Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 628: Qiankun fortune pill, sacred shining stone

Of these corpses, the most precious are naturally the corpses of three demon king-level demon pets.

However, in the eyes of Li Changsheng, the corpses of other lord-level demon pets may not be inferior to the Zhanqingfengsheng beast, after all, the blood of Fei Lian is temporarily useless for Li Changsheng.

The Seraphim bloodline is different from the Qiongqi bloodline. They can be used to activate the second bloodline. The former can be given to the day and the latter is suitable for Ashe, enough to increase their combat power.

Among the corpses of this group of lord-level demon pets, there are many bloodlines of golden-winged roc bird, red bird, heavy bird, jade rabbit, pegasus, and even the corpse of quasi-shen Fei.

The corpses of these demon pets alone are a big gain.

When the demon pets die, their treasure space will automatically disappear, and the treasures they carry will also drop.

This gave Li Changsheng another batch of treasures. After all, the two of them were pseudo-kings with deep foundations. The worst were high-level treasures, and many of them were fine pieces.

In addition, there are two top treasures.

Red Dragon's Fury: A top-level fire weapon, made from the essence of the demon king red dragon bones and dozens of auxiliary materials. It is refined through a rigorous process, which can increase the power of fire skills by 50% and has a burning effect.

Water Moon Lotus: The top water system treasure, made of four-claw white dragon dragon horn with more than 100 kinds of auxiliary materials, can increase the power of water system skills by 60%, and also has the effect of heavy water.

Among the two top treasures, the water moon lotus is undoubtedly the finest of the top treasures, but it can be handed over to the head to wear.

The big head is more peculiar. Although there is only one treasure space, the treasure can be changed freely. When in the Golden Eyed Roc Bird state, it carries the Unrestrained Wind Tower, and it is the treasure carried when it is transformed into a giant whale. It will automatically transform into the Black Dragon Banner.

Soon, the black dragon banner that the big head originally carried turned into a water moon lotus.

As for the top treasure of Red Dragon's Fury, it has almost the same effect as Red Luan's Feather. Li Changsheng did not replace the crowned flaming bird.

Up to this moment, Li Changsheng picked up a space ring, immersed in it, and wanted to see the main gains this time.

The treasures of the pseudo-kings are exciting to think about.


Suddenly, Li Changsheng gave a startled suspicion, this space ring from Fang Qing was actually accompanied by a soul mark.

Li Changsheng was not surprised and rejoiced. From this point of view, the area of ​​this space ring must be far greater than that of an ordinary space ring, and it must exceed 10,000 cubic meters.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng took out the jade bottle containing the moonlight divine water and threw the ring directly into the jade bottle.

The effect of the Moonlight Divine Water in corroding the soul imprint far exceeds that of the Starlight Divine Water. It only takes about a week for the soul imprint of this space ring to be melted away.

At this time, Li Changsheng picked up the space ring from Liu Zongtang, and his consciousness was immediately immersed in it.

Unlike Fang Qing's spatial ring, Liu Zongtang's spatial ring does not have a soul imprint, but its area is not small, it is more than 8,000 cubic meters, at least half of the space is piled up with various items.

It is worthy of being a pseudo-king, not only strength, but also a sixth-order powerhouse that is far beyond the ordinary.

The soul crystals, demon cores, and materials are piled up into a hill, which contains the demon king-level demon core and more than 20 high-grade soul crystals.

Just these, soul crystals worth more than 500,000 yuan, can buy a quasi-god cub.

Li Changsheng also found two tokens, one was an identity token, and the other was a token of the clan leader of the Liu clan in Langya.

Even if this patriarch token has great authority, Li Changsheng would not have the idea of ​​breaking into the territory of the Liu family in Langya.

1. Langya Liu clan is located in Yecheng. Second, even if the Langya Liu clan fell again, it would still be the king's family. It is inevitable that there will be some hole cards, and the prohibition in the clan land alone is enough to make Li Changsheng drink a pot.

However, Li Changsheng still kept these two tokens temporarily, maybe they will be useful someday.

Even the declining family of kings has unimaginable value, and it is likely to have the wonders of the world.

In addition to these, Li Changsheng also took out a treasure, an ore, a jade bottle and three treasure boxes, which are also the six most valuable items in the space ring.

This is an earthy-yellow treasure armor with colored glaze. It is called Yanpan Glazed Armor. It has a strong defense power, and as long as it stands on the ground, it will condense the power of the earth and transform it into an earth shield.

Li Changsheng tried it. Compared with the ancestral dragon scale armor he wore, the rocky glazed armor was inevitably inferior, but it was also comparable to the ancestral dragon scale armor exchanged for academies.

Li Changsheng put down the rocky glazed armor and held the ore on the ground with both hands.

This is a piece of milky white ore, about the size of two basketballs, faintly exuding holy brilliance.

