The Koobold Chieftain exploded, and Item was scattered all over the floor, and copper coins were on the same floor. The copper shone brightly, illuminating the entire mine, as if celebrating Shi Feng's victory.

At this time, Blackie was already sitting on the ground, cold sweat soaking her body, as if all the Strength had been taken away and her body was weak, and she was not in the mood to look at the drops on the ground. This battle was not easy. Not even giving time to breathe, every minute is a moment of horror that stimulates the eye.

Every second of the battle is playing heartbeat. Without a big heart, I can’t bear it.

It is difficult to imagine what kind of heart Shi Feng has been fighting with Kobold Chieftain?

"Very good, we won, Brother Feng, you are simply my idol." Blackie yelled, excited, and looked at Shi Feng with a calm face, full of admiration in her heart.

Although Shi Feng's previous strength was good, his skill exceeded the Common player by a lot, that is, Common's professional player, his skill did not make him feel that he could not catch up, and Shi Feng's previous character was always agitated. Even arguing about a piece of Common equipment, like a sharp knife out of the sheath, but now Shi Feng is very different from before. It seems to be a different person. He is always calm and calm, giving people a sense of stability. It's like a dormant Great Dragon, if it doesn't sound, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

"Blackie, isn't your idol Gentle Snow?" Shi Feng smiled slightly.

"Gentle Snow is of course my idol, but Brother Feng, you are also very difficult to deal with. You don’t usually say anything, but now you’re soaring to the sky. You killed such a powerful Kobold Chieftain. Now, the real profession expert is also just this, how can I not worship you, so-called under a big tree the shade is plentiful, Brother Feng teach me how to play Cursemancer, but I dream of becoming a game expert." Blackie Looking at Shi Feng's eyes, it’s like seeing a gold mountain, and at the same time being happy for my choice. If I go to Hidden Shadow Studio, I’m afraid it’s still an unknown gold member. There is no expert chance to connect with knowledge, let alone become expert.

"Okay." Shi Feng smiled, Blackie's character is so straightforward.

Previous life He was dismissed, Blackie also not saying anything further quit his job, gave up a million-dollar job, shared the joys and sorrows with him, he will naturally not lose Blackie, he will certainly teach what he can teach, although he did not He has played Cursemancer, but he has seen many experts who play Cursemancer. The general development direction of Cursemancer is known, and Blackie is more than enough to give advice.

"Brother Feng, you said how I added some points in the early stage, do you add Intelligence?" Blackie asked.

Shi Feng shook the head and thought for a while and said: "It is good to add Intelligence in the early stage, but if you want to be a powerful Cursemancer, Agility is also essential. In addition to increasing move speed, Agility also increases casting speed. , Cursemancer’s life-saving skill is very small, and it has a short leg. It has more chanting skills and not much spell formidable power. Most of them are curse and blood-consuming skills. If you want to use all the damage, you need Time, unlike Elementalist, which is a turret, so after adding Intelligence to 20 o’clock, you must divide the Free attribute in half and add Agility to ensure your safety and also have more output."

previous life There is a Cursemancer who is very powerful. It breaks the traditional addition and adds a lot of Agility attributes. Not only the output is super fast and fast, but the PK is even more powerful. The Assassin that restrained the Magic System was froze for a while, and those Assassins did not die until death. When I encountered Cursemancer, I broke the Magic System's law of death by Close Combat. Afterwards, many Cursemancers began to add Agility attribute, which made many Assassins depressed and bullied by Cursemancer every day.

Blackie nodded, I feel that what Shi Feng said is very reasonable, said with a smile: "Well, when Intelligence reaches 20 o’clock, I will add Agility."

Discussion After Cursemancer added points, Shi Feng and Blackie started to pick up the drops.

Kobold Chieftain deserves to be Chieftain, plus first kill, drops are very rich.

A total of 8 bronze equipment, 1 gray giant axe, 2 plate armors, 2 leather armors, 3 cloth armors, 273 bronzes and three Skill Book, respectively. Taunt of Shield Warrior, Assassin's Silent Steps, Evil Whip of Cursemancer.

"Blackie, your luck is very good. This Evil Whip is a Rare Skill. The drop rate is extremely low. It is also Cursemancer rare's control damage skill. As long as the Level is high, it is the Grind Mobs Divine Skill." Shi Feng Not saying anything further threw Evil Whip to Blackie, and gave Blackie 2 pieces of Bronze cloth armor worn in Level 2.

