Red Alert 1895

Chapter 769: bribery

After crowds of people took those so-called political aptitude tests, a large number of people began to walk out of the test room. However, even if Wang Guorui ordered that the test questions were not difficult, it was nothing more than Chinese, mathematics and some common sense of life, but judging from the results reported, the results did not have any effect at all. Even these Chinese mathematics are nothing more than daily language comprehension, and there are some addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within ten thousand digits, but the results are not calculated at all. Especially for mathematics, the pass rate is less than 10%. Such a situation makes everyone feel helpless, and this is the current status quo in China.

However, those who passed the assessment naturally had the so-called political rights. After having these political rights, they all began to participate in the election one by one, and then hoped to participate in the election of this member. But how to choose is nothing more than the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers. However, these elections are unlikely to be so smooth.

It is in Quanzhou, Wang Guorui's so-called hometown.

"Fellow folks, I am the former scholar Wang. I have the same surname as the current emperor. I belonged to the same family 500 years ago! And this time I am running for the council, so please support me!"

And the people around are also here to listen to the introduction of this lord Wang, because this lord Wang is a big landlord in Quanzhou, and he had a famous name during the Manchu Qing rule. However, Wang Guorui has now abolished the merits and privileges of the so-called special ranks, and this master Wang is about to start paying taxes. However, Wang Guorui is currently preparing for the founding election, and has not implemented the so-called policy of clearing and measuring the land, so this Juren Wang still has a lot of power, and he still has a lot of land.

And the prestige accumulated over the years is extremely huge, and it is not so easy to eliminate. In addition, he claimed to be a relative of Wang Guorui, so that some people who didn't know the truth would give him some face, because he was regarded as a "relative of the emperor"!

But now he actually wants to come to the election, hoping to get the so-called election to become a member, and then he will become this member. It's an official. So of course they felt like they wanted the office. Wang Guorui has cut off the ordinary imperial examinations, and those who adopt the new civil service examinations. However, there are many aspects to be tested in the civil service examination, not only Chinese and mathematics, etc., and even different departments have different requirements for applying for the examination. In this way, this master Juren has no hope.

There is still an age limit for Wang Guorui in this civil service examination. Wang Guorui stipulates that the age for ordinary low-level civil servant examinations cannot exceed 30 years old. Because this is based on the experience of the ancient imperial examinations in the past, because in the ancient imperial examinations, some scholars often relied on this imperial examination for their entire lives, and then passed the examination from young to old. And is there any meaning to their life? When a person is born, he also studies and takes exams. Then repeat this process for the rest of your life. Is such a life meaningful? And I have been studying these books all my life, and finally learned some things that are useless in life.

Even they do not engage in production, agricultural production, or other things to generate any economic value. But if you do this all your life, not only will you not be able to generate any economic benefits, but it will make others support you. This is really a waste of social resources, so Wang Guorui doesn't think that he will spend his whole life working hard to become an official. There are many channels to change your destiny in the future, even if you go to another industry!

And now so here to study for a lifetime. Then all your life is wasted. Not only is it a huge waste to yourself, but is it not a waste to the country? Therefore, Wang Guorui ordered that after the age of 30, he would not be able to take the civil service examination, and he could go to work in other industries. This would not only generate economic and social benefits, but also promote development, so that he would not have to waste his life like this.

As for those who passed the exam at a very old age in history, they even became famous officials of a generation. But this Wang Guorui doesn't think that he can be a person who can pass the exam for a lifetime, because China may lack all kinds of talents, but there is no shortage of people who want to be officials and will be officials. There are too many talents in the officialdom. Instead, it was wasted. Anyone in China who has any ideas and achievements, also hopes to become an official. This has resulted in too many talents in the officialdom, and then talents from other industries are concentrated in the officialdom. This is of course not good.

Therefore, Wang Guorui doesn't want everyone to regard being an official as the only way out, but just hopes that most of the talents can be shunted out, so that it can be regarded as a normal society. Otherwise, everyone is thinking about being an official, so what hope is there?