As soon as Li Changsheng grabbed the ore, a warm feeling passed from his hands. He only felt that his body was comfortable, as if he had slept full day and night.

Ore alone has such a magical effect. If it is made into a treasure or a strange treasure, what effect will it have?

Judging from the sense of mental power, this ore is the top-notch even in the essence of heaven and earth.

Before that, Li Changsheng decided to check the information on this ore.

Soon, Li Changsheng found his goal in a book devoted to minerals.

Sacred Brilliant Stone: The essence of heaven and earth, it has the function of soothing physical and mental fatigue and healing physical injuries. If it is refined into a healing treasure or a foreign treasure, the effect will be better.

Seeing the efficacy of the sacred radiant stone, Li Changsheng fell into contemplation. Such a large sacred radiant stone can be refined into a treasure or a strange treasure alone even without adding other materials.

If it is refined into a treasure, the demon pet's injuries and status will continue to recover during the battle, and the battery life will be limited.

However, with the attributes of the sacred radiance stone, it is very possible to limit the light demon pet.

If it is refined into a different treasure, it can also restore the demon pet's injuries and fatigue. If you are lucky, you can even make a range buff, but the range effect will definitely be greatly weakened. Its shortcomings are also obvious, and it cannot be used in various official competitions.

Li Changsheng hesitated, but put it down, ready to wait until later.


Li Changsheng pulled out the cork from the jade bottle, and placed a longan-sized pill inside, accompanied by an astonishing smell.

On this jade bottle, there is also a piece of paper pasted with the five small characters Qiankun Good Fortune Pill.

Li Changsheng has also heard of the Qiankun Good Fortune Pill, which is a very special top-level pill. If used with the demon pet along with bloodline metamorphosis treasures, it can greatly increase the demon pet's probability of transformation.

"good stuff!"

Li Changsheng showed a smile, this Qiankun Pill of Good Fortune alone is worth more than one hundred thousand soul crystals, but he will definitely not sell it.

However, Li Changsheng still decided to ask Kailan to identify it and avoid this trap set by Liu Zongtang. If this is not a pill of good fortune, but a pill of poison, then he would have to sit on wax.

Taking the wrong medicine will kill you!

Be careful to make the Wannian Ship. Although the probability is very small, it is the pill from the enemy after all. What if you are not careful.

As a high-level alchemist, Kailan can obtain the effects of unknown pill by various means without losing its efficacy.

In just over a minute, Kailan got the result and nodded to Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng solemnly collected the Qiankun Good Fortune Pill, and prepared to save it temporarily, and wait until he finds the world's rare bloodline transformation treasure.

Finally, there are three treasure boxes. The materials of these three treasure boxes are different, one wooden box, one iron box and one jade box.

Li Changsheng took the lead in picking up the wooden box that was only three feet long. Before opening it, he carefully checked it. The wooden box had no installation restrictions and could be opened at will.

There is a book in the wooden box, which is thick enough to move bricks, and on the cover is written "The Treasure of Craftsmanship".

Obviously, this is a book related to refining tools, and it is obviously not an ordinary refining book to be carried by Liu Zongtang so solemnly.

Next to the cover is the author's signature, with three small characters written on it.

Just from the name Bailianwang, you can know that this is a double-character king. Li Changsheng has seen this name in several refining This is a celebrity thousands of years ago, and it is natural now He has fallen for a long time, but his name can be found in almost every refining book.

Unlike the ordinary King of Double Characters, King Bailian has an excellent talent for refining, and he is very obsessed with refining. It is rumored that he has refined many artifacts and top world wonders, which can be said to be the most outstanding in this world. Characters.

After opening "The Treasure of Refining Tools", Li Changsheng discovered that it was a book made of metal, but its weight was almost the same as that of paper.

This book is full of words, symbols, pictures and even formulas. Just after reading a few pages, Li Changsheng has a feeling of enlightenment.

Even if Li Changsheng is a master refiner who pulls out the seedlings and encourages growth, his refinement level has indeed reached the level of a refiner master, and he has refined semi-sacred tools and imitation demon refining pots, which are nothing but normal refining. Compared with the masters, there are flaws in some aspects.

Li Changsheng has always wanted to make up for these shortcomings, but suffers from the lack of advanced refining books. Now that he sleeps on a pillow, he is naturally ecstatic.

If you can master this "Refining Artifacts", it will not only make up for Li Changsheng's refining defects, but also make his refining level even further possible.

Of course, hope is not good enough.

It is extremely difficult to become a master craftsman like Bailian King who can craft divine tools and top world wonders.

At this time, Li Changsheng picked up the jade box on the side.

The main reason for the hug was that the jade box was too big, all over one meter in length and width, but only ten centimeters in height, and I don’t know what to put.

For this jade box, Li Changsheng can be said to be quite looking forward to it, because among these treasures, the jade box with the strongest energy fluctuation is this jade box, which has definitely reached the rare level of heaven and earth.

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