Resurrection Empire

Chapter 504 Hibernating, forging ahead

A laser beam fell from the sky, penetrated the thick atmosphere, attenuated most of the energy, and illuminated the ground.

Right in the middle of the ground, there is a cube of metal that was dropped ten minutes ago.

This is a single piece of tungsten. Its purity exceeds the imagination of people on earth in the 21st century.

Through previous sample tests, researchers found that ant colonies digested tungsten metal slowly, so they used it as bait for testing.

The current test is to test the ant colony's tolerance to high temperatures.

As the power of the emitter continues to increase, the energy level of the laser continues to increase, and the illuminated area begins to heat up.

An astonishing scene occurred. When the temperature exceeded 3,400 degrees Celsius, even the tungsten blocks began to gradually melt. These white ants were still bathing in the high temperature as if nothing happened, and continued to eat the gradually liquefied tungsten blocks as if no one else was around. and reproduce at an extremely fast rate.

Such a scene caused a huge impact on the people on the fleet.

Obviously, since the high-temperature laser of 3,400 degrees Celsius cannot interfere with them, they can naturally appear in the high-temperature focus on the front of the planet, bathe in the magma, and reproduce.

More photos taken by the wide-area scanning probe that followed its orbit around the planet proved this.

They have covered the surface of the planet, and their number and territory are expanding at an extremely fast rate. However, the density in some areas has not exceeded the limit, and they have not been able to transform quantitative changes into qualitative changes.

But at this time, in the Viscount Nanjiu Mansion, hundreds of millions of kilometers away, there was also a group of people secretly paying attention to the development of the ant colony.

Southgate Augustus first comforted his frustrated second son.

The viscount told the dejected second son that you should not treat your opponent as an ignorant country bumpkin.

In the empire, there is no real country bumpkin with no talent who becomes an earl by pure luck. Our family has been working hard for tens of thousands of years, and through unique biomedical technology, we have gradually reached the Earl's side, but we still have a long way to go.

But Ren Zhong, a man with a humbler background, had already achieved enough military exploits to become an earl before he entered the imperial society.

Ren Zhong has more than just luck. More than a hundred days have passed since the fourth-class queen's megablast cells were handed over, and the family's informant at the Institute of Biology of the Royal Academy of Sciences has given some very valuable information.

The fourth-level Mother Queen defeated by the Source Star Fleet was not the more common type among ascendants, but an elite fourth-level Mother Queen, with the potential to be directly promoted to a second-level Mother Queen. It can undertake the scientific research work among the Ascendants, and seems to have played an important role in the development of invisible biological structures for information flow. It was this new type of gene that led to the empire's disastrous defeat on the frontal battlefield decades ago. Its biological gene bank is simply a treasure, so its war strength must also be extremely powerful.

But it suffered a complete defeat at the hands of the Source Star Fleet.

Because the mother-imperial ship has independent intelligence and extremely strong self-destruction capabilities. The Mechanical Empire has not obtained complete megablast cells for many years.

Ren Zhong’s contribution is beyond imagination.

The Royal Military Academy also analyzed the detailed battle report provided by the Source Star Fleet, and agreed that although there was a lot of luck in the entire battle, Ren Zhong made perfect decisions many times, as well as in-depth mobilization of scientific researchers to complete the battle in a timely manner. Technological breakthroughs are also very important.

The talent of this new earl is actually quite extraordinary.

But Southgate Augustus saw that Gruen became more and more frustrated as he listened, and even vaguely blamed himself for joining the team too early. Southgate said confidently: "It's too early to draw a conclusion now. . The Star Destroyer Ants are not that easy to deal with, and it is impossible to eliminate them by conventional means. If they underestimate the enemy and land rashly, and allow the Star Destroyer Ants to successfully enter the fleet, inevitable destruction will be waiting for them."

"But intelligence shows that they have mastered nuclear fusion technology. The super high temperature released by nuclear fusion can kill Star Destroyer Ants." Gruen shook his head. Obviously, although he did not have the right to inherit the title of Viscount, he was not ignorant and had learned a lot of information in advance.

Southgate confidently said, "According to the speculation of the Augustus Research Institute, if Ren Zhong tries to use nuclear fusion to create high temperatures to destroy the Star Destroyer Ants, then he will need at least forty years to collect the raw materials. Forty years of Time is already too late. According to the genetic setting of the Star Destroyer Ants, after the Earth's surface reaches a certain density, they will begin to penetrate deep into the star's mantle and core. This process only takes fifteen years. Twenty years later, Star Destroyer Ants will cover the entire Nan Jiu C inside and out. There is no point in just clearing away the Star Destroyer Ants on the surface."

"Unless he blows the planet into pieces himself, he can achieve his goal. In addition, to be sure, I will use all means to block their foreign trade, and I will not let their light energy capture equipment easily approach Nanjiu Star to collect nuclear fusion Materials. As for the gaseous planets in the Nanjiu Galaxy and nearby areas. Haha, the Earl of Nanxiang's Mansion has acquired them all at a very low price, and it is now the private property of Uncle Nanxiang. They don't have even the slightest chance."

Viscount Nan Jiu's guess about the situation of the Source Star Fleet is basically correct.

