Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 601: I blackmailed the dragon

   What, what did you say, how dare you hit the old dragon's idea!

   Demon King White Dragon had a sentence in his heart that MMP shouldn’t say, but he hadn’t expected that the “Fifth Tier Demon Master” in its eyes played the cards completely without common sense.

   Not only is the Demon King-level white dragon, the dragons in a row and Dou Changde who secretly observes are also dumbfounded.

   No one thought that Li Changsheng would actually attack the demon king-level white dragon.

  Unexpectedly, the giant dragons present looked at Li Changsheng with grateful eyes, which was quite cheerful.

   This is really great. Since the demon king-level white dragon took the place in the dragon's lair, the quality of life of the dragons has been worse, especially the treasures they have accumulated, many of which have been forcibly taken away by the demon king-level white dragon.

   For a while, in the eyes of these wealthy dragons, there was no difference between Li Changsheng and the savior.

   Li Changsheng ignored the gratitude of the dragons. He now faces two choices, one is the best Heluo turtle, and the other is the demon king class white dragon in front of him.

   The best Heluo turtle need not be said, but it is really of little use to Li Changsheng, so it can only become his temporary demon pet, or it can be given away or auctioned.

   As for the Demon King-level white dragon, although there is no potential at all, its strength and quality are there, but it can be used to look at the home nursing home.

   In addition, it can also be used as the front drive of the frame. Using the Demon King White Dragon as the front drive of the frame, wouldn’t it mean that Beier has face.

   Finally, it is the collection of the Demon King White Dragon over the years. Li Changsheng has scanned it. Although there are no treasures of heaven and earth, there are several pieces of the second-class essence of heaven and earth.

   You have become my dragon. I will help you take care of it temporarily. It's okay. At the worst, you can'barter things', and exchange precious gold and silver jewelry for treasures.

   From these three points, the Demon King-level White Dragon is more in the interests of Li Changsheng. After all, he can be promoted to Tier 6 and complete a temporary contract with him as long as he is given a few days.

  Temporary contract, you can contract a fairy that is one level higher than the demon master, but the fairy can easily break away from the brand of the temporary contract.

   However, even if you are not obedient, you can lure them into a fairy like the giant dragon. When Li Chang becomes the king, the demon king-level white dragon will no longer be able to escape from Li Changsheng's palm.

   The demon king class white dragon stunned, and hurriedly shouted: "Humans, I am not in the choice."

   "Don't frame me. According to the rules of the core royal garden, I can choose a fairy in the core royal garden at will, and you should also be included in it!"

   Li Changsheng didn't want to let go of this opportunity, the truth is right, isn't this demon king-level white dragon without its owner, and what is the difference between it and a wild fairy.

   "I, I... Anyway, this is impossible!"

   The head of the Demon King Bailong was initially confused, and he couldn't think of a reason for rebuttal. After all, Li Changsheng was right.

   Just at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the dragon's cave, but it was Dou Changde, the person in charge of the core royal garden.

   Dou Changde came here naturally to keep this demon king-level white dragon, otherwise, without the demon king-level white dragon sitting in town, wouldn't the non-royal members choose the dragon at will.

   Dou Changde touched his beard and said, "Your Excellency Li Changsheng, you can choose among these giant dragons at will, except for Richfields."

   "Then I ask you, is it a wild fairy?"

   When Li Changsheng was speaking, 13 demon pets all paid attention to Dou Changde.

   Even if Dou Changde belongs to the pseudo-king, he only has one demon king-level demon pet, which belongs to the bottom of the pseudo-kings. Being stared at by these 13 lord-level demon pets, he feels great pressure.

   I don’t know why, Dou Changde felt that he might not be able to beat Li Changsheng...

   Dou Changde shook his head vigorously, eliminating this unrealistic idea. This is not the time to think about it.

   "Yes, Richfields is indeed a wild goblin, but it used to be the emperor's demon pet before. It is really inappropriate for you to take it away."

   Dou Changde did not deny that after the death of the master, the demon pet lost its bondage, and it was indeed no different from a wild fairy.

   The only disadvantage is that even if these fairies who have lost their masters are contracted, they will lose the possibility of further progress.

   "Since it is a wild goblin, it is not illegal for me to take it away!"

   Li Changsheng doesn't care about this, he doesn't want the duck he got to fly.

Dou Changde grinned unanimously. He thought of a reason for rejection: "It is indeed not against the rules, but the premise is that you can contract Richfields? You can only take it away if you have a contract. I ask you, you can contract it. ?"

   "Is he really a Tier 5 Demon Master?" The Demon King White Dragon stared at its big bucket-like eyes. After seeing Dou Changde nodding, it couldn't help feeling absurd.

   He didn't lie, he was really a fifth-order demon master!

   "Let me drop the sky, there is such a strong fifth-order demon master, it seems that I can no longer be as careless as today."

   Demon King-level Bailong secretly said in his heart that if he encounters a Tier 5 Demon Master again in the future, he can only play singles, and he will never give the opponent a chance to fight in groups.

