Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 753: Strategic adjustment of investment company

Until the time when Wu Tao and Molly were sent away, Jeff still couldn't believe his eyes.

The cooperation intention brought by Wu Tao, at this moment, can be said to be a godsend opportunity.

In fact, although alm's DA sales are good and profitability is good, it has nothing to do with Jeff himself.

Who made him lack of experience at the beginning and caused cash outflow problems. As a result, the company was still acquired by others even though the product had clearly been proven in the market.

As a result, even though DA's sales have been steadily increasing over the past few years, they have made wedding dresses for others.

In fact, recently, he has been discussing with his old club, hoping to take the alm company out of independence, but because of the limited chips on hand, he was ruthlessly rejected.

Perhaps the olive branch thrown by Yuanqi Technology this time is a powerful bargaining chip?

Not only that, abandoning these external factors, Jeff's expectations for almOS are not so much.

Although every alm product is very popular among businessmen and can sell several million units, it is still a little bit far from his expectations of the intelligent age.

Not to mention, at the very least, when terminal products equipped with alm can exceed the annual shipment of tens of millions of units, will it be regarded as the beginning of an era.

It's like Microsoft sweeping the world.

Both are operating systems, so why can you be so good, but I can't?

Thinking like this, Jeff took out the phone, found the old man Donna Dubins and dialed it.

When the car left the alm company, Wu Tao was still immersed in speculation about Jeff.

Obviously, this time the situation is a bit weird. It seems that there is something behind the inside story that I don't understand yet. As for the almOS product itself, since it has been popular for so many years, it is bound to have its advantages at all.

It seems that when we go back, Wu Yingying has to focus on following up.

While thinking about it, Molly, who had been looking out the window, suddenly said, "This is the Yahoo headquarters. Do you want to go down and chat with CEO Yang?"

Wu Tao raised his eyes and saw that, as expected, the Yahoo headquarters was only 150 meters away from the alm company headquarters just now.

"Forget it, come to visit again if you have the opportunity to visit another day."

Seeing that Wu Tao didn't talk about it, Molly didn't force it.

As the car set foot on the return journey, Wu Tao had been thinking about the matter and did not speak. He didn't hurriedly get off the car until he returned to the villa in Irvine.

Pushing the door, going upstairs, and entering the study, Wu Tao decisively took out a pen and paper and began to formulate a product plan for the M3 player.

Although there is no similar product on the market yet, he is not sure whether such a product has already appeared in a company's plan.

Therefore, it is necessary to race against time to seize the opportunity for this kind of thing.

After a lot of work, until the beginning of the night, he rubbed his sore neck, shook his arms, and went downstairs.

By coincidence, Wu Tao just walked to the top of the stairs, and Qin Xiaoxiao and Wu Yingying came back one after another.

Qin Xiaoxiao was very surprised when he saw Wu Tao: "So boss, you are at home."

"Why do you think I am not at home?" Wu Tao said with a smile.

Wu Yingying blurted out: "Because the lamp next door is dark, Molly seems to be away, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Tao interrupted: "This inference is not funny at all."

Wu Yingying spit out her tongue and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, boss, you call me during the day and tell me something, what is it?"

Qin Xiaoxiao put aside his burden, rolled up his sleeves and said, "You two talk, I'll make something to eat."

"Don't worry, this matter has something to do with you."

When Wu Tao went upstairs to fetch a document, Qin Xiaoxiao and Wu Yingying had already cleaned up briefly and neatly.

The three people sat opposite each other on the sofa. Wu Tao first took out a future development plan for Tianqi Investment and handed it to Errendao: "I have also been inspired recently. I feel that as our investment company continues to grow and develop, it should adjust its development. Strategy and asset structure, this is a preliminary plan, you can see if there are any problems."

Qin Xiaoxiao took the file and looked at it carefully.

Wu Yingying didn't look at it, but she was extremely excited: "Boss, I thought it should be like this a long time ago. On Wall Street, our original model is pure desperate, once we lose a little bit, we will be overwhelmed, and there is no resistance to all kinds of risks. ability."

Soon Qin Xiaoxiao finished reading and handed the file to Wu Yingying and said, "I think it's okay."

Seeing that the two of them had no objection, Wu Tao took out the second document and said: "This is the list of stock assets I suggest you configure."

Each company and stock code on the file were scanned.

Wu Yingying first objected: "Boss, Apple's stock has been sluggish, why did you choose it?"

"As far as I know, Steve Jobs has returned to Apple and is brewing a big move. So I think that the take-off of Apple stock is not far away. Therefore, we must not only buy, but also buy as much as possible! "

For Apple's stock, with the return of Jobs, it has been rising continuously. Even many years after Steve Jobs died, Apple's stock was still strong, and its total market value even exceeded the trillion-dollar mark at one time.

It is definitely the most valuable stock, not one of them!

Just after answering Wu Yingying’s question, Qin Xiaoxiao pointed to a series of company names and said: "Are Internet companies such as Yahoo and Amazon currently in high positions? Now the general environment is advocating the Internet bubble. We bought so many Internet stocks all at once. Is it too risky?"

"Yes, you mentioned it well." Wu Tao immediately affirmed, "So these Internet stocks are reserved for you. After the Internet bubble burst, they took the opportunity to buy in."

"Of course not all Internet stocks have bargain-hunting value, such as AOL, which must be resolutely avoided!"

Seeing that Wu Tao was convinced, the two agreed, "Okay, boss, we will follow up on these stocks."

Although they had doubts in their hearts, the two of them carried on without compromise.

There is no other reason, there is only one point, that is, the boss has always been very accurate in his judgment and grasp of the future, and he rarely makes mistakes.

Qin Xiaoxiao stood ready to cook in the kitchen. Wu Tao stopped Wu Yingying and said, "There is one more thing, I have to leave it to you..."

After listening to Wu Yingying, she agreed without saying a word: "This matter is on my body."

"It must be as fast as possible."


After arranging all this, Wu Tao let out a sigh of relief and finally slowed down.

Looking back, he found a stack of documents on the lower floor of the sofa and coffee table. He vaguely remembered that it was the few project materials that Qiu Xiaotian had sent.

Apart from being bored, Wu Tao simply took it over and read it aimlessly.


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