Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 780 Propaganda Offensive

I have to say that Hovchenko Gazirinov is considered a golden partner.

The two of them each have their own strengths and specialties, and they complement each other.

If their goals are not set so high and they just compete for some Duma seats, there is really hope.

Let alone being high, it is natural for it to at least become the fourth largest faction in the Duma, or even squeeze into the top three.

It's a pity that Hovchenko's vision was too high, his steps were too big, and he directly focused on the position of Kremlin...

This is tantamount to directly offending the largest faction currently in power.

Both sides are riding a tiger, and it will inevitably lead to a fight to the death. This is the key reason why Wang Ye is not optimistic about Hovchenko.

But Hovchenko doesn’t think so.

He feels that he has strong financial resources and well-planned plans. In addition, the overall economy of Mao Zedong has been poor in recent years, and the people have complained a lot.

Isn’t this the best time for you to “take the position”!

"By the way, I just transferred 500 million US dollars to the faction's account through a fund under my name. This money is used as propaganda funds for the faction. We buy out all the talk shows on major media and television stations. For one year, let the members of the faction take turns to make an appearance, promote our faction's governing philosophy, win votes and so on. Since we are a new faction, we cannot rely on the majority and must enter the campaign state in advance!" Hofqin Coe said simply.

Zhirinov was delighted when he heard this.

It has to be a big oligarch!

The money was generous, and 500 million in campaign funds were received, and this was the first batch of funds!

The reason why he is willing to come back to assist Hovchenko is because he has the same political philosophy. The most important thing is that he knows that Hovchenko can really spend a lot of money to participate in the election.

It will definitely be easier to do things with such a generous and wealthy boss.

"Okay, I will ask my assistant to contact the major media later to discuss program buyouts. Or directly ask them to customize several programs for us during prime time. They are not limited to character interviews, but can also engage in some charity activities and even entertainment. Programs and the like, this way the publicity effect will be better." Zhirinov also started thinking.

Hovchenko waved his hand and said: "You can take care of these things. Anyway, we have the time and energy to do these things now. In fact, look at it, most of the members of our faction do not hold public office, which is a good thing, because they can spend all their time and put energy into the campaign in advance. In terms of preparation, it is much better than other factions."

Speaking of this, Zhirinov remembered something. He looked at Hovchenko and moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but did not say it.

Hovchenko noticed his expression and asked with a smile: "What? Is there anything difficult?"

Zhirinov gritted his teeth and said it anyway, "I can't figure out why Mikhail would join forces with Gryzlov to fight against our faction. Ordinarily you are his uncle, and I am also his old superior, right? He also takes great care of us. Is it true that he is so selfish that he stands with the first faction and the Kremlin?"

This old man has a rather upright personality and says whatever comes to his mind.

If you were a smarter person, you probably wouldn't mention this matter in front of Hovchenko, because no matter what, this matter is a conflict between Hovchenko and Mikhail's uncle and nephew. You, an outsider, can't Suitable for evaluation.

Kovchenko also knew Zhirinov's character, so he didn't say anything else. He just smiled and said: "It's nothing. I said it when we chatted with Misha that day. In private, I and Misha He is still an uncle and nephew, but in the political arena, business affairs are business as usual. After all, our faction also poached some members of their faction when it was established, shouldn’t others be allowed to express their dissatisfaction?”

Zhirinov thought about it, and this was also the case, but he still said a little angrily: "What's his faction? If I hadn't retired to give him the throne, he would be just an ordinary Duma member now, how could he have any deputy Speaker and Chairman of the Economic Committee!”

It was difficult for Kovchenko to comment on this matter, so he could only comfort him: "His current situation is also very difficult. On one side is my uncle, on the other side is such a strong first faction, plus he is the leader of the third faction. , and must stand on the side of factional interests. So it is normal for him and Gryzlov to issue a joint statement, and I don’t blame him.”

Zhirinov just complained, but he may not be really angry with Wang Ye. After all, he had been in politics for so many years, so he didn't understand the twists and turns.


Since the joint statement was issued, Wang Ye didn't take it to heart, let alone explain it to Hovchenko.

Because he believed that Hovchenko would understand what he meant and would not affect the relationship between the two because of this.

The matter seems to have passed. Kovchenko's new faction has not come back to poach personnel from the three major factions, and no member of the Duma has recently proposed to resign and switch factions.

But Wang Yelao felt that something was wrong...

At noon that day, he and Rosiana found a corner to sit down while chatting in the restaurant of the Duma Building.

The restaurant here is only open to Duma deputies and people brought by the deputies in person. Even ordinary Duma staff are not allowed in.

Having said this, I would also like to mention that although Da Mao has turned into a so-called democratic and free country, it is actually very hierarchical internally, and each class has an insurmountable red line. It can be said that this is the gene engraved in their bones. Unchanged.

Just like in the Duma building, what specifications of offices should be used by each level of personnel, how many assistants or secretaries should the MPs have, what level of car guards should they have, which restaurant should they go to for meals during the working day, etc., etc. There are detailed and strict regulations.

And all of these expenses are borne by the state, without the MPs having to pay a penny!

There are not many MPs working in the Duma Building in normal times. Except for those who hold additional regular duties, such as serving on various committees, most of those MPs do not stay here.

Many MPs are busy with other jobs, or have their own businesses, and some even live abroad...

Except for regular meetings once a month, or if there are major matters that require a meeting, there is no need to check attendance every day.


There were very few people in the restaurant, and there were only a few committee members or deputy speakers who Wang Ye was familiar with sitting there.

After nodding in greeting, Wang Ye just sat down when he heard a familiar voice coming from the TV hanging on the wall next to him.

Chapter 778 has been blocked and has not been released. Please read it tomorrow.

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