Resurrection Empire

Chapter 168 Deserted Man’s Dungeon

Ten minutes later, Ren Zhong quietly slipped back to the villa.

The matter was resolved easier than he thought.

Qishan is not an isolated peak, but an entire mountainous area, covering a total area of ​​nearly 200 square kilometers.

If Zheng Tian and others were disarmed and communications were cut off, it would be almost impossible for him to find the location of the underground desert tribe in that mountainous area with complex terrain by himself.

So, on the way to the mall, Ren Zhong first asked Wang Zhaofu to understand the situation.

If you don’t ask, you won’t know. If you ask, you will be shocked.

At first, Ren Zhong just asked Wang Zhaofu about the armed status, population size and historical origin of the Qishan Huangren tribe. After all, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles.

Lao Wang told him that the Qishan Huangren tribe was not small, with a population of more than 7,000, making it the largest tribe in several nearby counties.

Since there is no administrative establishment, and most of the wilderness people do not have temporary watches, if they are caught by hunters in the wild, they will die. The wilderness tribes are usually established underground.

The tribe is extremely exclusive, rarely interacts with outsiders, and forms its own system.

Within Liaoyuan County, there are more than forty underground cities like this, with a total population of nearly 160,000. Most of them are located in areas far away from Xinghuo Town, which is all the "contribution" of Yang Bingzhong.

The Qishan tribe has a long history, at least hundreds of years.

But this underground city sometimes thrives and sometimes becomes deserted, and there are not always so many people.

They are often destroyed due to various reasons such as being attacked by beasts, being accidentally discovered by hunters, being discovered and reported by citizens, and being massacred by hunters.

But due to the existence of the underground city with a stable structure, even if all the people die, there will always be desolate people slowly gathering here and slowly developing.

The people inside were constantly changing, and the underground buildings were destroyed and rebuilt.

The only constant is change.

If Spark Town is really destroyed, I am afraid that in a few years, when no more ruin beasts are produced in the abandoned mine pit, the abandoned mine pit will develop into the next underground desert tribe.

The network of holes in the abandoned mines is simply a natural underground urban complex.

The Qishan tribe was last rebuilt twelve years ago.

At that time, a group of nearly a thousand deserters whose original town was completely destroyed by the tide of beasts fled here under the leadership of a fourth-level professional.

After twelve years of development, many homeless people slowly gathered for various reasons.

The fourth-level professional who was once a citizen did manage well, had a good sense of responsibility, and had acceptable strength. He had developed the Qishan tribe into an upper-medium level in the nearby area.

When talking about the strength of the Qishan tribe, Wang Zhaofu said this.

"There are two level four professionals in the tribe. One of the level four mecha warriors was stronger than Lin Wang and weaker than Captain Ma when he was young. Now he is over thirty-eight years old and has no anti-aging medicine. His strength is It has declined, but it should be on par with Lin Wang. There is also a fourth-level colonial warrior, who is a very talented young man. Well, this man came from Yangsheng City of Mengdu Group as a volunteer He came out alive from the biochemical laboratory. It is said that he survived twenty rounds of gene fusion. He was only eight years old at the time. This man should now be able to compete with the colonial warrior named Song Qianlian in Lin Wang's team. They’re on par.”

"There are also about eleven or twelve level three professionals. The overall strength is still weak. Even if Captain Ma is taken away, they are not comparable to the Spark resources. Although the strength of the Spark resources is currently damaged, there are still ten level four professionals. Professionals, and they use official equipment. People in the Qishan tribe don't get this kind of treatment. Most of them are scattered parts that they get here and there, and they are not systematic. Ahem, those two sets you gave me before The buyers of the first- and second-level modified exoskeletons are the Qishan tribe.”

"I see." Ren Zhong frowned, "That's a bit too strong to deal with."

It's not that he's trying to be modest.

At this time, his parameter surge has not reached its peak.

He also knew nothing about the fighting style of the professionals in the Qishan tribe.

He didn't have the confidence to convince others with force, and besides, there were hostages in the other party's hands.

Wang Zhaofu sounded confused, "Why should we deal with them? I'm still thinking about waiting for our resource company to take charge and eat up all their beast production capacity in one go."

Only then did the two brothers completely match their confessions.

It turns out that since there are no supply and marketing cooperatives, arms malls, large canteens and other facilities from the official system, the material trade between the wilderness tribe and the outside world is usually completed through smugglers who specialize in wild roads.

As a professional businessman who concentrated in several surrounding counties, Wang Zhaofu had a lot of dealings with the Qishan tribe.

He himself accounts for more than 30% of the total import and export volume of Qishan Tribe.

After Ren Zhong said that Zheng Tian and others were captured, Wang Zhaofu immediately said carelessly: "I thought it was a big deal. Isn't this the flood that washed away the Water Beast King Temple? The reason why the Qishan tribe wanted the captives to accidentally learn of their existence and The deserted people in the town at the specific location are afraid that the information will be sold to attract an army of hunters. I have a close relationship with the Qishan tribe and rely on each other. They also trust me. I just say hello to them, and they know that they are one of my own. Naturally, he was released."

