Reincarnation of Terror: a Hundred Times Reward

Terrifying Reincarnation: Hundred-fold Reward Chapter 751

Lin Chuan was pulled back from his thoughts by the sudden shout from his classmate.

"Nothing to do, just went out for a walk."

"Then let me accompany you."

Looking at Qin Lan in front of him, Linchuan wanted to refuse, but Qin Lan's smile was so bright. How could he have the heart to refuse? Just like this, he and Qin Lan were walking on the rural road together.

Qin Lan yearns for such a life.

Qin Lan looked so happy as if she had knocked over the five-flavor bottle.

I don't know what Qin Lan is thinking in his heart. Maybe only he knows it, but he can't express it to others. He is afraid that others will laugh at him if he speaks out, and he is also afraid that Lin Chuan will ignore her, so I can only hide those confident words in my heart and wait silently.

Looking at Qin Lan's Linchuan today, he was also very surprised. This road was not the same as the road to Qin Lan's house at all. Why was Qin Lan walking here?

Are you just waiting for yourself? Or does Qin Lan have something to tell herself?

"Why are you here?"

When Lin Chuan asked, Qin Lan was at a loss.

"I have nothing to do. Just like you said, I came out for a walk."

"But it seems to be quite far away from your home."

Only then did Qin Lan realize that this was indeed not the road to his home.

"Can't I just walk near my house? Can't it be anywhere else?"

Chapter 476 Emergency

"Besides, this road doesn't belong to your home. Can't I just walk on it?"

Only then did Lin Chuan realize that his unintentional words had caused such expressions from his classmates.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, it was just out of concern for you."



Hearing what Lin Chuan said, Qin Lan showed a happy expression. Seeing Qin Lan like this, Lin Chuan didn't know how to describe his expression.

The current Qin Lan is not the same as the one he knew in school. This period of Qin Lan makes him feel that something has changed. The former Qin Lan didn't even look at him, but now she has to be with him no matter what. What's going on?

Was it because he was frightened by a few bad guys that day that he saved him, or was there something he didn't know about here?

But he didn't want to delve into it, or get into unnecessary trouble.

The two classmates were walking on the road chatting about various things. They knew about astronomy and geography. It seemed that for them, everything was a topic they could talk about.

Qin Lan was also very surprised. The former rookie seemed not to be the person in front of him at all, because a rookie knew nothing about it, but now Lin Chuan clearly looked like a top academic. Character, why does it have such a big change?

Is some famous teacher teaching him? The two of them were still walking, and suddenly they noticed that there seemed to be a group of people surrounding them in front of them.

Did you discover something there? Lin Chuan and Qin Lan also quickly came to the crowd and squeezed through.

"What's going on?"

The two Lin Chuans squeezed in, but the adults ignored them, because they also thought that the two Lin Chuans were here to watch the fun.

When Qin Lan and Lin Chuan squeezed in, they found a person lying on the ground. The person seemed to be seriously injured and had a lot of blood on his body. The adults seemed to be watching the fun and did not lend a helping hand to him.

These people are too indifferent. Why does this happen?

"Can't you save this man? If you continue to delay, his condition will be delayed."

Hearing Lin Chuan's question, some of the adults couldn't stand it, but despite this, they didn't mind this matter.

"This is not something you, a little brat, can handle. Do whatever you have to do."

"Yes, if you don't handle this kind of thing well, you will get yourself into trouble."

"Look at my bicycle. I used to drive a Ferrari, but now"

"Being blackmailed is a waste of time and money, so I can't do it."

The people around were talking non-stop, and Lin Chuan also heard it. It turned out that they were doing this for this reason. It seems that this is not because the world has changed, but because people have changed and become so ruthless. It’s meaningless.

Lin Chuan wanted to reach out to help the man but was grabbed by Qin Lan.

"Linchuan, didn't you hear what these people said?"

"I heard"

"You heard it and you still want to take care of it. Is your head squeezed by the door?"

Lin Chuan was very angry when Qin Lan said this. Doesn't he understand that others don't understand him?

They had lived in the same school for many years, and they knew each other's personalities quite well. No one wanted to see what happened today. Lin Chuan did not expect that Qin Lan in front of him was the same as the people around him.

Chapter 477: Rescue the wounded and rescue the dying

It was not Lin Chuan's character to leave this seriously injured man alone.

"I'm not meddling, I'm here to save lives. Look at how seriously this person is injured. These people are undoubtedly delaying time. If time goes by, there's no telling whether this person can survive."

"Aren't you afraid that it's really what they say?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm all alone now anyway."

Seeing Lin Chuan's understatement, Qin Lan also felt guilty. After all, there are very few people like Lin Chuan in this society. They are afraid that things will happen to themselves, and the consequences will be huge. Something serious.

"Rescuing the injured person is 100, and the touch bonus level is 100"

When the system's voice rang in Linchuan's ears, Linchuan also knew that the system was encouraging him. He also knew that there was a lack of such love in the world. Maybe Linchuan's matter would set an example for them.

Nowadays middle school students are like this, not to mention their adults. Shouldn't they also feel ashamed?

In this way, the person Lin Chuan was carrying had to rush to the hospital, but if he walked, the delay would be longer, so Lin Chuan got a taxi. When the taxi stopped, he saw the man next to Lin Chuan who was covered with blood. It was a bloody person, but that person accelerated the accelerator and ran away.

Lin Chuan was very angry at such people. Unexpectedly, there were many people who refused to save them.

Despite this, Lin Chuan was not discouraged. Since he couldn't get a taxi, he could only run to the hospital quickly. But carrying this person on his back would undoubtedly make things worse for Lin Chuan. With Lin Chuan's physical strength, it was simply impossible. .

But Lin Chuan didn't dare to give up.

Just like that, Lin Chuan tried to carry the man on his back. As soon as he carried the man on his back, Lin Chuan's legs and feet slowly fell down as if they were filled with lead.

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