Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 401: It’s your own fault

Hearing this, I asked strangely: "So Brother Spider already knew it was me in the dormitory. How could he tell Zhang Yunfei that he didn't know it was me when he went to the water room?" Black Spider scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "I I’m afraid you will feel embarrassed. After all, you are such a famous big brother, so it’s a bit priceless to let me, an insignificant character, save you..."

I laughed: "Don't worry, I'm not that petty. Of course I'll be grateful if someone comes to save me." I felt that his mind was as delicate as Gong Ning's, and his personality was a bit like Liu Zihong's. Of course, I mean introverted, not weak. Black Spider is much braver than Liu Zihong. However, Liu Zihong also practiced in the later period and became a man who can stand alone.

Black Spider smiled, nodded, and said no more. I pulled Black Spider to sit down. There were tea eggs on the table, and I invited everyone to come over and eat. The tea eggs have cooled down and don't feel that fragrant, but it may have something to do with my state of mind. Everything I eat feels a little bitter. Everyone was peeling tea eggs while chatting, and I said: "Brother Spider, I have never seen such a generous person like you. You rushed to help me without even meeting me, and the person you met was Zhang Yunfei, who you can never mess with in the vocational college. Now I want to drink three hundred cups with you." There was still some wine left at noon, so I took it out and had a few drinks with Black Spider, drinking this cold tea egg, feeling It has a different taste.

Li Xiaojie said from the side: "Brother Hao is famous and treats his brothers well. We always admire you."

Although I said polite words, I was still quite proud and felt a bit elated. I feel a bit like Song Jiang in "Water Margin". Although he has never lived in other places, his reputation has spread to all places. Heroes from all walks of life kneel down and call him brother when they see him. Wherever he goes, he is served good wine and food. Holding it, there are a large group of brothers holding it. This day is so exciting.

Just as he was feeling proud, Black Spider said: "I do admire Brother Hao, but that's not why I saved him..."

When he said this, I was swallowing an egg, and suddenly I felt something stuck in my throat. Sure enough, what I was most worried about happened. Just now I thought he was introverted and had a shy smile. Could it be that he was... gay? God, this is so scary. I know that since I came to Beiyuan, my love luck has been very good, and I have been favored by many girls, but I don't think even men like me. I looked at Black Spider blankly, fearing that he would suddenly confess to me, which would be too embarrassing. Li Xiaojie and Aaron Kwok also looked at Black Spider, but obviously not as much as I thought. They were just curious about why he wanted to save me.

Black Spider said: "Brother Hao, do you know Liu Zihong?"

I was startled and said, "I know, that's one of the Four Heavenly Kings under my command, a pretty powerful person."

Black Spider smiled and said, "That's my brother, my biological brother."

"Huh?!" This shocked me. Just now I thought that the introversion of this black spider was a bit like Liu Zihong, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be Liu Zihong's biological brother! At that time, I felt that the world was too small, and I immediately stood up and held Black Spider's hand: "It's true that Liu Zihong never told me that he had an older brother. Hey, it turns out we are a family." I thought again I am happy, excited, and a little disappointed. Fortunately, Black Spider is not gay, and he has not fallen in love with me; I am excited that Black Spider is Liu Zihong's brother, so our relationship will be closer; but I am disappointed that I am not Song Jiang, and I have not yet reached the stage of "revealing my identity" He just fell to his knees and called him "brother".

Because of Liu Zihong's relationship, our conversation became more lively. It turns out that Black Spider did not study well and was left one grade behind, so he was in the same grade as Liu Zihong. Although Black Spider is as introverted as his younger brother, he was also famous as a good fighter in his original junior high school. Most people would not dare to mess with him, but he could also take care of himself and his younger brother's safety. Later, one of the brothers was admitted to a vocational college (well, this school didn’t even need to take the exam), and the other was admitted to the city high school. Black Spider knew his younger brother's character very well, and was worried that he would get into trouble in Chenggao, so he thought about getting involved in the vocational college quickly, so that he could talk to Maizi or Lao Gou so that the two bosses could take care of his younger brother in Chenggao. . As a result, a few months later, while he was still hanging around in the vocational college (it was too difficult to get ahead in this place), his younger brother had already become one of the four famous kings in Chenggao. Needless to say, others bullied him, and it was enough that he did not bully others. .

"Brother Hao, I won't say anything anymore. Thank you so much." Black Spider raised his glass and said excitedly: "Since I was a child, my mother has taught me to protect my younger brother. This concept has long been ingrained. I really can't look at him. I suffered a little loss. When he went to high school in the city, I was happy and anxious. Of course, I was happy because he went to such a good school, and anxious because I was worried that he would be bullied at school. But there is no need to be afraid now, in your Under my care, this kid is doing much better than me..."

