Resurrection Empire

Chapter 348 Surround

It took twelve hours, and the task force made countless detours and traveled through mountains and rivers. It successfully arrived at the edge of Wangdong Town at 6 o'clock the next morning, and met up with the Xinghuo Fifth Route Army stationed in Wangdong Town who came to meet them. .

The commander of the Fifth Route Army is Yuan Qinhu from Nangao Town, and the deputy commander and mobilization officer is a former professional member of the Jiangkai Team from Xinghuo Town, a fourth-level demolition division.

In military operations, Yuan Qinhu is responsible for decision-making, commanding the overall situation, and reporting directly to Zheng Tian, ​​commander-in-chief of the Spark Group Army.

The mobilization officer's responsibilities are logistics management, administrative management, and shaping the mental outlook of soldiers.

The essence of this job is political commissar, Ren Zhong just changed its name.

The elite motorized troops of the Fifth Route Army responsible for the response totaled 2,000 people. All ordinary soldiers were at Level 2, all squadron leaders and above were at Level 3, and the two battalion captains and the chief and deputy commanders of the unit were all at Level 4.

In addition to a multifunctional armed medical vehicle, the mobile unit also has a thousand Spark-1 two-seater floating motorcycles.

This motorcycle was transformed from the original Azure III motorboat. It used the original anti-gravity engine and medium engine as the power assembly, and then reverse-engineered the control system to make it more complicated.

In the past, vehicles could be made very intelligent thanks to the central towers and "networks" in various counties and towns that fully covered the information flow in the galaxy.

The operator can control all the functions of the vehicle in a communicative manner by just relying on the cooperation of the watch and the brain wave device, and can also obtain stable and reliable all-terrain precise navigation. It is a true "human and vehicle integration".

Now the situation has changed. The "net" is gone, and the navigation and information assistance functions are gone. The brainwave device with the watch as the core has lost the computing power of the "net", and the driver can no longer achieve the integration of human and vehicle. , only barely enough.

While members of other forces are gritting their teeth and trying to adapt to this new situation, but still making no progress, Xinghuo Military Industry under Ren Zhong has already found a solution, which is to modify the frame structure of the motorboat and add a seat to serve as a weapon control cabin. A lot of mechanical buttons and control levers have been added.

The pilot in the front is responsible for controlling the flight, and the combatant at the rear is responsible for controlling the weapons.

The modified motorboats are collectively referred to as the Spark Type 1. Their size and weight have doubled, their ultimate speed, acceleration and direction-changing capabilities have been greatly reduced, and their control difficulty has also increased a lot. They are not as convenient as before, and have a negative impact on the driver and combatant. Quality also puts forward higher requirements, but the advantage is stability and more comprehensive functions. After a total calculation, the comprehensive combat performance of the Spark-1 motorboat is much improved than before.

Looking at the entire Origin Star, there is only one town-level force that has the ability to complete this level of equipment transformation in such a short period of time and at the same time complete personnel training.

Yuan Qinhu was shocked when he saw Ren Zhong on the stretcher.

At this time, Ren Zhong had already fallen asleep due to excessive injuries and exhaustion.

The rest of the entourage, after a hard night, fell asleep on the spot just after handing the person over to their supporting teammates.

At 7:30 in the morning, the large army entered Wangdong Town.

Sun Miao, Ju Qingmeng and Chen Hanyu also arrived at the same time.

Wangdong Town Hospital has been completely renovated and is also equipped with a molecular reconstruction device. The equipment level is not inferior to that of Xinghuo Town Hospital.

Sun Miao immediately launched rescue operations.

In the emergency room, Ren Zhong, who had been stripped of all his clothes, lay quietly under the shadowless lamp.

He has been injected with a level six pain nerve blocker and is sleeping soundly.

Sun Miao, who was sweating profusely, was checking the surgical procedure line by line.

On the other side, Ju Qingmeng and the ingenious Chen Hanyu were responsible for assembling the surgical machinery.

Medical equipment has also been affected by the disconnection. Fortunately, Xinghuo Town has strong research and development capabilities. Up to now, the intelligent brain centers of various equipment have basically completed chip replacement, but some equipment has not yet undergone complete reliability verification.

Originally, these things were to be used on other wounded people, and only after being verified to be reliable, could they be used on people in the high-level commander rank. However, no one expected that the helmsman, Ren Zhong, would also take the initiative to join the category of "guinea pig".

About half an hour passed. Ju Qingmeng and Sun Miao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and sighed: "It's time to call it a day."

The two looked at each other and then looked at Ren Zhong.

Over there, two dismantler-turned-surgeons with particularly steady hands have completed surface cleaning with the help of micro-manipulation robotic arms, and successfully peeled off the heavily carbonized parts of the body.

