Resurrection Empire

Chapter 213 Understatement

At nine o'clock in the evening, the scavengers in Xinghuo Town had already finished their day's work and returned home to await their fateful judgment tomorrow.

At this time, deep in the Iron Worm Forest, Ren Zhong and Ma Xiaoling stood opposite each other in a solemn atmosphere.

Looking at Ren Zhong, who was wearing a level 4 exoskeleton suit opposite him, Ma Xiaoling felt confused.

On the way here, Ren Zhong actually asked her not to hold back, to go all out, and even to kill her.

She thinks Ren Zhong is crazy.

Although she has just completed the advancement and has just changed to the standard level 5 equipment. She has not yet undergone personal modification and her familiarity with the equipment is not 100%, but level 5 is level 5, which is a fundamental change compared to level 4.

Her armor power range is from 10,000 to 50,000 kilowatts.

No matter how much Ren Zhong tried to modify the level 4 exoskeleton, it would not be far beyond 10,000.

Her armor strength and comprehensive performance in all aspects must far exceed that of Ren Zhi. Coupled with the gap in her own abilities, if Zhi Zhi wants her to adopt a life-or-death attitude, she really doesn't know the limits of the world and is seeking her own death.

Before taking action, Ma Xiaoling decided to give Ren Zhong another chance, "Did I spar with you too many times and gave you some misunderstanding?"

Ren Zhong was stunned: "Ah?"

"I have to tell you something."


"I just realized that too."


"The family talent I got at the fourth level is to acquire the sixth sense in advance. At the fifth level..."

Ren Zhong asked: "Is it to gain time intuition in advance?"

Ma Xiaoling shook his head, "It's not that exaggerated. I can open up a fighting state."

"What realm?"

"Completely abandon emotions and become absolutely calm. No matter what happens, I will not have any mood swings. I will use absolute reason to achieve the purpose of fighting. It can be said that in that state, I am a killing machine. Unless the preset is reached The purpose of fighting, otherwise I will never stop. My ancestors named this state Wuxin. It is different from time intuition. The focus is not on the external environment and analyzing opponents, and it has nothing to do with equipment. It is an ability of self-exploration. .”

Ren Zhong was stunned, "Is that so?"

This was something he didn't expect.

In the previous timeline, even when the final life-and-death battle reached the final moment, she was still questioning herself.

This shows that Ma Xiaoling did not show an absolutely calm state, that is, he did not turn on "Wuxin".

Ren Zhong always thought that she had gone all out at that time, but he never thought that she still had a hidden agenda.

This is in line with his guess.

The brains of Source Star humans were composed of atoms containing icosahedrons when they were first formed, so the quantum entanglement set of thinking that makes up Source Star humans must be inseparable from the icosahedron.

The icosahedron is a law of electron motion that should not occur, so it is reasonable for humans on the Source Star to have some differences in thinking from humans on Earth.

"I see." Ren Zhong pondered for a moment, weighed it all in his mind for a long time, and then asked: "Then if you have turned on the unintentional state, can you turn it off?"

"When I reach the peak of Level 5 and the brain response index is close to the 50,000 mark, I should be able to turn it off on my own, but it can't be done now. I've just mastered it, and I'm still very unfamiliar with it. I can't turn it on and off freely. If I really want to turn Wuxin on, that's for sure. I will use an amplifier to increase the output power to at least infinitely close to 50,000. I don’t know what will happen. Okay, just practice normally, don’t try to die.”

"No, that's it."

Ma Xiaoling stared, "Huh?"

Ren Zhong laughed, "You should still be inferior to the Butcher now. If I can't even pass your test, there's no point in crushing the Butcher. Tomorrow is my life and death battle. Just don't worry, I'm confident in my heart. Come on." "

Ma Xiaoling: "This..."

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Ren Zhong simply said something to anger her: "Don't act like an old bitch, mother-in-law!"

"Good guy, come on! This is what you said!"

