Resurrection Empire

Chapter 652 Fighting

When he saw the terrifying characteristics of this virus, hey, hey, hey, hey, he didn't feel proud at all. He was just shocked and frightened.

It didn't understand this before, because it shouldn't be something a low-level proliferator like it should think about, but now it fully understands that the Red Edge Legion has grasped the fatal flaw of the sublime.

Finally, four months later, the command flagship of Heiheiwu reappeared in the three-dimensional universe.

At this time, the vanguard troops that emerged from the thirty-six exits at almost the same time had all dispersed, forming a large net in space, and the encirclement was shrinking from the outside inward.

A secret team, numbered top secret, whose specific personnel is known only to Chi Fenghou himself, is responsible for the preliminary investigation work.

At this time, this team has seen the relevant intelligence of the Joint Expeditionary Force clearly and truly.

Among all the enemy's large single bodies, only two asteroid ships slightly larger than the Source Star Da Yue still retain complete maneuverability.

These two asteroid ships must be the pilgrims' omnics, and most of the psychic demons are also on these two asteroid ships.

The other nineteen mother-imperial ships and the hundreds of starry sky beasts no longer accelerate, but are scattered in the universe by inertia, and their speeds are still slowing down.

But the fastest flying asteroid ship still could not escape the encirclement of the Red Front Legion.

And those sent to intercept these two asteroid ships were the most elite Second and Eighth Army Groups under the Red Front Army.

These two armies have the most abundant weapons arsenals. Many of the core members of the legion are veterans who participated in the fight against psychological interference in the Three Domains War, and Xiao Xingyue's successor is already in place. It is a bit absurd to say that no one would have thought that after Xiao Xingyue, the strongest telepathic master in the Red Front Legion would actually be a velvet bearded man.

This bearded person's name is Ava, and she is the eldest daughter of Hmm. After showing enough talent, Ava also got the right to be promoted and became the longevity person among the velvet bearded people.

Not only did she inherit Xiao Xingyue's skills, but unlike her father, she could gather the power of up to a million velvet bearded people into one body to activate the huge icosahedron crystal lattice. In this way, she would not die from the huge energy impact, and the former Xiao Xingyue's fatal blow would be turned into a conventional weapon.

In addition, the two armies each carry twenty Sun Ai's auxiliary brains. Sun Ai will use the resonance between the main brain and the auxiliary brain to provide reliable computing power support.

As the main super brain of the Red Front Legion and a half-human, half-intelligent being, Sun Ai planned to compete with the two senior pilgrims.

The first thing that broke out was not the encirclement and suppression of the Ascended Ones by the Red Front Army, but the encounter between the Second and Eighth Army Groups and two wise men and two god-level demons.

Ren Zhong appeared in the Eighth Army's tactical array with his Starry Sky Scarlet Armor, taking the lead in the task of attacking the enemy.

The omnics that resisted showed crowd control skills far beyond those of human war artists. In an instant, they decomposed the huge asteroid-like body into tens of millions of small aircraft, which turned into swarms and swooped in.

Each small aircraft has its own precise route, and the micro-control coordination between them is extremely subtle. It seems scattered, but in fact it is a perfect battle formation.

Small aircraft do not block the firing routes of energy weapons, but they can also provide relay guidance and energy injection for live ammunition weapons in flight. Its combat accuracy is far superior to that of the Ascended's army of space creatures.

Ren Zhongdao didn't panic at all.

Although he also has a strong ability to maneuver, he did not intend to use his own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths. Instead, he maintained the complete form of the Starry Sky Red Front Armor, transformed into a huge jet muzzle in the air, and aimed it forward. Releases a diffuse type of strong radiation high temperature shock wave.

The Starry Sky Red Front Armor turned into a large flamethrower in space.

Wherever the flamethrower's fireworks swept across, the pilgrim's small aircraft suddenly became sluggish due to the high temperature, but it did not dissolve on the spot. Instead, it maintained a relatively intact form and continued to sprint forward.

As a pilgrim who virtualizes human brain consciousness and adopts the mechanical ascension school, he is obviously unique in metal materials science.

Not only that, Ren Zhong felt more clearly that the accuracy and strength of his control over the Starry Sky Scarlet Armor were continuously weakening. It was obvious that the wise man had launched some kind of interference technology that would interfere with the operation of the smart device.

Sure enough, Sun Ai sent a message in his mind, reminding him: "Don't enter the state of consciousness uploading. The information flow around you is now filled with digitalized virus programs, waiting for your consciousness to enter the super brain and then assimilate your memory!"

Ren Zhong was shocked, this hacking method was simply unheard of.

As a result, he had to give up his specialty and instead control the huge Starry Sky Red Front Armor in the most traditional manual mode. Then he focused most of his attention on kinetic energy live ammunition weapons and used the most traditional kinetic energy sniper electromagnetic gun. Go and aim at the small spacecraft of the pilgrims that are constantly approaching you, and conduct a test attack.

His armor movements are slightly slow and his hit rate is very low.

Not only that, but as expected, the friendly drones around Ren Zhong began to lose control one after another, apparently being taken over by the pilgrims.

In the virtual network composed of information flows, omnics from the pilgrims are killing everyone.

This is not surprising.

So far, most of the achievements of the Machinery Empire in the field of super-brain and artificial intelligence are just scraps stolen from the pilgrims.

This is simply just playing tricks and pretending to be an idiot in front of the founder.

However, as a qualified acting marshal with a large and professional think tank, Hmm, he has already considered this situation.

Those seemingly rebellious Red Front Legion drones have no weapons loaded inside at all. They are just moving targets. The purpose of their existence is to consume the computing power of wise men.

The real main battle force is still further back. Led by Jhin's eighth generation grandson, it is a specialized fleet focused on kinetic energy shooting.

This fleet has long since given up on intelligent mode, and all members have switched to the most primitive manual posture. They rely solely on the information provided by optical equipment and radio radar to conduct pre-judged strikes without being affected at all.

When Ren Zhong was in a bitter battle, this specialized shooting fleet opened fire in time. One after another, kinetic energy bombs accelerated to 0.5 times the speed of light by the ultra-long electromagnetic power channel roared into space, pouring towards the pilgrims. The small spacecraft then hits, implodes, and is severely damaged...

The hearty fire coverage and strikes immediately significantly reduced the pressure Ren Zhong faced.

Under the cover of his own firepower, Ren Zhong continued to move forward comfortably.

At this moment, his mind flickered slightly. It was a familiar feeling. It was very similar to the first time he came into close contact with Li Yang. He was a god-level demon!

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