Shen Xiaoxiao moved her somewhat stiff limbs, her head was a little dizzy from the scorching heat of her skin, and her throat was hot, as if she was about to smoke.

Stretching out his tongue to try to catch the raindrops falling in the air, he swallowed a mouthful, and finally got a brief relief, moved his limbs and tried his best to stand up while supporting the tree trunk beside him.

Looking at the place where I stayed all night last night, I didn't expect to fall into this ditch.

Fortunately, there are all dead leaves here, otherwise the hands and feet would definitely break, and a large dead tree propped up above her head blocked the wind and rain for her, and the temperature on her body slowly dropped after resting all night by accident. Come down, even the head is no longer so painful.

Gently shaking her somewhat confused head, she didn't know how long she had slept, but she remembered that when she fell asleep, the fish-belly white in the sky was already very bright, but at this moment the surroundings were pitch black, did she sleep for a day?

I touched my limbs, there was nothing wrong with it, but lying on the cold mud floor was a little stiff, a little cold, I closed my eyes habitually, took a deep breath, and felt extremely happy because of the unique scent of grass and trees in the jungle. .

How many years has she not smelled such a smell, so ecstatic, so nostalgic.

There is no urine smell, no fishy smell, wet, with a hint of sweetness, the corners of the lips are slightly raised, such freedom and wantonness are really a luxury.

With such a big commotion last night, no matter whether it is Da Wenen's people or Yan Kuan's people, they will never let go of the possibility of Sou Shan, and she still has Yan Kuan's things in her hand. It seems that she has to hurry up and get out This jungle.

The heavy rain lasted all night, and the jungle that was gradually waking up could occasionally hear birdsong, and the surrounding area was hazy with smoke because of the rain just now.

Shen Xiaoxiao has been walking all night. Fortunately, she has gotten used to the night in those 10 years. Even if she can't see her fingers, she can vaguely walk towards the east by feeling.

Passing through a thicket of thorns, ignoring the cut on the ****'s arm, he mustered up the last ounce of faith and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, a lake the size of a small football field appeared in the field of vision, and the water was crystal clear.

She staggered and fell into it, swallowing big mouthfuls, the scorching pain in her throat woke her up.

Standing on the stone with both hands, I have time to look at myself in the water, it's really young.

Now she is only 17 years old, with short hair at the ears, thin and sickly pale, with withered and yellow hair, except for that enchanting and gorgeous little face and shriveled figure, she can't help but find it ridiculous. Where did he get the courage to climb into Yan Kuan's bed back then, and Yan Kuan had to suffer, this man didn't mind knocking his teeth.

No, that man is said to have a habit of never looking women in the eye, and he likes the dark.

That's why she was able to replace that woman and climb into that man's bed under the cover of night.

Holding back her mouth, looking at herself in the water, she couldn't help but smile, the smile reached her eyes, this time she really smiled, because at least at this moment, she knew that she was safe for the time being, the only thing she had to do was To wait is to survive, to survive in this jungle.

It will take at least three days for the limp medicine to disappear all over her body, so she can only take a temporary rest by the lake.

It should be August or September at this moment, otherwise there would be heavy rain for two consecutive days, plus how could it be so cold this early in the morning? Of course, this is also related to Shen Xiaoxiao's own anti-cold system.

Shen Xiaoxiao’s prison is in the north of Huaguo, where the temperature is minus ten degrees in winter, and those people are going to torture her to death, so there is no heating equipment at all, and a cotton jacket will last 10 severe winters. Apart from non-stop activities, there is no other way, Shen Xiaoxiao is cold-resistant, even ten times more cold-resistant than ordinary people.

The surrounding area seems to be a forgotten Taoyuan, a few big rocks are scattered around, and the lake is next to a big mountain. Actually, it can’t be called a big mountain. The bare rock is more than ten meters high, and it should be called Xiaoqiu.

There is a stone cave below Xiaoqiu that can be used by one person. After the heavy rain last night, the cave is still dry and clean, and there is nothing around that she can distinguish.

There is a lake, water, a cave, and the jungle outside where she walked all night. The whole place seems to be surrounded by thorn forests to form a small independent world, calm and free of impurities.

The water in the lake was so clear that you could vaguely see a small fish swimming by, with drums beating in its belly, and its hands and feet were a little sore. Shen Xiaoxiao looked around, but there was nothing but a fruit tree that he didn't know.

At this time, she didn't have the energy to go out to look for food. The whole night's walking had already used up all her strength. If she hadn't just drank a few sips of water, she might not even have the strength to look at herself.

The most urgent task is to find something to eat for herself. She stared at the little fish swimming in the lake and smiled. Poor fish, I can only wrap my belly around you.

It’s just that there is no fire, and there is no time to light a fire to grill the fish. Simply scrape off the scales, break open the belly of the fish, clean it up, and eat sashimi directly. The faint fishy smell made her, who hadn’t touched meat for a long time, feel a little disgusted. , but she held back her nausea and let herself swallow it.

She finally felt full in her belly, and only then did she have the energy to plan her way out in the future. It was important to survive in this jungle, but returning home was her real goal.

She didn't know what was going on outside the jungle, but she knew that she would not want to go out of here at least for the next few days, and the "Taoyuan" where she was staying at the moment was her best refuge.

Looking around, there was no place to shelter her from the wind and rain except the cave, so she picked up some dead branches and walked over. At this moment, she began to rejoice at the lighter she took out from the bags of the two men in black earlier. It really came in handy at critical moments.

She didn't know if she was the luckiest one, she wasn't the only one who broke into the jungle at that time, but she was lucky to be able to get such a natural refuge.

After everything was tidied up, she had time to rest in the cave for a while. The makeshift bed made of soft grass felt moist after the rain. She slowly moved the fire closer and sat on it. Only then did he have the time to look at the password box that he had snatched from Yan Kuan's men before.

The big rock at hand was smashed down hard, once, twice, with a bang, the box was opened.

Shen Xiaoxiao opened it and saw a silver-white key lying in the middle of the box, and nothing else.

A team on standby just to protect such a key? What kind of joke is this? This thing is the most important thing they say?

Shen Xiaoxiao suddenly had a feeling of being tricked. She really thought that the thing she snatched could hurt that man, but she didn't expect it to be a simple and useless key.

How did Shen Xiaoxiao know that this key provided her with an extremely beneficial help in her future life...

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