Ma Xiaoling closed her eyes.

Five minutes later, when she opened her eyes again, her temperament had changed drastically, her eyes were cold, her expression was gloomy and filled with murderous intent.

Ren Zhong asked: "Are you ready?"


The next second, the engines around her roared to life, and the output power was suddenly increased to 50,000 kilowatts.

She raised her big gun and pointed it at Zhong Zhong, "From now on, the only way for you to survive is to make me completely incapacitated or kill me."

Ren Zhong laughed loudly, "Okay!"

He finally stopped hiding his clumsiness, pulled out the Ice Flame Giant Blade, and used the amplifier to turn on the power to 50,000 kilowatts.

Ma Xiaoling's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although she has no emotions, her demeanor will still change somewhat when faced with unexpected situations.

Obviously, Ren Zhong's level 4 exoskeleton suit could actually have a power of 50,000 kilowatts, which was beyond her expectation.

But the next moment, Ren Zhong's output power continued to rise.

Sixty thousand kilowatts!

Ma Xiaoling's pupils shrank again.

Ren Zhong, however, had already rushed forward without saying hello.

He wanted to test whether Ma Xiaoling would be plotted in an unintentional state.

But as soon as he took a step, his feet shook slightly, and the next moment there was a violent explosion.

It turned out that at some point she had fired high-explosive ground-penetrating bombs into the ground through the ground-penetrating bomb launcher installed on her heels.

Her lack of concentration just now was just tactical deception.

Fortunately, Ren Zhong's sixth sense came in time, and he intuitively sensed the danger, and immediately retreated to the left without thinking.

The next second, a total of eight high-explosive bombs on Ren Zhong's front, rear, left and right detonated almost simultaneously, with only the one on the left rear being detonated later.

He escaped successfully.

After regaining the distance, Ren Zhong glanced at the battle panel and glanced at the information just now.

There was one in it, where Ma Xiaoling's leg armor shook slightly eight times in a very short period of time.

At the same time, wave detectors detected shaking from underground.

The metal detector did not work. It seems that the ground-penetrating bomb used by Ma Xiaoling had a shielding layer, which was very damaging and had the style of the Prairie Warriors academy.

But the vibrations on the ground still revealed the direction of her ground-penetrating bomb. Ren Zhong intuitively sensed that the vibrations on his lower left side were the last to arrive, and he fled this way.

On the other side, Ma Xiaoling had already stepped forward with his gun drawn.

Ren Zhong raised his sword and faced him.

About an hour and a half later, Ma Xiaoling lay flat on the ground, panting, unable to move.

She stared at the heavy task in front of her with wide eyes, and her mind was filled with confusion.

Ren Zhong, who was also tired, looked at her apologetically, "Your armor is seriously damaged. You won't have to pay for the repairs, right?"

Ma Xiaoling shook his head, "You don't have to worry about that. I have a repair subsidy. But that's not the point! It's why your equipment didn't get damaged at all after fighting for so long?"

Before Ren Zhong could answer, she realized the question herself, "Have you integrated the magic baby metal into it?"

Ren Zhong spread his hands: "Yes."

He didn't tell the truth completely. In addition to the magic baby metal, there were also exotic minerals.

"This good guy. You are really willing to spend money. I lost... Wait, why do you get stronger as you fight? This is the reason why I lose to you! Are you hiding your clumsiness?"

Ren Zhong spread his hands, "You have just changed to the level 5 exoskeleton not long ago, and this is my first time wearing this equipment. It is an adaptation period. Isn't it natural that the more you play, the stronger you will get?"

Ma Xiaoling was shocked: "What!"

Ren Zhong still didn't tell the truth.

He has worn the same type of equipment at least dozens of times.

Although there have been improvements in materials now, which can be regarded as the ultimate interpretation of Sid Meier's ultimate secret "Equipment determines everything", the overall design idea and the functional configuration of each major module are the optimal solutions that he optimized after many years of hard work, and there is no Too much change.

