Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 365: Barton's Revenge (Part 1)

Whispering Forest.

The Whispering Forest is located on the border of the Fossey Empire, at the junction of the Jogor Mountains, and is the isolation zone between the two behemoths, the Fossey Empire and the Red Nest.

The Fossey Empire and the Red Nest are not friendly neighbors. In the border area, conflicts of all sizes have never stopped, and the Whispering Forest is the main battlefield of the conflict between the two sides.

There are too many dead bones buried in the forest, whether it is the warriors of the Forsyth Empire or the monsters of the Red Nest. Whenever night falls and the night wind blows, the leaves in the forest rustle like the whispers of the dead.

"...So, we named this forest the Whispering Forest," Barton the Gnoll ranger explained the origin of the Whispering Forest to the recruits following behind.

"This is the base of the third legion of the Forsyth Empire. We follow the powerful leader of the wolf man—Lord Hogg to guard the border of the empire. We stationed in this forest to prevent the barbarians from the red nest from breaking into the empire and breaking the peace of the empire."

Barton taught earnestly to the young wolf man behind him: "Boys! It is a responsibility and an honor to be stationed in the Whispering Forest. Your family will be proud of you, and the children will look at you with admiration."

"Please don't disappoint this honor!"

"Don't worry, captain, we will never let the red-nest bastards cross the forest!" Following Barton, a young wolf man cast his eyes on the forest, his eyes full of determination to defend the Fossey Empire.

Around him, the same was true of the other Gnoll recruits.

Therefore, the Gnoll recruits, without exception, have received education in the imperial school since childhood, and their loyalty to the empire has long been rooted in everyone's minds.

Coupled with the half-year recruit training, the recruits are full of energy and confidence at this time, eager to make meritorious service on the battlefield, and can't wait for the red nest offal to jump out and fight with them.

Patton saw the performance of the recruits, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Standing with the recruits, he would always think of himself.

I used to be so ambitious, dreaming of fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield and making contributions.

He has been stationed at the border for eight years, and he has done it by fighting the enemy bravely. The opportunity to be promoted to an officer was once presented to him, but he refused, and he could not forget the hatred.

During that night attack, a terrifying majestic red-brood ogre rushed into their camp, and all the comrades who had been with him day and night died in front of him, and he was the only one who escaped.

Barton is not a person who lives in idling,

He swore to slay the ogre, cut off its bloodline, and avenge his fallen companions.

For this reason, he rejected the great opportunity to be promoted to an officer and stay in the rear camp, just to fight on the front line of the Whispering Forest, hoping to find the ogre enemy and kill the enemy with his hands.

Five years have passed since the ogre's night attack. Barton has experienced many battles, from a new recruit to the mid-level ranger to an experienced high-level ranger elite.

In the Third Army of the Empire, where the strong are like clouds, high-level rangers are definitely considered elite. With Barton's strength and qualifications, as long as he nods, he can easily become a middle-level officer, go to the rear town, sit in the office and drink Cold drinks command the actions of the soldiers under his command, instead of having to eat and sleep in the virgin forest.

But every night, the comrades who died in battle would appear in his dreams, or the happy time we spent together in the past, or turned into a resentful spirit and asked him why he lived alone.

As a jackal born in an aristocratic family, Barton's knowledge is comparable to ordinary people in the distance. He understands that this is his obsession, or a demon in his heart. If he does not complete his revenge, this demon in his heart will follow him for the rest of his life and become his professional practitioner. The biggest obstacle in the way.

Godard Bonebreaker, I will kill you sooner or later!

"Woooo~," suddenly, the giant cyan wolf who was following the high-ranking ranger stopped. The cyan wolf gazed at the forest, and let out a threatening growl from his throat.

Barton quickly raised his hand, signaling the recruits behind him to be quiet.

Although they were new recruits, they had also received good military training, and immediately formed a battle formation with the high-level ranger as the center.

Barton quickly put the arrow on the bowstring and scanned the forest at the same time. He found nothing abnormal, but he knew that his beast partner, the wind wolf, would not be vigilant for no reason. exception.

He pointed at the direction where the wind wolf growled, raised his bow, pulled the string, and growled, "Come out!"

"Relax, my own people," whispered the forest. Under a big tree, the shadow squirmed for a while, and a wolf-man thief wearing the third legion's standard leather armor appeared.

