Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 366, Beautiful Sister

Brick held the scarf, his hands trembling a little, probably thinking of those past days again.

"Wang Hao, put it on for me." Brick said softly.

"The weather is no longer suitable for wearing scarves." Since the snow, the weather has become warmer and warmer. I said, "It's better to keep it." But Brick shook his head and said stubbornly: "Who said you can't wear a scarf when the weather is warm? As long as I feel cold, I can wear it." I had no choice but to help Brick put it on. . His simple appearance, rustic satchel, and weird scarf made him even more out of tune with others. However, if Brick is the same as others, then he is no longer Brick.

I didn't expect that even though the seasons and time changed, the scarf around Brick's neck would never be taken off again.

"I'm sorry for asking you to come over to Beiqi." I said sincerely, "If it weren't for me, this probably wouldn't have happened."

"No." Brick said, "I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have met Yang Mengying, and I never thought that I would also taste love - although it didn't take long." Brick smiled bitterly: "But it's enough for me to remember for a lifetime."

I took a breath and said, "Well, let's meet again when we are destined." Then I looked at the four to five hundred students around me, picked up my luggage and walked resolutely toward the door. "Brother Hao." Lei Yu suddenly called me again. I turned to look at him, and Lei Yu handed over a length of black steel pipe and said, "I don't know when I will see you again, but you used this thing to conquer Beiqi. You might as well take it back as a souvenir." Let's do it." I gave Brick a scarf, and Lei Yu gave me a piece of steel pipe. This was a bit fun.

I'm not a pretentious person, so I reached out and took it. It felt quite solid in my hand, and I couldn't help but recall those exciting days in Beiqi. I stuffed it into my luggage bag, said goodbye, and walked to the door again. From today on, we must stay away from these people and Beiyuan City. As I walked farther and farther, the people behind me were still shouting: "Brother Hao, I'm waiting for you to come back!" But I said in my heart: "I'm not coming back. Really, I'm not coming back."

When we arrived at the station, we waited for a bus back to Dongguan Town. Sitting in the car, I felt drowsy. After all, I hadn't had a good rest for a long time, so I slowly fell asleep in the bumpy car. In the dream, the swords are shining, the snow is falling and the flowers are red. After an unknown amount of time, someone shook my arm. I woke up in a daze, and the conductor said: "Where to go? Buy a ticket." I said: "Dongguan Town." I reached into my pocket, but it was empty. Only then did I remember to give all the money to Liu Yanfu. I blushed furiously. In fact, I already knew that I had no money, but I still pretended to rummage over it. It was really a penny that stumped the heroic man.

"No money?" The conductor was a woman in her thirties, with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. Her expression changed: "No wonder you are pretending to be asleep here and get off the bus if you don't have money!" At first glance, she looks like the kind of person who can't be ignored. . But it was my fault after all. I blushed and said rudely: "Auntie, I really forgot to bring money. I am a student of Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School and I am going back to Dongguan Town. You put me on the road." , how can I go back?" The conductor glared: "What do I care about you? If you are like you, how can I make money from this car?"

I had no choice but to ask an aunt next to me for help: "Aunt, can you help me pay for the ticket?" It only cost two yuan to go to Dongguan Town. The aunt in her forties covered her pocket and said, "I Where is the money?" Look at her wearing a thick gold chain around her neck and two gold rings on her hands. She doesn't look like she has no money. I sighed and was about to say a few nice words to the conductor, but even the driver shouted in a rough voice: "Do you have money? If you don't have money, just get off the car!"

"That's right, get off the bus!" The conductor came over and grabbed my collar. It looked like I had met a bandit!

"Hey, don't rush people out of the car. Where are you letting people go in this wilderness?" A beautiful sister in the front row said, "It's just two yuan. I'll pay it for him." Then he took out Hand the two dollars to the conductor. The conductor took the money, but didn't give him a good look. He snorted and said, "You have a kind heart, the Great Merciful and Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva!" and squeezed forward. The occupancy rate in the car was about 80%, and I was sitting in the back row. As soon as the conductor left, I said to my sister: "Sister, thank you!" The beautiful sister's eyes narrowed into a line, looking beautiful and generous. She smiled and said: "It's okay, I have one about the same size as you. My younger brother is also very careless and often goes out without any money!"

I said embarrassedly: "This is my first time." Then I started chatting with this beautiful sister. Before we could even talk for a few words, the bus suddenly stopped and three burly men with a sinister air came up. Perhaps out of intuition, I suddenly felt that these three people might have evil intentions, so I stared at them closely. Sure enough, before the car had driven out for a minute, the three of them all showed their daggers, causing everyone in the car to scream in surprise. "Come on, master driver." A man with a round face said grimly: "Pull over and park. I have to eat today, so I have no choice but to ask for money for the meal. I hope everyone will cooperate."