After efficient research, Ren Zhong finally determined that white ants cannot withstand temperatures exceeding 10 million degrees Celsius and will be killed instantly, leaving a crystal with a very unique structure in place.

In addition, researchers also discovered a substance that white ants cannot decompose.

It was the fangs of the Ascendant super unit, the giant elephant, that the fleet had collected after the Battle of the Imperial Ship.

Engineers are currently etching the fangs with high-energy jets at more than 30 million degrees Celsius in order to create a container that can trap white ants.

On the other hand, the Dragon Slaying Academy of Sciences is also jointly conducting calculations with other institutes to calculate the total amount of raw materials required to use three-phase nuclear fusion explosions to create high temperatures that cover the world.

About half a day later, Tulongyuan presented the report to Ren Zhongzhong.

Different from the Yuanxing Academy of Science's idea of ​​​​nuclear fusion planet transformation, in order to eliminate the white ants, the method and area of ​​detonating nuclear bombs have changed.

In this plan, it is necessary to release up to billions of three-phase bombs with small and medium yields at the same time, and detonate these three-phase bombs at low altitudes, using the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees in the center of the explosion to cover them simultaneously, in order to eliminate them instantly All the white ants cannot be spared. Otherwise, with the terrifying fecundity of this thing, this round of explosions would be completely useless.

In addition, based on multiple verifications using high-definition neutrinos and gravitational wave scanning, it can be determined that the white ant colonies are currently only active on the surface of the planet, so this explosion plan has certain feasibility.

But the problem now is that, after preliminary calculations, in order to carry out an explosion of this level, the fleet must at least activate its productivity to the maximum extent, create enough stellar wind particle capture equipment as quickly as possible, and then go to the vicinity of Nanjiu Star to collect raw material.

To complete all this, it will take at least thirty years.

At the same time, Ju Qingmeng and Huo Donghua had discovered Liu An's preparations in advance, cutting off the fleet's hope of easily collecting materials from the nearby gaseous planet. That's why Tulongyuan gave the thirty-year timetable, but it was ten years shorter than Southgate's estimate.

The reason is that after the fleet detonated the C1915 star, out of the habit of being diligent and thrifty, the fleet collected a lot of nuclear fusion raw materials in advance.

Although the fleet has consumed a lot of nuclear fusion raw materials after exhausting its reserve batteries due to long detours and other long-distance needs, there is still some left.

After reading the report, Ren Zhong felt that it was indeed feasible.

But he had strong opinions about the thirty-year period.

No one knew the habits of termites, so Ren Zhong relied on his intuition and foresight to make judgments. I was afraid that some changes that he didn't want to see would happen in less than thirty years.

As a result, Ren Zhong came up with a new idea: Can the three-phase bomb be modified and a reflective plate with a neutron coating as the core stress-bearing surface be placed above the explosive part, in order to increase the altitude of the blasting point and allow Each bomb covers more area, reducing the amount of fusion bombs needed and shortening preparation time.

The Dragon Slayer Academy and the Academy of Sciences proposed that although the fleet has ready-made neutron coating raw materials, in addition to the coating, the reflector itself still needs the Imperial Technology Super Alloy, which is still being explored, and needs to be tackled. It's possible, but no one can guarantee it.

Ren Zhong asked again, assuming that the reflective plate has been realized and reached a level that can reflect more than 35% of heat energy, and only takes twenty years to collect raw materials, is it enough?

The Academy of Sciences and Sun Ai made joint calculations and quickly gave feedback.

It still took twenty-two years to collect the raw materials.

But at this time, after learning about the new situation, the Academy of Sciences in Source Star once again proposed a new idea.

They can improve the detonation method of the three-phase fusion bomb and add a vacuum compression link, which can increase the energy released during the explosion by more than 40% while consuming the same raw materials.

After comprehensive calculations, if the Yuanxing Academy of Sciences implements a new detonation method, the material collection time will be shortened to eighteen years.

Eighteen years is a conservative number, and the best result is sixteen years.

In addition to providing solutions for improving three-phase fusion bombs, the Yuanxing Academy of Sciences also provided more analysis reports.

They believe that the possibility of white ants spreading underground must be considered. This spread may be related to the density of white ants per unit area. The fleet should use laser irradiation to suppress the reproduction rate of white ants as much as possible.

Incidentally, laser scanning irradiation can also be used to try to drive white ants toward the hot and cold focuses of the planet.

Although this level of high and low temperatures cannot limit the reproduction of white ants, they can take advantage of this creature's ability to eat anything and gradually change the planet's landscape.

If all goes well, by the time it can be detonated, the mass distribution change of Nanjiu C may just develop to the level where the tidal locking is about to be released.

With only one detonation and a fierce impact of high heat and high-energy air, the final fine-tuning and shaping may be completed, turning Nanjiu C into a normal planet that is temporarily deserted but rains steam all year round. The temperature may be very high by then, but at least it will be spinning.

As Ren Zhong continued to ask questions, the four billion people on the Yuanxing fleet and the nearly 30 billion people in the Yuanxing galaxy quickly mobilized and worked together, and finally found a theoretically feasible way to break the situation in just seven days. Law.

During these seven days, Viscount Nan Jiu never stopped spying on Nan Jiu C using astronomical telescopes scattered throughout the galaxy.

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