Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 400: Thrilling reversal

Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish.

When a wave of public opinion has taken shape, it is undoubtedly very difficult to contend against it and overthrow it from the front.

No matter how prepared you are, you may fall into a stalemate in the battle of public opinion.

Once in a stalemate, Yuanqi Technology will undoubtedly take time and effort to win this turnaround battle.

This is obviously extremely disadvantageous for Yuanqi Technology.

And Wu Tao's plan is to adapt to this storm of public opinion, and then take the opportunity to accelerate its fermentation and expansion, so that it will eventually be self-defeating.

Things must be reversed.

Really, when this kind of one-sided criticism of s mobile phone reports is overwhelming and common, then the vitality of this kind of news will finally come to an end.

And Wu Tao arranged some brainless reports to be mixed in, just to accelerate the fermentation and expansion of this kind of public opinion.

But in the eyes of discerning people, Yuanqi Technology seems to have done nothing. Just like a melancholic white lotus, standing there.

To put it a bit more high-end, and to make the clearer say a bit ugly, it is to break the tank.

In fact, Wu Tao did such a thing for the first time, and he was a little bit uncertain.

Therefore, he spends most of his time thinking about how to improve the company's series of systems and systems, so as to avoid similar problems from reappearing in the future and give people a chance to take advantage of it.

The strengthening of production management and the improvement of quality supervision are all necessary.

The establishment of the after-sales service system, on the one hand, is to increase the value of the product, on the other hand, it is also to establish a stable feedback channel for the company.

At least there will be quality problems in the future, the first time, it should not be disclosed by the newspaper, but by the after-sales service center.

Blacksmith need its own hardware. It is not so simple and easy to make a product really well.

All aspects must be considered.

Motorola, Jinling R&D Center.

Lisa is full of enthusiasm for work on a new day. Early in the morning, she collected a dozen of newspapers from various newspapers, and began to scan them one by one.

Her target is mainly the negative reports about Yuanqi Technology in the newspaper.

After some searching, Lisa cut her waist and wiped the sweat from her forehead, which is really a lot.

It seems that the number and scale of Yuanqi Technology's reports have almost doubled from yesterday.

This is a wall pushed by everyone!

However, among so many reports, there are a few pieces of news that seem to make people feel like fish in troubled waters, and they are extremely loosely written.

At least she, a discerning person, knew that it was casually black when she saw it.

Lisa wondered whether or not to report to Mr. Smith, thought about it, and decisively gave up the idea.

For one thing, there is no need to report everything. Secondly, it may be inevitable that there are one or two pig teammates in the army of Yuanqi Technology.

At the same time, Paul Li saw that Yuanqi Technology was hacked into this way, and his heart was full of joy.

He felt that the ticket he had made with Pete yesterday was already stable and stable.

As for the clues Lisa found, he hadn't noticed it at all. On the contrary, he felt that Yuanqi Technology was not far from the end.

However, among the target customer groups of many newspapers, there are a group of loyal users of s mobile phones. At first glance, certain reports are exaggerated and blindly discredited. I even felt that all the reports that discredited s mobile phones were all false and nonsense.

After all, the S mobile phone in my hand does not have the problems that exist in the newspaper.

not even one!

As time passed, Wu Tao finally saw the first positive report in the newspaper that supported the s mobile phone after spending three days like a year.

It was an article by a freelance writer. With his own personal experience, he criticized the random reports in the newspapers that had no real evidence one by one and proved it by his mobile phone.

Although most of the reports he criticized were deliberately written by Wu Tao.

It's time for the Jedi to fight back.

After reading this report, Wu Tao immediately dialed the extension number and called Yang Ge and Xiao Zixia over and said, "It's time for us to take action!"

"Boss, why is this time?"

Wu Tao patted the report and said, “The masses who don’t know the truth have already awakened, which shows that this storm of public opinion has gotten its head. Moreover, the popularity of Yuanqi Technology and s mobile phones has reached a certain height. Fired."

After explaining, Wu Tao immediately asked: "Have you gotten all the trace inspection reports?"

Xiao Zixia nodded and said: "I got it. But the boss, regarding the s8220 flip phone, it can be determined that it is a user problem and has nothing to do with the quality of the product. But should the production defect of the s8210 candy bar phone be truthfully disclosed?"

Wu Tao nodded, with a confident expression on his face: "Of course we must disclose truthfully. If we do not disclose truthfully, how can we lead to our modern workshops, semi-automated production lines, and scientific production management and quality supervision systems?"

Yang Ge pondered: "I understand, are newspaper news and TV news reported simultaneously?"

"That's right! It's time to make a final decision, we are going to be cruel!" Wu Tao clenched his fist, confident.

The effect of reversal is often subversive.

Because of subversion, the impact is huge.

The following day, after an in-depth interview report about Yuanqi Technology was officially published, the newspaper was immediately snapped up.

After all, it was the first time that Yuanqi Technology responded publicly in this period of time.

For so many days, people have become numb to Yuanqi Technology's rottenness.

It is really curious to say how good it is actually now.

Of course, the effect of this report is also immediate.

On the same day, s mobile phone orders achieved a zero breakthrough, although it did not return to the previous level.

But everything is just the beginning after all.

That night, the evening news of Jiangdong TV Station broadcasted a three-minute special report about the modern production and manufacturing system of Yuanqi Technology, a national brand called 躅貅行.

In this news report, we specially interviewed user representatives who had experienced s mobile phone quality problems before, and expressed satisfaction with the after-sales service of Yuanqi Technology, and spoke highly of it.

Subsequently, print news and TV news were reprinted one after another, and suddenly became a hot topic of reversal, and the reports that once wantonly slandered and compromised mobile phones disappeared.

A new day, Yuanqi Technology.

Early in the morning, Xiao Zixia studied yesterday's sales report data as usual, summing up experience and rules.

Being busy, the subordinate pushed in like a gust of wind, and said with excitement on his face: "Mr. Xiao, our hotline is restored!"

Suddenly, Xiao Zixia didn't understand, and said in doubt: "Our hotline has always been okay, how can we recover?"

"I didn't mean that, Mr. Xiao! What I meant was that our ordering hotline has become a hotline again. As of just now, daily orders have exceeded 10,000 units!"

It only took one hour to work, and it broke 10,000 units! The long-lost feeling came back again, Xiao Zixia stood up quickly, "Continue to count and report to me every hour!"

The subordinates left in excitement, Xiao Zixia murmured, "This thrilling reversal actually succeeded."

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