Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 592: I don't want face

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Just in the game, Xu Xiangzhi deliberately got stuck for a while before starting to summon. Since the two summoned all demon pets that had already played, he was inevitably warned by the referee, which delayed him for five seconds.

It took another ten seconds for both sides to observe.

Xu Xiangzhi was left with only a natal demon pet like the Titan Giant Python, and was gangly beaten at the beginning. The opponent was still two lord-level demon pets.

Even if Xu Xiangzhi opened the game to let the elite-level Titan giant python get away from him, he would delay time and be easily overtaken by Dou Yuanhua's two monster pets.

Given that the Titan Python is Xu Xiangzhi's natural demon pet, and Dou Yuanhua's demon pet's attack intensity is obviously beyond the range that the Titan Python can withstand, the referee had to activate the prohibition and rescue, which also extended the fighting time to 20 seconds.

Only after the news of the ban, before the referee had passed the judgement, Xu Xiangzhi jumped directly into the court and held the Titan Python for another delay. This happened.

While Xu Xiangzhi was discussing with the referee, the chief referee came over and said, "Go and discuss with student Xu Xiangzhi slowly. I will officially take over the next game!"

The next game will be Li Changsheng vs. Dou Yuanhua. In view of the excessive intensity of the match between them, the usual sixth-order referees may miss their hands. It is normal for the referee, a senior pseudo-king, to take over.


The referee responded and took Xu Xiangzhi to the side to argue.

Xu Xiangzhi gestured to Li Changsheng, showing that I had tried my best.

Li Changsheng nodded and nodded. Xu Xiangzhi delayed him for more than a minute. Not only did Ah Dumb have recovered to his heyday, but even the head of his injuries had recovered a lot.

Li Changsheng took the stage in a hurry, because the Xuepa Baoming Pill and the water of life continued to exert their effects, and every few seconds, the big head's injuries could be recovered.

"Everyone is seated. The two sides of the competition are the fourth-year student Dou Yuanhua from the Royal Academy and the second-year student Li Changsheng from the Yuanling Academy..."

The referee routinely announced the rules, and then signaled both of them to summon the demon pet at the same time.

At the next moment, four huge blood-red six-pointed stars began to emerge on the field, and then four monster pets of various shapes appeared on the field.

This time, the two still chose the demon pet that had played before.

Dou Yuanhua's two demon pets are the adult golden dragon and the royal griffin, both of which are the lord's level 9 demon pets.

Among them, the Royal Griffin is a demon pet of the highest quality.

[Fairy name]: Royal Griffin (mature stage, medium alien animal)

[Fairy Realm]: Lord Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: High Commander

[Fairy Quality]: Supreme

[Fairy Bloodline]: None

[Fairy Attribute]: Wind

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Goblin Weakness]: Ray

From the lineup point of view, Li Changsheng is obviously stronger, but the strength of the two sides cannot be calculated like this.

Li Changsheng is still the fifth-order demon master, and the spiritual channel between him and the lord-level demon pet is always in a tight state, which also causes the strength of the lord-level demon pet to be more or less restricted.

In addition, the spiritual power of Li Changsheng and Dou Yuanhua are also not on the same level, even if the latter breaks shortly, the spiritual power is at least twice as much as his, and the number of times he has used secret methods far exceeds Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng's secret method requires careful planning. The opening ceremony also blessed the big head with swiftness like wind, and also blessed the strong power of dumb, which consumed more than half of the mental power.

Dou Yuanhua was different, and the two demon pets were blessed with two or three secret methods at the beginning.

After blessing the secret method, the two of them each held a high-grade soul crystal and began to restore their mental strength.

The same is to restore mental strength, Dou Yuanhua's recovery speed is also far above Li Changsheng.

With the help of the number of secret methods, Dou Yuanhua's two demon pets have clearly drawn the gap between Big Tou and Dumb.

Even if these secret methods can only last for a few minutes at most, the battles between monster pets are short, and the winners and losers are often determined before the secret methods disappear.

As for the treasures carried by the two, even if Luo Qingning secretly lent a few treasures to Dou Yuanhua, he could only say that he did not lose sight.

These treasures were originally treasures carried by Luo Qingning's monster pet. Needless to say, their grades are at least the finest among the top treasures.

However, it can only be said that the wind will not fall. Dui carried the Genting Xinghuang Qi and the bulk of the Wushu Sunda Wind Tower, both of which are also top treasures.

"Don't worry about the Behemoth behemoth, besieging the Golden Eyed Roc Bird!"

Long before the start of the game, Dou Yuanhua had already determined the key targets.

Although Dou Yuansheng and Dou Yuanhua didn't deal with each other very much, for the honor of the Royal Academy, Dou Yuanhua finally told Dou Yuanhua of Dumb's abnormality.

There is not much difference between Dui and Datou in strength, but Dui's ability to resist is stronger than one level, which is naturally more difficult to chew.


In the sky, a 26-meter-long adult golden dragon sprayed out a golden dragon's breath.

Not far away, the royal griffin was fluttering its wings, and it swiftly rushed towards the big head.