I was also very happy to hear what Black Spider said. I have to say that although Black Spider is also introverted, he can talk more than Liu Zihong. That guy can't even make a fuss with a stick. Black Spider, who had been around before, was just different, and everything he said made people feel warm. I quickly said: "Liu Zihong and I are at the same table, so we should take care of each other. He also helped me a lot! In the early days, without his help, I would have never been able to get along in Chenggao."

After a few glasses of wine, Black Spider became happier and felt less introverted. He patted my arm and said: "Brother Hao, thank you so much. My younger brother is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Chenggao. I can laugh out loud at night. That guy finally doesn't need to be taken care of by me... So, when I heard that you transferred to a vocational college and shared a dormitory with my brother. I was so excited that I couldn’t express my emotions, so I felt that I had to come and thank you."

I feel that Black Spider is really very kind to his brother and never leaves his brother. But the strange thing is that Liu Zihong never mentioned Black Spider. After hesitating for a moment, he said tactfully: "It's true that Liu Zihong never told me that he had such a powerful brother." I wanted to hear Black Spider's answer.

Black Spider sighed and said, "It's normal that he doesn't mention me. In fact, he's quite annoying to me."

I was even more surprised: "Why?" With such a good brother, why is he still not satisfied?

Black Spider said: "He always complained that I took too much care. When he was in junior high school, there was friction between him and his classmates, so I had to stand up for him. As time went by, some people started gossiping, saying that he could only rely on Me, otherwise I would have been beaten to death. Tell me, why do you always care about what others say? We are brothers. If I don’t help you, who will help you? As a result, he told me that he hopes to solve it by himself. You can't rely on me for some things all your life. I was helpless by what he said, so I had to agree with him once. That time he had a conflict with a classmate, and the two of them agreed to fight in a one-on-one fight. It was a pure physical fight, and no one could do it. Call for help. I also promised to just watch from the side and never interfere. There were other students watching at the time. After the two started fighting, Liu Zihong quickly fell into the disadvantage. Oh, I really can’t say, with his small body, I have never fought with anyone before, so I have no experience at all. I was knocked down to the ground and started to fight within two seconds..."

I nodded, imagining that scene. It’s true that Liu Zihong doesn’t know how to fight, but he gradually became better at it after following me. But when I think about it, Liu Zihong dared to challenge others when he was in junior high school, and he wasn't as weak as when they first met.

Just listen to Black Spider say: "As soon as I saw my brother suffer a loss, I couldn't bear it any more. I went up and beat him up..."

I looked at Black Spider in surprise: "Didn't we agree that we are not allowed to call for help in a duel? If you rush up like this, how can you raise your head in class after calling Liu Zihong?" Black Spider sighed: "I blame me for being too impulsive at the time. Since I intervened that time, his personality has become more introverted, and he even distanced himself a little from me. He would not tell me when he was bullied. I could only ask around to see if anyone in his class bullied him. But As long as I'm here, no one usually dares to bully him. But as far as I know, although no one bullies him, there are many private gossips, saying that he is a coward and a softie, and relies on his brother for his whole life. I No matter how powerful he is, he can't control what others say. During that time, he became even more silent and almost didn't say a word to me."

"The more he refused to tell me, the more anxious I became. I was afraid that he would be bullied, so I would go to his class to look around after class. Once I saw a student smearing chalk dust on his face, and I became furious and rushed I went in and beat up the student. Liu Zihong couldn't stop crying at that time. Later I found out that they were joking. However, I didn't learn my lesson. I still went to their class window every day after class to look around, leaving no one in their class. I played with him, and he became more and more silent, more and more silent..."

"Later he went to Chenggao and I went to a vocational college. I told him, 'If someone bullies you, you should come to me.' He said, 'No, I will solve it myself.' I knew that he was being bullied. People won't tell me when they are being bullied. So I wanted to get along quickly and ask them to help take care of Liu Zihong when I am qualified to talk to Lao Gou and Mai Zi. As a result, haha, you killed both Lao Gou and Mai Zi. Liu Zihong has also become one of the four heavenly kings, and he is much more glorious than me... I am completely relieved."

Although Black Spider was smiling, it was obviously not as happy as before, and there was still a trace of bitterness.

I asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Black Spider sighed and smiled bitterly: "He became the Four Heavenly Kings, and his reputation in Chenggao was unparalleled. However, he didn't tell me, and I found out about it myself. Of course I'm happy for him on the one hand; And I feel that the gap between us brothers seems to be getting deeper and deeper... Alas, I blame him for holding him down for too long. Now that he has finally escaped, he naturally wants to stay away from me. It's all my own fault!"

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