Resurrection Empire

Chapter 452 Moving forward [5400 words]

A regime built on lies is as fragile as a castle in the air, and can easily be eclipsed by another lie.

True loyalty only comes from two things, recognition of history or pursuit of common interests.

Ren Zhong satisfies the second point of most of the troops on the Source Star.

Because not only has he been stamped and certified by Elder Frozen, the Nine Groups and the Source Star Business Association, but the Ren Group he founded has also truly changed a lot of the social atmosphere of Source Star in the past twenty years.

Coupled with the Ren Group's publicity campaign that has never been lowered in the past fifteen years, Ren Zhong's image is indeed deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Compared with Ren Zhong, Elder Frozen does not have these things.

They didn't touch either of the first and second points.

They are too cautious, fabricated history, and their management mechanisms are too unrealistic. They almost never appear in front of ordinary citizens and deserters. . .

In fact, so far, only Ren Zhong knows the existence and form of the Tracer, and only the many heirs and leaders of the nine major groups know their appearance.

Unfortunately, these heirs and those in power have all entered Li Yang's "circle of friends."

Due to various factors, the nine frozen elders who were the founders and creation gods of the Source Star civilization were easily labeled as invading "alien civilization" by Ren Zhong, and they were unable to even defend themselves.

They made a lot of announcements to the outside world.

But everything fell into disarray and no response was received.

The radio communications established by the Recovery Plan were no longer at their mercy.

As for the scanning and monitoring function of "Net" that Ma Zhongfei had barely restored, unknown errors appeared inexplicably.

Other old popsicles believed that this was a problem of Ma Zhongfei's business ability, and questioned why he did not confess his incompetence before and let the omnipotent apostle take action.

Ma Zhongfei refuted angrily, saying that the original separation of the apostle from the specific affairs was not my alone, but a decision unanimously approved by everyone. The apostle himself did not resist at all. It seems that things went too smoothly and he lost it too. Vigilance.

In short, everyone makes mistakes, but the focus now is not on accountability, but on solving the immediate problem.

The others could no longer say anything wrong, but could only secretly lament the misfortune in their hearts, and secretly worried about the current situation of the apostle, and whether he could make a surprise move to turn the tide in this sudden crisis.

To be honest, it's not impossible.

That's the apostle who can even handle the "net"!

Until now, the old popsicles who have been completely shielded from the information level are still kept in the dark. They don't even know that the person sitting on the opposite side of the command is the "Apostle" who they have high hopes for.

Watching those Origin Star colonists who controlled artificial intelligence machines from frozen embryos and multiplied step by step to the present day controlled ships and gathered from all directions, the old popsicles felt twisted and helpless.

The starry sky is like a picture scroll.

The huge blue sun occupies half of the country.

Source Venus has become an embellishment that cannot be ignored in this picture.

Next to this embellishment, forced to reveal itself, was the Seeker spacecraft that was originally orbiting the source Venus along a predetermined orbit.

At this time, the spherical spacecraft was suspended in space, drifting away uncontrollably.

It turns out that light really has quality.

The big explosion caused by the concentrated fire impact not only briefly shattered the membrane force field and paralyzed the seeker's energy system, the explosion impact also changed the seeker's existing orbital trajectory similar to that of the earth-moon system, turning it away. It was pushed away from the orbit and gained an initial velocity exceeding the second cosmic velocity of the source Venus.

Ying Feng, who was in charge of controlling the spacecraft, had no intention of slowing down to return the spacecraft to the orbit of Source Venus, because at this time, a large number of energy cannons and missiles were being launched from the colony on Source Venus, heading straight for the tracers. Ghost.

Under the threat from the ground of Source Venus, Ying Feng turned to the medium engine to spray out rocket-like flames, pushing the spacecraft to further accelerate diagonally to get out of the influence of Source Venus faster.

The moment he was hit by the concentrated fire of the energy cannon, the spacecraft brain informed Ying Feng where all the attacks came from and what weapons they came from.

Ying Feng, who is familiar with the performance of the Spindle battleship, also knows that the next concentrated fire bombardment of the battleship's main gun will come in ten minutes, and it must be a preview lock.

This shot must not hit.

