Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 485: Kill you

There is a flower bed in the center of the clearing. I was sitting on the stone steps of the flower bed, and everyone stood around me, each holding a machete in an imposing manner. The aura of the vocational college students was indeed very strong. While we were chatting, we saw a group of people walking over, led by Zhang Xiaoyong. I immediately stood up and walked towards him, and everyone around me followed behind me.

When we were about three meters apart, both of us stopped. I sneered and said, "No need to talk nonsense, right?" Zhang Xiaoyong nodded: "Come on." As soon as he finished speaking, both sides rushed together, dozens of machetes flying up and down, and screams and roars were already intertwined. together. Soldiers faced soldiers and generals. I didn't have time to observe everyone's movements, so I immediately fought with Zhang Xiaoyong. Zhang Xiaoyong is very famous for his "bravery". I carefully slashed at him, but the blow was naturally weak and weak. Zhang Xiaoyong easily held on and smiled at me. I also smiled at him to show our tacit understanding. With a smile on his face, Zhang Xiaoyong slashed at my stomach with a knife. I calmly raised my knife to block it. Halfway through the block, I suddenly realized something was wrong. Something was wrong, big, big, big, big!

Zhang Xiaoyong's sword should have been slow and weak, and I only had to block it with a gentle flutter; but I saw this sword slashing quickly and powerfully, with a sharp sound of breaking wind, I tried to block it This knife was still used with a "light and fluttering" force. It was obviously too late to raise the force temporarily! My eyes widened and I looked at Zhang Xiaoyong in shock.

I heard a "pop" sound, and the knife had already made a hole in my stomach.

"You..." I took a few steps back, still looking at Zhang Xiaoyong in shock. Severe pain has been felt from the stomach, the strength in the body is also disappearing little by little, and it seems that he will fall down soon. A strange smile flashed across Zhang Xiaoyong's face, and he chased after me for a few steps before slashing at me! I covered my stomach with one hand and tried my best to block the knife with the other hand, and said angrily: "What the hell do you want to do?!" Zhang Xiaoyong smiled evilly again: "Kill you!" He quickly drew the knife and then kicked me Kicked in the stomach. There was a big hole in my stomach, and it was very inconvenient for me to move. Then he kicked me and I was thrown upside down. I touched my stomach with my hand and saw that the whole hand was covered in blood. It seemed that the injury was very serious.

I realized that the injured myself was no match for Zhang Xiaoyong. Now I must find a way to get out of here quickly! There was still howling ghosts and wolves all around, twenty people versus twenty people, everyone had their own opponent, but their strength was different, and their level was different. I saw that Li Wenchao had killed two people and was fighting with the third person. Of course, there are also some who were beaten and fled away. Seven or eight people were already lying on the ground. A quick glance showed that there were members on both sides. After I lay on the ground, Zhang Xiaoyong rushed over quickly. It seemed that this guy was really going to be cruel.

I threw the machete in my hand at him, and he quickly stepped back to block it. Taking advantage of this moment, I quickly got up, covered my stomach with my hands and shouted: "Get out, everyone!" Then I took the lead and started running. When everyone heard this, they quickly began to retreat. The crowd became confused and headed towards the teaching building. Zhang Xiaoyong, carrying a sharp machete, followed closely behind me. I was injured in the stomach and couldn't run fast at all. I saw him getting closer and closer. Suddenly I felt a cold feeling on my back, and I knew I had been stabbed again. Anyone who has had this kind of experience knows that there is no pain at the moment of being chopped. You will only feel the coolness of the place where you were chopped, and the pain will only come up bit by bit. So even being slashed on the back only aroused my stronger desire to escape. I covered my stomach with my hands and ran forward as hard as I could. But the wound on my stomach was so painful that I felt like I would fall down at any moment. If this continues, Zhang Xiaoyong will be caught sooner or later!

When I said "retreat", everyone was in chaos. At this time, no one could care about anyone else, and everyone just ran towards the teaching building. According to the agreement between Nie and Qiu, after one party calls for retreat, the other party is not allowed to pursue. But the situation is different now. Zhang Xiaoyong even dares to kill me, so is chasing me a piece of cake? Of course, Zhang Xiaoyong is mainly chasing me. I ran for a few steps, feeling that it would be impossible if I continued like this. I would be hacked to death before I could reach the teaching building. I turned around and entered the faculty dormitory. Zhang Xiaoyong led more than ten people in hot pursuit.

