Red Alert 1895

Chapter 685: Regaining Hailan Pao (Part 1)

"Commander Chen, our staff department has a plan, that is, why can't our Northeast Military Region take the initiative to attack? Since we have already arrived in the Northeast, and the Russians bully us too much, then we don't need to be polite to them. `-Since we are like this , then why can't we take the initiative to attack and regain the lost ground?" Song Yang said.

"Recover the lost ground?" Chen Liyan immediately asked with a frown.

Song Yang took the initiative to take out the map of Heilongjiang, and then began to point out the map of Heilongjiang.

"Here, it used to be under the jurisdiction of our Heilongjiang General in China. It was called Hailanpao at that time. It was officially forced by the Tsarist Russians in 1858, the eighth year of Xianfeng, and the Qing court signed a Sino-Russian agreement. The Treaty of Aihui was ceded to Russia. The Russians changed the name of Hailanpao to Blagoveshchensk, which means the city of Annunciation in Russian. However, the Chinese citizens on Hailanpao did not They were relocated, but they still lived and worked here. According to the Sino-Russian Aigun Treaty, China still has jurisdiction over the citizens above, but it has no sovereignty over the land of Hailanpao. So, this is also A strange phenomenon has formed, that is, we are our citizens to the people above, but we have no sovereignty over the land.”

"If we start a big war in the future, the people above are likely to be directly exposed to the siege of the Russians. The tens of thousands of people above will face the Russian butcher's knives, which is very unsafe. So I It is suggested that we send troops directly, occupy Hailanpao, and then recover the lost ground. And this can also protect the citizens above us from being killed by the Russians, which is the duty of our army.”

Song Yang actually didn't know that according to the original history, the Russians had already begun to invade China. They also massacred Hailanpao a few months ago, which became the Hailanpao tragedy in history. However, the rise of Wang Guorui, who hesitated in time and space, inevitably made the Russians pay more attention to Wang Guorui. Although they have downgraded 500,000 troops, although the number of troops is many times larger than in the original history. But the Russians are much more cautious than before. Although this war was decided by the tsar on the table, and the tsar did not have a real war thinking, it is impossible for the generals below to understand. The generals below are much more cautious because of the strength of the Chinese Wang Guorui Group. In the case of insufficient logistics. Don't dare to attack on a large scale immediately. They have now begun to pour into China, but they are still moving steadily, and the progress is not too fast. They avoided being trapped by the Chinese.

Although the Tsar was a military idiot, for ordinary soldiers and officers, they didn't want to die. Naturally, he faced the squadron very cautiously. And they didn't directly massacre Hai Lanpao, because Wang Guorui's strength became stronger, so they didn't dare to mess around. A strong country dares to massacre a weak country, but a strong country is more cautious about people who are also strong countries, no matter what happens. And even if those weak countries have a war with a strong country, even if the strong country slaughters their people, those weak countries dare not let a fart go, and even treat the other party's prisoners preferentially. This is just a scruple, because Wang Guorui's strength made the Hailanpao tragedy in history disappear out of thin air.

But. Now that Song Yang suggested Chen Liyan to regain Hailanpao, it was obvious that he was mobilizing Chen Liyan to regain the lost ground.

"We take the initiative to go abroad to fight?" Chen Liyan still had some concerns.

Song Yang immediately said: "Commander Chen, why are the Russians only allowed to attack us, but not us to go out to fight? What's more, this is also our land, which was forced by the Russians to cede us through unequal treaties, so it cannot be considered legal. In fact, we are only recovering lost ground, not going abroad to fight. Besides, even if we take a step back, what is wrong with us going abroad to fight? As long as we can go abroad to fight, are we just allowing others to fight against us? No Allow us to take the initiative to go abroad to fight? What kind of gangster logic is this?"

Seeing Chen Liyan still had scruples. Then he took the initiative to say: "Commander Chen, this time is really the first military exploit to recover lost land. With this military exploit, the meaning is different! You know, there are people who have recovered lost territory in the past. Only Lord Wang! If If you can be the first to make achievements in recovering the lost land, then you will be... well, I heard that within a few months, Mr. Wang will just sit on the chair in the Golden Luan Hall. It’s about to be promoted. It’s not long since you were promoted to lieutenant general, and Hu Wei, as the chief of the general staff, and Director Zheng, who is his wife, are only lieutenant generals. If you follow the original plan, wait for Mr. Wang to sit on that chair , then the two of them are also generals. As for you, Commander Chen, you have just been promoted to lieutenant general, I am afraid it will be a little later. However, if you can regain the lost ground at this time, it will be for Mr. Wang before he ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor. This is a truly great gift, even a gift that will never be surpassed by future generations. It is not only of military significance, but also of great political significance! At that time, you may be able to share with Chief of General Staff Hu and his wife Zheng It is a really good opportunity to be promoted to general with the director! At that time, you are truly qualified to become the third general in the army."

