Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 548: Birds do not birds, fish do not fish

   In two adjacent cages, each holding an adult silver-eyed roc bird, at this moment Li Changsheng was staring fiercely.

   Li Changsheng came to a cage that held the silver-eyed roc bird, stretched out his hands, and the ten-meter-long black gold dragon spear emerged automatically, held in his hands.


   Along with the whistling sound, the black gold dragon spear turned into an afterimage and pierced into the gap of the cage with precision.


   Silver-eyed Dapeng Bird didn't have time to react, it was easily pierced through the throat by the Black Golden Dragon Spear, blood surged, and it made a harsh whine.

   Due to the addition of the Misha Yuangang stone, the Black Gold Dragon Gun has a certain ability to break defenses. With this shot, Li Changsheng hardly felt resistance, and it felt like he had pierced a layer of tofu.

   Under the influence of mental power, the blood was all suspended before it fell on the ground.


   At this time, the other silver-eyed Dapeng bird was taken aback and also let out a sharp cry.

   Li Changsheng drew out the black gold dragon spear, and under the horrified gaze of another silver-eyed Dapeng bird, he drew it into the gap of the cage again and stared directly at it in the cage.

   Even if the black gold dragon spear is more than ten meters long, it is still like an arm in Li Changsheng's hands. This is the advantage of strong mental power, and it can easily reach the point of control.

   After the death of the two silver-eyed Dapeng birds, Li Changsheng opened the cage and collected all their corpses and blood.

   Li Changsheng did not leave, and began to repeat the previous actions, but this time the subject was replaced by other wild goblins.

   With every hit, you can kill one, never miss.

   This is mainly related to the cage. The wild goblins in the cage not only have no room to move, but are severely restricted by the restriction of the cage and have no ability to resist at all.

   It took more than ten minutes. The corpses of these goblins were all taken away by Li Changsheng, and even a trace of blood was not left at the scene, and they were taken away by Li Changsheng.

   Li Changsheng did not stay here, withdrew the red, yellow and blue restrictions, and left the room.

   At this time, Li Tong waited respectfully at the entrance of the basement, and when he saw Li Changsheng coming out, he hurriedly greeted him.

   "How much did these fairies cost?"

   "Less than four thousand soul crystals, sir, will you continue to collect it?"

   "Go on, if it doesn't work, you can increase the purchase price appropriately!"

   Li Changsheng didn't explain the dying fairy or flesh and blood. The reason is simple. The fairy who died for a period of time will lose its activity. Where can he find so many active potions.

   "Did you inquire about these fairy groups?"

   In addition to purchasing wild goblins that meet the requirements, Li Changsheng will also buy news about their ethnic group.

   The most numerous in this world are low-level demon masters. They may find their tracks, but because they don't have enough strength, they can only sell the news.

   "A total of two ethnic groups were inquired, namely the Thunder Cloud Tiger and the Red Birds. The former has only three and the latter has a dozen."

   Li Tong Guan Shi then told Li Changsheng of the habitats of the two ethnic groups that the Thunder Cloud Tiger has a rich bloodline of a white tiger, and the Red Libird is a pure gold-winged roc bird bloodline.

   "By the way, you will buy the news about the black dragon on my behalf again!"

   As long as you collect a little more blood of the ancestral black dragon, the black dragon can evolve again, and Li Changsheng will naturally care about it.

  The black dragon is a top-notch monster after all. I am afraid that there are not many wild black dragons in the entire Langya country. In addition to its inherent value, it is still unknown whether the wild black dragon can be purchased.

   But how can I know if I don’t try.


   What else can manager Li Tong say, he can only agree.

   Li Changsheng left the starry sky auction house straight away. Ten minutes later, with the cooperation of Ning Bizhen, he entered the first courtyard unconsciously.

   The two chatted for a few words, and Li Changsheng once again held up the retreat, preparing to purify the blood of these elves.

  According to the usual practice, the important ones are put on the back for purification, and the silver-eyed Dapeng bird naturally falls behind.

   It took more than four or five hours to purify all the corpses of the fairies except for the silver-eyed roc bird.

   Soon, Li Changsheng put the corpses of the two silver-eyed rocs on the melting table, and became busy again.

   After ten minutes, the body of the Silver-eyed Roc bird disappeared, replaced by a bucket of viscous blood.

   "There is no advanced bloodline imprint, great!"

   Li Changsheng muttered to himself, and began to pour the dissolving agent to refine the excess blood mark in the blood, and finally only the blood of the Golden-winged Roc bird was left.

   "That's it!"

   After completing all the steps, there is only less than one bowl left in a bucket of blood.

   Although the number is not large, it is decisive. After pouring the blood into the jade clay pot, not only the jade clay pot is filled, but also the amount of a test tube.

   In this way, Li Changsheng successfully collected a large pot of golden-winged roc bird blood.

   In addition, Li Changsheng also collected a large jar of nine-eyed mink's blood and prepared to give it to Ning Bizhen.

   I believe that with this pot of nine-eyed mink blood, Ning Bizhen's Dark Night Mink can also complete the evolution, and Li Changsheng is curious that the quality of Dark Night Mink can go further.

