Resurrection Empire

Chapter 294 The Leader’s Chair [7000 words]

Three minutes later, Ren Zhong appeared in the bedroom of Liu Wanxiong's armed sleeping cabin.

At this time, Liu Wanxiong and his son had guessed Ren Zhong's plan and shut down the automatic attack system of the armed sleeping cabin in advance.

But it's all in vain.

Ren Zhong's feet shook slightly, and the pebbles brought up by the hooks on the leg armor slowly flew towards the armed sleeping cabin.

An energy beam machine gun popped out of the sleeping cabin like lightning, automatically aiming at the pebbles.

At this moment, Liu Wanxiong was terrified.

He tried everything he could to stop the machine gun, but to no avail.

The gun seemed to have malfunctioned and went out of control.

0.1 seconds later, a beam of light that was just enough to melt the pebbles was suddenly shot out, but it did not hit the pebbles.

A ding sounded in the room.

That was the sound of a pebble hitting Ren Zhong's back.

As for the front, the beam of light just hit the front breastplate of Ren Zhong's red front armor.

The next second, the Tanggu Group's supervisory agency automatically issued a judgment, indicating that Liu Wanxiong's armed sleeping cabin had "participated in the war."

In the words of an online game PK, it means that the opponent struck him with the first knife in the wild, and the attack judgment was reached, and he was able to "defend legitimately".

Ren Zhong slowly raised his right hand, the corrosive blade spitting green light.

One knife.

Two minutes later, the same thing happened in Liu Xiaotao's room.

This scene was simultaneously transmitted to the command center of the Tanggu Group Supervision Agency.

At the same time, Chi Fengjia, who was responsible for him, also filmed and sent the video directly to six other business owners in Yangsheng City who had not surrendered.

Ren Zhong said nothing, but his actions said everything.

He was telling those who dared to play with the rules to plot his life and fortune.

You will use the rules, and so will I.

Anyone who plays tricks on me will pay the price.

Since kindness cannot buy surrender, then I can only kill until you are afraid.

I do need to maintain a kind persona, but that doesn't mean I will easily let go of people who try to hurt my life.

After the death of Liu Wanxiong and his son, Liu Wanxiong's daughter, the second-in-line successor to Zhaoshan Resources, automatically became the owner of Zhaoshan Resources.

This woman immediately submitted a petition for defeat.

Ren Zhong gave up on his side and finally agreed to admit the opponent's defeat.

Thanks to the heavy-duty attack on Huanglong, the battle took less than ten minutes from the beginning to the total surrender of Zhaoshan resources, and the casualties of the Yangsheng Army were extremely low.

In the end, when the battle was counted, the total death toll among the 1,300 elites was 77, with more than 200 seriously injured and more than 300 slightly injured.

As for the casualties in Zhaoshan Town, they were slightly out of control, with the death toll reaching more than 14,000 people.

Most of these people did not die directly under the swords of heavy-duty soldiers, but more often fell under the blows of out-of-control city defense artillery.

Ren Zhong expressed regret and helplessness about this, but he kept this feeling deep in his heart.

The next morning, when most of the Second Route Army soldiers woke up from their sleep, they were helpless to find that Zhaoshan Town had been captured.

After taking a short rest, Ren Zhong left a thousand soldiers in Zhaoshan Town, including Chen Meng who was injured yesterday, and led the team to the west, heading straight towards Nangao Town.

At about noon, the First Route Army and the Second Route Army merged and reorganized into the full Yangsheng Army of 60,000 people.

In Ren Zhong's fortress, Ren Zhong, Zheng Tian, ​​Tang Shuying, Yang Yi and others were observing the terrain map while reviewing the relevant intelligence sent by the Spark Army.

Ren Zhong: "The boss of Beihe Resources has just contacted me and offered me to buy his company at half price. The price I will give him in return is 30% at most, and no more." He He didn’t agree immediately. But I think that when the Starfire Army and the Yangsheng Army complete their rendezvous in Nangao Town tomorrow morning, he will definitely accept my terms.”

"With Beihe's resources as a breakthrough point, the fragile alliances in other towns should quickly collapse and fragment. Some people will surrender faster, and some people will probably stand firm and try to negotiate with me."

Zheng Tian asked doubtfully: "Anyone else dares to resist?"

Ren Zhong smiled, "Although there is no official announcement now, everyone should be able to guess that the pilot project in Yangsheng City is just the beginning. A global-level corporate war will be in the near future."