The conductor was sitting at the door, shivering like chaff, completely losing the domineering aura he had just now. The driver also parked the car obediently on the side of the road and no longer sounded as gruff as before. From this point of view, the fake bandits met the real bandits, and they became obsessed with each other. This place is already in the wilderness, with basically few cars or people passing by. Even if they had, they wouldn't know that a robbery was taking place here.

"Come on, everyone, be smart." The round-faced man shook the dagger in his hand and said coldly: "Be proactive and don't ask me to search for it myself. It's obviously there, but if you say it's not, be careful when I go in with a white knife and come out with a red knife. These brothers all have murder cases on their bodies, so I don’t care if there’s one more!” I could see that these were indeed a group of desperadoes, so I’d better not mess with them. And I don’t have any money on me, so I’m not afraid of them coming to rob me. The people in the car were silent, frightened by the aura of these people.

The aunt next to me shivered and began to take off the gold ring on her finger, and then quietly stuffed it into her mouth. But her movements were too big, and she was immediately spotted by a thinner man in front of her. The thinner man rushed over, pinched the aunt's face with his hands and said, "What are you doing? Spit it out!" The aunt had no choice but to spit it out. The thinner man held the wet ring with his hand and said disgustedly: "How disgusting are you, are you willing to risk your life for money?" Then he took away the other gold ring from her hand and the gold necklace around her neck. Come down. Immediately afterwards, they searched her body and found hundreds of dollars in scattered pieces. While the man was doing all this, I watched with cold eyes and didn't feel sorry for the aunt next to me at all.

The aunt was already sobbing, and the thinner man slapped her twice, then put a knife to her neck and said, "Will you try crying again?" This worked, and the aunt stopped crying. . At the same time, the other two men were also collecting the passengers' belongings, including watches, rings, and money, and put them all in a nylon bag. This was the first time I encountered a live robber, but surprisingly I was very calm and didn't think it was a big deal. It seems that I have seen bigger scenes, so I am not surprised by these.

After the thinner man finished robbing the aunt, he came to ask me again: "Young man, do you have any money?"

I stood up directly, patted my pockets and said, "Brother, I am a student and I don't have a penny on me."

The man didn't believe it, so he came over and searched, and sure enough, he didn't find a penny. He was so angry that he kicked me and cursed: "Get out of here, pauper!" I wondered, who with money would come to take the bus. If you choose to rob on the bus, you must be mentally prepared that the passengers are all paupers. Of course, these words are just what I think in my heart, and naturally I dare not say them out loud. It's not that I don't dare, I just think it's unnecessary, why bother arguing with these people. The thinner man didn't make things difficult for me anymore. He went to ask other passengers for it. After searching around, he reached out to the beautiful sister in front of him and said, "What about you?"

The beautiful sister is also aware of current affairs, and she took out all the money she had. If that was all, then forget it, they just grabbed the money and left. But the thinner man didn't give up and said with a lewd smile: "Girl, you look pretty slim, don't you? Do you have a boyfriend?" He touched the beautiful sister's face with his hand.

"What are you doing?!" The beautiful sister suddenly opened his hand and shouted: "I have already given you the money, what else do you want to do?"

"How can you just give money?" The thinner man gulped and said, "When I meet a pretty girl like you, not only do I have to rob money, I also have to rob her sex." Then he dragged the beautiful sister's hand. The arm was pulled outward, as if to pull her out of the car! Here in the wilderness, if the beautiful sister really gets off the bus with them, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous!

The beautiful sister struggled and shouted, but everyone in the car kept their heads down. If these twenty or thirty people unite and rush forward, it will be easy for these three men to kill them even if they hold daggers. But from the beginning, these people had no intention of resisting. Even the driver and conductor shrugged their heads and allowed them to carry out the robbery!

The thinner man pulled the beautiful sister while making a disgusting and lewd laugh. The other two men also smiled exaggeratedly: "Hurry up, come on, this is an unexpected bonus!" The beautiful sister shouted: "Let me go, let me go..." But in terms of strength, they were no match for that man. , he was dragged out of his seat in a few moments and struggled in the car.

The other passengers in the carriage looked silent, as if they had no intention of saving anyone.

And my hand has quietly touched the luggage bag at my feet. There is also a piece of steel pipe hidden in it to accompany me to conquer Beiqi.

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