Red Alert 1895

Chapter 627: pasture reform

It took a month for the high-speed railway to shoot all the aristocrats among the more than 200,000 Mongolians in the Zhanghuan Special Zone, and almost none remained. ∈♀, and the more than 200,000 people in the entire Zhanghuan Special Zone were also terrified by him. And the Mongols in the Zhanghuan Special Zone all regarded Gaotie Fang as the king of Hades, and this made them all afraid when they saw those military policemen. Although there were some accidents in the process, for example, some Mongolian nobles knew the news in advance and wanted to gather cavalry to resist.

But they didn't expect that the gendarmes around the high-speed rail side all had guns, and all of them were the latest automatic rifles. According to Wang Guorui's conditions, the automatic rifles used by these special gendarmes can be fired in bursts, unlike ordinary soldiers who must be fired single-shot, and can only be fired in bursts with the consent of the squad leader. So under such fierce firepower, although some Mongolian nobles wanted to gather hundreds of cavalry to resist, they were unable to resist at all, and were directly shot to death by dozens of gendarmes with automatic rifles. It is not impossible for them to resist successfully .

Of course, some Mongolian nobles heard the news and immediately packed up their gold and silver and ran away. Obviously, they didn't want to stay here and be killed by the high-speed railway.

"Okay, we have slaughtered all the Mongolian nobles in the Zhanghuan Special Zone. Next, I should buy people's hearts!" Gao Tiefang said.

"How to buy people's hearts? I still have to prepare to recruit cavalry divisions!" Zhu Yuan said.

Gao Tiefang replied flatly: "It's actually very simple. According to Mr. Wang's thinking, there is no other method, but a very ancient but very effective method can be used."

"What means?" Zhu Yuan didn't quite understand.

"Fight the local tyrants and divide the land!" HSR replied.

Zhu Yuan then called some herdsmen, and they were also representatives of the original herdsmen. They looked at Gaotiefang, the cold-blooded Hades, and they were also very scared, not knowing what Gaotiefang called them here for. It is useless for them to resist. So they can only come to gamble.

"Brothers herdsmen, have you worked hard all these years?" Zhu Yuan asked.

Those Mongolian herdsmen didn't know what this meant, so they asked cautiously, "Masters from the Central Plains, what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, we are here to guard the frontier and fight against the invasion of the Tsarist Russians. Well, they are the so-called Raksha people." Gaotie Fang said.

The herdsman then asked, "Then why did you kill those princes?"

"That's because they have liaison with the Russians, and they are out-and-out traitors, so I will kill them! And you ordinary herdsmen are all Chinese people, if you are not traitorous, then I will not kill you!" High-speed rail Fang said.

The herdsmen finally breathed a sigh of relief, but what the high-speed rail side said next made them suddenly see hope.

"Those Mongolian masters Nayan, they usually occupy too much pasture, and you ordinary people are their slaves. Don't you want to have your own pasture?" Gao Tiefang asked.

"What? We can have our own pastures? Don't the pastures all belong to Mr. Yan?" A herdsman asked cautiously.

The high-speed rail side showed a smile. These are also the tragic days of the Mongolian herdsmen. You must know that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, Mongolia was not like the bandit group that swept the world. In this era, the Mongols are no longer the Mongols of the past. They can obtain wealth through plunder, and then maintain this group. But the Mongols of this era had to lower their heads and graze honestly. Finally, step by step in exchange for the capital of life.

However, after investigation, Wang Guorui found that the situation in Mongolia was actually similar to that in the Central Plains. It's even a template. In the Central Plains, a large number of landlords own the land, and ordinary people can only rent and plant the land of the landlords, and then get some grains, but these grains are not enough for them to survive in peace. Once there is any natural disaster, it will be bad luck of.

The same is true here in Mongolia, and their pastures are also owned by those nobles. Ordinary herdsmen do not have their own pastures at all. Although the Mongols are the so-called "nomadic people", they can no longer "swim" in this era, and they are almost close to settling down, but their settlement methods are different. The Mongols in this period relied on the canonization of the Qing Dynasty. Then divide the grassland into several parts, and then use the so-called Mongolian "banner" as a unit. Each banner is regarded as a small tribe and is managed by a nobleman. And several flags form a "meng", which means meeting, but the place of this meeting is designated by the Qing Dynasty.

