Reincarnated Devil King

Chapter 161: Into the maze

Doniya and his party arrived at their destination two days after the mire incident. Rinia and Cortana met occasionally in the past two days, but each time Cortana seemed as if nothing had happened, passing by quietly without saying a word. Nia also rubbed her nose with her index finger awkwardly. On the contrary, it made Suona a little suspicious.

"Oh, Big Satyr, I found Cortana's attitude towards you is a little different!" Feina couldn't help but ask when Cortana passed by silently.

"Yi Yiyi ~~, is there anything different? Yeah, I'm so handsome, she should look at it twice more ~~" Niah thought contemplatively.

"Well, yeah, ahhh ~ I mean, after all, you are her life-saving benefactor. How does it feel like she doesn't even look at you? Isn't it strange?" Feina beaked her mouth, looked at Niah, looked Xiang Xiaohei, then looked at Xiongda, fluttering his eyes, seems to be saying: You praise me, say that I am right!

"You think too much! Ha ha ha ha ~ ~" Niah passed an awkward smile again. That we are absolutely innocent.

Uh ...

The so-called labyrinth looked like a small, shabby village on the periphery, full of broken walls and broken tiles. If you accidentally miss the real maze, it's under the village, right under the ground.

I was stationed in the village by an elite army sent by Stormwind. I didn't know where it came from. I started to set up checkpoints ten miles away from the village to restrict ordinary people from entering or approaching. Only those who hold the senior mercenary micro badge are allowed to pass.

There is a second level at the entrance of the village, and the entrance to the maze is also guarded by special people. The sergeant guarding the level is a lot higher than the surrounding levels. I didn't know it was the guard of the maze owner!

The senior mercenaries who thought that they were capable came from the Quartet, and even stationed two ten-man teams in the village. They are watching, and it is said that the team that went into the depths has not yet come out! So these people have to be careful.

Niah and his party also had exactly 10 people. Why? The original number was reduced to 30 people. Although Muzhan did not encounter a war after the First World War, he decided to remove the wounded and let them stay in the village. Heal the wounds first, or bring them back to support the hind legs!

The entrance to the maze is in the wine cellar behind a small house. A deep pit whistling.

"I'm going, this is the burrow! There won't be big rats in it! You can't see anything! Is it really okay to get in?" Niah couldn't help but vomit.

Fina glanced deep into the dark cave, and visually observed that the channel was about four meters high and four meters wide. It was also a big difference from the imaginary adventure! It's too scary to walk through this kind of cave! Helpless bun: "Big satyr, shall we go in too?"

Igehaha laughed. He thought that Niah deliberately laughed and scared Fina! In his opinion, Niah is not inferior to him in all aspects, he must have experienced this situation, how could he ask such a small question. Looking at the nervous look of Feina, I thought this must be a sister-in-law!

尼亚 Since Niah picked him out of the quagmire, the head of Iger's favor with Niah was full. No matter what he does, Niya is tall and will be automatically added with a kind of good guess.

"If you find it difficult to defeat the enemy, please retreat decisively. It is most important to bring the information inside!" A guard sergeant ordered Niah and his party.

After all the words, Iger took the lead in striding forward, and did not forget to winch to Niah before leaving! The amount of information is probably: "Brothers, opportunity to create for you! Don't fall behind!"

Sonia naturally did not understand what it meant to wink and wink, but Niya didn't care.

Koko and Hantingson followed Iger, and before entering Kotana, he took a meaningful look at Niah and Goina. This slowly followed.

I don't know when Cortana has found new glasses and replaced them with new tight-fitting magic robes, which are a bit like cheongsams and full of body shape. They also opened a fork below and walked up and down. Nia looked at this figure, could not help but think of the ecstasy of the other day.

"What to see! Pervert!" Feina saw Nia and Cortana staring at each other, a little jealous. After saying no, Niya also followed.

呀 "Yeah! If you don't let Cortana look, you can only look at you!" Niah thought. Followed up. Xiao Hei and Xiong Da followed up quickly, his eyes gazed back and forth on the back of Qiu Na and the long legs, and he sighed from time to time: really good.

Several people from Shania hung at the back of the team. After walking less than fifty meters, I turned a corner, and then began to feel a certain downhill feeling. Obviously, the road is going more and more underground.

I went through two more bends and walked several miles. The inside didn't get darker and darker. Instead, I started to see a little light in front, and the cave inside became bigger and bigger. From the original four meters by four meters, to more than a dozen meters later, Niah has no doubt that if Xiong Da went back to his original size, there would be no problem.

Fina followed carefully behind everyone. Look at the slightly bright corner on the side ~ ~ very curious.

"That is a special product of the labyrinth. The magic spar minerals have certain similarities with the cores of Warcraft. They all emit light. They have rich magic elements and can be used as magical auxiliary materials or magic fillers. There are grades, the better the quality, the brighter the light. You better not try to dig, because the grade of spar in front of you is worthless, and it is very dangerous to leave the team alone in the maze. You must know that there are many traps and monsters in the maze. "Han Tingsen turned back to see the curious eyes of Feina, and explained it kindly.

Fina soon realized that Niah also benefited a lot. Both of them thought that this was a knowledge point. Make a note of it. But Feina remembers the second half, and Niah remembers the first half.

Another hour or so passed, I don't know if it was because of the proximity to the entrance. I didn't encounter any monsters and traps along the way. The magic spar ore everywhere in the maze, and some areas even covered the entire hole. top. Shiny is no different from daytime on the ground.

At this time, the people came out of a passage and came to a very large cave house. This was the first big cave house they encountered and the first bifurcation.

The cave is irregularly circular, with a radius of up to hundreds of meters. The ground is relatively flat and spacious. A stone cone formed by dozens of inverted magic crystals is hung on the head, each of which has the size of a folk house. The passage through which people come out is just one of several passages connecting this cave. It feels a bit like the body of a big spider.

Sonia looked up, and the first thing she thought of was that there wasn't even a pillar in the middle. What would you do if these stones fell down?

He didn't wait for him to think about it, but saw that a team stopped in Dongfu. Those people also turned around and saw Niya's party.

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