Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 759 Joint Press Conference

April 21st, London.

Inside the Times office building, the sports news department.

"Helen, Arsenal and Chelsea will have a joint press conference tomorrow and they will announce some big news. You should go and attend it to see what big news they have."

The editor-in-chief stood at the door of the office and shouted towards the large office area.

A slender white arm was raised and waved to the editor-in-chief. The girl named Helen responded: "I know, boss. By the way, where is the press conference being held? Arsenal Club or Chelsea Club?"

Helen is a reporter who specializes in football news. She is young this year, in her mid-twenties, and has just joined the newspaper less than two years ago.

In Britain, football has a higher status than any other sport, so within newspapers, only elite reporters can be responsible for football news.

In addition, in a major newspaper like The Times, it is obviously not an easy task for Helen to become a reporter in charge of a Premier League club at such an age and with such little qualifications.

This is also because Helen graduated from a prestigious school, has really outstanding abilities, and works very hard.

Therefore, after entering the newspaper office, you can quickly gain the appreciation of the editor-in-chief and then you can rise to the top.

Generally, Premier League clubs have their own office buildings, and when holding so-called press conferences, they prefer to be on their own territory.

Helen has also participated in many press conferences of various clubs, so she is quite familiar with it.

After all, they are in the sports news department, so of course they are very familiar with football. After all, in Britain, are there any other sports besides football...

The editor-in-chief opened the folder in his hand, shuffled around for a while, found a piece of fax paper, looked at it and then replied: "No, it's at The Goring. Wow, a very good hotel, you're lucky this time." But I guess their two clubs will not provide you with catering services. I doubt they can even afford the cost of renting a hotel for the press conference."

It's no wonder that the financial status of these two clubs is not very good.

Chelsea is just a middle-to-lower team in the Premier League, a small club.

Although Arsenal is a strong team, its financial situation has continued to deteriorate in recent years. This is something everyone knows, let alone well-informed reporters like them.

And this The Goring hotel is the most luxurious hotel in London!

Located just opposite Buckingham Palace, it was the first hotel in the world to have private bathrooms and central heating.

Famous for its fine dining and high prices.

Helen shrugged and said nonchalantly: "I only pay attention to what news they have to release. Could it be...the two clubs are going to exchange players! Otherwise, why would the two clubs hold a joint press conference? Moreover, it must be a star-level player swap, otherwise it wouldn’t be worth holding a separate press conference.”

Don't worry, it's really possible.

The editor-in-chief frowned and thought for a while, then said uncertainly: "It's hard to say. I've heard rumors in the circle that both clubs are conducting share transactions and may need to change owners. Could there be a new owner? That’s why we held such a grand conference at The Goring Hotel this time.”

Helen bit her ballpoint pen in her mouth and said while thinking: "I have also heard about this news, and I am still following up on it, but the news has not been confirmed yet. Besides, if it is really being acquired, then there should not be any joint release. Okay, it's impossible for one owner to acquire two clubs at the same time. That's not allowed. So, I guessed that there was a player trade. But it's not right. After all, the season is not over yet. Even if there is a player trade, it won't be possible. It shouldn’t be at this time…”

"Okay, you'll know what's going on if you go take a look tomorrow. It's useless for us to speculate here." The editor was too lazy to continue guessing and waved his hand.

Helen nodded, and she was also looking forward to what big news would be revealed at tomorrow's press conference...


The next day, The Goring Hotel opposite Buckingham Palace.

Reporters from major news organizations gathered, including The Times, BBC, Reuters, Daily Express, Daily Mirror, etc...

Basically all the bigger media came over.

Helen naturally arrived at the scene early, in the grand ballroom of The Goring Hotel. Before the press conference started, she found a few familiar colleagues to get some information.

"Hey Jerry, do you know what these two clubs are going to do? How can they hold a press conference together?" Helen asked.

The reporter named Jerry works for the BBC and is known for being well-informed.

He shrugged, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "According to reliable sources, these two clubs are going to change owners!"

Helen was shocked. Sure enough, what the editor said yesterday...

She quickly asked: "If the club changes owners, then separate press conferences should be held. It is impossible for the two clubs to be acquired by the same investment company or owner."

Jerry couldn't answer this question.

After thinking for a while, he responded: "I don't know then. What is certain is that Chelsea has a new owner. But Arsenal is not sure yet..."

While they were really chatting, the time had already reached and the press conference was about to begin. Helen quickly returned to her seat.

There are two people presiding over today's press conference, and they are also old acquaintances of the reporters.

One is David Dein of Arsenal Club, who is definitely a celebrity in the British football circle, with deep qualifications and wide connections.

The other, the general manager of Chelsea Club, is not as famous as David Dein.

"Thank you all the media reporters for coming. Today, our Arsenal Club and Chelsea jointly held a press conference to announce a big thing! That is... After negotiations between the original shareholders of the two clubs, both clubs will announce a press conference today. , ushering in a new boss..."

David Dein announced cheerfully.

Before he could finish speaking, the audience was already noisy.

Because the news is so sudden!

If only Chelsea Club changed ownership, then everyone wouldn't have such a big reaction. After all, the club is relatively small and not a strong team.

But Arsenal also suddenly changed hands, which caught everyone off guard.

The incident happened suddenly, and I was completely unprepared.

Obviously, David Dein knew the psychological impact everyone was experiencing at this moment, and was not in a hurry. He just looked at the audience with a smile, waiting for everyone to calm down.

Today, he can be said to have a spring breeze on his face and a happy mood!

The "mysterious" investor also arrived in London yesterday and had a private chat with him and coach Wenger...

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