This kind of name, even in the 21st century later, many county-level units in Inner Mongolia are named after "banners", township-level units are named Sumuda, and later generations also have so-called leagues, which are administrative divisions at the regional level. , which is the retained name from that year. Therefore, in the case of this precise division of the scope of tribal activities, the nomadic characteristics of the Mongols have gradually disappeared. In fact, they have already adopted a relatively stable lifestyle like the people in the Central Plains.

Under this stable method, they will definitely encounter the problems that the Central Plains encountered. If the land in the Central Plains is merged, the grasslands in Mongolia will naturally be merged. This is an inevitable phenomenon. If the Mongols have remained nomadic, there will be no problem with disputes over pasture ownership. But once it is fixed, the ownership of pastures will definitely begin to emerge gradually.

If those Mongolian nobles didn't take advantage of this opportunity to exploit ordinary Mongolian herdsmen with their privileges, then Wang Guorui could cut off his head and give him a kick. With the nobles of this era, they have the right not to use it, but that is actually impossible. Now that they have the power to exploit the herdsmen, can they not exploit the pastures of those herdsmen through various privileges and methods? Landlords and bureaucrats in the Central Plains are like this, so can the nobles of Mongolia be exempt from vulgarity? And the Mongolian nobles have the behemoth of the Manchu Qing behind them, so even if a small number of herdsmen want to object, they are helpless. After all, the Mongolian nobles have too much backing. If the Manchu Dynasty is not destroyed, it is naturally impossible for those Mongolian nobles to be deprived of their privileges.

Those herdsmen who have no pastures can only rely on helping the nobles to graze, and finally get some meager income to support their families. This is no different from the tenants in the Central Plains. In fact, it is just another mode of production, but there is no difference in the relationship of production.

"These Mongolian nobles are all blood-sucking poisonous insects on the grassland. They parasitize on everyone and rely on everyone's blood to survive. But you people who really work hard to herd the herds have not received any suitable rewards. If the cattle You have to pay for the dead sheep. Is this fair? What do those nobles have? They can’t graze, they can’t do anything, they just rely on a broken paper appointment from the imperial court, and then ride on your head to **** ? Is this fair? So, I plan to share the pasture with you!" Gaotie Fang said.

"Okay, that's great, if we can get the pasture, then you Han people are also our saviors, you are brothers!" Someone knelt down and said immediately.

The high-speed rail side appeased them, then sent them away, and asked them to convey the news about the preparation for the grassland division.

"Old Gao, do you want to divide the pasture this time?" Zhu Yuan asked.

Because Gao Tiefang is in his forties, he is much older than Zhu Yuan, who was just 27 or 28 years old. Besides, he is also his deputy, and he may have a bright future in the future, so Zhu Yuan didn't entrust him with being big. Call him Lao Gao, which represents intimacy. Although the high-speed rail side has some intentions of supervising the army, it doesn't mean that it must be incompatible, and it's okay to get close enough. As long as it's not a pair of pants, it's fine.

"Yes, I will solve these problems in the next step. Especially about the distribution of grasslands, this is related to our future land reform in the Central Plains. This grassland reform is actually a preview of the land reform in the Central Plains. We Through this pasture, we can discover some problems and then solve them. Of course, although we cannot kill those landlords in the Central Plains, we can provide some experience for Lord Wang in the Central Plains in the future. Carrying out land reform provides some experience."

"On this Mongolian grassland, the distribution of grassland is infinitely close to the distribution model of agricultural land in the Central Plains. Therefore, it has a very strong reference value. This is a booklet specially given to me by Mr. Wang before he came, specifically introducing the ones that can be used as appropriate. method, let me use it at my own discretion when I came here. Since ancient times, in various rebellions and uprisings, didn’t they all shout the slogans of beating local tyrants, dividing land, or equalizing the rich and the poor? In fact, we are just carrying out a grassland reform, and then let These ordinary herdsmen came to obtain pastures, and then firmly grasped the hearts of these herdsmen. At that time, those Mongolian nobles, they will not be able to come back again. Those Mongolian nobles, that is, let them go to their own place, Just think of a way to solve those messy things. As long as we capture the hearts of those herdsmen, will there be anything to be afraid of?" Fang Gaotie asked.

And Zhu Yuan also nodded and said: "Okay, I will form two cavalry divisions next, so it will be up to you at that time. Help me to win the hearts of these Mongolians as soon as possible, so that we Only then can we successfully form a cavalry division. We currently have no shortage of others, that is, people who can ride horses. Our Taiwanese soldiers are mainly southerners, and the south ships and the north horses. We southerners are not suitable for cavalry. Professional things are still It needs to be done by a professional.” (To be continued.) u

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