Resurrection Empire

Chapter 300: Difficult to calm down, change of route

Ren Zhong put on his armor as quickly as possible and walked to the balcony of the office, looking down at the entire Spark Town.

Everything you could see was filled with fire and rising smoke.

There was almost no one running on the street.

People are almost dead.

How long will it take to kill 200,000 people?

In ancient times, it took several days.

It also lasted five or six weeks during World War II.

But on the Source Star of this era, if the "net" is used, it only takes two minutes to complete all of this.

Ren Zhong tried to contact other people, but as expected they all lost contact.

Immediately afterwards, there were two loud noises, and a huge mushroom cloud rose from the location of the biochemical laboratory and armor laboratory.

A terrifying wave of air struck, instantly twisting and toppling the building where Ren Zhong was located.

Ren Zhong reluctantly flew out, floating in mid-air, looking down at everything.

There is no doubt that everyone, including Ju Qingmeng, is dead.

Even though he knew there was still a chance to reopen, the huge feeling of loss still came over him like a tide, causing him to sway slightly in mid-air.

At this moment, Ren Zhong noticed a bright light in the sky above his head.

He looked up and saw that at some point, a space-based weapon approached the sky above Yangsheng City in low-Earth orbit.

The next second, a huge beam of light fell from the sky and landed on the east side.

Judging by the naked eye, Ren Zhong knew that it was the direction of Wangdong Town.

After a while, another beam of light fell from the sky in the distance, falling in the direction of Zhaoshan Town.

At this time, Ren Zhong knew that it was not just Spark Town that was in trouble, but probably all the territories under his control had been massacred.

It was not just the deserters who were executed, but also the citizens living in these small towns.

Ren Zhong's mind was filled with confusion, and he just wanted to say, why is this happening.

Everything happened so fast that he didn't even have time to figure out what the problem was.

Being suddenly executed was not unheard of, and of course he had thought about the possibility of the ship capsizing.

But Ren Zhong did not expect that so many people would be executed at the same time.

The next second, white light fell from above his head.

His body was instantly bathed in the terrifying heat, and Ren Zhong's consciousness went dark at first, then quickly returned to clarity.

He entered the "God's perspective of the underworld" again.

He thought to himself that if he had the chance, he would really like to ask "Net" face to face, how could I be worthy of such attention.

Am I not the only one who really "crimes"?

But he soon got the answer himself.

He is bringing changes to others every moment. The desolate people and citizens of the ten towns in Yangsheng City have all felt the changes brought by this new type of capitalist in a very short period of time.

These people see the hope of moving from survival to life.

They also began to try to obtain a better life outside the civil system through hard study and work.

This optimistic and upward spirit is contagious, represents new possibilities for the development of the times, and is in line with Ying Hao's mid-term vision.

But this goes against the will of the "net".

This purge is essentially the same as every previous crackdown. The principle is to "eliminate all evil" and leave no root behind, but the methods have been updated.

After thinking about this problem, Ren Zhong felt a little relieved.

Next time, try to find the reason for the exposure. Only experiencing obscure failure once is enough.

Before his consciousness sank, Ren Zhong suddenly received a signal in his mind.

Before he could analyze the signal, Ren Zhong's thoughts suddenly disappeared.

When he recovered, he happened to be standing behind Yu Jin with his hands behind his back, watching more than 3,000 child soldiers holding up model guns under the scorching sun.

Without saying hello to Yu Jin, Ren Zhong quietly retreated.

He didn't go to Ma Xiaoling's mecha training ground, but went directly back to the office.

He opened the office document and clicked on the new employee contract that he had drawn up before. He deleted pensions, children's schools and rental subsidies from the seven core clauses, leaving only the minimum salary, resource support, public-funded advanced vocational training and casualty pensions. Four.

Later, he added a new item, "Twenty years of the highest-level long-term contract."

After doing this, Ren Zhong sighed again.

The last signal he received during that period came from Sun Ai, who had died again.

She lost her body, leaving only a stream of information that was about to dissipate.

She quietly invaded the town-level central surveillance tower system and intercepted the information. She received a signal in the announcement of the Source Star communication network, and accurately found the "soul" floating in Ren Zhong, and passed the information in the signal to he.

Ren Zhong knew the reason for the last failure.

The problem lies with himself, but the tipping point is Ying Hao and the Promotion Association.

In a sense, responsibility belongs to the one who is implicated.

Ren Zhong once thought that the Promotion Association would be a very reliable backer, which could at least cover him to do many things.

In his past understanding, the identity of the leader of the Yuanxing Military Industrial Group was definitely the pinnacle of the entire Yuanxing citizen system pyramid, which was higher than imagined.

What's more, Ying Hao was an "ancient man" two hundred years ago, and it took two hundred years to establish the Promotion Association step by step from scratch.

So, it stands to reason that Ying Hao should consider the problem to the point of being extremely comprehensive, but unfortunately, in the end, it all ended in an instant collapse.

Combined with the scene in the centralized sleeping cabin where he was killed by a hunter out of thin air because of his nonsense, Ren Zhong came to a new conclusion.

The "net" monitors everyone deeply.

No matter what level of citizens they are, they are all treated equally in the eyes of "Net".

On the entire Source Star, except for the nine frozen elders, anyone can die, and they are essentially livestock.

Even the direct descendants of these old popsicles are the same.

The judgment logic of "Net" is actually a black box, and there is no real warning or tolerance.

In the past, Ma Dafu had reminded Ren Zhongzhong many times that his rebelliousness and danger index continued to rise, asking him to pay attention to self-restraint.

On the surface, this is an opportunity given by the "net" to some potentially dangerous elements to correct their evil ways.

However, in fact, this is just another layer of temptation of the "net".

What people can see is only what the "net" wants people to see.

"Net" is intended to let people know that their situation is not good, and at the same time further observe the changes in this person.

If the front-to-back contrast changes too much, something will happen.

For example, yesterday I was still a good person, but after I noticed that my various indexes had increased, I immediately turned into a monster.

Then "Net" will also think that this person has great intentions and would rather kill someone than let him go.

As for Ying Hao, there is no way he doesn’t have the right to know.

So according to the information that Ying Hao knows, he must have been a safe citizen marked green for a long time.

Ying Hao also mistakenly thought that he completely grasped the behavioral logic of "Net".

"Net" has acquiesced in the existence of him and his promotion association, and Ying Hao, who has gradually gained control of the elders, has the illusion that he has everything under control.

But in fact, the Promotion Association has been skillfully walking on the edge of danger, but no one knew it.

When a key factor is triggered, the Promotion Association is sentenced to death without the opportunity to appeal.

Ren Zhong believes that this key factor is himself.

Ying Hao absorbed him and began to make fine adjustments to the original change plan in line with his progress.

This fine-tuning was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Ying Hao has always done a perfect job. His only mistake was not seeing the heavy responsibility clearly, which attracted the power of Thunder God.

This failure was a huge blow to Ren Zhong, but he still gained the most.

He completely understood who his real enemy was, it was "Net".

The entire social system of Yuanxing was built by "Net".

Even the superficial changes promoted by Ying Hao are untouchable minefields, let alone the real revolution he wants.

We must find a way to avoid this disaster, we must adjust our strategies, and we must destroy the "net" as soon as possible.

His fingers tapped lightly on the table.

After a long time, he opened his eyes again.

This decision may be cruel, but he must slow down the pace of corporate war and shift his focus to another level.

The writing is indeed slow. I will try to smooth out the subsequent plot within a week and restore the update speed. I will definitely go back to 8,000 words a day! ! !

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