"Other town-level resource recycling companies outside Yangsheng City have begun to prepare for war. Other companies in the city can guess my ambitions and know that I do not want to waste time and hope to unify Yangsheng City as quickly as possible. . Then of course they will covet more benefits in negotiations."

Zheng Tian frowned and asked, "Aren't they afraid of death? Boss, what you did last night..."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "That method can only be used this time. The Tanggu Group has already patched it. They urgently revised the rules. First, from now on, the other party can unilaterally surrender without my approval. Second, force I am not allowed to trap citizens like this, otherwise they will directly judge me as defeated and deprive me of control over Spark resources. Although they don’t know how I did it last night, they can guess that I used illegal methods. Essentially It’s better that I attack them first.”

Ren Zhong smiled again, "Actually, I also received a private notice from the Tanggu Group's president's office. That means I have privileges. If someone else played this little trick with the purpose of murdering citizens in front of the association, he would probably be executed directly. , he must be sentenced to at least twenty years of confinement."

Zheng Tian rolled her eyes, "But boss, you must have other ideas, right?"

Ren nodded, "Yes. But this method is only reserved for people I really want to kill."

What he actually wanted to say was that he didn't have any personal vendettas.

He always has more purpose in killing.

The reason why he had to kill Liu and his son was because the father and son put him into a difficult situation for their own selfish interests, forcing him to raise the butcher's knife. Many people who should not have died died in vain.

At the same time, Ren Zhong was also trying to serve as a warning to other resource recycling company owners in Yangsheng City, warning them not to think of similar tricks that would put him in a difficult situation.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Shengjun passed by Xinghuo Town and took a short rest.

Ren Zhong gave these soldiers who had become monks a two-hour break.

After announcing the temporary disbandment, Ren Zhong shook his head slightly.

Although it was only two days of scattered operations, the differences between the soldiers of the First Army and the Second Route Army were immediately apparent.

The First Army suffered greater casualties, and Zheng Tian once conducted self-reflection on this.

But Ren Zhong did not blame him.

From a human perspective, Ren Zhong does not want people to die.

But from a practical point of view, judging by a more utilitarian thinking, he had to admit that the casualties brought about transformation.

Since the First Army entered Wangdong Town, they have been engaged in extremely tense and high-intensity battles throughout the process. In the end, they directly captured Wangdong Town through a frontal siege.

This kind of war is more dangerous than daily hunting, the fighting intensity is higher, and the transformation it brings to people is also greater.

The reason is very simple. Those who are not adapted to the battlefield and cannot keep up with the pace of improvement and transformation are often the first to be eliminated.

In the battle between life and death, the fittest will survive, and the one who survives will be the strong.

Those who have experienced ultra-high-intensity battles, no matter whether they are injured or not, as long as they survive, will have some clear fusion in their character after being bathed in such an environment of bullets and bullets.

After just two days of expedition and return, the soldiers in Yang Sheng's army were already clearly divided into five levels.

In the first group, there were 1,300 elites who followed Ren Zhong up the city wall of Zhaoshan Town. These people fought with fewer and more, and experienced the most cruel test.

In the second stage, under the orders of Zheng Tian, ​​the three thousand warriors stormed the east gate of Wangdong Town, broke in and finally survived.

In the third stage, there are more than 25,000 surviving members of the First Army, including the wounded.

The fourth level includes other soldiers in the Second Route Army who did not directly participate in the war, but received more than ten days of training.

In the fifth gear, Zheng Tian recruited more than 6,000 recruits in Wangdong Town yesterday.

The reasons for such grading, apart from a small amount of differences in equipment, are more detailed factors such as will, discipline, training proficiency, etc.

The biggest difference between soldiers and ordinary armed scavengers lies in their strict orders and discipline.

Ordinary armed scavengers seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and it is impossible to do something that they know will lead to death.

But soldiers are different. Whether it is an ambush or a frontal attack, no matter whether they are sure that the superior's order is correct or not, as long as the order is given, they must go forward even if they have a narrow escape or even ten deaths.

Of course wars can fail.

If the battle is defeated due to the command error of the superior commander, then the commander shall bear the responsibility. If he should take the blame and resign, he should take the blame and resign. If he should be tried and executed, he will be tried and executed.

However, if the defeat is due to soldiers seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, delaying the opportunity to fight, or being timid and failing to carry out orders properly, the soldiers will also be regarded as deserters and will be executed without hesitation, and will lose their victims. Compensation benefits.

This point is due to the fact that long before the war started, Ren Zhong pretended to hold a discussion meeting to "consult" with everyone, but in fact he kept secretly throwing out management methods.

