Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 603: Water Mu Miao Zhenzhu, Yaochi Jinyu

   After returning to the room, Li Changsheng took a shower and burned incense, hoping that his luck would not be too bad.

   The first time, Li Changsheng took out three treasures from the Demon King White Dragon.

   These three pieces are the treasures with the strongest energy fluctuations among the many collections of the Demon King White Dragon, and they are naturally not ordinary products.

   The first treasure was a pocket-sized steel hammer, with silver electric lights occasionally appearing on it, lingering constantly on it.

   Soon, Li Changsheng's identification was completed.

   This is a top treasure, and it is also a boutique among top treasures.

  Lei Gong’s Silver Hammer: A top-level thunder-type treasure. It is made of giz bones as the main body and supplemented by dozens of materials. It is made through a rigorous process. It can increase the power of thunder-type skills by 60% and has a paralyzing effect.

  Kizi has a human face and bird body, a green snake on its ears, and a red snake in its hand. It is one of the rare thunder monsters.

   The first piece is the finest item among the top treasures, and it comes with a cost-effective paralyzing effect, which naturally made Li Changsheng smile.

   No accident, Li Changsheng handed the Thunder Gong’s silver hammer to the ancestor Leopard Beast to carry.

   Li Changsheng looked at the second object. This was a piece of gold that looked like extremely pure gold, but it was actually a piece of jade.

   If you look closely, you will find that there is a lot of golden energetic gas in the jade, which looks quite strange.

   Yaochi Jinyu: The essence of heaven and earth, if absorbed by the demon pet, there is a certain probability that the demon pet will enter the state of bloodline transformation. The higher the bloodline concentration of the demon pet, the lower the probability.

   There is no doubt that the Jade Lake in the Yaochi is a kind of precious treasures of heaven and earth, especially for the general imperial demon masters.

   However, the metamorphosis probability of Yaochi Jinyu is definitely not as good as the combination of Xuanhuanggen and Lanxinguo. According to the book records, the probability of demon pets below the rich bloodline is about 20%.

   As for demon pets with rich bloodlines, there is only a poor 3% chance.

   In addition, it has no effect on the demon pets of the heroic bloodline.

Li Changsheng’s 13 demon pets are all demon pets with a strong bloodline concentration. With a 3% probability of being a scam, he really has no need to gamble, especially he has collected all the materials to imitate the demon pot, and waited to make it. With the imitation of the demon refining pot, the pure bloodline will have a lot of improvement.

   "Let's give it to Bi Zhen."

   Li Changsheng thought for a while, the Yaochi Jinyu was too wasteful to trade, besides, Ning Bizhen still has a few demon pets that have not yet reached the rich bloodline.

   In addition, if the demon pet just completes the transformation at the breaking point, it can more or less increase the probability of reaching the Demon King level.

   After collecting the gold and jade in the Yaochi, Li Changsheng looked at the third treasure.

   This time it was a jade bottle. After opening the cork, there was a colorless liquid in it, but it exuded the brilliance of seven-color glass.

   Just being irradiated by the seven colors of light, Li Changsheng has a sense of comfort.

   Through color, smell and feeling, Li Changsheng soon found its information in an ancient book.

   Liuli Water Purification: The essence of heaven and earth, has a powerful healing effect, and can greatly reduce the growth time of the spiritual plant. The effect depends on the level of the spiritual plant. The higher the level of the spiritual plant, the less the reduction, and vice versa.

After Tianyi True Water and Sanguang Shenshui, Li Changsheng obtained the third water type heaven and earth treasure. Its healing effect is not as good as Sanguang Shenshui, and it does not have the effect of Tianyi true hydration medicine for refining treasures and saving fires. It is only right. The growth of Lingzhi has a great role in promoting.

   "I don't know what effect does it have on top spirit plants?"

   Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that he only has a top-level spiritual plant such as the Scarlet Fire Dragon Scale Tree, and a seedling that is suspected of being a top-level spiritual plant is still growing.

   When the seedling was still a seed, the energy fluctuations were at the level of the rare earth. As the seedlings gradually grow, the energy fluctuations it emits become more and more amazing.

   Li Changsheng has reason to suspect that this seedling grows to the end, it is likely to be a top-level spiritual plant.

  The effects of top-level spiritual plants are amazing. The two effects of stabilizing the secret realm and absorbing void energy are enough to make the king's eyes greedy, not to mention the fruits of top-level spiritual plants.

   Because of this, Li Changsheng is very concerned about this seedling.

The only drawback is that the growth cycle of the top spirit plant is often very long. Even if it is irrigated with the water of life every day, coupled with the effect of soil-relief and the assistance of Xiaoguai's sweet curse, although its growth rate is greatly accelerated, according to Li Changsheng's estimation , I am afraid it will take decades to mature.

   Now with this bottle of Liuli Water, it is possible to quickly shorten the growth time of the seedlings, but I don’t know how effective it is.

   Like Sanguang Shenshui and Tianyi Real Water, Liuli Water is equally distinct, but its volume is small, and each drop is only the size of a fingernail.

   After reading the three treasures from the Demon King White Dragon, Li Changsheng felt very satisfied. He rubbed his hands vigorously and took out the two boxes from the core treasure house.

   Li Changsheng took the lead in picking up a key and couldn't wait to open the long wooden box.