Sun Miao pressed her finger on the button, and a pharmaceutical injector moved to Ren Zhong's side. At the same time, hundreds of hair-thin hoses were stretched out, evenly distributed and penetrated into Ren Zhong's body, and began to inject a mixture of nutrients, hormones, Liquids containing trace elements and other substances.

Three minutes later, the injection was completed, and Ren Zhong's whole body looked swollen.

In the next step, the hospital bed moves on its own, transporting Ren to the hole of the molecular reconstruction instrument, which has a shape somewhat similar to that of a 21st century nuclear magnetic resonance detector.

He was let in.

The molecular reconstruction instrument has already recorded the data scanned during Ren Zhong's previous physical examination.

The micro-controlled nanorobots sneaked into Ren Zhong's body and began to capture surrounding molecules with incredible precision, rebuilding the damaged body like a 3D printer.

"The instrument operation has stabilized. Thank God."

Sun Miao breathed a long sigh of relief outside the glass cabin and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

Ju Qingmeng also responded, but there was not much rejoicing in his expression. Instead, he just smiled and said: "I have investigated the situation of the previous battle. In fact, we don't need to worry too much."

Sun Miao: "Why?"

Ju Qingmeng shook his head and did not explain too much.

Ju Qingmeng is very aware of Ren Zhong's subtle manipulation ability in controlling the battlefield environment.

Before going to Zhansha County, Ren Zhong actually investigated the strength and characteristics of the top professionals there.

Ren Zhong must have known that the man could come back from the dead, but this unreasonable "accident" happened.

The reason is very simple. Ren Zhong has confidence in Chi Fengjia and is sure that he can block that person's fatal blow.

In the whole incident, Ren Zhong was actually targeting Wang Qiao and other inmates of the Second Prison.

The big shots from Prison No. 2 are different from the other residents of Spark Town.

They have seen more of the world, and they are talented and powerful.

They can choose to rely on Spark Town, or they can live well on their own.

It is difficult for this group of people to sincerely recognize the important leadership position. To put it bluntly, it is not "religious" enough.

If both parties get along for a long time, they should be able to gradually and deeply influence them with Ren Zhong's charisma.

But now the enemy is powerful, the situation is changing rapidly, and time is tight, so we have to use some extraordinary measures.

His ability to move freely at the beginning was a means, and this time he used his own body to protect his friends as a means.

Although Ren Zhong was unconscious at this time, the situation was still under his control.

Here, Sun Miao saw that Ju Qingmeng did not answer and did not ask further questions. He just returned to his professional field and said, "Now there is a question."

Ju Qingmeng: "What?"

"The scan data I have archived here comes from before the Internet was disconnected, when he had a physical examination at my place. But now so many days have passed, his parameters in various aspects have improved a lot. After the remodeling is completed, his body surface below Part of the muscle fiber structure will return to the previous level, and there will be some disharmony with his body before the injury. If he is allowed to use extreme training to recover on his own, it will take at least half a month to return to a state of complete victory."

Ju Qingmeng frowned, "The war is about to begin, and he is our strongest fighting force. This is not good."

Sun Miao hummed, "Yes."

"Is there any way to speed this up?"

Sun Miao: "His brain contains precise information that can control every cell in his body. When he wakes up, someone has to help him accurately fine-tune the muscle fiber layout of the subcutaneous tissue, and then let him train to the extreme, constantly beating these parts, so that It is slightly injured and then heals on its own. Then, his recovery time can be shortened to a week."

When saying this, Sun Miao first looked at Ju Qingmeng, and then looked at Chen Hanyu next to him.

Chen Hanyu didn't even think about it, she patted her chest and said, "It's my duty to do so."

Ju Qingmeng also smiled and said: "Yes, isn't this Chen Hanyu? Fortunately, it's only a week. He can still make it in time for the decisive battle. If nothing happens, I have to go back to Spark Town first. We will have the new equipment from Pull them all out from the basement.”

Sun Miao frowned slightly when he heard this, "The people from Zhansha County have already taken action?"

Ju Qingmeng: "Yes. A mixed army of 200,000 people is rushing towards Chrome Carbon Town. By four o'clock in the afternoon, Chrome Carbon Town will be besieged."

Sun Miao: "When the molecular treatment device is finished, I have to return to Spark Town as soon as possible. I will try to complete the combat emergency kit before the large troops are dispatched, so that everyone can have one."

After saying that, the two of them turned back to look at Chen Hanyu next to them.

Chen Hanyu understood what the two of them meant and clenched his fists heavily, "Just leave it to me."