The reason why Ma Xiaoling could sense his "progress" was that after Ren Zhong used this suit of armor to turn on the amplifier, over time, the evolved metal components in the energy transmission system began to take effect.

His mind began to resonate with 50% of the core parts and outer armor that had been modified, causing his delay caused by the amplifier to continue to decrease.

Especially in the last five minutes of the match between the two sides, the delay was reduced to only 10% more than when the amplifier was not turned on at all.

In a sense, if his own parameters are not considered, he is now an authentic level five mecha warrior.

He used an armor laboratory worth 500 million, a biochemical laboratory worth 800 million, basic expenses of 300 million, and then consumed hundreds of millions of magic baby metal and immeasurable rare resources and exotic ores to achieve what Sid Meier could not. The ultimate dream come true.

This is definitely the ultimate level four equipment that has never been seen on the Source Star.

No one except him would spend so much money on a mere fourth-level armor.

There may be many people as rich as him, but others will choose more sensible ways to spend their money, and it is impossible for him to spend money at all costs just for a mere town-level census.

But it's all worth it.

This is the power of krypton gold.

Defeating Ma Xiaoling is just the beginning.

With the help of the fully revamped Corrosive Blade, his countering effect on the Cold-Blooded Butcher can be maximized.

At this time, Ren Zhong has established absolute confidence in tomorrow's battle.

Ren Zhong leaned down, picked up Ma Xiaoling, who was unable to move, and put her on the passenger seat.

Teacher Ma was silent the whole time, and I don’t know what she was thinking.

After a long time, Ma Xiaoling suddenly sighed with melancholy, "Alas!"

Hearing this, Ren Zhong wondered if he was showing off too much and had damaged her confidence.

After all, Ma Xiaoling has always been a genius that has attracted much attention since he was a child, and he has never suffered such a setback in his combat effectiveness.

He said: "Don't be discouraged. You don't even know how much money I spent on this armor. It's not that your strength is not as good as mine, it's just that you don't have as much money as me."

Ma Xiaoling shook his head, "It's not that I'm not willing to lose to you. I'm just thinking, you don't need me to teach you fighting skills anymore, so don't I have no reason to learn stock trading from you in the future? I have a lot of experience recently. , I haven’t even asked you yet.”

Ren Zhong: "Uh..."

After a long time, he said quietly: "These are all trivial matters. We are friends. If you want to continue to learn stock trading in the future, can I not teach you?"

Ma Xiaoling became happy again, "That's good! Sooner or later I can make as much money as you!"

Ren Zhong: "And then you also get equipment like mine to avenge your shame?"

Ma Xiaoling shook his head, "No, I want to dominate "The Savage Age"! Build the strongest kingdom! Fight until no one dares to challenge my guild again!"

Ren Zhong rolled his eyes.


Happiness always comes so easily to people with simple thinking.

I really envy.

Day 90, eleven o'clock in the morning.

In the basement of the armor laboratory, Ren Zhong got up early and looked at the many exoskeleton kits neatly placed on the wall. In his mind, he subconsciously recalled the wonderful resonance between himself and this equipment when he played against Ma Xiaoling last night. .

It seems that it is no longer a dead thing, but truly has a life of its own.

On the small bed next to him, Ju Qingmeng was still sleeping deeply.

Wen Lei slept in the regular workshop upstairs.

Last night, after he came back, based on his experience, he proposed that several key parts must be upgraded.

Time was so tight that Ju Qingmeng and Wen Lei, who had been staying up late waiting for him, simply stayed with him most of the night.

After a busy period, the three of them worked together until four in the morning.

Now the armor's advancement completion rate has reached 60%, which is another improvement.

Ren Zhong could wake up naturally after sleeping for only seven hours, but the other two had to sleep for eight hours.

Ren Zhong opened the newly replaced seven-level watch worth five million points, checked his email, and grinned.


