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Chapter 687: Recovering Hailan Pao (Part 2)

"Excuse me, are you my master of the Qing dynasty?" An old man knelt down and asked immediately.

The head of the cavalry replied: "I am not a Manchu army, we are a Chinese army. We are the squadron under the leadership of Master Wang Guorui, and we are here to recover Hailanpao!"

"Are you the army of the Governor of the Kingdom of King Rui? The Lord Wang who defeated the Japanese pirates, the Dutch, and the Spaniards, and forced the Queen of the Netherlands to marry?" the old man asked immediately.

"Yes, we are Lord Wang's army!" The head of the cavalry replied.

"Master Wang! Folks, this is Lord Wang's army, that is, the Lord Wang who defeated the Japanese pirates, the Dutch, and the Spaniards, and forced the Queen of the Netherlands to marry him! He sent a large army to rescue us. They are still Chinese. All fellow countrymen, come out and welcome Master Wang!"

Those Chinese households of Hailanbao also came out, and then they began to take out all kinds of food in their homes to work, obviously to welcome Master Wang. They have been away from Chinese control for decades, so many of them hope that the Chinese can fight back again every day! They thought that this day would never come back again, but now they finally waited for this day, and the Chinese army came back again, which made them all feel extremely cold.

"Father! Did you see it in Tianzhiling? Our Chinese master Wang has returned and they have regained this place again. You can rest in peace!" An old man in his fifties knelt in front of two coffins, and then supported The coffin cried out.

These two coffins are also his parents. His parents have passed away, and they have been dead for many years. Before his parents died, they did not want their children to bury him, because they said they did not want to be buried on the land of a foreign race, hoping that one day the Chinese would fight back again. This is the day when they can be buried. And this old man's parents passed away more than 20 years ago, but the parents can't even be buried after their death. This is very unfilial in Chinese thinking. But the parents did not want to be buried on the land of a foreign race. This made him look forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that the Chinese army would come back again and recover Hailanpao. But he began to wait more than twenty years ago. From a thirty-year-old young man to an old man over fifty years old. He originally thought that he would not be able to wait for this day in his life, and he even left his last words, and his descendants could not bury him, because he had to be like his father, even if he wanted to be buried, he had to be buried On the land of one's own country, one does not want to be buried in the land of a foreign race. But he didn't expect that he finally waited for the day when Master Wang came back. Although these master masters were not master masters of the Qing Dynasty, he knew that as long as they were master masters of China, it would be fine.

They lived under the control of the Russians all year round. Their concept of Manchu has become lower and lower. However, because the Russians always refer to China as "China" instead of the Qing Dynasty, when the younger generation of Hailanpao grow up, they also think that this is "China" instead of the so-called "Qing Dynasty". They call the Qing Dynasty only because the older generation has some residual memories, and the younger generation has been controlled by the Russians for a long time, and the Russians call China "China", so their concept of China is far closer to the Qing Dynasty . So it is easy for them to accept that China is about to change its dynasty to the end. Anyway, they think that as long as it is China, it will do.

But the Russians don't regard them as human beings. The Russians often beat, scold and even rob these Hailanpao people at will. But they don't have a motherland to decide for them. This makes them all very painful. But now that they finally have a master Wang who can make decisions for them, of course they feel extremely happy. Because as long as Master Wang comes, it means that they are completely safe. It means that those Russians can't continue to bully them at all, they can't continue to bully them. Their property and even their lives are fully guaranteed, allowing them to breathe the air of this world safely and enjoy unprecedented freedom and comfort, so they all feel that they have obtained a complete liberation from body to mind .

"Fellow folks, we have just arrived here, and we are not very familiar with the terrain and environment here, so it is inevitable that there will be Russian thugs here. So, please take us to find them, and hide those who are ready to endanger our China at any time. Russians. Find them all for me? Everyone is familiar with the terrain, who can lead us?" the cavalry commander shouted.

Hearing what the cavalry commander said. Someone came out immediately: "General, we are willing to lead the way. We have lived here for decades, we are very familiar with the environment here, and we know where people can hide. We will take you to search and ensure that a Russian No one is spared! These Russians often harm us, and now we ask all the masters to make decisions for us."