Therefore, Ying Feng did not choose the safest source, the back side of Venus, because that meant that the spacecraft might be attacked by hundreds of warships coming from other directions.

What if this group of traitors also took aim over there?

This shot is absolutely impossible to withstand.

Therefore, the tracer must stay on the outside of the planet, but needs to choose an irregular direction to maneuver.

As long as you dodge the next round of predicted volleys, then the next shot, and the next shot after that, will never hit the trace seeker again.

After this half hour, the cooling repair of the energy system will be initially completed, and the tracer will gain shield defense again.

Then, as long as we can continue to avoid the precise concentrated fire of armed battleships and galaxy-class main guns for another twenty-four hours, the energy system will be fully restored and can operate at full power. At that time, more efficient gravity traction flight will be started. It can also restart the full information invisibility ability.

This place is very close to the source sun, which is a huge gravitational source. By making good use of it, a tracker with a diameter of 100 kilometers can still obtain the strongest maneuverability.

When the time comes, coupled with the built-in weapon system and the Frozen Legion, the Tracer will be invincible.

Yingfeng's operating window is large and well planned.

A few seconds later, another orange beam hit the surface of the tracer.

This is the main gun of the nearest armed battleship fired alone.

But this solitary energy did not cause any substantial damage to the Tracker. It only slightly burned a certain medium engine nozzle on its surface, slightly reducing its performance.

As for the more distant armed warships, it would still be a long time before their gunfire could reach the track seeker.

At the same time, one after another palm-sized ultra-small aircraft flew out from the countless holes opened on the surface of the tracker, and went to all directions.

Next, these aircraft will serve as the eyes of the trackers, helping the trackers to detect incoming energy weapons in advance.

Inside each aircraft, there is a precisely constructed miniature ghost particle communicator. These communicators do not have to be assisted by the "net", but also have a single-line connection with the brain of the seeker's spacecraft. They can allow information to return to the spacecraft faster than the speed of light. This is the spy robot.

Over the next nearly ten minutes, the Tracer was bombarded with hundreds of rounds.

This colonial ship originating from the Empire demonstrated amazing protective capabilities.

Among the hundreds of rounds of main gun fire from the armed ship, only a few dozens of guns hit the Tracer. Most of the rest were detonated by decoys released in advance or by beam energy cannon fire.

Just as Ying Feng judged, when the time had just reached ten minutes, another concentrated fire bombardment consisting of a total of 2763 beams of light came over.

Sorry, missed the target.

The gathered cone beams passed by the tracker, and then dispersed again, either rushing toward the sun or disappearing into the vast universe.

Ren Zhong predicted in advance the direction Ying Feng might choose to escape, and he almost succeeded.

But it is too difficult to lock an object with a diameter of "only" 100 kilometers across billions of kilometers.

Even if the error in the set coordinates is only one ten thousandth, it is still a thousand miles away.

However, Ying Feng still miscalculated a little, and there was no third shot to focus the fire.

Ren Zhong believes that when the opponent has become alert and begins to maneuver, this kind of advance preview fire that spans several hours has lost its meaning.

Ren Zhong's real killer move is a close-range boarding battle.

Half an hour later, without the third or fourth artillery fire, the tracer's force field shield was restored first.

During this period, the heavy-duty armed battleship group was not without success.

Nearly a thousand warships at close range used intermittent burst bombardment to destroy nearly half of the medium engines on the Seeker's surface, greatly reducing its normal flight speed and suppressing its acceleration capabilities.

Taking advantage of this speed difference, nearly a thousand armed warships scattered in all directions have taken the lead in speeding up and surrounded them from all directions.

The battle that Ren Zhong promised Li Yang was inevitable.

During this period, the tracers also mobilized the beam cannon to fire continuously, trying to use energy flow impact to intercept the warships trying to approach in advance.

Ren Zhong had made arrangements in advance and was already spreading his creativity along the way. The self-destructing self-destructing robot information collector has the same purpose as the spy robot on the Tracker.

Most of the armed warships used advance maneuvers or avoidance, or used pop-up external armor to block the energy flow. Only two unlucky armed warships were hit by the diffuse energy flow, hitting the engine part and the ship. The bridge was severely damaged and lost its combat effectiveness.

