Resurrection Empire

Chapter 398 Hate and Gratitude

Sun Miao shook her lips and hesitated to speak, but in the end she just sighed, "That's true, it's just a cover-up. It's really only you who can bear this responsibility."

Ren Zhong: "Yes. Then, the most important thing next is to choose the person."

Sun Miao said seriously: "Yes, choose some volunteers."

Ren Zhong: "Well, volunteers. Real volunteers."

Some things are easier said than done.

The difficulty is not the process of doing it, but the inner suffering that needs to be endured in the process.

According to Sun Miao, the subject's brain will remain awake while executing the tree plan.

As the neck is transformed and new brains divide and proliferate, the conscious subject will suffer from tremendous physical and psychological pain for a long time. Few people can bear this pain, and they will definitely find opportunities to end it on their own. It's over.

The Mengdu Group's solution to this phenomenon is very simple and crude. It cuts off half of the operator's cranial nerves so that the brain cannot issue active commands to the body. As for the suffering of the "guinea pig", no one cares.

However, if the subject is to enter the Legion Beast project again, his or her mobility must be restored. Then the subject who is determined to die will definitely seek death as soon as possible.

Therefore, in order to improve the success rate of the experiment and reduce unnecessary deaths, Sun Miao pointed out that volunteers must have a healthy body and strong psychological quality. In addition, they must also have a high degree of recognition for the important undertaking, otherwise they will not be able to carry it.

Therefore, Ren Zhong first conducted a personnel selection and could only select combatants who had withstood the test.

Ren Zhong first called the front-line combat commanders such as Zheng Tian, ​​Yu Jin, Yuan Qinhu, Shi Xuan and Ma Xiaoling to the office and said, "Write me a list and screen out such people."

"First, he is under the age of twenty-five. Second, he has a family and has more than one child. Third, he has no achievements in the field of combat or work, and no talent. Fourth, he has abilities beyond his capabilities. Boundary sense of responsibility and spiritual quality. This group of people will carry out long-term missions with no life or death, and they will endure long-term torture during this long-term mission. The company will make a clear commitment to permanently take care of their families , and their names will be engraved on the Hero Monument. You can know these latter things for now, and I will explain them clearly when I interview them."

About half a day later, Ren Zhong saw nearly three hundred people in the small conference room, including men and women, all young and middle-aged.

Before speaking, he quickly browsed these people's personal information.

These people are basically professional soldiers who have been in the Spark Army for a while, and most of them have now transferred to the Basic Military Literacy Training Center as instructors.

When the Spark Army was in short supply of personnel, it lowered its standards and recruited a large number of non-professionals into the army.

Now, after a long period of training, these recruits have become veterans. The veterans have not only experienced a near-death battle, but also forged deep friendships with their comrades in the battle. They have also provided for their families after joining the Spark Army. Brought life changes.

Some veterans have enough resources to support themselves and continue to move up the career path, becoming fourth-level or even fifth-level professionals.

Those with less talent are also at level one, two, and three, and have basically entered the formal battle sequence.

But everyone has his or her own destiny, and some things are limited by talent and have no choice but to depend on human will.

Although some people work equally hard as others and enjoy the same resource support, they are unable to cross the threshold of first-level professionals.

Eventually, as more and more recruits grew up and took their places, this group of people had to accept a cruel reality.

That is, they are no longer qualified to fight side by side with their comrades. If they are lagging behind in strength, they will only become a burden on the battlefield. Instead of harming others and themselves, it is better to leave immediately.

So, with great regret, this group of people said goodbye to their comrades who shared life and death, retreated to the second line, and became instructors who popularized basic courses for pure newbies.

They are also loyal to their posts and continue to deliver fresh blood to the Spark Army.

But as they watched their students become professionals one after another, leaving the training center and taking on new positions, this group of instructors gradually became somewhat unbalanced.

They are determined to kill the enemy and repay their responsibilities, but they are unable to save their lives. Especially when they occasionally hear the news that their comrades have died on the front line, the feeling of powerlessness accumulated in their hearts becomes even more intense.

When they received an interview from a high-level commander and told them that there was such a special and important mission waiting for them, they eagerly signed up without any hesitation.

Ren Zhong knocked on the table lightly, focusing the attention of everyone in the audience on himself.

He started clearly and spoke slowly.

"Everyone, this is a mission that involves a process that is worse than life and death, and will inevitably lead to death in the end. Once you join, you will immediately say goodbye to your family forever. At the same time, I also want to tell you that this mission is related to the future of the Ren Group. Long-term destiny. If successful, we can even replace the Association, rewrite the history of Source Star, and liberate everyone. As for you, although I cannot guarantee your life, I can guarantee that your family members will receive long-term care. Yours The martyr pension will be paid until the family continues for five generations, lasting at least a hundred years. If I can do what I want to do, your family can indeed continue for more than a hundred years."

"This... is the entire mission introduction I gave you. I can't say more, but you should already understand the importance and meaning of this matter. Now, you have one more chance to make a choice, and you can also withdraw and Return to your original position. I will never force anyone to do something they don't want to do, but I still want to say. I need your help."

The young people in the audience all looked up at Ren Zhong, their eyes gradually filled with fanatical light.

Ren Zhong already knew their answers, but his heart felt heavy.

He finally understood the state of mind of those commanders in historical stories when they sent their subordinates to rush to a desperate end.

About two hours later, Ren Zhong returned to his villa in the white-walled area of ​​Xinghuo Town.

At this time, these nearly three hundred people have all entered the depths of Sun Miao's biochemical laboratory, and they will become the first batch of mice for the pseudo-"Net" project.

Ju Qingmeng was still handling matters at the company headquarters. Ren Zhong sat at the dining table alone and asked the robot to deliver the food. After thinking about it, he simply and rarely asked for a large bottle of high-concentration liquor.

When Ju Qingmeng came back, Ren Zhong was already half drunk.

She knew what Ren Zhong had done today, walked up to him, and hugged him gently, "It's okay, it will be fine. I know this was not your intention, but didn't you once tell me that revolution is not Treating guests to a meal will always involve bloodshed and sacrifice.”

Ren Zhong looked up at Ju Qingmeng, "I know. But now I am taking advantage of their fanatical admiration for me, but I can also be sure that when they fall into long-term pain, they will hate me in their hearts."

Ju Qingmeng: "No, they will alternate between hatred and gratitude until the end of their lives. In the end, there will definitely be more people thanking you."

There will still be a second chapter tonight, but it will still be very late. Everyone will watch it when you get up tomorrow morning.

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