Release that Witch

Chapter 505: War King (below)

At the same time, Lightning, Wendy, McMug and Hummingbird are performing the final blow before the total attack.

Because the main guns of the battleships are all solid bullets, the damage to the combatants and defense facilities at the top of the city wall is not ideal. Therefore, their targets are destroying the enemy’s defense line in the city, killing the enemy as much as possible, for the general attack. Open up a safe passage.

This is also the first time that the hydrogen balloon has been put into actual combat.

Compared to the thousands of miles of attack five months ago, the take-off was on the canal side, and almost everyone witnessed the ascension of this behemoth. In Roland’s plan, the unimpeded hydrogen balloon can be used in this era. The use of short-range bombers, plus the entire fleet to provide logistical support, is the original version of the aircraft carrier combat mode.

The first army soldiers on the dock broke out with warm cheers. They all knew that no enemy could stop the blow from the sky, and their wise and merciful lords will surely win the war.

In a short while, the hydrogen balloon floated over the king's capital, and the hustle and bustle of the city shrank to the size of the palm. Lightning pulled down the wind-proof glasses and compared it to Wendy's gesture of bombing. The latter was a little bit, and the organ was pulled.

A bomb slammed out of the bracket and fell to the ground.

Unlike the previous air strikes, this time Anna did not accompany the ship, but instead replaced it with a hummingbird. Under the constant influence of her magic, the four bombs that are suspended will not only be out of contact, but the weight will be only 20% of the usual time. This enchantment is a new method that she has realized in the context of increasingly sophisticated control. If the effect is maintained for a very short period of time, the weight of multiple contact objects can be changed at the same time, and the magic consumption is indirectly reduced.

Lightning easily caught up with the bomb and guided it to the slinger on the side of the gate.

When she fell to the air, the little girl saw the horrified eyes of the knights on the wall. They raised their bows and muskets and shot them in the air, trying to shoot themselves down, but she knew that she wanted to hit a bird flying freely in the air. What a difficult thing, not to mention the fact that most weapons simply do not reach the height of her separation.

The bomb went straight to the trebuchet. With a loud bang, a red fireball suddenly lit up and quickly expanded. The surrounding crowd could not escape, and the eyes were swallowed by the flames. The violent swells swept through everything on the wall, and the boiled oil pan was turned over to the ground, quickly igniting the fire. Then the flame ran with the hot oil and lit the bag stacked on the side. The sound of the explosion sounded one after another, and everything around it was smashed. There were flames and smoke everywhere. The knights who were still preparing to fight in the past moments fled in an instant. Many people lost their way in the smoke and rolled straight down. The city wall; some people are struggling in the sea of ​​fire, rolling around and trying to put out the flames on their bodies.

The city head has now become a human purgatory.


"Their defenses have collapsed," looking at the wall of the King's City, where the smoke was rolling, and there was a glimpse of Sylvie's look.

"This group of people deserves to be guilty," said the nightingale with a blank expression. "If we fail, they will only intensify."

"In any case, someone has to pay the price for this dispute, not the enemy, that is us," Roland said with ease, then waved his hand toward the iron axe behind him. "Blow the horn and take the city."

He did not want to sigh at the time of the cruelty of war or to remember the value of peace. This is the battle for power, the battle for survival, and the collision of ideas and classes. When a backward class is replaced, it has never been silently retired from the stage, and it will always require a lot of blood to end it.

He hopes that these blood will come from the enemy.

"War for you, Your Highness!" The latter made a clean and tidy military ceremony and left the ship.

Soon, the horn of the total attack resounded over the dock area.


As a member of the Fourth Commando, the goal of the nail is to capture the gates of the palace.

After entering the inner city, the speed of the team suddenly slowed down, where they were attacked by the enemy.

"Iger is hurt, take him down!"

"Damn, field guns?"

"They were blocked by a bunch of sundries and could only go around!"

"Prepare for firepower, this group of monsters rushed up again!"

The nail licked his cheek, filled the bullet into the bomb nest and handed it to the teammate in front. A burst of guns rang, the madman who rushed to the front was beaten by a thousand holes, and he was squirted to the ground with a blood column, but the people behind him followed, as if they were dying, they rushed to the commando, even the arm. The abdomen and other parts were hit, and the remaining speed was not reduced.

These people are not militia. The nails felt numb in the hands and feet. They were all wearing half-body or chain armor. They had excellent weapons, from long swords to handcuffs. Hearing the knowledgeable Jon, only the Kings Guards would be equipped with such complete equipment. Unfortunately, this insight did not save him to the end. Just before the attack on the enemy, he was pierced by a slanting shot.

May he insist on the arrival of Miss Angel.

"Retreating, the fourth team retreating!"

"Three teams are ready for fire!"

The veterans can no longer afford to save bullets and shoot accurately. When you open the nest in one breath, you will retreat to the rear to shorten the gap between fire suppression. The five commando teams alternated along the street. Since the rifle was changed to a revolver rifle, the nail was the first to see the change of firing mode.

But the enemies they met were not just attacking from the front.

A team of mad people suddenly jumped out of the houses on the street. Most of them had not had time to turn around their guns, and they had already rushed into the battle.

The screams and curses suddenly sounded, and the nails watched as the teammates standing in front of him were smashed in half by a red-eyed guard. The blood sprinkled him. Although the enemy was quickly killed by other teammates, it was obvious that this person was not able to save the angel.

"The group of squad gunmen, where are they?"

"Save me! Ah... my feet!"

"Continue to fire, don't stop!"

Hearing the captain’s screaming and yelling, the nail bit his teeth, rubbing off the blood on the nest with his sleeves, picking up the rifle on the ground, loading the scorpion, aiming at an enemy who was entangled with several teammates. Buckle the trigger.

Despite fear, the training in the past reminded him constantly - in the face of strong enemies, only by tightly huddled with the team and exerting collective strength, it is possible to live!

At this time, the nail heard the high voice of support troops behind him. "The artillery battalion was in trouble on East Street, and Brian sent us to support you!"

"No matter who you are, hurry up and come up to me!" The captain did not return to the head.

Two two-wheeled carts were pulled up by the reinforcements and the weapons carried on the carts were the Mark I heavy machine guns. After fixing the shooting position, the machine gun spit out a long flame at the madman who launched a new wave of assault.

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