At that time, other people in the entire command structure were astonished by Ren Zhong, marveling that Ren Zhong's talent for fighting was so powerful.

As everyone knows, Ren Zhong only extracted some of the available military management ideas from the many military management ideas in human history that he is familiar with.

Of course, the management method Ren Zhong wanted most was another.

That is to take the initiative to form an army with steel-like discipline and fighting will guided by lofty beliefs.

The birth of such an army requires specific historical conditions.

The current Yuanxing is in line with this historical background, but Renzhong is unable to show his beliefs for the time being, so he can only imitate the Qin system and implement a strict private military policy.

Under the monitoring of smart devices, an army that implements such a management method can also have strong combat effectiveness.

Of course, it was still far from the perfect army in Ren Zhong's mind.

While everyone else was taking a short break, Ren Zhong appeared at the military factory in the east of the town belonging to the First Continent Arms Group, a first-level subsidiary of Yuanxing Military Industry.

About seven days ago, Ren Zhong ordered a batch of large war equipment here, including ten six-level ground war fortresses, thirty ground-penetrating armed boring machines, and one hundred deformable anti-gravity supersonic fighters.

The war fortress can resist continuous bombardment by level 6 equipment, and has a main siege gun that can directly break through town-level walls.

The performance of the ground-penetrating armed boring machine is also extremely strong, and it has super protective capabilities. Even if it is driven by a group of ordinary soldiers, it can still use it to fight against level six ruin beasts underground.

As for the anti-gravity fighter, its stand-alone performance is close to that of the Predator. The only thing it's not as good as the Hunter is that it doesn't have a super-powerful beam cannon that can continuously superimpose lethality, but other live ammunition weapon configurations are also real battlefield killers.

The total price of Ren Zhong's order is as high as tens of billions, which is the foundation for him to build a modern and powerful private army.

But what he never expected was that when he arrived at the workshop, he saw nothing.

The person in charge of this military factory stood in front of Ren Zhong in embarrassment, rubbing his hands together.

Ren Zhong had already guessed the situation without him opening his mouth.

This military factory was built by Ying Hao to express his recognition as a newly promoted senior member of the Promotion Association, and Ying Hao promised at the time that he would use this military factory to provide a lot of help for Ren Zhong.

But when Ying Hao took the initiative to bring up the military factory matter, he did not expect that Ren Zhong could quickly form a private army with such strong combat effectiveness.

If the promise is truly fulfilled and the military factory is allowed to provide bottom-line help to Ren Zhong, then Ren Zhong will most likely take over all Zhenji Resource Companies in the First Continent in just six months, and will also be able to control other continents and even other continents. It formed an absolute crushing posture against similar companies in other planetary colonies, and finally used corporate warfare to completely dominate the source star's resource recycling companies within five years.

Then, the corporate war promoted by Yinghao at great cost will come to an abrupt end in a very embarrassing posture for him.

This is not the result Yinghao wants.

Ren Zhong's success is only Ren Zhong's personal success.

He will single-handedly take away all the light from the war.

Ren Zhong is a fifth-level citizen, and his victory can only prove that the powerful are still citizens.

The desert man is still worthless.

Then Yinghao's next big change plan will also be aborted.

In addition, Yuanxing Military Industry's plan to consume useless inventory and absorb contribution points will also be severely frustrated.

Therefore, Yinghao decided to delay the heavy progress a little.

But he would not tell Ren Chongming that he would only allow his subordinates to import core components for interstellar trade. However, the recent batch of annual ring starships that are about to arrive are in trouble and are lost in a black area of ​​the universe. They may be struggling. It took him half a year to escape and arrived a year later.

Therefore, these high-end armaments customized by Ren Zhong are not yet available for delivery.

After listening to the other party's explanation, Ren Zhong accepted it calmly and generously said that there was no need to cancel the order and take back the deposit, and that he had the patience to wait.

After walking out of the military factory, Ju Qingmeng, who accompanied him to receive the goods, said with regret: "What a pity. Alas."

Ren Zhong smiled and said, "It's okay. We have some confidence in our soldiers. We don't have these equipment and others can't get them. This doesn't affect our victory."

Ju Qingmeng nodded, "That's true."

Ju Qingmeng thought for a while and then said: "I plan to expand the scale of the armor laboratory and set up some branch departments to conduct targeted research and development and production of the required equipment."

Ren nodded, "Yes. I will allocate 5 billion to you, use it first. If there is a shortage of people, you can recruit graduates from your alma mater or the Liaoyuan Science Academy. It would be better if you can recruit a few tutors. .”