   The treasures contained in this wooden box can be said to have reached the top level of the essence of heaven and earth, and it is only three points behind the level of the treasure of heaven and earth.


   When unlocking, the long wooden box faintly changed.

   Li Changsheng knew in his heart that after successfully opening the box, the one-time triggering prohibition that was attached to the box disappeared in smoke.

   As soon as he opened the jade box, a azure blue water vapor rushed over his face, and Li Changsheng hurriedly gathered his spiritual power. This water vapor had no special abilities attached, and was immediately constrained by Li Changsheng's spiritual power.

   Without waiting for Li Changsheng's observation, the water vapor automatically turned into a baby's fist-sized bead, suspended in front of Li Changsheng.

   This is the first time Li Changsheng has seen such a treasure that can change its shape freely.

"What is this?"

   Li Changsheng stared for a long while, but still could not find his thoughts, so he had to take out a pile of books about treasures and began to search.

   There are dozens of these books, as long as they are treasures that have appeared in the world, they can almost be found out.

   "There are too many books, and most of the key content is still overlapping. When I go back, I will hire people to sort out a new treasure book."

  While flipping through the books, Li Changsheng secretly said, but this requires a lot of time and energy, so he didn't have the idea of ​​doing it himself, but he was ready to spend money to ask someone to sort it out.

   Even though this thing is extremely rare, in the end Li Changsheng found its information.

   Water Mu Miao Pearl: The essence of heaven and earth, if absorbed by the water monster pet, there is a higher probability that the monster pet will enter the state of bloodline transformation. The higher the bloodline concentration of the demon pet, the lower the probability.

   This is a treasure with similar effects to the Yaochi Jinyu, except that the Shui Mu Miao Pearl is only for the water monster pet.

   Water Mu Miao Zhenzhu is the top treasure of heaven and earth, plus it is only for the water monster pet, which also leads to the probability of the monster pet metamorphosing far surpassing the Jade Lake Jinyu.

   Judging from the introduction in the book, the probability of transformation of the Shui Mu Miao Pearl is higher than the combination of Xuan Huang Gen and Lan Xin Guo, and the probability of demon pets below the rich bloodline is about 40-50%.

   As for water monster pets with rich bloodlines, there is less than a 10% probability, limited by the treasure item level, and it is invalid for water monster pets with majestic bloodlines.

   Although the probability is significantly higher than that of Yaochi Jinyu, it is still tasteless for Li Changsheng. Instead of gambling on this illusory probability, it is better to enhance Ning Bizhen's strength.

   The stronger Ning Bizhen is, the better it is for him.

   After collecting the Shui Mu Miao Pearl, Li Changsheng took out the Ding No. 15 treasure box. This is a boxy jade box. Judging from the energy fluctuations, it contains a treasure of heaven and earth.

   The next moment, Li Changsheng opened the jade box with the key.

  In the jade box, there is a fist-sized fruit in full bloom. The whole body is shining with five colors, giving people a crystal clear feeling, and there is a faint fragrance.

   Seeing this fruit, Li Changsheng was visibly startled. This fruit is so familiar, because he had obtained this fruit from Xu Wenhua just over three months ago.

   That's right, this is another mysterious five-color glazed fruit!

   "Does the royal family have a top spiritual root that gave birth to the five-color glazed fruit of the mysterious sky?"

   While Li Changsheng was delighted, he was also full of guesses.

   I don't blame Li Changsheng for making this conjecture, because the two mysterious five-color glazed fruits he got are all closely related to the royal family.

   Soon, Li Changsheng withdrew his thoughts, even if his guess was correct, but what about it, with his current strength, he could still steal this top-level spiritual root.

   In addition, according to the characteristics of top-level spiritual roots, stable secrets and absorbing void energy, even if the royal family really has five-color glazed trees in the mysterious sky, it is very likely that they are in the blessed land of the dark sky.

   Compared with Dou Cangqiong, Li Changsheng now is like a mayfly shaking a tree, so he is naturally too lazy to think.

   "Who should I take it for?"

   Looking at this mysterious five-color glazed Li Changsheng thought about it.

   Since Xuanqiong five-color glazed fruit can only be limited to the demon pets with the five elements, the non-five element demon pets are naturally eliminated first.

   In addition, Ashe and Datou both have non-five element secondary attributes, and I don't know if they will be affected. For safety's sake, they were also ruled out by Li Changsheng.

   Then remove the dumb who has eaten the five-color glazed fruit of the Profound Sky, then only Kailan and the crowned flaming bird meet the requirements.

   "Forget it, let me take one of them after I reach the sixth rank. After all, this is the fruit of the heaven and earth rare level, and it can more or less increase the probability of being promoted to the Demon King level."

   Li Changsheng had a plan. Even if the weather is not good in the next few days, he is still confident that he will reach the breaking point within five days.

   In this way, he should also prepare for the next step. For example, like Ning Bizhen, he became a pseudo-king at one time.

   After reading all the gains, Li Changsheng did not immediately start refining the imitation refining demon pot. Refining this thing is not easy. He plans to work with Ning Bizhen to refining after returning.

   As for the purification of the spirit king's blood, we have to wait until the refining of the imitation demon pot is completed, so that more spirit king's blood can be obtained.

   In the afternoon of the same day, Li Changsheng and others sat in the Palace of Dragon Horse and started returning.

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