Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 596: champion

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Volt Elves want to support, there is no time at this time.

In the sky, the fire phoenix carving fierce flames all over his body, wanting Ash to retreat.

It's a pity that Ashe endured the burning pain of the flame, and bit down regardless, and the sharp fangs began to pierce the neck of the Phoenix Eagle.

When Ashe acted, the chief referee had activated the prohibition in advance, and dozens of energy chains appeared in the void instantly.

The Phoenix Eagle is Dou Yuanhua's natal demon pet. Once the natal demon pet dies, Dou Yuanhua will become a useless person if he does not die. The referee naturally dare not take it lightly.

Not far away, Luo Qingning pretended to be calm, but if you look closely, you will find that her face is a bit paler than before.

On the high platform, Emperor Dou Changsheng looked solemn, his eyes kept flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Aish, a bird under his mouth!"

Li Changsheng deliberately yelled loudly so that Dou Yuanhua could hear it.

As soon as he bit into the fire phoenix carving's neck, Ashe stopped and pulled out the fangs again, but he was still worried about placing the tiger's paw, which was as big as a water tank, in front of the fire phoenix carving's forehead.

Once the fire phoenix carving changes, its tiger claws will be photographed.

The energy chain controlled by the referee has already stopped, and Ashe is within easy reach.

At this time, the eyes of the audience almost fell on the referee, waiting for his sentence.

"The Phoenix Eagle is unable to fight anymore, please recall from the Royal Academy's student Yuanhua!"

Following the referee's pronouncement, the audience was in an uproar, followed by strong cheers and boos.

However, most of the cheers were still the majority, and most of the neutral audiences were completely biased towards Li Changsheng.

Dou Yuanhua's body shook a few times, his face was very ugly, and he lost the Phoenix Eagle, then his Volta would face the siege of Ashe and Kailan.

Although the individual abilities of Volt Elves are higher than those of Ashe and Kailan, the gap is minimal. Unless Li Changsheng makes a fatal mistake, he has little chance of winning.

Dou Yuanhua took a deep breath, suppressed the intense resentment in his heart, and recalled Huo Feng Diao full of unwillingness.

The difference from the previous one is that since there is no extra quota for demon pets, Dou Yuanhua can only let the Voldite fight independently, and the two sides will not have ten seconds of observation time.

The game continued, and Ashe and Kailan began to encircle.

Li Changsheng adopted a steady and steady posture. The more important the moment came, the more cautious he was. He did not dare to take it lightly and did not give Dou Yuanhua a chance to comeback.

Kailan landed on Ashe's head, mainly assisting and defending, with Ashe as the main attacker.

They were the first two demon pets that Li Changsheng contracted. They have been with Li Changsheng for more than a year. The tacit understanding between them is second only to day and night, and they are far less strange than the former dumb and big head.

The Volta was inciting four pairs of wings. His speed was not much slower than that of Ashe. While flying towards the other side, he began to gather a large amount of silver current.

Ashe was chasing Volt Elves, and due to the limitation of the venue, the distance between the two was rapidly increasing.

Mad thunderfall!

When the silver current condensed to the extreme, the Volta suddenly stopped, and countless currents rushed into the sky, turning into a thundercloud storm with amazing electric lights.


In an instant, countless thick silver thunderbolts of buckets fell down, almost covering most of the venue.

Such a dense offensive, no matter how fast Ashe is, it is difficult to completely avoid it.

When the Volt Elves condensed the electric light, Kailan had already prepared in advance, and countless natural energies gathered together, forming a fuzzy tree above her and Ashe.

Although this big tree is vague, it has a will to suppress everything.

This is derived from the inheritance skill of the Elf King-the guardian of the world tree, which can be called the strongest defense. As long as the strength is sufficient, it can even summon the projection of the world tree.

Kailan is still a long way from the projection of the summoning world tree, and perhaps only the Elf King can do it.

Boo~ Boo~ Boo~

Countless silver thunderbolts fell on the vague energy tree, only ripples appeared, solid as a mountain, and there was no sign of breaking.

With Kailan's protection, Ashe can concentrate on rushing towards the Volta.

When the violent thunder fell, Ashe and Kailan were intact.

Kailan did not continue to maintain the guardianship of the World Tree. The defense of this skill is strong, but the consumption is not generally large, and Kailan is also difficult to last.

It was also at this time that Ashe rushed to the Volt Elf, waving a claw.

The Volt elves hurriedly turned into a thunder blade that was several feet long, and resisted Ashe's tiger claws.

However, how could the power of Volt Elves be Ashe's opponent? Just the size of the two is not proportional.


With a muffled sound, the thunder blade shattered, and the Volt Elf who had rushed into the battle was directly shot into the air by Ashe, and he involuntarily flew back twenty or thirty meters, until it hit the energy restriction and stopped.

