Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 526: I’m telling you a joke

At this moment, someone tapped Zhang Yunfei on the shoulder: "Brother Yunfei, are you looking for me?"

Zhang Yunfei trembled, turned his head, stared at the visitor in disbelief.

The classroom suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at the student who suddenly came in. I then said: "Xiao Mao, you came just in time. Zhang Yunfei said he wanted to confront you face to face, so you should explain the matter exactly."

Nie Yuanlong also nodded and said: "Xiao Mao, since you are here, let's talk about the matter." Qiu Feng's face was not pretty, but he didn't say a word. Zhang Yunfei's face turned pale, and he looked at Xiao Mao with a somewhat distracted look. Xiaomao said: "Brother Yunfei, you seem surprised. You didn't expect me to come out of such a dark place, right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Zhang Yunfei suddenly regained his composure: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Mao suddenly stretched out a finger, a finger that had been completely broken off. It was empty, like a mountain peak that had been cut off. "Brother Yunfei, you have already chopped off one of my fingers."

Zhang Yunfei's face darkened, but he said to me: "Wang Hao, you really spent a lot of money to frame me."

"Whatever you say." I slowly rubbed my fingers and said word by word: "Have you ever done these things? It's like a mirror in your mind. I just want to advise you, you do too many unconscionable things. You’ll bump into ghosts if you walk at night!”

"Hmph, you are well prepared this time!" Zhang Yunfei's cheeks trembled: "It seems that you have learned all about Zhang Xiaoyong's trick of finding people to give false testimony! First you found a few idle people in society, and now you I bribed Xiaomao."

"Whether this is perjury or not, we have to wait until Xiao Mao finishes speaking." I looked at Nie Yuanlong and Qiu Feng: "Do you think so?"

Nie Yuanlong looked a little proud again and said: "Xiao Mao, just say it, we will definitely protect your safety." Qiu Feng said solemnly: "Of course it is like this, we must give everyone the right to speak."

Zhang Yunfei looked at Qiu Feng in surprise, as if he couldn't figure out why he supported Xiao Mao. The two bosses asked Xiao Mao to speak, and Xiao Mao naturally continued. He started from working as an undercover agent, how he hooked up with Zhang Yunfei, how he monitored Liu Xiangrong's every move, and how he sold Liu Xiangrong's information to Zhang Yunfei at a price of 100 yuan each. He went through it in detail. During the whole process, Zhang Yunfei's face turned pale with anger, but he did not dare to express anything due to the majesty of the two bosses. Everyone in the classroom listened with great interest, and this part of the past was very eye-catching when told. Xiao Mao went on to talk about how he persuaded Liu Xiangrong to borrow loan sharks from outside, and how he conspired with Zhang Yunfei to frame Liu Xiangrong. He told them one by one, which coincided with what I just said. Of course, this is what we agreed on yesterday, so we are more consistent now.

After saying that, everyone stared at each other. Everyone knew very well that this matter was closely related and it depended on how the bosses on both sides would deal with it. It could be seen that Nie Yuanlong was very proud in his eyebrows, and he said slowly: "Zhang Yunfei, you are really planning hard to harm Liu Xiangrong and Wang Hao. Unfortunately, the Skynet is not leaking, and you are exposed in the end."

Qiu Feng looked at Zhang Yunfei with a gloomy face: "What else do you have to say?" Zhang Yunfei frowned, looking at Qiu Feng with a puzzled expression, and said slowly: "No matter how many witnesses are, they are not credible, all of these people have been Wang Hao was confused and made up a story together to deceive everyone. Can't everyone see it?" Anyway, he refused to admit it, even to the extreme.

At this time, even Fu Jiaming and Mei Xiaoliang felt something was wrong. They realized that Qiu Feng seemed to be vaguely targeting Zhang Yunfei. The two looked at each other and decided to remain silent and not say another word. The mustache was playing the role of "idiot", and immediately slapped the table and said: "Zhang Yunfei, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. I'm really blind to be brothers with you!" After saying that, he felt something was wrong and immediately He added: "You are so blind!" Zhang Yunfei glared at him fiercely: "Shut up, you have no right to speak!" The mustache is not a person, so he immediately stood up and said: " Damn it, is my mouth on your face? Why don't you let me speak?" He pretended to fight Zhang Yunfei, but Qiu Feng ignored him.

Nie Yuanlong was happy to see this scene.

Qiu Feng looked at him coldly and said, "Zhang Yunfei, what Xiaomao said just now, is it true?" Zhang Yunfei finally realized that something was wrong with this scene, and seemed to have fallen into an unclear trap. He frowned and stared at Qiu Feng carefully for a long while before finally speaking: "Brother Feng, I don't admit it." His eyes were full of doubts and anger.