Seeing the familiar uniform of the Third Legion, all the recruits breathed a sigh of relief, and their hands that held their weapons relaxed a little.

But Barton, as an experienced veteran, would not easily trust a stranger. After all, there were many cases of red nest offal sneaking in by changing into the clothes of his dead comrades.

He still didn't relax his finger holding the arrow. He carefully observed the sudden appearance of the wolf man thief, and found that the legion emblem on the chest of the wolf man thief was somewhat different from that of ordinary soldiers. There was a black dagger in the center of the emblem, which was the trump card of the third legion. Emblem of the Scouting Battalion, this mysterious force is directly under the command of the Third Legion - Hogg Riverpaw.

Being able to be directly commanded by the famous commander of the Third Legion of the Empire—Lord Hogg Riverpaw, everyone in this team is an elite, at least a high-level professional.

It is also very simple to verify the authenticity of the identity. The emblems of the ace scouting brigade are all specially made, and immediately seal the magic imprint that only the person can activate.

"Soldier, activate your emblem."

The Gnoll thief felt very aggrieved. It was nothing more than a shame to be forced by a border patrol to reveal his identity when he entered and exited important places of the Third Army.

However, what is more shameful than showing the emblem is being shot by a companion.

He could feel that the ranger in front of him was very strong, and that wind wolf was not an ordinary mid-level extraordinary beast. It was taller and its pupils were sharper than ordinary wind wolves. It might have the blood of the wind wolf king.

According to the tradition of the ranger training camp, the winners give priority to selecting animal companions, all of which show that the ranger in front of him is not an ordinary character.

"Well, it seems that you are the ogre killer—Barton Demon Hunter. I have heard your story. You dared to hunt down the red nest ogre alone, and you were able to retreat. You are very strong. "The wolf man thief activated the emblem worn on his chest, and the emblem lit up with a radiance.

The brilliance was fleeting, but enough to prove his identity.

Barton then relaxed the drawn bowstring, and inserted the arrow into the quiver.

"However, I'm curious, how did your wind wolf find me?" The thief was puzzled.

As a member of the trump card scouting team, he was very confident in his own strength, and even applied the smell-masking powder specially developed by the pharmacist on his body, but he was still discovered by his companion, the wind wolf.

Fortunately, it was discovered by one's own companions. If they went deep into the enemy's camp and were discovered by the enemy, death would be the next best thing. It would be a major disaster if it affected the high-level plan.

Barton approached, sniffed his nose, and immediately understood the situation: "Have you been to the Jogol Mountains?"

The ranger didn't expect to get an answer from the thief. After all, the ace scouts often have important tasks when they are dispatched, so how can they disclose the details of the tasks at will.

He went on to say: "You stepped on a blue wildflower in the Jogor Mountains, which is not found in the Whispering Forest. The fragrance of the flower lingers on your boots. After staying in the mountains for a while, I am very sensitive to this floral scent."

"So that's how it is," said the thief suddenly.

"Thank you for answering my question. In return, I will also tell you a piece of information. Your enemy, the son of the chief of the Bonebreaker Ogre -- Godard Bonebreaker is now in Fortress No. 7."

When Barton heard this, the whole breath became sharper, like an arrow about to be shot.

"Relax, my friend, the ogres are under the protection of the army now, revenge requires a little patience," the thieves did not stop, and rushed into the shadows to the third army garrison.

The high-ranking ranger——Barton took a deep breath, suppressing the urge for revenge in his heart.

As the unknown wolf man and thief said, the ogre enemy is in the enemy's fortress at this time, and its own strength is strong.

"Revenge requires a little patience..." Barton muttered to himself.

Although the Gnoll thief didn't say it clearly, he also secretly revealed a piece of news to him. It is very likely that the higher authorities will attack the Red Nest Fortress in the near future.

The ranger cast his eyes on the Whispering Forest not far away, as if through the layers of trees, he saw the border of the Jogol Mountains, the city walls between the depressions, and the Red Nest border guards behind the city walls.

Compared with the Fussey Empire, the Red Nest has an advantage in terms of terrain. They built city walls one after another between the valleys, stationed troops behind the walls, and behind them there are war fortresses built for combat.

On the other hand, the empire had no danger to defend, so the Third Army had to lay layers of traps in the Whispering Forest, and set up border patrols and sentry towers to strictly prevent the enemy from invading.

