Red Alert 1895

Chapter 474: The Last Resistor (Part 1)

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"Commander, this is the news of the birth of Lord Wang's daughter. Lord Wang and Queen Wilhelmina's daughter Wang Lili have arrived in Taiwan. In a few days, Lord Wang will hold a full moon wine for her daughter in his own name and invite her to stay Senior officials from Taipei will participate. However, it is a pity that you, Commander, are in the East Borneo Military Region and cannot participate.”

Zhu Yuan's secretary felt pity for a while, because in his opinion, if Zhu Yuan was not in the East Borneo Military Region, he must be one of the people invited. Because Zhu Yuan is the commander of the East Borneo Military Region and one of the most senior military officers, if he is not qualified, then who is qualified. Now they are all high-ranking military officers, and they are still old people when Wang Guorui founded the army, so they are naturally eligible to participate. But this time because he was out of town, it was naturally impossible to go back. Because Wang Guorui held a banquet for a few days. Strictly speaking, Wang Lili, Wang Guorui's daughter, came to Taiwan one month after she was born, which is already more than a month. However, because I have the habit of holding a full moon wine, I have to start preparing even though it has been postponed for a few days. However, due to time constraints, only senior officials from Taiwan who stayed in Taipei can be invited to participate. People from other places, even officials from Tainan, have no chance. After all, there is not enough time.

Zhu Yuan thought for a while and said: "Although I can't go to participate, people can't go, so the gifts should be delivered."

"Gift? Commander, what gift do you want?" the secretary asked.

"It's very simple. According to our monitoring recently, how are the indigenous people in those mountains doing?" Zhu Yuan asked.

The secretary immediately said: "It's not that good, they also spend the New Year with Wang Xiaoer, and it's not as good as every year. But, Commander, what is your plan?"

In the mountains of East Borneo, a group of aborigines are sitting and having a meeting. Obviously, the current situation is still very bad.

"Leader. What should we do next?" someone asked.

That leader is Simba. Since Taiwan came to attack, he also went to East Borneo to fight guerrillas. But now life is getting worse and worse, making them feel that they don't know what to do. so. Now these natives are having a meeting here, and they don't know how to deal with the situation.

"How many more do we have?" Simba asked.

Simba's subordinate immediately said: "We still have more than 300 people. We used to have more than 4,000 people, but now we have not many people. However, we are still following our team. People. They are all our cronies, and they are all people who are willing to give everything for the cause of our national liberation. Therefore, they stayed and fought with us against the Chinese aggression.”

After Simba heard this, he couldn't help closing his eyes. Since I came to East Borneo, I naturally started to promote the so-called national liberation, and then drove out the Chinese and any foreigners. And this idea has won the support of some people, and many people joined them because of Taiwan's harsh treatment. However, Taiwan has also changed its plan. Instead of rushing into the tropical rainforest to wipe them out, it gradually "strengthened the walls and cleared the wilderness." Clear out all the nearby indigenous people. In this way, they will gradually lose their material support, and the resources of the soldiers are also gradually depleted.

All guerrilla warfare is nothing more than relying on the people. Only by relying on the people to fight guerrillas. In order to be able to continuously obtain material support, and also be able to absorb the people to join him, proudly expand the number of troops. But now the people around them have also been arrested, and then moved to other places, even very far away.

But their life is getting more and more difficult, supplies are getting less and less, and some people even starve to death. At this time, many of them began to surrender. When the Taiwan army promised to surrender without killing, some people immediately began to surrender. He even brought his men out to surrender. Moreover, the Taiwan military has also adopted the method of selling thousands of dollars to make them speak in turn. Then promote non-resistance, and then let those indigenous people see that the Taiwanese army did not kill those who surrendered. And it's still delicious and delicious.