"Go, take us to find out those Russians who are hiding, and we will not let go of those who bully you Russians!" The cavalry commander shouted.

With the assistance of the locals, these Russians who were defeated too suddenly were also arrested one after another. And some of them chose to resist stubbornly, and were killed by soldiers of the cavalry regiment with sabers or pistols equipped with them. However, some people chose to raise their hands and surrender. After all, not everyone has such tenacious willpower. The Russians are not really famous for their fighting will. Although they claim to have a European steamroller Title, they achieved such results by relying on a large population. The Russians like to fight a war of attrition with the Europeans because they have a large population and can withstand attrition. However, although the Russians charged very bravely at the beginning, once they encountered an accident, they would probably surrender the fastest. This is like Cheng Yaojin's three axes. Although they look very powerful, as long as they persevere, they will definitely show their true colors. Since they were in World War I and World War II, although the Russians were very brave at the beginning, once they were defeated, they often surrendered by tens of thousands, and they surrendered faster than anyone else.

The head of the cavalry immediately came to the city center of Hailanpao, and saw the Russian tricolor double-headed eagle flag on the city hall, and said: "Take down their flag, and replace it with our yellow dragon flag and blue background." Yellow Tiger Banner!"

Now Wang Guorui has not officially proclaimed himself emperor, so the yellow dragon flag is still used as the national flag for the time being, but there is a yellow tiger flag with a blue background next to it, which is the regional flag of Taiwan, which means that this is a place controlled by Taiwan forces. The Russian double-headed eagle tricolor flag in Hailanpao's city hall was lowered, and the yellow dragon flag and the blue-bottomed yellow tiger flag were raised again. It can be regarded as regaining this Hailanpao, and it was successfully recovered. lost ground.

"Regimental Commander, the infantry regiment is also coming soon. We will cooperate with the infantry regiment next, and then we will defend against the Russians coming to **** Hailanpao again!" said the staff officer of the cavalry regiment.

"Okay, go meet those infantry brothers immediately and let them come over to take over the defense." The cavalry commander said.

It's okay to ask cavalry to make a surprise attack, but if it's about defending the city, you still rely on infantry. Their cavalry didn't have any heavy weapons, so they had to wait for the infantry to come over before they could settle down. The task of their cavalry regiment has now been completed, and their independent cavalry regiment of the Northeast Military Region has shown its face this time. It is the first regiment that can successfully recover the country. They will definitely be able to win higher honors in the future.

About two hours later, the infantry regiment also arrived here, and then took over the defense. The head of the cavalry regiment immediately issued a telegram with the infantry regiment and sent it to the Northeast Military Region, indicating that he had regained the land of Hailanpao. As for why they didn't send it before, it was because the cavalry regiment didn't have a radio station. The radios in this era are still relatively bulky. The fast-moving troops like the cavalry are not suitable for carrying such bulky things. Naturally, there is no radio station for the cavalry. Only after the infantry came over could they send telegrams back together. ,

"Okay, the independent cavalry regiment did a good job. This time we regained Hailanpao, and we became the first to regain lost ground." Chen Liyan said Congratulations to Commander Chen, congratulations to Commander Chen, Commander Chen did a great job this time! I think Commander Chen is not far away from attaining the rank of general. "Song Yang said.

Song Yang was also very happy, because although Chen Liyan took most of the credit this time, he was also the chief of staff, second only to Chen Liyan. This time he can eat a big pie, maybe he can get the rank of lieutenant general soon. Moreover, if there is an opportunity, he may go a step further, maybe he can find an opportunity to be transferred to the future to reorganize the General Staff Department as the Deputy Chief of Staff. According to the general practice, if a person like him wants to go further, he must enter the General Staff Headquarters to serve as the Deputy Chief of Staff before he will be released to serve as the commander of the lower-level troops. This is to allow those theater commanders to be more strategic. Overall awareness, rather than egocentric thinking is too serious.

"Immediately send electricity to the whole world, and then tell the whole world that our Northeast Military Region is the first military region in China to regain lost territory!" Chen Liyan said.

Chen Liyan's order was sent by the telegraph soldiers, and they were all powered on in plain codes. This time the telegram told the whole world that he, Chen Liyan, had successfully regained the lost ground for China, so he was boasting of the credit for himself! (To be continued.)

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