Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 235: Shocking news

In the living room, the patriarchs and elders looked at me and I looked at you, their faces showed anger and pain.

Seeing them, Li Changsheng suddenly felt uneasy, maybe something happened to the old Li Yi clan.

"The elder Li Yi has passed away!"

It was the broken-armed clan elder who spoke with a desolate look. Together with Li Yi clan elder and another clan elder, he once gave Li Changsheng four family rewards.

"What, the old Li Yi clan has passed away!"

Li Changsheng exclaimed, this is too unexpected. The elder of the Li Yi clan was only about forty years old. Why did he pass away after a few days.

"It's the ghost of the Lin family secretly, and I don't know where they got the news. Three days ago, they ambushed the three clan elders who gave you rewards for the return journey. The Li Yi clan and the Li Luohe clan were outnumbered and fought on the spot. Death, only the veteran of the Li Ming clan escaped desperately, but he also lost an arm!"

At this moment, Li Wenbo interjected, his face was very ugly.

Li Ming clan veteran is the name of the broken arm clan veteran. His spirit is very poor. In the first battle that day, he not only lost his right hand, but also lost two blood demon pets, and then he barely broke through. He still hasn't calmed down his mental shock.

Losing two blood demon pets, the Li Ming clan veteran can be said to be half-waste, and I don't know how long it will take to regain strength.

In addition, his right hand had been lost, but it was no longer found. However, it is not impossible to recover. The premise is to find a heavenly material and earth treasure that can regenerate the broken limbs, but this kind of heavenly material and earth treasure is too rare and extremely valuable, and it is not something he can consume.

Li Changsheng didn't speak, his mind was still echoing with the voices and appearances of the old Li Yi clan and the old Li Luohe clan, as well as the words of the old Li Yi clan before leaving, ‘family is your strong backing’!

But I didn’t expect that in just a few days, the two clan elders had already been killed. But this matter is still inextricably linked to their'Four Jie Li's.' If they hadn't all become members of the elite class, there would be no need for the clan to send three. The clan elders went to the Yuanling Academy to **** the rewards, and the three clan elders would not die or be disabled.

"The Lin Family!" Li Changsheng squeezed his fists, anger and murderous intent appeared rare in his eyes. He rarely exposed his emotions, but it also depends on what happened.

Los Angeles is just that big, with limited resources. If the two big families want to go further, they must kill each other.

It is also because of this that the two big families have long been at war, and the battle of Qingyun Mountain more than two months ago was the fuse. After that, the two big families would fight from time to time.

Among them, the Li family is obviously more united and faintly occupying an advantage. Only after the old patriarch Li Xinming left with a few old buddies, the two sides became 50-50.

The Lin family didn’t know where to get the news. In order to reverse the situation, they took the opportunity to sneak attack on the three clan elders, resulting in two deaths and one disability. This undoubtedly weakened the strength of the Li family. After all, the Li family only had ten. Many third-tier elders.

In this case, the offensive and defensive changes between the two sides, the Lin family began to press harder and gradually invaded the Li family's property, and the Li family mainly used defense to become the master, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

"Oh, if we didn't fight the demons for the country and disperse our forces, the situation would not become what it is today!" When Li Wenbo spoke, he couldn't help but glance at his tutor Qian Yuanfei with expectation.

"A hundred years ago, it was clearly stipulated that disputes between the major forces are strictly prohibited during the magic wave, not to mention that your Li family has contributed a lot to the country."

Although this matter has nothing to do with Qian Yuanfei’s tutor, he values ​​Li Changsheng very much and has to help. However, he continued: “I will ask the university to report this matter to the Yuanzhou Governor’s Office. As for how they investigate Obtaining evidence, then it is not something I can intervene. However, if things are really like what you said, I believe the country will definitely seek justice for you!"

"Thank you, senior!" Li Wenbo showed a smile, he quickly stood up and bowed deeply to Qian Yuanfei's tutor.

With the assurance of Qian Yuanfei's tutor, the Lin family will definitely be severely punished.

"Thank you, senior!" The clan elders present were also smiling, as if the recent haze had been swept away, and they all learned to bow and thank the family leader.

"You are the elders of Changsheng, and they have sent a lot of talents to our school over the years. There is no need to be so polite!"

Instructor Qian Yuanfei waved his sleeves, Li Wenbo and the others only felt that a force was acting on them, they involuntarily raised their chests, but they couldn't bow anymore.

"Well, they will go to perform the task tomorrow. Let's rest early!"

"Congratulations to the predecessors!" Li Wenbo was very considerate of etiquette, personally sent Qian Yuanfei's tutor out of the door, and told the maid to send Qian Yuanfei and others to a rest place.

Li Changsheng and Li Tianyu stayed here specially. The three clans like Li Yi were always ambushed by the Lin family in order to **** them with rewards. They always wanted to do their part because of their feelings.

"Patriarch, we can't pin our hopes on others. What's more, the Governor's Mansion is now focused on dealing with the demonic tide, and there are not many people available. It will take us until the Governor's Mansion completes the investigation and collection of evidence to give instructions. For a while, no one knows if an accident will happen, I think, we have completely implemented a plan to weaken the strength of the Lin family!"

Li Changsheng mobilized a mental barrier to surround him and Li Wenbo, not to give others the opportunity to eavesdrop, and then he fully revealed his plan.

The plan must be rigorous. The more people who know, the greater the possibility of leakage.

"This plan is good, but it is a bit risky for you!"

"Patriarch, I'm still very confident of my own strength. Taking a step back, Qian Yuanfei is still there!"

The fourth-order demon master is the strongest combat power of the Lin family. Even if Li Changsheng is still unable to compete with the fourth-order demon master, it is still very safe to retreat all over the body, not to mention the Qian Yuanfei's guardian, which can be said to be standing. In an invincible place.

"Look at my how to forget your mentor! Well, I will prepare now, this time I must give them a good look!"

Li Wenbo patted his forehead hard, a smile appeared on his face, and he hurriedly left the living room, not knowing where he went.

Li Changsheng and Li Tianyu did not stay longer. They first went to the homes of Li Yi and Li Luohe elders to pay homage to the two, and forcibly left some resources, hoping that the two families could regain their smiles and tide over the difficulties as soon as possible.

On the surface, the two clans always went out and the executive family was murdered by the Lin family, but this was ultimately inseparable from them, not to mention that they were the same clan, and it was necessary to do a little effort.

After everything was done, the night was dark, and the two returned to their respective homes and began to rest.



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