Return of the War God

Chapter 7942 Ye Wuque's Methods

Immortal and Immortal God King Kung Fu!

It has always been one of Ye Wuque's trump cards.

As the general outline of the "God Summoning Canon" that governs everything, it is so mysterious that it is unimaginable!

Even now, with Ye Wuque's current height, he is still inseparable from this set of heavenly skills. What's more, the "original God Summoning Code" is now in Ye Wuque's soul space. Some cause and effect seems to have been there for a long time. Already doomed.

Relying on the Immortal God King Art to open up one divine orifice after another, Ye Wuque's potential has been continuously opened up, and his combat power has increased, making his strength rise. But the most incredible thing for Ye Wuque is that after opening the divine orifice Born together...the essence of life!

It can be said that the existence of life essence has helped Ye Wuque have the last laugh in the fire and water countless times, and even saved Ye Wuque too many times.

Especially when encountering some difficult and terrifying enemies, it is with the help of the supreme magical power of "Life Essence" that one dares to engage in a protracted and attrition war, ultimately dragging the opponent to death and making the final decision.

No one understands the surging vitality contained in the "essence of life" better than Ye Wuque!

It's like an endless stormy sea, so majestic and unbelievable that it can be called a great creation!

Especially now that Ye Wuque's divine aperture has opened up 233 channels, he is very close to the fourth level of the Immortal God King Technique!

Nowadays, the vitality of the "life essence" in the body is so strong that the supplement of vitality has already reached an incredible level!

this moment.

Ye Wuque did not hesitate to extract the "life essence" and infuse Kong Yue'e with the life that had been cut off.

"Your Excellency Ye, it's useless. The severed vitality cannot be replenished by divine power at all, because divine power cannot affect the most direct life... eh?" Lu Lingfeng on the side couldn't help sighing at this time, wanting to comfort Ye Wuque, I thought Ye Wuque was delivering divine power, but I immediately realized something was wrong!


As Ye Wuque continued to inject life essence, a splendid green ray of light representing vitality shone out from Kong Yue'e's body and began to surge, and a strange fragrance began to spread.

Kong Yue'e, who was originally pale and had completely passed out, trembled slightly at this moment, and there was a faint blush on her face.

"Wow! Such strong vitality!"

"Big brother is directly replenishing Kong Yuee's vitality!!" The little fat man couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly at this time.

The eyes of True God Xing Dou also showed excitement.

And Lu Lingfeng's face was full of shock, and his eyes were almost rounded!

"It's not a divine power, but a concrete vitality force that can directly enhance the origin of life!"

"This... is incredible!"

"Only some extremely rare and rare treasures in the legend can have such an effect! Apart from this, I have never heard of anything that can directly transfer life force to others!" Ye Wuque was at this time. Lu Lingfeng's eyes have become infinitely mysterious, infinitely unpredictable, and impossible to fathom!

Time begins to pass.

The life essence was continuously injected into Kong Yue'e's body, which seemed to rekindle the fire of her life, giving her originally cut off vitality a glimmer of hope.

Until a certain moment, Kong Yuee'e's whole body was filled with a layer of green brilliance, wrapping her up and jumping.

Ye Wuque, who had kept his eyes closed, finally opened them again and retracted his palms, but there was no joy on his face. Instead, he remained expressionless and his brows were slightly furrowed.

"Brother, how are you? Have you been rescued?" the little fat man asked immediately.

Lu Lingfeng was the first to shake his head and said: "It's not that simple! Mrs. Cai's self-vitality has been completely cut off. It disappeared in one breath. After her faith disappeared, she has begun to enter the countdown to death."

"Under this situation, in principle, there is no cure, but Lord Ye's method is astonishing. He can directly inject life force. This is equivalent to replenishing Mrs. Cai's lost life force."

"However, this kind of supplement only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, because Mrs. Cai's own life source has been cut off and cannot absorb the vitality from Mr. Ye. Therefore, even if the external vitality is supplemented, it cannot stay for too long and will still be drain."

"It's just that with the injection of life force from Mr. Ye, Mrs. Cai will not die for the time being unless it is completely lost."

True God Xingdou's eyes flashed and he seemed to understand: "In other words, Mrs. Cai's life is temporarily suspended by Brother Ye's life force?"

"The life force from Brother Ye temporarily replaced the lost life force of Mrs. Cai?"

"Yes, this is equivalent to keeping a leaky pool full of water. The only way is to keep adding new water to it."

"Only by draining and injecting at the same time can we maintain the situation that there is still someone in the pool."

"But, how precious and cherished is life force?"

“Who can always breathe life into others??”

"If this continues, there will eventually be a day when the vitality will be exhausted. At that time, Mrs. Cai will still die, and Mr. Ye will probably also..."

Lu Lingfeng looked at Ye Wuque, but he hit the nail on the head.

Ye Wuque remained silent because he knew that Lu Lingfeng was right, almost exactly.

Kong Yuee's situation seems to be stable at this time!

However, Ye Wuque could clearly sense that the life essence he injected into Kong Yue'e was still slowly dissipating.

Although the life essence in Ye Wuque's body was still endless, even so, as Lu Lingfeng said, if it continued to be transported, there would be a day when it would be completely exhausted.

At that time, even the Golden Immortal of Daluo would be difficult to save!

"Is there no other way?" The little fat man was scratching his head anxiously at this time.

"Brother Ye was able to hang on to Kong Yue'e's life, which in itself prevented death. This is equivalent to changing fate against the will of heaven and turning the impossible into possible!" Xingdou True God couldn't help but sigh.

But Ye Wuque understood...

It's not enough!

It's far from enough!

Just hanging on to life will not help, it will only treat the symptoms and not the root cause.

We must come up with a way to completely save Kong Yue'e and revive her originally cut off life source.

Life essence can only be maintained, not cured.

In fact, Ye Wuque looked frowning, but he still had a way in his mind, that is, his own...


Ye Wuque clearly knew that his blood was the real "God's blood", which contained unimaginable power and great power.

But Ye Wuque knew better that this was a measure that would only be used when it was the last resort.

The timeline and the power of the timeline are not so easy to deal with.

Now, is the last trump card going to be revealed?

Right at this moment.

"Sir Ye, how long can you keep Madam Cai alive?"

"If it can be more than three months, perhaps there is still a possibility of saving Madam Cai!"

Lu Lingfeng suddenly looked at Ye Wuque and spoke like this, his tone solemn and firm!

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