Chen Liyan's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, because this was an incomparably huge attraction. You must know that currently in Taiwan, the person who can really be called to recover the lost land is Wang Guorui, because he recovered the ceded Taiwan. But Wang Guorui is not a soldier, so it is naturally impossible to receive this credit. Coupled with the fact that Wang Guorui started his career in Taiwan, his contribution to recovering lost ground is obviously not too high. If Chen Liyan could send troops to recover Hailanpao this time, it would only be a small city, even worse than larger counties.

But there is a lot of meaning in it! The first general to regain lost ground, the political significance of this is much greater than the military significance. If he can be the first to regain the lost ground, it is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, and this is a good opportunity to gain prestige. Although Wang Guorui has gone to occupy Nanyang, on the surface it is expanding the territory, but everyone still has a strange feeling in their hearts. Because I didn't regain the lost land, I went to expand the territory, so many people in the country didn't say anything, but they felt a little strange in their hearts. This feeling is like someone robbed your money, and then you failed to get it back, and then went to rob other people? Although this can be regarded as a way to recover the loss, the uselessness in this heart is not so easy to solve.

Several big countries came to rob you, and then you went to rob other small countries to make up for the losses. No matter how you look at it, you have the feeling of "beating Nanshan Nursing Home and kicking Beihai Kindergarten". China has always advocated the philosophy of life that you do not want to be done to others. This kind of thinking has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Therefore, it feels very strange to expand the territory without regaining the lost ground. It feels quite strange. A bit of bullying.

So in this case, even if Wang Guorui took down Nanyang, in fact, in the hearts of the people, the credit is somewhat discounted, not as good as imagined. But if the lost ground is regained from the Russians, it will be different. This one was snatched back from the hands of the Russians, not the bully who snatched the weaker, this is the real recovery of lost ground! And if it succeeds this time, he will be the first to regain the lost ground, and he is a real hero!

"In a few months, if Mr. Wang proclaims himself emperor, according to the usual practice, everyone will be promoted and knighted, and our soldiers will also adjust their ranks generally. But I was just promoted to Lieutenant General not long ago. , It will be difficult if you continue to be promoted. But if you can make this first contribution to recovering lost ground, it will have extremely huge political significance, and it can be regarded as the first important gift to Mr. Wang. At that time, being promoted to general, then It's not a big problem. Even, most importantly, I can truly establish my status as the third-ranked general in the army."

According to Wang Guorui's ranking in the army, Wang Guorui is generally positioned as a political leader, so although he actually controls the army, he is rarely ranked as a general's influence in the army. The current ranking of influence in the army is Hu Wei and Zheng Hongju, and the influence of these two people is evenly divided. Because Hu Wei is the person who controls the military order system of the General Staff, and also has a group of old subordinates under him. And Zheng Hong is mainly influential in politics, logistics, equipment and other military and political systems, and she is also Wang Guorui's woman, so she is also relatively strong in intimacy, and has the support of the Tiandihui faction, so naturally she is not afraid of anything. Accident. Even though the relationship between Zheng Hong and Wang Guorui is somewhat politically estranged now, she is still Wang Guorui's wife, and Wang Guorui still often sleeps with her, but rarely talks about those political topics in bed. However, it is not impossible to cut off their relationship, after all, they are still a family.

And the next ranking is Chen Chen Liyan is one of the oldest generals, besides Wang Guorui, he is the first to become a division commander, and the first to become a deputy commander-level military region Deputy Commander Jian Chief of Staff, the first military commander to become an army-level military region. Now he is the first to become the commander of a large military region, so his qualifications are very deep. But seniority doesn't mean status. If Wang Guorui wants to, he can gradually suppress him and let the latecomers catch up with him. But if he can be the first to regain the lost land, he is fully qualified to be promoted to general with Hu Wei and Zheng Hong, and the status of the third person in the army is truly determined. If there is no accident, if he can become a general in the future, he may almost certainly enter the future military commission, and even rank very high. (To be continued.)

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