This has made many indigenous people's will to resist a lot worse. After all, many of them have not undergone much brainwashing and mature learning. Although some of them have the idea of ​​so-called national independence, this group of people is a minority after all. However, many of them are illiterate, and these indigenous people do not know words, and they cannot supplement their knowledge through learning. Even, they do not have a long-term historical and cultural accumulation, they do not have enough cultural accumulation, that is, they naturally do not have a perfect national character. So these people can't have a strong enough cohesion, and they will run away when they encounter danger. And those who can persist are all under the influence of Simba, not all of them are affected. Therefore, now many of them have chosen to surrender under the attraction of the Taiwan army's delicious food, fish and meat.

"Only three hundred people left? We had thousands of people before, but they couldn't withstand the attraction of the Chinese, and then chose to betray their own nation? If they can stay and resist, then we will win one day Yes. However, now they actually betrayed their own nation for some benefit, this is damn!" Simba said angrily.

But his subordinates saw this scene and immediately said: "Leader, you should eat something!"

Simba saw that his so-called food was actually just some fruits in the tropical rainforest, not something too advanced. But what surprised Simba was that there were a lot less of these fruits, which made Simba puzzled.

"Didn't there be more than a dozen yesterday?" Simba asked.

The subordinate immediately said: "Boss, we collected these fruits from seven or eight kilometers away, and we have eaten up all the nearby fruits. Moreover, the nearby beasts also know that this is a dangerous place, so they also Everyone avoids our camp, so I don’t have any prey to hunt. We have to move next, or we probably don’t have enough prey.”

When Simba heard this, he felt helpless immediately, because their food was getting less and less, and it was not enough for everyone. If this continues, it is impossible for them to have enough food to replenish their physical strength and continue to fight. But now they have indeed reached their limit, so they can't support it at all. The Taiwanese army is constantly blocking them, hoping that they will be starved to death, and then they can only be wiped out in a steady stream.

"Boss, why don't we go deeper into the dense forest? I don't believe that the Chinese army will be able to attack deeper places. As long as we go deeper into the tropical rainforest, it is unlikely that the Chinese will continue to attack. We are defeated because they do not have the conditions. We are more familiar with the tropical rainforest. They are foreigners who have lived in a civilized society for a long time. We can endure hardships," said the subordinate.

But Simba smiled bitterly and said, "Aren't we going deep enough now? We can't go deep, because if we go deep, then we are useless."

"Why?" the subordinate immediately asked.

And Simba immediately pointed to these people, and then said: "Most of us here are men, and there are only a dozen women. And if we are on the periphery, it is possible for women to give birth to us. And In such a dangerous environment, infant death is very possible. And if the infant dies, there is nothing we can do about it. We cannot be cured if we are sick. If it goes deeper, we will die easily. And we are in Here, the reason why they can still survive is because although this kind of people are remote, they are not far from civilized society."

"But once we go deeper, we will completely leave human civilization. At that time, our generation will pass Then who can inherit our career? We only have more than ten women here, even if If we are able to give birth again, then when we die, there will be less than a hundred people. This is the most possible calculation, because babies are likely to die. And once we leave civilized society, what will happen to us? We will all degenerate Become a beast, a beast without civilization. At that time, in fact, we will all be wiped out, because we have completely left civilization, and the Chinese are equivalent to destroying us."

"A human being must be in contact with civilized people for a long time, so that he can guarantee his own civilization. Human beings live in groups. If they can't get close to the crowd, then this person will also be degraded into a beast. Therefore, it is impossible for us to go further. , once we go deeper, we will all degenerate into beasts, so that we are all wiped out by the Chinese. Although it is dangerous here, we often come into contact with human beings, even our enemies are also human beings. Only when they are there can we guarantee that we will not degenerate into beasts that drink blood. Therefore, we cannot retreat."

After hearing this, his subordinates were also silent, because if they all degenerated into beasts, it would be equivalent to being wiped out by China in the end.

"They're here, call me!" Suddenly a sentence in Chinese was shouted, which shocked the remaining 300 or so natives. (to be continued)

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