Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

Vol 3 Chapter 2395: -Feilu's grievance

A Liang sighed, it was considered that he had paid a great concession for the expedition.

Ji Thief didn't mean to suppress A Liang either, because this group of enemies is probably Chi You, which is different from the previous small fights. If you don't pay attention, you will suffer a big loss.

Although Aliang has strong commanding ability, his personality is prone to impulsiveness, and it is easy to suffer.

Lieshan is different, with a more stable personality. In comparison, it is better to deal with enemies like Chi You.

At the moment, it was decided that the thief Ji began to coordinate the personnel who followed Aliang on the expedition.

He called the Black Tiger from Tianling County and asked him to lead a thousand people into the war. Then, he mobilized a thousand people to guard the place in Baihe County, which was two thousand people.

In addition to these two thousand people, the thief also points to six thousand three elites in the five main battle divisions of the marksman army, the armed forces, the fighting army, the wolf knight, and the two thousand people in Tianling Baihe. There are more than ten thousand guards in China. , Ji thief gave Aliang 80% of the military power.

This can be said to be a great trust.

In addition to these pawns, there are other all-star lineups including Ah Ju, Ah Hu, Hunter, Ah Zheng, Ah Huang, Asuka, Forrest Gump, Ah Cai, White Fang, Black Tiger, and A Rou.

After learning about the list of expeditions, Aliang couldn't help but laugh and complain and said that His Majesty had taken out all his family assets. This is not going to fight, but this is to bully people.

The Ji thief who learned of A Liang's remarks did not explain, but said in his heart that I hope this is to bully people, and that the enemies who are invading are not Chi You, otherwise, it would be really difficult to fight.

To put it simply, two days, two days passed quickly, and Lie Shan led the people, and A Liang, a total of 28,000 people set foot on the south.

The team was mighty, filling up the road to the southern state and county.

The team set off in the morning, and it was not until noon that the last expeditionary soldier left China.

The thief stood on the tower and looked at him. Next to him were Xiao Ji Huan, Usma and Yi.

Usma squinted her feet and looked at it. While looking at it, she didn't forget to ask the thief: "Your Majesty, how do I feel that this expedition is different from before?"

The thief was puzzled, so he asked Usma what was different.

Usma paused and said, "Your Majesty, look, let alone so many people in the past, only three to five thousand people set off, you all have a smile on your face. But this time, we went to this Many people, I can't find a smile on your face, Your Majesty, are you worried about anything?"

Hearing this, Ji Thief was stunned, then shook his head and smiled: "Tell you that you don’t understand. Okay, don’t ask too much. Hurry up and make all the crossbow kerosene trucks. Let’s decide before the distance. How much is the amount of down?"

"The kerosene car is easy to make, if Liannu is a hundred or so cars short."

"Well, hurry up and do it. If you have any shortcomings, come to me directly."

When he said this, the thief looked serious, which made Usma, who had wanted to get rid of her skin, relieved her mind, nodded in agreement, and then turned around.

After Usma left, the thief stared at Lieshan Alian's direction for a long time, and finally got off the tower.

The first time he got down, he wrote letters to each state and county, asking each state and county to send people together quickly. Within three months, within three months, he would see 30,000 soldiers from China gather.

At the moment when the letter was received, the eight great kings except Feilu were all surprised, and said to his heart what is your Majesty doing? 30,000 soldiers gathered at once, which directly hollowed out all places.

After all, the total force of the Federation is also forty-two-three.

In this way, it can be said that the place is dead, that is, one or two hundred people are left to defend. If something happens, it will be difficult to deal with.

As soon as they inquired, everyone knew that the Feilu encountered a situation, so Ji thief had to gather forces to support.

It's just one thing, everyone can't help sighing about it.

Tell me, how big is the situation on Feilu? The 28,000 people of Lieshan Alian are completely enough, and another 30,000 people will be transferred here. Isn't it a fuss?

After a few great kings thought about it, they decided to talk to Ji Zei and clarify their interests.

What to deal with a weak chicken who doesn't know where it comes from can't use so many people, or reduce it.

After all, the team needs money for everything, and once on the battlefield, don't worry about it, it will have to pay a pension.

After the battle with Lieshan, it didn't take long for the economy to recover, and the large-scale military operations were rashly launched. It would not be very friendly to your wallet.

Putting it in the past, the thief would definitely let go, but this time, he was determined to mobilize people, and several great kings said that the thief would not listen, and even gave a deadly order.

As a result, everyone has no idea, and can only do it according to Ji Zei's orders, what else can be done.

For a time, in all states and counties of the Federation, every day, on every road, a team of at least fifty people gathered to head towards the direction of God.


On the top of an unnamed high mountain, there was a person standing, watching the faint pedestrians on the road in the distance, this person smiled and grinned, revealing the gums with a missing tooth.

"Is everyone here? It seems that let me wait for the opportunity."

After saying that, the man turned around and went straight down the mountain, without seeing how he was shaking, he disappeared from his vision in the blink of an eye.

A series of footprints appeared on the solid mud ground where he had stepped.

Every footprint has the depth of **** into the ground.

It is hard to imagine that a person weighing a hundred jins will leave such deep footprints just standing like this.


Qingyan County is attacked every day, and the people in the county are living in fright.

Flying deer with a broken wrist went into battle with an injury, patrolling the city walls, and rigorously defending the enemy using the tactics of a human ladder to win.

Although these enemies are very powerful in field battles, even the elites equipped with iron swords and armors cannot do them.

But, after all, these enemies are just backward barbarians. Without any siege weapons, they just stared at the high walls.

It has been half a month since the letter for help was sent out. Leaning on the strong city wall, Feilu barely managed to defend it.

Surprisingly unpredictable, while blocking the enemy's attack several times, it also helped his morale to some extent.

After all, the previous several battles were defeated, and the morale of the people fell again and again. This is something that has never happened since the establishment of the Federation.

How could Feilu suffer this grievance?

Following Ji Zei, every time he only needs to be crushed, his identity is changed, and the crushed one becomes himself, how he wants to be aggrieved.

But fortunately, the enemy has nothing to do with the city wall. They die, that is, they burrow in like rabbits. It is a pity that the flying deer who heard the enemy’s offensive from Ashina have been prepared for a long time. There were sentries everywhere, and when these people had just emerged from the hole, some people went up with a knife, then poured water and fire, and smothered all the enemies in the tunnel.

After a few losses, these guys learned how to behave and stopped playing tunnels, and then attacked again.

Let's put it this way, in the past half month, there were a thousand enemies killed in battle under the city, and the wounded were countless.

Feilu is very grateful to Usma who built the city at the beginning. Don't look at him always complaining, but what he did is all real, the city is very strong.

A black shadow surrounded the city.

Along with it, countless roars rang out. This is not the first time Feilu has heard this sound in the past two weeks.

He knew it was a signal that the enemy was about to attack.

Sure enough, the place where the black shadows spread out, like a tide, dispersed 20,000 to 30,000 enemies, blocking the waters of Qingyan County.

The experienced guards didn't need to order, and consciously pulled up the crossbow, prepared the bed crossbow and the trebuchet, and prepared to suppress the enemy's attack.

Not surprisingly, after these guys roared for a while, they would rush up without any rules. At that time, it was time for their own harvest.

The flying deer are all ready.

However, what is strange is that this time the enemy is just gathering, and there is no attack.

They all gathered outside the city. After shouting for a while, they were quiet, and after that, everyone half kneeled on the ground, bowed their heads, and looked very pious and humble.

It feels like they are welcoming some big man.

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