Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 738 The two permanent members join forces

"To be honest, I'm not very interested in that ghost place, so I just did it this time. If you want me to do anything, just tell me."

Wang Ye didn't bother to beat around the bush and asked simply.

Gebrev smiled. He also knew Wang Ye's character, so he spoke openly.

"Naturally, I hope that you can firmly control the country of Burkina Faso through the Wagner Company. Of course, it should not be too obvious, at least not to allow certain countries to find opportunities to intervene. Then, through the fulcrum of Burkina Faso, Slowly... infiltrate other African countries!"

This was said very frankly, without any concealment.

That is to say, in front of Wang Ye, if it were another person, Gebrev would not say this.

After all, there are some things that can be done but cannot be said.

Wang Ye had a headache. He kept doing it over and over again, but in the end he still couldn't get around it.

It seems that I originally just wanted to help Mumu and expand the living space of Wagner Company, but in the end, the Kremlin jumped out and picked the peaches...

What is the purpose of controlling Burkina Faso and then infiltrating other African countries? Think about it and you will know what the purpose is.

That is to expand Da Mao's influence.

And these are completely useless to Wang Ye personally and are thankless things.

But since Gorbrev said this, it means that this is the idea of ​​the Kremlin, and he cannot refuse it yet...

After all, the Wagner Company is able to achieve its current strength. On the surface, it was built by spending money on its own, but in fact, it is absolutely inseparable from the support of the Kremlin.

Otherwise, how could so many elite soldiers be "sent" to Wagner!

How could it be possible for so many weapons and equipment with advanced performance to be sold to Wagner at such a low price!

Wang Ye knew very well that he didn't have that much face in front of Shao Yigu.


Grinning, Wang Ye scratched his head and said awkwardly: "Although Mumu was supported by Wagner, after all, it is also a sovereign country. It will be difficult to keep control in the future."

Gebrev waved his hand quickly, "Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean that we should always let that Mumu be a puppet. But it means that it is best to maintain good diplomatic relations with our country during his tenure. Then through this announcement Kina Faso, gradually expanding our influence.”

That's what he said, but the meaning is still the same. Wang Ye is not stupid, how could he not understand.

But after thinking about it, considering Mumu's foundation, if he wants to really control the situation in Burkina Faso, he cannot do without Wagner Company.

After all, Wagner's force was the most important, or even the only factor that brought him to power!

It is conceivable that Mumu would be inseparable from Wagner's help for a long time to come.

So during this period of time, Wagner can be said to have essentially controlled the country...

It is necessary to maintain good diplomatic relations with Mao.

Besides, this will also be of great benefit to Burkina Faso.

No matter how difficult it is, it is still a big country. If a little bit is leaked between your fingers, it is enough for Burkina Faso!

"Okay, then I'll have someone communicate with Mr. Mumu later and mention this matter. By the way, should we also take advantage of Mumu's new appointment to express our support to him?" Wang Ye said with a smile.

Gebrev was stunned and asked casually: "How do you express it?"

"Didn't you just say that our two countries still have an agency relationship? Let's take advantage of Mumu's inauguration to upgrade our diplomatic relations and send a formal ambassador. This can be regarded as giving Mumu a great face. In the future, their When the diplomatic direction is tilted towards us, we can also give an explanation to the people." Wang Ye said seriously.

This matter was something he came up with on the spur of the moment.

Originally, there was a hint of "weirdness" in Mumu's appearance on stage.

It is conceivable that there must be many doubts about this matter, both in Burkina Faso and in the international community.

Fortunately, Petrov and Compaoré reached an agreement, and Compaoré came forward to explain that he was voluntarily giving in.

Otherwise, the international public opinion will definitely be huge.

Now, let Damao take the initiative to congratulate Mumu and upgrade the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

This is a real support for Mumu!

When other countries want to question Mumu's legitimacy, they must first consider Da Mao's face.

Gebrev obviously approved of this idea. He smiled and nodded: "This is the best! In fact, there is a big country that can join us to celebrate Mumu's taking office and establish diplomatic relations. You understand... "

Wang Ye understood immediately. Of course what Gebrev was talking about was a certain big eastern country!

Indeed, if China and Russia join forces to immediately recognize the legitimacy of Mumu taking over as President and establish diplomatic relations, this will definitely be a "help in times of need" for Mumu.

With the support of the "two permanent members", no country would dare to point fingers anymore.

Moreover, Burkina Faso is indeed very inconspicuous, and many countries would not bother with China and Russia just for such a place.


Mumu’s days have really been like a dream!

Originally, in this coup, I was a "walk-in".

I thought it would be enough to follow the old chief and wave the flag to get some benefits, but I didn't expect too much.

But overnight, an earth-shaking change happened, and he, a little bit of a sidekick, became the only protagonist!

With Petrov's strong support, he transformed himself from a tribal chief in a small place to "parachute" directly to the throne of General T!

Moreover, not long after the televised speech was delivered, the domestic mess had not yet been cleared up, and another piece of good news came.

China and Russia simultaneously issued notes to celebrate Mumu's assumption of the post of General T, and proposed establishing diplomatic relations, the kind of sending ambassadors to each other!

Although sending ambassadors to each other may sound ordinary, you must know that many powerful countries and many small countries in Africa do not have embassies at all.

The reason is very simple, I don’t care at all!

If you are willing to set up an embassy here, it will definitely give you face.

Oh, it is worth mentioning that Burkina Faso has not established diplomatic relations with a large Eastern country before.

Because during Compaoré's term, they had diplomatic relations with a certain island!

Of course, the only request made by China this time is to expel foreign affairs personnel from a certain island and to sever foreign relations between Burkina Faso and an island!

Regarding this matter, Mumu still doesn't know how to deal with it.

When asking Petrov for his opinion, Petrov asked him simply: "One is a region that is not recognized by the international community, and the other is a sovereign power. One is a region that is completely unqualified to enter the United Nations, and the other is a permanent member of the Security Council. How to choose, do you still need to ask?”

Mumu immediately understood what he should do.

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