As soon as I got in, the prop master who had been lurking for a long time stood up and said to me: "Come here quickly and make some wounds for you. I have other things to do." At this time, I really couldn't laugh or cry, sincerely. I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, and I felt that I quite admired my mental quality. But I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak, so I couldn't tell him that he didn't have to pretend for me anymore. I was really being hacked now. I quickly walked around the prop master. He also saw my injured stomach and immediately said in surprise: "You have to go to the hospital like this!" I ignored him and ran upstairs holding my stomach. Blood was dripping on the stairs, and I ran while holding back my breath. Almost at the same time, Zhang Xiaoyong also rushed in with others, cursing behind him, saying things like "stop, I'll chop you to death".

The prop master was frightened on the spot and stood there without daring to move. I kept running upstairs, really stimulating all the potential of my body. If I had suffered this injury normally, I would have fallen to the ground long ago. Yuan Xiaoyi's dormitory is on the third floor. I didn't think the third floor was high before, but now I really think it is. My eyes were swaying a little, and I looked at the floor spinning a little bit. It felt a bit like being drunk. Moreover, there were large areas of darkness in front of me, and I realized that I seemed to be about to faint. I held my stomach with one hand and held on to the railing with the other, rushing upstairs without stopping.

Fortunately, he finally ran to the third floor before losing consciousness. The voices of Zhang Xiaoyong and others behind him were getting closer and closer. I came here not to find Yuan Xiaoyi, but to find iron pieces. Although I told Tie Nian before that I didn't need his help, in the end I still had to ask him to help. The current situation is really too critical. If we don't find the iron pieces, our lives may be in danger. The hearing, sight, and feeling of the iron block... Anyway, all kinds of "feelings" are very awesome. As soon as I stepped onto the third floor, I saw his door open and a giant iron block came out. But Yuan Xiaoyi realized later that she probably hadn't heard the sound yet, and there was no movement in her room. But I don’t want her to make any move either. It’s better not to be frightened by this scene.

"Damn it!" I shouted, "Brother, I'm going to trouble you this time!" Then I fell down heavily and finally couldn't hold on any longer. At the same time, Zhang Xiaoyong and the others also stepped onto this floor and ran towards my body. I turned sideways and saw Zhang Xiaoyong with a ferocious face, holding a machete and slashing at my head. But at that moment, a big hand grabbed my collar and threw me lightly on the wall behind me. "Holy shit, I'm hurt, you're throwing me away like this!" I shouted dissatisfied, but I still slowly sat up against the wall, holding my stomach and panting. The blood was flowing down my thigh, and I was grinning from the pain. I had to go to the hospital for stitches right away.

Zhang Xiaoyong's knife didn't hit me, but fell to the floor with a "ding" sound. Zhang Xiaoyong raised his head, looked at the 1.9-meter giant man, and quickly took a few steps back out of instinct. The dozen or so students who came with Zhang Xiaoyong had the same reaction. They let out a "drink" and quickly took a few steps back, fearing that they would be mercilessly crushed by this giant man.

The iron block did not move, standing there like a statue. I could only see his back, but I guessed that he must have smiled like an idiot again. If he could learn to make a more "brutal" expression, he would definitely be able to scare away some young people just by his appearance. Unfortunately, he smiles most of the time and is extremely easy to be considered an idiot.

"Hey, big man!" Zhang Xiaoyong pointed the machete at the iron block and said viciously: "Don't mind your own business. We are here for Wang Hao this time and have nothing to do with Teacher Yuan."

The iron block was silent.

Zhang Xiaoyong continued: "You'd better get out of the way quickly, otherwise if more than ten of us brothers come together, no matter how big you are, you won't be able to carry so many of us and so many knives!" This is true, as the saying goes, a good man He couldn't stand the crowd, but he underestimated the strength of the iron block. A piece of iron is the personal bodyguard of the head of a mafia family...

Tie Nian still ignored him, as if he didn't bother to talk to him, and turned to me directly and asked: "Do you want his life?" His tone was relaxed and natural, as if he was talking about a chicken, and his arrogance was fully revealed. He should have such arrogance because he has such strength.

Zhang Xiaoyong's expression suddenly changed, he blushed and said with a thick neck: "Who the hell do you think you are? You are so stupid that you think you can control other people's lives casually?" Then he waved twice. He slashed his machete to show his anger, but in the end he still didn't dare to charge forward.

I was silent for a moment and said, "No, just drive him away. I will avenge this myself."

"Okay." Tie Nian agreed simply.

"Damn, I want to see how you drive us away!" Zhang Xiaoyong waved his hand, and more than a dozen students behind him raised their machetes at the same time. They were obviously well-trained and capable of bursting out with super combat power!

"Fuck me!" Zhang Xiaoyong roared: "Chop this big man into pieces and give each of you a beautiful girl when you get back!"

Under the leadership of Zhang Xiaoyong, more than ten people rushed over together.

But Tie Nian still stood there without moving. He just took out a dark pistol from his jacket pocket and pointed it at the head of Zhang Xiaoyong, who was about to rush over.

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