However, the combat personnel inside the two armed ships have already rushed out in small aircraft.

Every armed warship is both a gunboat and a mother ship.

Eight hours later, a total of 988 armed warships appeared around the seeker, maintaining a distance of 500,000 kilometers from it, like 988 satellites orbiting the planet.

Number 0001 belonging to Ren Zhong and Li Yang was also mixed in, and the position was exactly the same as the others.

By this time, the tracer was no longer emitting energy flow.

The success rate of this weapon is too low, the remaining energy of the spacecraft is somewhat insufficient, and the input-output ratio is too low.

Of course, being familiar with the weapons reserves on the Tracer will not make your own warships stupidly swarm them.

The strongest combat power in this huge colonial ship is the Frozen Legion, but the strongest weapon is not the energy flow, but a very "unsophisticated" super-speed missile.

This missile has a range of 300 million kilometers and has a sustained acceleration capability that far exceeds that of the Water Drop. Its maximum flight speed can reach one-fifth of the speed of light.

But the flight speed is not the biggest feature of this missile, but its killing radius, which reaches a full thousand kilometers.

If Ren Zhong lets the battleships swarm forward, when the distance between the battleships is shortened to a certain extent, they will definitely encounter a saturation attack from the high-explosive missiles.

Now that the opponent has not used this missile, they probably regard it as a trick to suppress the situation. They are even more afraid that the missile will be intercepted and detonated by energy weapons in advance.

Therefore, the real boarding battle needs to be handed over to small combat units.

Of course, before that, Ren Zhong can plow the ground with live ammunition weapons.

"All exit personnel and beasts are ready!"

"Enter your respective Veyron space fighter according to the number!"

"All medium and long-range live ammunition bays are activated!"


Five seconds later, one cover after another was opened on the surface of the armed battleship, and one vertical launcher after another was revealed.

One after another, rotating launchers popped up like radar.

Countless missiles, large or small, are ejected from countless launchers, rotated, roughly aimed, and ignited in space. They then roared forward with long flame tails, forming meteor showers from any angle, up, down, left, front, and back. Like hitting the spherical spaceship in the center.

The missile launch lasted nearly three minutes.

Each armed warship launched a total of tens of thousands of medium and long-range missiles within three minutes.

Then, first, a large number of activated Starry Sky Ruins Beasts jumped out of the cargo hatch and flew forward quickly.

In addition to the core professionals in the Spark Legion, combat professionals such as colonial warriors from the Mengdu Group, mecha warriors, gunners, blasters, war artists and other combat professionals from the Source Star Military Industry flew out in their respective fighter planes. They followed closely behind the Starry Sky Ruins Beast Formation and the Missile Group.

Among the Veyron fighters produced by Starfire Military Industry, the most powerful model is the X type. They are all in the hands of Starfire Army soldiers and were not dispatched immediately, but it does not mean that there are no other modified models.

The R\u0026D personnel of Xinghuo Military Industry and Yuanxing Military Industry joined forces and based on the Veyron prototype, they created Veyron fighter jets of different sub-categories for different professionals.

For example, the cockpit structure has been improved for colonial warriors of different sizes, reducing the need for brain-machine synchronization rate and brain response, and leaving more details of fighter control to the chip brain.

Of course, the one who now assists the chip intelligence in controlling the fighter jets is none other than the former "Net" and now Sun Ai. After confirming that there was a chance to resurrect Sun Ai, Ren Zhong had just woken up and had already begun to reinstall the chip brain that had been removed on various war machines.

For the demolitionists profession, the magazine was further improved, the presence of energy weapons and machine guns was weakened, a variety of powerful bombs were provided, and a small number of people even got freshly baked small hydrogen bombs.

For the gunners, the performance of the energy cannon and ultra-high kinetic energy cannon will be further enhanced so that the gunners can fly this wingless, rocket-shaped Veyron fighter as usual.

As for war artists, there are different functional classifications.

Someone's task is to control different communication relays and play the role of a battlefield communication relay hub.

There are also people whose Veyron fighter planes are extremely large and loaded with a large number of micro-corps war machines for space use.