"This is a good idea! It's just a little expensive."

"Well, isn't the purpose of earning money just to spend it? Just spend it wisely."

"That's right."

After bidding farewell to Ju Qingmeng, Ren Zhong's mouth curved slightly.

Of course he knew that Yinghao would regret it, and the timing of his regret would be even earlier.

When he attacked Tianyuan Military Industry and was only one step away from taking over Tianyuan Military Industry, Yinghao had already understood the true combat power of the scavengers in Spark Town through other information channels.

The reason why Yinghao changed sides at the last moment even though he knew it would displease Ren Zhong, and used the new positioning technology as an excuse to force Ren Zhong to let go of the Chongyi Wang family and prevent Ren Zhong from completing the final plan of She Tun Xiang. At the first step, we already had this consideration in mind.

This tens of billions of orders that cannot be fulfilled is just a test conducted by Ren Zhong on Ying Hao.

Now Ren Zhong has the answer.

Ren Zhong went to the biochemical laboratory again.

After the battle last night, Sun Ai said that she had some issues to think about and asked others not to disturb her.

Then she added that her thinking was very important. If the next war did not come to a critical juncture, she should not be allowed to leave easily.

Ren Zhong had just finished chatting with the military factory, and Sun Ai asked Ren Zhong to come over and said that he had something important to discuss with him.

When the important task came, Sun Miao and Tang Shuying, who were both in the basement, seemed quite nervous.

At this time, the expression on Sun Ai's face was very solemn.

"Uncle is here. Mom and Dad, please go out for a while. The fewer people who know what I want to talk to uncle, the better."

Sun Miao and Tang Shuying looked at each other and left helplessly.

Ren Zhong moved a chair, sat in front of Sun Ai's crib, and said with a smile: "Little guy, why are you so serious?"

Sun Ai said dissatisfied: "I'm not young, I'm much older than you!"

Ren Zhong smiled slightly, "That's not necessarily the case. Let's get down to business."

"Well, now I have completely blocked the 'net' from our perception. Uncle and I are both people who are not afraid of psychological scrutiny, so I will speak directly. Uncle, do you want to revolution?"

Ren Zhong was stunned.

After a long time, he nodded and then shook his head, "It's not that I want to, it's that I want."

Sun Ai said in a milky but extremely mature tone: "But you know, with the existence of 'net' and telekinesis masters, this is impossible. If you want to achieve your goal, you must deepen your knowledge in a subtle way." Disguise, but as the disguise becomes more and more deep, even if you have been working very hard to maintain your original intention, it is useless. No matter what you think in your heart, in the end, the image you build in the minds of others will be yours. The social relationships formed and your influence on other people will still become part of the Source Star system. In the end, you will definitely be involuntarily 'kidnapped' by the companions you once relied on. But you must not just rely on To grow with personal power, you must have companions, and you cannot tell your true ideas to your companions. Your companions cannot transform, and transformation also means exposure and death. Your revolution is destined to start from a noble reason. It has become a reality of becoming a new vested interest. You cannot change it, you can only be assimilated. Because people must be social creatures."

Ren Zhong raised his eyebrows, "Little guy, are you thinking quite deeply?"

Sun Ai rolled his eyes helplessly, "How many times do I have to say that I am not alone. I am the wisdom of a hundred thousand people in the nameless city. This is not just the wisdom of the hundreds of thousands of people in the nameless city. Thinking is the conclusion reached by the historians among us who have studied the 682-year history of Xinyuanli and synthesized the wisdom of countless predecessors. Uncle, please stop treating me like a child!"

Ren nodded and said, "So, what's the solution?"

He began to look forward to Sun Ai's next words.

Since Sun Ai took the initiative, she must have some ideas in mind.

Sun Ai nodded, "I did find a way. But before that, I want to know the depth of your understanding of revolution, uncle."

Ren Zhong raised his eyebrows, "Interesting, do you want to test me?"


"How to take the test? Question and answer? Test paper?"

Sun Ai pointed to the side, which was a helmet that looked very crudely made.

"Uncle, you have seen my dreams from the perspective of a bystander."

Ren Zhong: "Yes."

"Now, uncle, I want you to enter my real dream. I want you to see how far we have achieved."


"It will take a long time, and the army will be dispatched later."

"I asked them to set off first and rest after arriving at Nangao Town. As for myself, I can go again tomorrow."

"That's good."

More than ten minutes later, Ren Zhong, who was wearing a helmet, was stimulated by a burst of fine micro-current and slowly fell into sleep.

