Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 778 Joint Statement

Grezlov is right.

He and Wang Ye are the party leaders of the first faction and the third faction respectively, and they are also the leaders of the factions!

If you are poached and don't react at all, you are undoubtedly unqualified.

Today Gryzlov came to Wang Ye just to discuss with him and see how to deal with it.

As for the people who have been poached, it is a done deal and cannot be undone.

But the remaining people can't continue to be poached, that would be a bit unreasonable.

You know, there is still nearly a year until next year's general election. For such a long time, it is conceivable that Hovchenko will definitely not be idle.

They will continue to expand their strength and attract more people to their faction.

Many Duma deputies from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd factions have not passed away. That is because they are still in office and may be reluctant to resign.

But when their term of office is about to end, if the other party promises to provide funds to help them run for the next Duma deputy, there is no guarantee that many people will be interested.

By then, a considerable number of congressmen may have "jumped" over.

This is also what Grezlov is most worried about...

"Then what do you think?" Wang Ye asked.

Gryzlov nodded, waved his hand vigorously, and said resolutely: "We must give a warning to those who are ready to take action! I have no objection to Kovchenko. He established a new faction and participated in the election, including recruiting some people to go there. , This is all reasonable and legal. But those who jump between the two factions to satisfy their own selfish desires are hateful!"

Maybe he really had no problem with Hovchenko, or maybe he couldn't say bad things about Hovchenko in front of Wang Ye.

But in any case, Gryzlov is now targeting those who "jumped", not Hovchenko, so Wang Ye doesn't care.

He asked with great interest: "Do you want to cut off those people's retreat from the legal aspect?"

Gryzlov is not only the leader of the first faction, he also serves as the speaker of the Duma and the director of the "Strength Development" Committee!

From a legal perspective, it is within his scope of authority.

If the two can reach an agreement, then almost no one in the Duma can oppose their opinions, which is why Wang Ye made such speculation.

Gryzlov shook his head and said with a smile: "There is no need to mobilize so much troops. The matter is not that serious. What we have to do now is to warn those who are cautious."

Wang Ye didn't bother to guess anymore, spread his hands and asked: "Then just tell me how you need my cooperation! If it is feasible, I have no objection."

He just expressed his position to Gazlov yesterday. If he cooperates with Gryzlov to "act in a show", the effect will be even better, so of course he will not have any objection.

"The two of us, and of course the leader of the second faction, jointly issued a statement in the name of the faction. We condemned the new faction for disrupting the normal work of our faction, causing many MPs to be distracted and unable to work with peace of mind. …”

Grezlov explained his thoughts to Wang Ye.

In fact, it was the party leaders of the three major factions who joined forces to verbally condemn!

First, it was to express dissatisfaction with the poaching behavior of Kovchenko's new faction.

Secondly, I also told some personnel not to fight Xiao Jiujiu. The party leaders of the three major factions are now very dissatisfied with this matter.

If a similar situation occurs again, the three of them will reserve the right to take further measures!

As for what measures to take, we will discuss them at that time.

Including but not limited to from a legal perspective, such as stipulating that members who switch factions shall not run for election in the next Duma election.

Or how long you are not allowed to hold government positions, etc.!


Wang Ye frowned and thought for a moment, feeling that Gryzlov's proposal was still feasible.

Verbal condemnation will not cause much harm to Hovchenko anyway. If it is really effective and can prevent some people from switching to the past, that is also a good thing.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Hovchenko to really make any big moves.

If the three party leaders took action and used relatively mild methods, they would "kill" Kovchenko's idea of ​​participating in the election.

That Wang Ye is not afraid of being this evil person!

Nodding heavily, Wang Ye said cheerfully: "No problem! I am involved in this matter. When will we issue a joint statement?"

Gryzlov smiled slightly, "The Duma Congress will be held this month. I will draft a statement in advance, and then you two will sign it. At the Congress, I will formally read this statement."

One speaker and two deputy speakers, all three of them are also the party leaders of the top three factions in the Duma!

Although this statement is officially a so-called verbal condemnation, it does not have legal effect.

But obviously, no one dares to take it seriously!

Because as long as they want to, or they think it is necessary, they can turn the joint statement into a substantive regulation or document at any time!


A few days later, at the Duma’s monthly session.

After discussing some innocuous matters according to the normal procedure, when the meeting came to an end, Gryzlov suddenly spoke.

“Dear members of parliament, after discussions between myself, Deputy Speaker Mikhail and Deputy Speaker Koloff.

A joint statement was made in response to the recent incidents of individual members of Congress switching factions.


There was silence in the entire Duma hall.

Everyone knows what Gryzlov is referring to, and even some of them have had contact with Hovchenko.

Due to various factors, they have not yet switched factions, but they have their own plans in mind.

Maybe they are waiting to see the situation. If Hovchenko's momentum continues to grow, they will immediately join him.

Maybe he is waiting for his term to end. If the current faction does not promise to continue to support his candidacy for the Duma or further, then he will go to Kovchenko's side. Anyway, there is more campaign funds there...

But now, a joint statement from the three faction leaders was heard read by Gryzlov.

Many people feel a little weak.

Because Grezlov clearly mentioned in the statement that the three major factions are determined not to allow similar things to happen again!

He also pointed out that when necessary, the three major factions will join forces to take corresponding measures to limit the political future of these personnel.

Because these people are not loyal to the factional ideals and do not consider the interests of the country and the people at all, but are engaging in political speculation!

Such a person is not worthy of being a member of the Duma, nor is he worthy of appearing in any public office...

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