No matter how dense the traps in the Whispering Forest are, there are still a small number of red nest offal that can pass through, and Barton's patrol team was destroyed because of this.

Barton clenched the bow and arrow in his hand, and shouted: "Boys! Let's continue to patrol! We must not let the red nest bastards break into the territory of the empire!"


The ranger led the team to set off again, along the edge of the Whispering Forest, to inspect the section of the road that he was in charge of.

Barton gave the veterans in the team a look. The latter understood and stood on the side of the Whispering Forest tacitly, protecting the recruits behind them.

This is the tradition of the Fussey Empire. The veterans lead the recruits through the most dangerous early days of the military, teaching and passing on experience by precepts and deeds. The lessons these predecessors exchanged for their blood can greatly increase the chances of survival of the recruits in the subsequent military career.


On the other side, the gnolls and thieves hurried back to the headquarters of the Third Legion, the important city on the border of the empire - Wolfheart Fortress.

The Wolfheart Fortress was built inside the Mordo Peak Forest, not far from the Whispering Forest. The Empire spent a lot of time and money on this fortress.

In order to build this fortress, the empire hollowed out several quarries. The fortress wall is a full six stories high, and it is made of huge and hard bluestone stone bricks. The entire city wall is seamless.

Inside the city wall is a magic circle built with a lot of money, which not only enhances the magic resistance of the city wall, but also plays a scouting role, discovering enemies in advance, providing accurate enemy positions for the cannons on the city wall, and delivering devastating blows.

Tall city walls, wide moats, elite defenders, and sufficient strategic materials in the fortress...

If the Red Nest invades aggressively and fails to take down the Wolfheart Fortress in time, then the Wolfheart Fortress will become a nail driven into the enemy's rear, nailed to the enemy's heart.

Through the suspension bridge on the moat, through the heavily guarded city gate, and through layers of patrols, the gnolls and thieves made their way unimpeded to the core of the Wolf Heart Fortress, the city within the city—the Wolf Heart Castle.

Wolfheart Fort is the residence of Hogg Riverpaw, the commander of the Third Legion and the famous leader of the Forsyth Empire, Hogg Riverpaw, and it is also the brain of the Third Legion.

When I came to Wolfheart Castle, the guards were obviously much stronger. I looked up and there were no middle-level guards, and high-level guards were more common.

As the ace scout affiliated to Hogg, the gnoll thief was able to pass through the Castle of Wolf's Heart without hindrance. He entered the Castle of Wolf's Heart smoothly, walked through the rock corridor, and came to a room inside of the Castle of Wolf's Heart.

Hogg Riverpaw is different from most high-level officials in the empire. He doesn't like bright and spacious offices. On the contrary, narrow and dark places can give him a sense of security, which is related to his long-term presence in the Underdark.

Pushing open the door, the wolf man and the thief saw an exceptionally tall wolf man. Even if this wolf man sat on a chair and buried his head behind the pile of documents on the table, he was still taller than ordinary wolf men. .

They are simply two species from ordinary Gnolls!

In fact, the dragon-veined family members who have been transformed by the dragon's veins can really be regarded as two species from ordinary clansmen.

Facing the strongest gnoll in the empire, the newly promoted legendary warrior, the proud thief lowered his proud head: "Dear Legion Leader, I have brought the latest information."

Behind the high stack of documents, the jackal raised his head, his face was illuminated by the flickering candlelight, serious and majestic.

"Say," the hoarse voice was like a dagger slicing through pig iron, and the short words carried unquestionable meaning.

The wolf man and thief lowered his head even lower: "Master Legion, I was ordered to investigate Red Nest No. 7 Fortress, and I accidentally discovered a secret..."

After finishing speaking, the wolf man and thief retreated automatically and closed the door.

In the room, the eyes of the tall Gnoll flickered in the candlelight.

The jackal elite thief just now was just an inconspicuous member of the scout group he sent. If the jackal hadn't claimed to bring special news, he would never have been summoned by the head of the third legion.

"The smell of death, what the hell is going on in the red nest?"

Hogg Riverpaw leaned back on the chair. He hadn't rested for five consecutive days in order to make sufficient preparations to attack the Red Nest. Even though he, a newly promoted legend who had already consolidated his strength after being promoted for half a year, felt a bit overwhelmed .

"Forget it, master's grand plan is unstoppable..."

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