Evil Whip, the casting time is 3 seconds, and the target is bound by 5 thorns within a certain range. As long as the target is out of range and the thorns are broken, each thorn will cause 20 base damage, in addition 30% spell damage, 20 seconds during cooling.

At first glance, Blackie was ecstatic and quickly learned Skill. With this Skill, the combat level can be increased by a great length, and two pieces of equipment can be exchanged for shotgun artillery and spell damage. To 48, Intelligence reaches 20, turn on Intelligence Hidden Basic Skill and Rapid Cast, which can save the player from casting Spell less than 1.5 seconds, just use action, which can better let the caster concentrate on attacking the target.

The two pieces of plate armor are Recruit Heavy Armor and Blacksteel gauntlets, but for these Bronze outfits, Shi Feng only looks at the attributes of Blacksteel gauntlets.

Blacksteel gauntlets, plate armor, Bronze Rank, Equipment requirements 9Strength, Equipment level Level 3, Defense Power 14, Strength +2, Endurance +2, Agility +1, Durability 2020.

As for the recruit heavy armor, the level 5 recruit heavy armor is not comparable to the Sky Battle Armor, but the plate armor is still very precious and you can buy it at a good price.

2 pieces of Bronze leather armor worn in Level 3 can be sold.

And the most valuable of these equipment is the gloomy giant axe, which is definitely Berserker's favorite.

Gray giant axe, Bronze Rank, Equipment requirements 15Strength, Equipment level Level 5, Attack Power 21, Strength +5, Endurance +2, Durability, 3030, absolute violent weapon, Berserker if you get it, output It will be very violent and terrifying.

"If the gloomy giant axe is hyped, it must be very valuable." Shi Feng slightly smiled, with a plan in mind to make a fortune with the gloomy giant axe.

Then Shi Feng and Blackie returned to the Blacksmith Workshop.

"Master Jack, I have killed the Kobold Chieftain, this is its head." Shi Feng took out Kobold's head and said respectfully.

The Jack Master who was hitting iron glanced at Kobold's head and confirmed that Shi Feng's did it. Then he said with satisfaction: "You are very good youngster, you are indeed qualified to inherit my Forging skill."

System: Complete Hidden Quest'Forging Road', player learn Blacksmithing, become Basic Grade Apprentice Blacksmith, possess Blacksmith Talent'Forging Genius', and reward 10 Hundred Refinements steel.

Forging Genius, after successful Forging, there is a certain chance to increase Proficiency by 2 points.

Don’t look at increasing the Proficiency by only 2 points, you have to know that the success rate of Basic Grade Apprentice Blacksmith making a Common equipment is only 20%. If it succeeds, there is a 40% chance of getting 1 Proficiency. Now as long as Forging is successful , There is a chance to get 2 additional points of Proficiency, and the promotion efficiency is increased several times.

Moreover, to become an Intermediate Apprentice Blacksmith requires 1,000 points of Proficiency. If a Common player wants to become an Intermediate Apprentice Blacksmith, it takes at least more than ten days, and the material cannot be broken. The terrifying failure rate will waste a lot of material. With Blacksmith Talent, Can save a lot of materials and save a lot of money.

Hundred Refinements steel is a good auxiliary material for the manufacture of bronze equipment, and the success rate of bronze equipment is increased by 10%.

With Blacksmith Talent and Book of Forging, Shi Feng can’t wait to build the equipment now, but if you want to build the equipment, the materials are indispensable, and the amount of Requirement is very large. It’s a waste of time to collect it yourself. A large number of acquisitions, but it requires a lot of money, and Forging Common equipment is not worth it. It is completely lost. Only bronze equipment can be sold. However, it requires drawings. He currently does not have a design creation.

"Dead Silent Forest must go." Shi Feng thought of the bronze equipment design creation of Dead Silent Forest. The equipment created by that equipment design creation was not only low in cost, but also excellent in attributes. At that time, many Blacksmiths Because of that design creation, I made a lot of money.

Just when Shi Feng turned and left.

"youngster, you really make me look at me differently. It is the first time I have seen Magic Weapon in Forging weapon in so many years." Master Jack stopped Shi Feng, his gaze turned to the darkness of Shi Feng's waist. The long sword, even if it is dark and rusty, like a fire stick, it has not escaped Master Blacksmith's eyes.

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