At this moment, the big head seemed to turn into a golden light, not only avoiding the dragon's breath, but also pulling a certain distance from the royal griffin, falling on the side of Ah Du.

Dui drove the colorful auspicious clouds, opened his mouth wide, and countless golden spots of light gathered crazily, as if to drown its mouth. When it was about to be unable to maintain it, he sprayed out a golden beam of light several meters thick, and the target pointed and quickly approached Royal griffin.

The royal griffin hurriedly gathered its wings, the golden beam of light almost wiped its head and rushed over.

Dui immediately moved his head, the direction of the golden beam of light changed, and he continued to rush towards the Royal Griffin.


Before that, the Royal Griffon was instantly covered by the light cyan wind energy, as if it was covered with a windbreaker, which made its speed increase, and kept avoiding the golden light beam with a more relaxed posture.

As Dui temporarily stopped the Royal Griffin, the big head rushed towards the adult golden dragon.

Compared with the royal griffin, the big head who is known for speed prefers to deal with the adult golden dragon, after all, the speed and flexibility of the adult golden dragon are obviously not as good as the royal griffin.

In the blink of an eye, the big head rushed in front of the adult Golden Dragon, deliberately making an attack.

The adult golden dragon immediately bit the past, but was easily avoided by the big head, and appeared above it. The sharp claws fell swiftly, trying to grasp the adult golden dragon's dragon wings.

If the dragon's wings are damaged, the flight speed of the adult golden dragon must be greatly reduced, or even unable to continue to fly, then dumb can easily abuse it.

Dou Yuanhua naturally knew this truth. He didn't want to repeat the mistakes of Dou Yuansheng Yinlong. With the help of telepathy, he instantly transmitted his thoughts to Jinlong.

In an instant, the adult golden dragon violently folded its wings, and at the same time the huge dragon body was sinking rapidly, which was able to avoid Peng's claws.

However, the big head still seized the opportunity and pecked out a deep blood hole on the back of the golden dragon with a sharp beak.

Without waiting for the big head to expand the results, the Royal Griffon broke away from Dumb's pursuit with the help of speed. Numerous light cyan light spots quickly converged and turned into a giant wind blade two to three feet long, swiftly rotating towards the big head.

Wind hidden!

Before the giant wind blade approached, the cyan light flashed on the surface of the big head, as if it changed shape and shadow, not only avoided the giant wind blade, but also moved a short distance in the direction of dumb.

The big head fanned its wings and wanted to reunite with dumb.

At this moment, the adult golden dragon released an extremely rich golden beam of light, which shattered into golden light in the air, turning into golden cylinders with the thickness of baby arms, forming a huge cage, and instantly surrounded the dumb.

This is inherited from the ancestral Golden Dragon's bloodline skills-Gengjin Cage, with a powerful ability to trap and lock enemies.

Duan hit the Gengjin cage. Although it only hit one side, the beams of light on the other sides tremble at the same time, sharing and resolving the pressure.

However, this random collision still made the color of Gengjin's cage much dim.


At this moment, the adult golden dragon spouted a mouthful of golden dragon blood, which turned into a cloud of blood and sprinkled it on the Gengjin cage.

In an instant, the Gengjin cage was released, and it was a lot better than before.


Dui shook his giant claws and slammed it on the Gengjin cage. Numerous sparks appeared. The Gengjin cage vibrated more violently, but after all, it was composed of energy. Naturally, Dui's ignoring defensive characteristics did not come into play, and the distance was completely broken. It will take a while to open.

After spending a lot of money to temporarily trap Ah-Dai, the adult golden dragon immediately rushed towards the big head entangled by the royal griffin.

Royal Griffins are not as fast as their big heads, but the gap is not very big, especially the venue is so big. With their huge size, even in the air, the space for flashing and moving has been greatly restricted.

In the sky, the big head used faster speed and strength to suppress the royal griffin, adding a few scars to it.

It was just that when the adult golden dragon and the royal griffin joined forces, the situation of the big head suddenly became worse.

The adult Golden Dragon knows very well that even if he spends the price, he can only block the dumb's two or three breaths at most. With such a little time, it must kill the royal griffon as soon as possible.


The royal griffin uttered a sharp cry, and before the big head pulled away, he felt his body tightened, bound by a rope condensed by wind energy.


The big head struggled quickly broke the shackles of the wind.

With such a little time, the adult golden dragon took the opportunity to fly in front of the big head, waving a dragon claw.

Before the big head could escape, he was instantly grabbed by the dragon's claws on his chest, and grabbed several claw marks with deep bones.

On the other side, the Royal Griffon also leaped forward, like pecking at the neck of a big head.

This time, the big head didn't continue to evade. Whenever he thought of his previous and current opponents, besieging it one by one and treating it as a soft persimmon, the big head felt aggrieved, and the fierceness hidden in his bones was instantly activated.

I don't want face for my big head!

Kunpeng is made up of golden-winged Roc bird and kunfish blood. Whether it is golden-winged Roc bird or kunpeng, it is a fierce beast.

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