However, at present, those juren still hope to be officials. Most of these Juren are over thirty years old, but Wang Guorui does not recognize their Juren status. On the other hand, they are all over thirty years old, and they cannot obtain the qualifications to be officials. And those people also hope to find another way, and then they can be elected as members of parliament, so isn't it possible to be an official? For them, this congressman is an official, and it is their only chance to be an official.

However, they didn't seem to intend to go so directly!

"Fellow folks, as long as you support me, I can give each of you a generation of white rice!" said the old man Wang.

"Oh? Really? As long as we vote, can we also give us a generation of white rice?" "A generation of white rice! Yes, that's great?" "I support it. I also support it!" "Yes!"...

Soon, these common people also began to stamp their fingerprints on the so-called banner supporting Mr. Wang as a member of parliament, and Mr. Wang also handed out rice on the spot. Anyway, whoever stamped his fingerprints would be honored with a bag of rice on the spot. And this white rice is not much, that is, about ten catties. And when the Lord Wang collected the so-called support letter, he immediately came to the temporary magistrate's office, and claimed to be a member of the council. But the magistrate of Quanzhou immediately began to order.

"Arrest this guy. Not only does this guy not follow the normal election process, but he is still here to bribe elections. It's really unreasonable. Get me arrested!"

Soon, the police nearby also arrested this Master Wang, obviously not polite at all.

"My lord magistrate, am I not an election? How can I arrest people? The emperor has ordered that the local government cannot arrest councilors casually. This is illegal for you! Councilors are eligible not to be arrested by the police, have&amp ;" The old man Wang began to recite the powers of the councilors he saw from the brochure.

But the county magistrate immediately snorted: "You just remember the powers of the councilors? But you haven't seen how the councilors are created?"

"Isn't it enough that the people support it?" Master Wang asked ignorantly.

"You have forgotten that the right to vote is one of the political rights. People who have not passed the test do not have the right to vote. So how many of your fingerprints are supported by the people who have the right to vote? How can you even write on such a big banner? People who name themselves do not have the right to vote, so they want to have the right to vote here? Only by passing the political examination can they obtain political rights. Most of you people have no political rights. So their votes are invalid of."

"Also, I've also heard the report on dry vegetables. You actually use food to get those people to support you? This is out-and-out election bribery, so it's unreasonable to be true." The county magistrate said.

"What's the matter with this? I give them white rice, and they support me, what's wrong?" Master Wang didn't even know what was going on.

"Your election bribery is expressly prohibited. Let me tell you, your election bribery is absolutely not allowed. And bribery is even more of a crime, so you are now arrested. Besides, you don't meet the process of parliamentary property, you think Is it okay for a member of parliament to send a book of people to anyone? The election of a member is to be held at a designated time and place, not just sending a book of people like you. So, not only are you not in line with the process~www. you are not a member of parliament, so you cannot enjoy the privileges granted to you by the laws of the member of parliament. And you are still suspected of bribery, I will first detain you, and then you wait for the trial of the judicial department. Even, you I am afraid that I will be deprived of my political rights, and I will not be able to take the exam again for ten years."

According to the regulations on that election, anyone who bribes votes during the election will not only bear criminal responsibility according to the situation, but also deprive them of political rights. Even after being stripped of their political rights, they cannot take the political rights test again within ten years.

Because of the very, very bad behavior of bribery, Wang Guorui hated it the most. In fact, large-scale election bribery is even more terrifying than dictatorship to some extent, because dictatorship may still allow some people from the bottom to go to the top, but the method used is not mainstream. Moreover, not all dictatorial people are necessarily stupid people, so dictatorship is a neutral term, and it depends on the circumstances to know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. But election bribery is absolutely bad. Once election bribery becomes a common practice, the world will be ruled by the rich. Make a fortune. At that time, national independence became inevitable, and even the poor had nowhere to stand. Therefore, this election bribery must be severely cracked down, otherwise the so-called election will become a game for the rich, which is not good for class mobility. (To be continued.)

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