Li Changsheng's eyeballs rolled around, and he immediately had a solution: "Yes, I really can't contract it, but I can kill it. The remains and collection of a Demon King-level white dragon are worth giving up. Chance."

  As Li Changsheng just finished speaking, the Demon King-level Bailong felt his chills stand up, and his heart was terrified. How could there be such a cruel person.

   At the same time, the 13 demon pets moved their steps slightly and surrounded the demon king-level white dragon, without giving it a chance to escape.

   Dou Changde opened his mouth, and he found that he could not refute.

   The remains and collection of a demon king class white dragon are worth a million soul crystals, which is more valuable than a giant dragon cub.

  The dragon is full of treasures, and the corpse alone can sell tens of thousands of soul crystals, and the corpse of the Demon King-level dragon is almost ten times that of an ordinary dragon. If you add the collection of the Demon King White Dragon, Li Changsheng is right.

   Of course, Li Changsheng is just saying that if he can't take away the Demon King-level white dragon, he can't implement the decapitation tactics. He can only choose the best Heluo turtle next to him.

  It is about the face of the royal family, Dou Changde naturally cannot let Li Changsheng kill the Demon King White Dragon, but he has no absolute certainty to prevent Li Changsheng from completing the kill.

   Seeing that Dou Changde did not find a reason to refute, and being surrounded by 13 Lord-level demon pets, the Demon King-level white dragon was anxious, and it decided to save itself.

   "Human, I also hid some dragon eggs, as long as you are willing to let go of the great Reichfields, you can pick a dragon egg at will!"

   Li Changsheng asked back: "Richfields, can I regard this dragon egg as a gift from you?"

   If it is a gift, Li Changsheng can also take away the best Heluo turtle.

   Without hesitation, Dou Changde retorted: "No, if you choose Dragon Egg, you can no longer contract the fairy of the core royal garden!"

   If Li Changsheng chooses a precious dragon egg, and then contracts a giant dragon, the value will have exceeded the demon king class white dragon and its collection.

   I don’t know when, the Demon King White Dragon and its collection became Dou Changde’s unit of value.

   "Well, then I might as well kill it." Li Changsheng shook his head regretfully, and then looked at the Demon King White Dragon with compassionate eyes.

   The Demon King White Dragon shook his head and said pitifully, "No, humans, you can't kill me. In order to make up for your loss, the great Richfields allows you to choose one from my collection!"

   "You send beggars, at least this number."

   Li Changsheng did not speak, and stretched out a slap.

   "No, two at most, no more!"

  The dragon regards wealth as its fate, and Richfields is no exception. It is rare that it even mustered up the courage and began to fight for reasons.

   After a round of bargaining, Li Changsheng and the Demon King White Dragon reached a consensus, and Richfields was willing to exchange three treasures for his own life.

   Seeing this situation, Dou Changde could only sigh helplessly, and at the same time looked at Li Changsheng with strange eyes.

   Li Changsheng used the method of intimidation to blackmail the Demon King White Dragon step by step, even if he ignores his strength, this guy is a rare talent.

   In addition, after Dou Changde decided to go back, he proposed to the emperor's brother Dou Changsheng to give the demon king-level white dragon an'immortal body' so that no one would imitate Li Changsheng in the future.

   Li Changsheng came to the Treasure Mountain of the Demon King-level White Dragon. These treasures were hundreds of square meters in area, and the basic height was five or six meters, which was shocking.

  Of course, gold and silver jewellery must be the overwhelming majority.

   Even so, there are also many treasures.

  According to the energy fluctuations, Li Changsheng picked up for a while, and quickly picked out the three treasures with the strongest energy Li Changsheng directly put them in the space ring, and prepared to wait for it to be processed after returning.

   "By the way, Richfields, where is the dragon egg you hid?"

   Li Changsheng has not forgotten the dragon eggs. Although he thinks the probability of the best dragon eggs is very low, there is always a certain possibility.

   The demon king class white dragon condensed the painful eyes, and spit out a one-meter-square stone slab from its mouth. It carefully pinched the stone slab with the dragon's claws and inputted the energy in the body.

  In a short time, a crystal light shot from the stone slab, and in the blink of an eye, it landed on the rock wall beside it.


   The next moment, the rock wall vibrated violently, and then a secret room was exposed.

   Out of Li Changsheng's expectation, there are more than 20 fairy eggs here.

Dou Changde obviously knew the situation here, and said, "Not only are there dragon eggs, but also many other quasi-god fairy eggs. You can choose one. Of course, if you don't like it, just treat it as I didn't say it. "

   The fairy egg in this secret room was specially prepared for the royal family.

   More than 20 pieces seem to be a lot, but there are more than 20 descendants of Emperor Guang Emperor Dou Changsheng, not to mention other royal family members.

   Li Changsheng couldn't wait to release his mental power, carefully feeling the breath of these fairy eggs.

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