   "Come out, giant whale!"

   In the backyard, Li Changsheng couldn't wait to summon the giant whale Kun out.

   The giant whale fell in the pond, and first subconsciously looked at Li Changsheng, and immediately seemed to sense something. The eye that was big enough for a football fell on the jade pot, and he couldn't move his eyes.

   woo~ woo~

   The giant whale kun seemed to think of something, and immediately made a high-pitched voice, full of excitement, as if it was my turn to evolve.

   "Come on, open your mouth!"

   The giant whale opened its mouth obediently, the blood in the jade clay pot turned into a pillar of blood, and all of it rushed into the giant whale’s mouth.

   The giant whale blinked its mouth, and immediately lay on the bank of the pond, trying to digest the blood of the golden-winged roc.

   In the next moment, the giant whale scorpion suddenly shines, and is wrapped in a rich light blue brilliance. The golden-winged roc bird's blood is quickly digested, and the golden-winged roc bird's blood concentration in the giant whale's body is rapidly increased.

When the light cyan brilliance condensed to the extreme, a golden winged big peng bird phantom suddenly formed on the top of the giant whale kun’s head, which became clear at an extremely fast speed, and grew bigger and bigger, until it became more than twenty. Meters long, it was just enough to stop.

   Golden-winged Roc bird phantom is covered with golden feathers, it screams for a long time, and its eyes contain majesty. The only flaw is that its eyes have no expression at all.

This phantom is naturally not accompanied by the will of the Golden-winged Roc Bird. After all, among the heavens and the world, the Golden-Wing Roc bird is not as rare as the Elf King, Time Dragon, Candle Dragon, Emperor River, and Hundred Armed Giant .

   Did not wait long, the golden-winged roc bird phantom raised up to the sky and let out a silent call, then dived down, and instantly rushed into the body of the giant whale.

   At the same time, in the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant whale, a golden-winged roc bird appeared with dull eyes.

   The giant whale Kun hurriedly controlled his own consciousness and rushed forward, frantically tearing the phantom of the golden-winged big penguin bird, and its mind began to inexplicably emerge a large amount of fine knowledge.

   Soon, the giant whale Kun completely swallowed the golden-winged roc bird ghost.

During this process, the appearance of the giant whale began to change. Not to mention the fact that the original pocket wings soared, several long golden tail feathers were suddenly drilled out of its tail, and the original round head began to become longer and pointed, even its mouth. A sharp beak grew on it.

   Soon, the giant whale Kun completed its transformation.

   The giant whale opened its eyes, and its eyes also changed, resembling a bird but also like a fish. Not only did it not give people the feeling of majesty, but it gave people a funny feeling.

   This is simply a mixture of kunfish and golden-winged roc bird. It is completely different. Birds and birds, fish and fishes, especially the combat power of giant whales and knuckles have not necessarily been improved.

   Due to bird wings and tail feathers, the speed of giant whales in the water is bound to be greatly reduced; in the air, due to the heavy and fat body of giant whales, the speed and flexibility are also not as good as the golden-eyed roc.

   It can be said that if the blood is not merged, the battle power of the giant whale kun may not be as good as before.

   Li Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, and he did not go to see the information of the giant whale, and directly took out the blood fusion crystal from the hand of Shen Haofei from the space ring.

   Bloodline Fusion Crystal: The essence of heaven and earth, there is a certain chance to merge the various bloodlines of the fairy into a brand new bloodline. The probability is related to the quality of the monster pet itself. The higher the quality, the greater the probability.

"I hope to succeed, no, I will still bring Bi Zhen over. As long as Bi Zhen is there, it is far better than the so-called bathing and changing clothes, burning incense and Li Changsheng is a little bit bottomless after all, with the richness of giant whales. The success rate of blood fusion is likely to be less than 50%.

  This kind of probabilistic thing, Li Changsheng thinks it is better to let Ning Bizhen, the "Great European Emperor" do the best.

The two great'European Emperors' he knows are Ning Bizhen and Li Haoqiong. They are all related to him. Judging from the luck and experience of both, Ning Bizhen is the'Great European Emperor' and Li Haoqiong Can only be regarded as'Little European Emperor'.

   Soon, Li Changsheng invited Ning Bizhen, the "Great European Emperor".

   "Changsheng, if you fail, don't blame me!" Ning Bizhen looked at Li Changsheng bitterly, for fear that Li Changsheng would lower her impression score.

   "Don't worry, it's just a blood fusion crystal, even if it fails, I can go to the market to buy it again!"

   Bloodline Fusion Crystal is rare, but its efficacy is too tasteless. It is far less popular than treasures such as assisting breakthroughs, improving quality, and increasing bloodline concentration, and cannot be compared in value at all.

   As long as Li Changsheng can afford the price, it will probably not take long to purchase the bloodline fusion crystal.

"I can rest assured that!"

   After Ning Bizhen finished speaking, he threw the blood fusion crystal into the giant whale kun's mouth, and then watched the giant whale kun nervously with Li Changsheng, and waited quietly.

   Success or failure?

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