Under this blow, the Volt Elf vomited blood from the corners of his mouth, and the injuries he had accumulated before made the damage already serious.

Suddenly, Kailan condensed countless bright yellow paralysis powder, blowing in the breeze, and swept toward the Volta.

Volt Elf didn't have time to adjust the breath, so he could only force his body and evade to the right with extreme speed, so as to avoid the paralyzing powder.

It's a pity that this direction is a trap that Kailan specially prepared for the Volta.

Ashe flicked his head, a giant wind blade swiftly spun towards the Volt Elf.

For a while, Volt Elf lost the space to dodge, and could only hurriedly condense a lightning shield.

In an instant, the giant wind blade and the lightning shield collided.

Ashe is better at physical attacks. Even if the Volta Elves hastily condensed the Lightning Shield, the giant wind blade can only be able to break through the Lightning Shield, and eventually the energy is exhausted, and the Lightning Shield disappears invisible together.

The problem is coming, Ashe has a helper.

Kailan condensed a green beam of light, and instantly flooded the Volta.

When the green light beam disappeared, the Volta slammed into the restraint again, causing the restraint to emit strong fluctuations, giving people a feeling of fear.

The referee hurriedly input a large amount of energy, trying to maintain the energy intensity of the ban, which stabilized the ban.

The Volta fell a short distance from the air, and flew again, able to avoid Ashe's collision, and took advantage of the situation to pull away for a short distance.

At this time, the Volta Elf was full of scars, but his eyes were still bright, and there was a faint electric glow.

In the process of chasing the two, the Volta once again converged an amazing silver current.

The lightning is urgent!

When Ashe approached, the Volta finally performed a killer move, and countless silver currents were condensed and compressed, turning into a bright silver beam with the thickness of a bucket.

This is also Volt Elf's most powerful tactic. It is different from the violent thunder with scattered energy. The energy of this trick is quite concentrated, and he is sure to hit Ash with a single trick.

Unfortunately, Kailan prepared again in advance.


The transfer of flowers and trees is also derived from the inheritance skills of the Elf King. This is an extremely rare auxiliary death skill. It can use plants to take damage without knowing it.

Kailan struggled to control, and finally the bright silver beam suddenly disappeared, and finally collided with a piece of wood on the ground.


Kailan panted heavily, the power of the lightning thunder was too strong, even if she successfully used the transfer of flowers and trees, she still consumed a lot of physical energy.

At the same time, Ashe appeared in front of the Volta again.

The Vold Elf hurriedly wanted to evade, but Ashe had already been covered with a five-layer windbreaker, it was much faster than the Vold Elf at full speed.


Volta was knocked into flight by Ashe again, and he couldn't help but spout a mouthful of silver blood.


The Volta also flew back a few meters away, and Ashe reappeared in front of him with the help of a flash, knocking him into flight again.

Like an open cannonball, the Volta turned into a stream of light and hit the ground fiercely.

Before the dust filled, Kailan once again condensed a green beam of light, rushing towards the direction where the Volt Elf fell with feeling.


With an explosion, countless mud flew up, and for a while, I couldn't see the scene clearly.

Ashe and Kailan didn't relax, they were always on guard against the Volta.

However, the Volta never flew out.

When the dust settled, there was a big hole 20 to 30 meters deep on the ground. The Volta lay in the deepest part of the hole, trying to get up but couldn't move.

Seeing such a scene, Dou Yuanhua, Luo Qingning, and everyone at the Royal Academy felt very cool, and only Vice President Sun Min had a complicated mind.

Sun Min also doesn't know whether she should be lucky or depressed. In short, her psychology is very complicated, that is, she does not want the Royal Academy to lose, but she does not want to help Luo Qingning in the next year.

"Vot Elves lost their ability to fight. The winner of this game is Yuanling Academy’s Li Changsheng student. In view of the loss of all members of the Royal Academy, Yuanling Academy will win this round of finals. Let us congratulate Yuanling Academy and become The overall champion of this academic exchange competition!!"

After confirming the state of Volt Elves the referee loudly announced the final result of the game.


At this moment, countless spectators stood up spontaneously, heartfelt applause and cheers for Li Changsheng or Yuanling Academy.

In this round of finals, Li Changsheng’s performance can no longer be described as stunning. As a second-year student, he defeated Dou Youwan, a fourth-tier student of the Royal Academy, Dou Yuansheng, a fifth-tier student, and Dou Yuanhua, a sixth-tier student, who were not the three. The prince is a princess, and the strength is much stronger than that of the strong of the same level. They have become part of Li Changsheng's many achievements, which is the first time in the history of the exchange of universities.

The most important thing is that Yuanling Academy made history, and for the first time it drove out of the Royal Academy. Luo Qingning was called the strongest Royal Academy in history and won the title of No. 1 Academy.

This gold content is simply unreasonable!

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