Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 726 Your time has passed

After all, he was still too young, and it was his first time to "lead a team" and do such a big thing, so Mumu was inevitably a little nervous.

He was a little reluctant to let go in front of the old chief. Faced with the old chief's envy, he didn't know what to say.

We can only change the topic to: "Have the other chiefs arrived? When should we take action, or should we just wait?"

Mumu still doesn’t know what the detailed plan is for this “turmoil” in the capital.

Of course, he was not the core figure in this operation, so it was impossible to tell him the real top secrets in advance.

Mumu and their tribe's position in this turmoil is just a supporting role, here to support them!

The old chief was considered a core figure, and he was also the face of the "connection", so not only did he know the specific plan, he was also the one who personally participated in formulating the plan.

It can be said that this coup was conspired by Bryce and the old chief!

Naturally, it’s not his tribal armed forces that he relies on...

But Bryce took a fancy to the old chief's huge influence and extensive connections in the country.

It is easy to launch a coup, but it is difficult to quickly stabilize the situation and prevent domestic chaos.

This happens to be the old chief's strength.

Hearing Mumu's question, he smiled slightly and replied:

"Don't be anxious, I don't need you to do this. I just need you to follow me to the capital after the matter is successful, attend a public speech, and express your support for Bryce.

Of course, your tribe's armed forces look really good, beyond my expectations.

At that time, you can bring the team into the capital and do some security missions. It will be good to support the scene. "

In short, it’s just one word, “wait”!

In this way, Mumu could only wait patiently.

But he didn't let him wait too long. Two nights later, just as Mumu lay down to sleep, he heard a knock on the door.

The old chief shouted outside excitedly: "Get up, get ready for action!"


It was around 10pm on March 15th in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso.

The streets were dark as there were no street lights and no evening entertainment, so by this point the streets were deserted with almost no one around.

Of course, the wealthy areas in the city center still have bright lights and guaranteed electricity.

Outside the headquarters, several armed guards were standing there. There was a snow-white searchlight on each side of the door, illuminating the surrounding area.

The captain of the guard looked at the time. He suddenly turned to the other guards and said, "The shift will be changed early today. You guys can go back and rest. I'll wait for the person who takes over."

The other guards didn't pay attention, they laughed and planned to leave.

A guard seemed a little curious and asked: "Captain, why are you changing shifts early today? Is it okay for you to stay alone?"

The captain waved his hand impatiently, "What's the problem? Just leave as soon as you go back, so many words!"

The guard didn't dare to say any more, and they left together.

Normally, the change of guards in a place like this shouldn't be so "casual", but you have to look at what kind of country this is...

Similar things have not happened once or twice.

Anyway, we are all members of the Guards of General T Mansion. For things like changing shifts, we can just say hello and no one will care.

Watching several guards leave, the captain took out his cell phone from his pocket and quickly dialed a number.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, he simply said: "It's done, come over here!"

Then he hung up the phone.

In less than a minute, a convoy was seen approaching from a distance.

What's strange is that none of this convoy has their driving lights on, and they are not going very fast, as if they are afraid of attracting others' attention.

The cars in the fleet are all old off-road vehicles, pickup trucks and the like.

Several cars quickly approached the gate of the General T Building.

The captain of the guard opened the big iron door, and several cars quietly "slid" into the main building...


In the General Palace, Compaore had already fallen asleep, but he was not asleep yet.

He hasn't slept well in the past two days, and it's hard to fall asleep. Even if he finally falls asleep, he always wakes up suddenly.

What's even stranger is that my eyelids keep twitching.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, Compaore heard a noise coming from outside. It seemed like someone was running and shouting something.

He sat up in excitement and pricked up his ears to hear what was going on.

Suddenly, a "bang" sound came from the corridor not far away.

Compaore suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He heard it, it was the sound of a gunshot!

At the same time, there were also screams of surprise from some servants and living secretaries.

No need to think too much, Compaore has such experience!

He knew that the worst should happen...

Reaching out and taking out a pistol from under the pillow, Compaoré turned over and got out of bed. He bent over to the window to see what was going on outside.

As a result, before he could put his head in to see clearly, he heard a burst of messy footsteps outside the door, and then there was a loud "bang", and the bedroom door was kicked open.

He had just turned his head, but before he even raised his gun, two bright lights came over him. His eyes were almost blinded and he couldn't see anything...

Before he could get used to it, his wrist hurt and he was disarmed.

A person stood in front of him. He couldn't see who it was, but his voice was very familiar.

"Haha, our Chief Mr. T is so embarrassed, is he still trying to resist with this little toy? Compaoré, you haven't touched a gun in many years, how can you still pull the trigger?"

This is Bryce's voice!


Now that what he was most worried about had happened, Compaoré no longer panicked.

He blinked and slowly adapted to the light in the room, mainly because the two bright lights had been turned off and the chandelier in the bedroom was turned on.

Compaore finally saw the situation clearly.

Bryce was standing in front of him in military uniform, and behind him were several fully armed soldiers, who should be Bryce's confidants.

These people all held submachine guns in their hands, and the black muzzles were pointed at them.

Compaore shook his head and asked sadly: "Bryce, I'm not good enough for you, why did you betray me!"

Bryce smiled coldly, "Compaore, don't think that just because you are kind to me, you can let me be your dog for the rest of my life! You should be satisfied if you can sit still for twenty years. You are old and belong to Your time has passed, and Burkina Faso from now on is mine!"

At this point, Compaore also understood that the position of the general T should not be thought about anymore, the first thing is how to save his life!

Of course, it would be even better if he could keep the wealth he had collected over the years, leave Burkina Faso safely, and become a rich man abroad...

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