Compared to the false dreams in the sleeping space, this time, Ren Zhong had a real dream.

In this dream, he saw a prosperous city.

In the tampered history of Source Star, the Nameless City was nothing more than a wandering tribe established by a group of down-and-out desolate people who could not even afford food in order to chase the abundant resources of beasts in the abandoned mines.

But Ren Zhong had already seen from Sun Ai's dream what the Nameless City looked like before it was destroyed.

It was a lively city with wide streets, beautiful houses, and shops along the streets.

Ren Zhong stood on the street, feeling the busy traffic and people coming and going.

Sun Ai's voice rang in Ren Zhong's ears.

"After decades of hard work, we finally built the nameless city into what it is today. Although the technological level is far inferior to that of the citizen city, we have established our own schools, research institutions, administrative departments, and a team of people willing to serve ordinary people. An army running for people.”

"This army patrols outside the city every day to prevent the beasts from getting close to the city as much as possible. We also have people lurking in Zijin Mining, trying to secretly learn from Amethyst Mining's technology to suppress the reproduction of the beasts."

"Although there are only 100,000 adults, we expanded the city to enough to accommodate a million people. In the last two years, we decided to start a mass reproduction. In just two years, we reproduced close to 10,000 people . We are also preparing to absorb a large number of outsiders, so that more people can settle here."

"We believe that even if we never get any help from citizens from now on, we can explore a social management system for the desert people of Source Star to live better. We ourselves are desert people, but we think Every human life deserves respect."

"Uncle, look at this city. Is it prosperous and peaceful?"

Ren nodded, "Yes."

"Of course, we also know the mission forced upon us by citizens and destiny. We must hunt the beast. Unwilling to continue to be exploited and weakened by the contribution point system and our economic capabilities, we jointly developed a set of policies that everyone agrees with and An internal monetary system that cannot be exploited by watches. Anyone who knows a little bit about economics knows that under this system, it is impossible for us to deliver on the promise of a better life for everyone. So we intend to cooperate with nearby Negotiations with Yangsheng City formed a barter-for-barter transaction model."

Ren Zhong: "The problem lies at this moment, right?"

Sun Ai was silent for a moment, "Yes. We are still too ignorant and too inexperienced. We did not expect the importance of the monetary system. We encountered the association's opposition, so we encountered an ambush during the negotiations."

Ren Zhong: "This is the difficulty of carrying out revolution in the final era of high-tech capital!"

Sun Ai: "What?"

"Nothing, just keep talking."


The scene turned, and Ren Zhong's figure appeared in a hall lined with chairs on both sides.

Sun Ai continued: "This is our meeting hall."

"People who are widely loved from all walks of life, neighborhoods and functional departments in Nameless City are eligible to attend meetings here. Major decisions that determine the direction of the city can be made at meetings here. We can guarantee that almost everyone who can come here will , are both capable and do not have too much self-interest. Although we do not have monitoring like the Internet, we believe that even if a small number of people may make mistakes in their decision-making, as long as more people who receive reasonable education can If everyone participates, more suitable people who are qualified to participate in decision-making will be selected. This method may not be perfect, but it is the best urban management idea."

Ren nodded, "Yes, I understand."

"Uncle, human thinking is too complex. The methods of exams such as the questions and answers and test papers you mentioned just now are too superficial, and it is difficult to draw accurate conclusions. So, I thought of a way. I will remember what I have learned. The most profound memory fragments of each representative are attached to these chairs. Each chair here represents an ordinary person's understanding of the revolution from scratch. If your understanding of the revolution has transcended If you have fragments of memory on that chair, then you will be recognized and you can sit down. If you can't sit down, it means that you need to think more deeply and understand what revolution is. You can continue to compare it with the Nameless City Look for differences between the scene and what you saw and heard in Spark Town and other towns, and summarize your thoughts. Just start with the chair closest to the door and try it one by one. When one day you can sit on the top When you sit on that chair, you will know what the greatest ideal of our nameless city is. That is the chair of the leader. He is the smartest and most upright of all of us. He is a fighter just like you. A genius, he could have easily joined the civil class and enjoyed a perfect life. But he spent his whole life fighting for the weak until the moment he died...what!"

Before Sun Ai finished speaking, Ren Zhong had already walked through the long hall and sat directly on the chair belonging to the leader.

There was no blockage at all, and the chair did not give any contradictory feedback. All of this happened extremely naturally and smoothly, as if this chair existed for heavy tasks.

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