Sun Miao sat back at the operating table, while Chen Hanyu sent Ju Qingmeng out.

Before leaving, Ju Qingmeng looked back at Chen Hanyu, smiled suddenly, and patted Chen Hanyu's shoulder gently, "Take off your disguise. This is a rare opportunity, so you must seize it."

Chen Hanyu was stunned for a moment, his face turned red at first, then he turned away after blinking, shook his head and said, "He won't like it."

"Oh. That's true."

But here in Chromium Carbon Town, Chromium Carbon Resource Manager Liang Qifa was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Intelligence from outside the city has been passed in. In less than seven hours, the first wave of enemy troops will arrive at the city.

In addition, behind the enemy's rear, there are still many drafted deserters gathering in their respective towns of the Seven Towns Alliance.

Analysis pointed out that the other side could still draw at least 300,000 cannon fodder troops.

Liang Qifa had already sent to Xinghuo Town for help, but Zheng Tian told him that he had to hold on for at least a day and night before reinforcements from Xinghuo Town could arrive.

The situation was so unfavorable. Liang Qifa was not a military commander, but just the general manager of a resource recycling company. He really had no experience in military command, so he was inevitably frightened.

He went straight to the Chrome Carbon Town Government, hoping to ask for help, but was turned down.

Then he went to the headquarters of Chromium Carbon Mining and had rounds of back-and-forth negotiations with the other party.

Chromium Carbon Mining is willing to provide a security guard force of 3,000 people to participate in the defense.

The average comprehensive strength of this team has reached level one, and they also use modified equipment purchased from Spark Military Industry. They have a certain combat effectiveness, but compared to the opponent's 200,000-strong army, it is a drop in the bucket.

As for Chromium Carbon Resources' own direct armed forces, there are only ten professional scavenger teams, with a total of sixty-three fourth-level professionals.

There are a total of 1,200 other senior semi-professional scavengers, with professional levels ranging from third level to second level.

There are a huge number of first-level professionals, as many as 80,000, but only 10,000 of them are natives of Chrome Carbon Town, so they are relatively trustworthy.

As for the other 70,000 people, some came from the desert tribes near Huaihai City, and some came from other towns.

In addition, there are as many as 2,000 second-level and above professionals among these new migrant households.

On the surface, the military power in Chrome Carbon Town was not weak, but Liang Qifa did not dare to judge whether these people were trustworthy.

He was even certain that there must be detailed work from the Seven Towns Alliance among the outsiders.

It's just that the number of personnel is too large. He can't entrust telekinesis masters to interrogate one by one. Otherwise, if the people are not interrogated by then, it will first cause people's panic and civil unrest.

Then, taking into account some enthusiastic outsiders, Chromium Carbon Resources could assemble up to 23,000 troops in seven hours, a tenfold disparity.

Even if his side has the convenience brought by Xinghuo Military Industry and has some advantages in equipment, Liang Qifa still feels that it is extremely difficult to hold on for a day and a night.

Liang Qifa opened the city defense map of Chrome Carbon Town again.

Looking at the large number of modified city defense cannons installed on the city wall, he felt a little more at ease.

After a long time, he muttered to himself: "His grandma's business, just come and do it!"

If Ren Zhong was still awake at this time and could hear his confession, he would definitely be highly praised.

In fact, among all his subordinates, Ren Zhong had the least regard for Liang Qifa, an old minister of Yang Bingzhong.

The two of them communicated very little, barely speaking a word or two for a month.

Today, Liang Qifa is still in this position simply because he has always done a good job in all his tasks and has not done anything that would displease Ren Zhong.

However, the atmosphere at the Seven Towns Allied Forces was not relaxed either.

Not only did they fail to kill Ren Zhong, but they escaped and lost a hundred of their most elite men. It can be said that they stole the chicken but lost the rice.

There is no doubt that they will be severely punished.

They are already riding a tightrope.

In the command vehicle of the seven-town coalition forces, the commander-in-chief said: "Everyone, we only have a slim chance of survival. We will capture Chrome Carbon Town as quickly as possible, and then use the people in Chrome Carbon Town as hostages to demand negotiations with Ren Zhong. "

"If we can reach a consensus in the negotiations and find the association to mediate, we will provide appropriate compensation and ask Ren Zhong to withdraw from Chromium Carbon Town, then everything will be fine for us. Do you understand?"

"So, no matter how difficult the situation is when the fight comes, we can't take a step back, we must work hard together!"

3:50 p.m.

Just as everyone expected, a large black army appeared far outside Chrome Carbon Town.

Liang Qifa stood on the top of the high city and took a deep breath, "Here we come. Get to your positions and prepare to engage the enemy!"

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