Xiao Mao suddenly said: "Zhang Yunfei, I knew you didn't recognize it." Suddenly he took out a mini recorder from his pocket, "Fortunately, I recorded every conversation we had, from the first time to the most recent one! ” Then he pressed play.

"How's it going? What's Liu Xiangrong doing these days?" This was Zhang Yunfei's voice.

"He doesn't do much. He only takes drugs all day long. I think he is completely finished." This was Xiao Mao's voice.

The conversation continued, and it was obvious that a certain contact between the two was completely recorded by Xiao Mao.

"So, does this count as irrefutable proof now?" Xiao Mao gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Yunfei, and said viciously: "I have worked hard to serve you for so long, but you tied me up in the basement like a dog, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Yunfei suddenly rushed towards Xiao Mao. "I'm going to kill you today, a rip-off!" Zhang Yunfei roared angrily, grabbing Xiao Mao's neck tightly with both hands. "Die!" Zhang Yunfei howled, squeezing Xiao Mao's throat with greater strength. I rushed over quickly: "Let him go!" Nie Yuanlong also stood up, holding a machete to chop Zhang Yunfei's back. But neither of us is as fast as Qiu Feng. Qiu Feng stood up and hit Zhang Yunfei on the head with a bench.

Qiu Feng really likes to hit people with the bench, which is completely inconsistent with the tattoos on his body. I think he should not get a tattoo of a machete, but a tattoo of a bench. Just like that time when he hit Zhang Xiaoyong, Qiu Feng hit one bench after another. It seemed that the force was getting harder and harder, and he hit Zhang Yunfei's head without any miss. In the face of such huge power, Zhang Yunfei had no choice but to let go of Xiao Mao. He turned around in despair and looked at Qiu Feng who was still hitting his head.

"Why...what..." These were his last words. After saying that, he fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, Qiu Feng also threw the bench aside. There was a lot of blood on his hands and face, and Fu Jiaming immediately handed him the tissue. "My family is unfortunate." Qiu Feng wiped his hands and said, "Brother Long, I'm letting you laugh again this time."

Zhang Yunfei fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

"It doesn't matter." Nie Yuanlong said very calmly and with dignity: "If you lead more people, it is inevitable that you will have a few subordinates who do not follow the rules. Those of us who are the bosses must act impartially at all times, otherwise How can I lead people in the future? Brother Feng has done a good job and set an example for everyone." Then he looked at me, with a faint hint of pride in his eyes, which obviously meant: "How about this tone I gave you? Is it pleasant?" I smiled at him, which meant thank you.

"Hey, why do things like this always happen every once in a while?" Qiu Feng sat down and looked troubled: "Can't everyone live in peace? What if that guy Yu Chengfei takes advantage of him? ?”

"That's right." Nie Yuanlong said: "We must cherish our current achievements and aim at 'making money' in everything we do."

Qiu Feng nodded, stood up and said: "From today on, Zhang Yunfei is no longer mine." As he said that, he glanced at the people around him and said slowly: "I don't want such a thing to happen again. The second time. The friendship that Brother Long and I have worked so hard to build is not something you bastards can destroy wantonly, do you understand?"

Although these words were spoken slowly, they gave people an invisible pressure, and everyone nodded timidly. Nie Yuanlong also said: "Brother Feng is right. Everyone must cherish this hard-won opportunity and never fight in private again. If we find out again, we will definitely punish him severely and show no mercy." You can stay!”

"Okay, let's go."

Qiu Feng stretched out, looked at Zhang Yunfei on the ground, shook his head and said, "It's your own fault..." He left the classroom with his two remaining generals and his mustache. After a while, someone came to take care of the unconscious Zhang Yunfei. I recognize these people, they are all Zhang Yunfei's confidants. When I first came to the vocational college, they followed Zhang Yunfei to find trouble for me. Now, each of them looked sad. Zhang Yunfei's death means that they have also lost their status. From now on, they can only live with their tails between their legs, and can no longer walk around the school as gloriously as before.

The eldest brother and the others also walked in and escorted away the young people who were idle in society. Xiaomao also thanked me profusely and left the classroom. Wang Lei and others gathered around me, talking happily about Zhang Yunfei's tragic situation just now. They didn't care about the process. It was a great joy for them to see Zhang Yunfei killed. After all, the four red sticks and the four generals have disliked each other for a long time. This is a historical issue.

"Brother Hao, you did a good job this time." Nie Yuanlong also seemed very happy.

I also smiled at him: "Thanks to Brother Long, thank you for supporting me from the beginning to the end."

Nie Yuanlong nodded and added: "But this matter is not over yet, there is still another tail to deal with."

"Huh?" I looked confused.

Nie Yuanlong handed me a dagger and whispered: "Kill Xiaomao, this person will not be allowed to stay."

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