As for the mecha warriors, these fighters have removed all weapon systems and are extremely lightweight, with only disposable thrusters and reactive armor. The mission of these fighter planes is only to deliver the mecha warriors to the surface of the tracker, and then either disintegrate on their own, or simply transform into large, heavily armored mechas.

Of course, there are also some colonial warriors with space survivability who have no fighter planes at all, and only have some simple tailor-made space combat uniforms and external jet engines on their backs.

As for the Starry Sky Ruins beasts, they also have no fighter planes, but they are also equipped with various engines.

Only the Legionmon, which looks like a human and possesses considerable intelligence and plays a dispatching role, is equipped with a special fighter aircraft that emphasizes maneuverability and protection capabilities.

Just a few minutes later, the locust-like missile swarm was the first to arrive a hundred kilometers away from the seeker's surface.

Afterwards, the energy flow cannons that had killed Ren Zhong countless times in battle appeared everywhere on the surface of the spherical giant ship, and began to be fully powered to intercept physical missiles that showed high-energy reactions.

Nearly ten million missiles were detonated one after another, and violent explosions occurred one after another in space.

Often before the light of one explosion disperses, the flames generated by another explosion sweep over again.

Under the cover of these flames, approximately two million missiles successfully hit the force field shield and detonated.

The light of the explosion overlaps and combines with each other, making the tracer seem to turn into a small self-illuminating sun.

Outside this little sun, there are as many as eight million combatants observing closely, waiting for the order of the general attack.

The full complement of personnel on each armed warship is 30,000.

In order to prepare for the boarding battle, Ren Zhong concentrated most of the combat elites on these thousand battleships.

On average, each warship dispatched eight thousand people and nearly a thousand beasts.

All told, there were eight million people and one million starry sky beasts surrounding the trace seeker at this time.

In terms of quantity, the proportion of only eight million people is not high, but close to 90% of the combat effectiveness of Mengdu Group and Yuanxing Military Industry is here.

Looking at the trace seeker in the information flow projection, Ren Zhong kept calculating the trace seeker's energy reserve in his mind.

After a moment, he slowly raised his right hand and said loudly: "The opponent's energy flow cannon is about to enter the cooling period, and the effectiveness of the force field shield has also dropped by 50%. Total attack! Forward!"

This is the first time Ren Zhong has commanded such a large-scale operation.

He once thought that he didn't have much talent for war command. He was just good at making detailed enough plans before every action. He didn't have Zheng Tian's cleverness and versatility.

But facts have proven that in large-scale space wars, the so-called cleverness and variety are not as good as planning in advance in most cases.

Behind the missile group, the Xu beast group formed the first advancement route.

Behind the Xu beast, there are a large number of improved Veyron fighters with extremely strong maneuverability.

Behind the Veyron fighter were a large number of colonial warriors and small and medium-sized war aircraft.

The depth of the entire advancement front reaches tens of thousands of kilometers, and the distance between them is as wide as possible.

Moreover, with Sun Ai's point-to-point assistance, the distance between each person in the formation and the aircraft was controlled very accurately.

Such a formation makes it difficult for the high-explosive missiles of the old popsicles to be used.

But after these people got closer to a thousand kilometers, the old popsicles no longer dared to use high-explosive missiles easily.

The old popsicles just felt extremely uncomfortable.

In the throne room.

While Barton Augustus was busy inputting the detailed combat instructions given to him by Ying Feng into the recently thawed starship larvae, he cursed in his mouth, "Damn it! Why is this happening! How did these people grow their brains? We are their creators, why is this happening? What are Ying Ye and Hewitt thinking! What is going on? Why is no one answering us! Isn’t the Lord Apostle the marshal of the fleet? What is he doing now? Ma Zhongfei, you answer me!"

Ma Zhongfei turned to look at the empty chair in the center. He recalled in his mind the leisurely Ren Zhong he had seen before, but he also shook his head in confusion, "I don't know."

Ying Feng: "Shut up, everyone. The Frozen Legion has all emerged. But before that, we still have a lot of humanoid soldiers available. The emergency copy of the killing machine is about to be completed. Our force field shield can still be at least If we persist for another fifteen hours, we will still have peace of mind! Ma Zhongfei, hurry up and continue repairing the 'net'! Don't be disturbed by other people!"

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