As expected, only two minutes had passed before Chen Hanyu contacted Ren Zhong again, saying it was a misunderstanding and the other party thought they had injured the deserted man they had picked up.

Now that people have fully woken up, they realize that they are rescuing people. With just a few words, they turned enemies into friends and returned all their equipment.

Ren Zhong rolled his eyes and quickly came up with a new plan. He only asked Zheng Tianyun to give some of the unused military supplies to the other party, and then stopped hunting in the afternoon and went straight back.

Although Zheng Tian had doubts, she still did as she was told. The other party was quite surprised and even more ashamed.

Ren Zhong then asked Zheng Tian to transfer communications with the leader of the other party and made an agreement.

He asked the leader of the Qishan tribe to stay up all night and said he had something important to discuss.

At a quarter past ten at night, the heavily armed Ren Zhong rode out of the gate of Xinghuo Town on a Azure Type 4 motorboat and headed straight for Qishan, 470 kilometers away.

About an hour later, he arrived at Qishan and turned off his watch.

According to the directions provided by the tribal leader, Ren Zhong found a huge boulder about six meters high on the mountainside of the main peak of Qishan.

Arriving at the boulder, Ren Zhong grabbed the vine in the gap next to the boulder and pulled it down three times.

After a moment, the boulder rumbled into the ground, revealing a hole about four meters high on the stone wall behind it.

Ren Zhongzhong walked inside.

Two men, one tall and one short, stood side by side at the entrance of the cave.

"Captain Ren, I'm here late at night. What can I do?"

The tall man in armor asked in a slightly aged tone.

There is no doubt that this person is Shi Xuan, the leader of the Huangren tribe.

That short man must be an agile colonial warrior, Shi Xuan's adopted son Shi Lin.

Ren Zhong looked inside and said, "It says inside."


Ren Zhong followed the two of them and walked in for about a hundred meters, when the space in front of him suddenly opened up.

In a huge stone room, a railcar shaped like a bus was parked there.

Six muscular men in ragged clothes were standing by with guns.

Ren Zhong and Shi Xuan boarded the carriage. Shi Xuan flipped the transmission switch in the carriage and heard a series of clicks as the carriage slowly slid down.

The joints between the wheels and the spliced ​​rails made occasional collision sounds.

Ren Zhong's eyes drifted out of the car window, looking at the retreating stone wall outside, and asked: "Wasn't this a mining area before?"

Shi Xuan nodded, "Probably not. I don't know where the first generation residents got the courage to hollow out the mountains and build this city."

Ren Zhong smiled, "It's just the will to survive, there's no need for courage."

The rail car traveled in for about five or six minutes, crossing a distance of nearly two kilometers, and finally stopped slowly.

Ren Zhong got out of the car and saw a huge hall about fifty meters high.

The hall covers an area of ​​at least thousands of square meters, and is surrounded by houses built on stone walls, as well as passages leading to all directions.

The top of the hall is supported by giant wooden and metal pillars that are crookedly intertwined.

Shi Xuan said proudly: "When we first came here, this hall collapsed. It took us eight years to repair it bit by bit to what it looks like today."

"That's our beast dismantling area, that's the residential area, that's the equipment maintenance area..."

Shi Xuan pointed in one direction after another and introduced enthusiastically.

Obviously, he trusts Wang Zhaofu very much, and also trusts Wang Zhaofu's guarantee for the introduction.

Ren nodded and said, "It's indeed amazing."

Shi Xuan lowered his voice, "But I think you are even more amazing, Mr. Ren. Have you really just become a Mecha Warrior for two months? Did Butcher Lin of Starfire Town really die in your hands?"

Ren Zhong shook his head.

Shi Xuan was stunned, "But Boss Wang told me so."

Ren Zhong smiled, "I've calculated everything. As of today, it has been fifty-four days since I embarked on the journey of mecha warrior. As for Lin Wang, he died in my hands on the forty-fifth day after I became a mecha warrior." "


What the hell kind of talent is this!

Shi Xuan and his son were stunned and could not speak for a long time.

It wasn't until the two of them walked with Ren Zhong into the residential area for a few minutes that they finally regained their composure.

The streets along the simple corridors were empty, with only night watchmen armed with guns walking through them from time to time. When these people passed by Shi Xuan and his son, they bowed their heads very respectfully.

The night watch guards here are not very strong, and there are even many who are skinny.

But the strange thing is that these people's eyes are full of energy, which is completely different from the muddleheaded appearance of most people in Spark Town.

Ren Zhong generally knows the reason.

The environment of the desert tribe is worse and more dangerous than the slums of small towns.

People here live a more precarious life.

But because of this, most people here are very motivated, because in this environment, the weak and lazy people have been eliminated.

The desolate people who can survive here, or rely on their own abilities to cross unknown distances and cross the Ruin Beast Zone to reach this place, are all strong men who have briefly controlled their own destiny in a sense.

Just like when he and Madafu judged the future of Sparkling Desolation Man.