He clicked to receive the file first, and five seconds later, a huge file package with a total data volume of more than 100T was loaded into the watch.

Later, Ren Zhong took out a superconducting data cable, connected the watch to the brain in the armored helmet, and clicked to load.

The watch projects a loading progress bar.

The progress bar advances at a rate of 2% per minute.

Calculating the time, the loading can be completed at almost 11:55.

This file package is what he sent on the 85th day all his combat training records in the sleep space to a team of hackers, information flow blockers, war artists, and another kind of citizen profession "actuarial programmers" A professional team of actuaries.

After five days of busy work, this team finally integrated Ren Zhong's personal combat style and created a new, unique and customized combat command system for him.

This system streamlines a large number of useless redundant algorithms and can greatly improve the response speed of the battle armor brain.

Ren Zhong spent 50 million contribution points on this.

Among them, the hacker and the information flow blocker were the two people introduced by Shi Xuan.

As for the war artist and actuary, they were Wang Zhaofu’s connections.

Only by becoming a wealthy citizen can one experience the power of money.

Ren Zhong realized it now.

He put on the armor and started the parameter self-check.

Compared with yesterday, all parameters have changed significantly.

This is the passive evolution that Evolution Metal started on its own after experiencing Ma Xiaoling's level five peak lethality, in order to reach a level that matches the strength required to wear the equipment.

The newly installed transformation parts are also affected by the coordination of other parts and are being sublimated simultaneously.

If we had to quantify the increase in his combat power, then after one night, and taking into account the effectiveness of the combat command system, the increase would be about 20%.

In the afternoon, under the spotlight, an arrogant and domineering cold-blooded butcher...


He only lasted less than half an hour and lost faster than Ma Xiaoling.

Countless pairs of eyes fell on Ren Zhong's back.

He didn't realize it.

Looking down at the body broken into two halves on the ground, Ren Zhong felt a mixture of emotions in his heart.

He thought he would be very excited, but he didn't expect that when things actually happened, his mood would be so calm.

Because long before the two sides fought, Ren Zhong already knew the result in advance.

The butcher had no chance, not even the slightest chance.

His equipment is too bullying. He was also too familiar with the butcher.

In the previous timeline, although he was defeated, he already knew the source of the Cold-Blooded Butcher's power and the rules of its operation.

Ren Zhong had the upper hand throughout.

When the butcher showed a little fatigue, he easily found the gap in the seemingly seamless operation of the butcher's power, and used it as a breakthrough. He first used the corrosive blade to break through the defense, and then suddenly pulled out the giant ice flame blade to attack the enemy. Cut two with one knife.

There is no difficulty in winning the game, and there is nothing thrilling about it.

So he can't get excited now.

This state of mind is as if a person has finished college and then takes the first-grade mathematics exam.

It is certain to get full marks, but naturally the sense of surprise brought by anxious anticipation will be lost.

Behind him, the people in Spark Town couldn't calm down.

The citizens looked at each other.

Madafu collapsed on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

The people in the wilderness kept widening their eyes, fearing that this was an illusion.


I don’t know who shouted the first sound.

After a brief silence, the barren people began to boil and became ecstatic.

Spark Town comes to life.

One after another people ran towards Ren Zhong.

Ren Zhong turned around, looked at Zheng Tian, ​​Chen Hanyu, Ju Qingmeng, Yu Jin and others running at the front, and grinned.

This time, he didn't even arrange for everyone to leave in advance.

Ren Zhong raised his head and looked into the distance again. On the high wall observation deck over there, Ying Zheng was staring here accompanied by Sun Miao.

Ren Zhong put away the Corrosive Blade, took off his helmet and tucked it under his left armpit. He then looked at the reporter Xiao Xingyue at the other end and the camera behind her. He spread his hands and said with a smile: "I won, of course. I gave He didn't take advantage of the opportunity he had to admit defeat. I think he probably killed too many people during the census and forgot that he would die too."

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