaohua is right.

"Without him..." Xiao Hua threw the star stone in the air, raised his hand, and said faintly, "Let you see the greatness of the comet king!"

Xiao Hua Xianli fell, and above the star stone rushed out of the incarnation of the incarnation of the demon in the end of the fall and the avatar of the incarnation of the world. When the two spirits came out, Xiao Hua left the star to make a great effort, and the fire will be forced to the side!

Ps: "The Revival of the Gods and the Immortals" has finally been put on the shelves. This moment is special for the flower exploration and important for the friends. It is 2018. In the new year, I wish you all the best, always thinking, always 18 years old!

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Thank you all the enthusiasm of the lord, this chapter for the lord "let go of that dumb"...

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