If the Sparkling Desolate people really end up with one out of ten, or one out of ten, the ones who can survive to the end are almost destined to be those with tough minds and good fortune.

As if he noticed the curiosity in Ren Zhong's eyes, Shi Xuan suddenly said a little mindlessly: "The deserters who followed me out of the town actually numbered nearly 30,000 people. In the end, only a thousand people came here alive, only young adults. .”

"In the past few years, the temporary deserters who have been eliminated by various towns, or the survivors of other destroyed tribes, are generally in their prime of life. Almost everyone who arrives here has a period that is unbearable to look back on. The past is also very tenacious."

Ren Zhong was silent for a moment, "I understand."

The two of them entered the house.

Shi Xuan once again got straight to the point, "Now Mr. Ren, can you tell me why you're here?"

Ren nodded, "Mr. Shi must have heard that Spark Town is about to be banned, right?"

"Well, Boss Wang told me."

"Although I am now a popular person in the eyes of Yang Bingzhong, the boss of Xinghuo Resources, he and I are not the same people. I want to save the 20,000 desolate people in Xinghuo Town."

Shi Xuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you. We can't protect ourselves. This dungeon can only accommodate two thousand people at most, and it also attracts hunters. Risks. Mr. Ren, you should know the existence of the Internet. Our survival here is, in a sense, just the connivance of the Internet. When our population exceeds 10,000, it may not be safe."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "Brother Wang probably hasn't told you yet. My rescue is not to find another way out for the Xinghuo Desolate People. I intend to reverse the situation. What reversing the situation means is that I will rely on my own ability to end the census. Then, Mayor Ma Dafu and I will find a way to quickly increase the number of temporary deserters held by Spark Town. The seven thousand deserters you have here can move into Spark Town. Well, the new Spark Town."

Shi Xuan's eyes flashed with light.

After a long time, he shook his head and said, "This is meaningless. We might as well live here and be more free. Citizens don't understand the pain of the desert people. In their eyes, the desert people are worthless. When we enter the town, we will only be beaten. Treated as a burden, even if they are barely protected by the town, they are just waiting in line to die. When the medical company needs guinea pigs, the deserted people, even those with temporary wristwatches, will only be forced to become experimental subjects."

Ren Zhong smiled, "Then are you willing to stay here and be under the threat of the hunter's knife at any time? Even if no one reports it, it is impossible to hide your material exchanges. You have existed for twelve years. According to the As a general rule, the Qishan tribe will not exist for long. Also, Mr. Shi, do you want to know why I want to kill Lin Wang?"

Shi Xuan asked doubtfully: "Isn't it to replace him?"

Ren Zhong laughed, took out his tablet, and showed Shi Xuan his stock account.

Shi Xuan and Shi Lin instantly turned red.

"I can even get citizenship. I want money and a bright future. Do I need to covet the status of a mere professional captain?"

Shi Xuan's old face was full of confusion, "Then, why?"

"Because he did evil things in Xinghuo Town! It is unforgivable! Xinghuo Town has suffered repeated declines in recent years. Yang Bingzhong is the chief culprit, and Lin Wang is the number one accomplice."

There is a sound track for any heavy throw.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe there are such citizens in the world!"

Shi Xuan stood up suddenly and pointed angrily at the heavy responsibility.

Ren Zhong looked at him with his head raised and asked: "So, Mr. Shi, you are not bad at all, and you were once a citizen. You could have fled to any small town at will and lived a stable life, so why are you here?" How about running a precarious tribe of barren people? I don’t really believe that there are level 4 professionals like you in the world.”

Shi Xuan was silent.

Ren Zhong had a confident smile on his face.

He smelled the same kind of scent from the other party's body.

He is now also making crazy and bold attempts.

He is not afraid of trial and error.

After a long time, Shi Xuan slowly sat down and asked again: "So, Mr. Ren, what is your intention? How to achieve it? Bribing the census officials? That's impossible. No matter how much money you spend, you can't change the rules."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "Of course I have a way. The key point now is whether you can trust me, Mr. Shi, and whether you are willing to find a new way out for the Qishan tribe."

Shi Xuan suddenly said: "I once killed a citizen."

Ren Zhong: "Huh?"

"The same reason as you, Mr. Ren. In fact, before I fled, I was the captain of the guard. On the night when the beast attacked the city, I killed the mayor who gave me citizenship."

Little words are spoken, but great things are done.

Ren Zhong was also shocked.

Later, Ren Zhong even forgot his purpose of coming today and asked with great interest: "Teach me how you managed to kill citizens and avoid being pursued by the net, and get away with it. I'll give you one million!" "

"There's nothing replicable about it. There's a lot of serendipity."

Ren Zhong smiled, "I'm best at creating coincidences."

"Mr. Ren, let's wait until you can get in touch with citizens who are information flow blockers and hackers. It makes no sense for me to talk about it now."

Ren Zhong's eyes lit up.

Even though it was just two new professional names that he had never heard before, just like the war artist before, he already got the information he wanted.

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