Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 212: Scare her (one more)

Fang Mu wiped Qiao Jiuyin's body, the others in the ward were all women, so he did not go out to avoid suspicion.

The hot towel wiped off the sweat stains on Qiao Jiuyin's body, and she raised her eyes to look at Fang Mu.

At least for this moment, Fang Mu cared about her.

Qiao Jiuyin suddenly felt no pain at all.

Qiao Jiusheng cut an apple, cut it into six pieces, and handed it to Xu Pingfei and Liu Yu. The two of them took the apples and just about to eat, they heard Qiao Jiusheng say, "When I came to the hospital, I heard a strange thing."

Liu Yu answered the question, "What's the matter?"

Qiao Jiusheng turned his back to the window of the ward, facing the door, and the peripheral light could sweep Qiao Jiuyin and Fang Mu on the bed. She noticed that Qiao Jiusheng was also eavesdropping, and laughed in her heart before saying, "Last night, our hospital lost something."

When she said this, there was still a mysterious smile on her face.

Xu Pingfei and Liu Yu looked at each other, and they all heard the deep meaning of Qiao Jiusheng's words.

What can the hospital lose?

It's nothing more than medical equipment and...the remains.

"What is it?" Liu Yu asked tightly.

Seeing Fang Mu also paying attention to the conversation here, Qiao Jiusheng's mouth curled quietly and said in a surprised tone, "I heard, in our hospital, we lost a stillbirth last night." Qiao Jiusheng's tone was deliberately low and combined The content of the speech sounds a little creepy.

It was clear that it was broad daylight, but Qiao Jiuyin felt that his back was cold.

As soon as the word stillbirth landed, the expressions of the rest of the people changed.

Qiao Jiuyin had a ghost in his heart, and when he heard that he had lost a stillbirth, he fell into panic. But she couldn't let Fang Mu see the strangeness, so she could only endure it.

Fang Mu frowned lightly.

His sister-in-law is not a silly white sweet. When she mentioned this topic at this time, she shouldn't just say it casually, but deliberately. Xu Pingfei and Liu Yu thought of Qiao Jiuyin's fetus who died when they were born, and couldn't help but gently pull on Ra Qiao Jiusheng's skirt and motioned her not to talk any more.

Going on, Qiao Jiuyin felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Qiao Jiusheng shut his mouth obediently.

Seeing Qiao Jiusheng shut up, Qiao Jiuyin was about to breathe a sigh of relief when Fang Mu, who was wiping his neck, suddenly spoke. "How did you lose it?"

Fang Mu took the initiative to ask, which was exactly what Qiao Jiusheng wanted.

Qiao Jiusheng shook his head, "I also heard about it accidentally. It is said that among the newborns born yesterday, there is a deformity, it seems that the left foot is missing two toes. It is also pitiful, born a stillbirth. "

Seeing Qiao Jiuyin's uneasy face, Qiao Jiusheng sneered and continued, "Originally, the medical university planned to use the stillbirth as a baby specimen, but it turned out that the stillbirth was accidentally lost. At this moment, many people know it. The hospital lost a stillbirth."

Fang Mu didn't say anything after hearing Qiao Jiusheng's words, but coldness and suspicion gathered in his eyes.

Seeing Fang Mu's silence, Qiao Jiusheng understood that her goal had been achieved. She knows Fang Mu very well. Fang Mu's character is already cautious and suspicious. The words she just said have revealed many suspicious details. According to Fang Mu's suspicious character, she will definitely investigate the truth.

Qiao Jiuyin was frightened.

His left foot was deformed, missing two toes, and still a stillborn child.

Every word's eye points to the child who was cruelly abandoned by her.

Out of guilt for the child and the panic of being discovered by others, Qiao Jiuyin sweated on his back.

"Are you very hot?" Fang Mu stared at her forehead, his face was gloomy and his tone was cold.

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