Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 723 Incredible

In the grand banquet hall of the Kitty Eagle Hotel, there were many members of the inspection team from China.

Everyone greeted each other happily and discussed how to organize the supply of goods as quickly as possible to do business.

After these two days of inspection, everyone has a clearer understanding of the situation here and is quite satisfied.

Especially since the original concerns have been dispelled, there is nothing to hesitate about.

Tonight, it is the boss of New Sun Group, the legendary Duma Deputy Speaker Mikhail, who invites everyone to dinner.

This is a huge honor!

It also illustrates one point, that is, this boss still attaches great importance to Chinese businessmen.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to take time out of your busy schedule to treat everyone to dinner.

"Do you think Speaker Mikhail will just come over and show up, say a few words and then leave? I feel like a big shot like him can't have dinner with idle people like us." A boss smiled. said to the person next to him.

"Then who knows. But even if you come over and show your face, it will be a favor to us. He is very busy, and it is not easy to be willing to come over and show his face. You still want to really have dinner with him, you think too much That’s it.” The boss next to him shrugged and said helplessly.

This is also the normal thought of ordinary people when facing real high-level people.

It does not mean that people with high status are noble...

Well, in reality, people with high status are indeed much nobler than ordinary people!

No one can deny this.

Back to the topic, when ordinary people face people whose status is much higher than themselves, they need to look up to them. When others give them a smile, it is considered a great honor...


Zhang Guangming was wearing a suit and a red face, and he was busy taking care of the guests. He really seemed to be a completely different person from the bad gambler he was before.

Men still need a career to support them.

In the past, he was the most inconspicuous small business owner in a big market. He couldn't even afford to rent a separate stall, so he had to share a stall with others in the corner.

We don't have our own domestic suppliers, let alone our own factories. We just get some goods from other bosses, mainly engaged in retail and small wholesale, and make a profit on the price difference.

But since he met Wang Ye, his destiny has also undergone earth-shaking changes!

Wang Ye helped him pay off the debt he owed, and he didn't say when he would be asked to pay back the money.

Of course, Zhang Guangming's character was still good. He worked hard to earn some money and returned it to Wang Ye as soon as possible.

It was because of this that he was favored by Wang Ye, who initially asked him to help look after the shops in the 1, 2 and 3 districts of New Sun.

In Wang Ye's eyes, this is just a test for Zhang Guangming.

But for Zhang Guangming, this is a God-given opportunity!

When managing those shops, he racked his brains to not only satisfy the owners who rented the shops, but also to maximize Wang Ye's profits and manage them in an orderly manner.

After passing this test, Wang Ye began to entrust him with important responsibilities. Just in time for the Lyublino Market to be successfully acquired by the New Sun Group, Zhang Guangming was sent to manage this market.

On this "stage", Zhang Guangming was at ease, and he cooperated well with Boss Kong.

With the two of them joining forces, Wang Ye hardly needs to worry about New Sun Group.

Boss Kong only needs to report the group's business and related financial data to Wang Ye's assistant once a month. Of course, the group's financial power is still under Wang Ye's control.

Zhang Guangming has also changed from "Little Zhang" in everyone's mouth before to "Mr. Zhang" who is surrounded by everyone wherever he goes!

Zhang Guangming understands very well how he got his current status, so he has always been very respectful and grateful to Wang Ye.


While he was chatting with the bosses, Zhang Guangming saw the door of the banquet hall opened, and an imposing young man walked in with several entourages.

He jumped up immediately and rushed forward to meet him.

"Boss, you are here."

Zhang Guangming came to Wang Ye and greeted him respectfully.

The banquet hall also became quiet at this moment, and everyone's attention shifted here.

Obviously, everyone is aware that tonight's "protagonist" is on stage!

The eyes looking at Wang Ye were full of "surprise, shock, disbelief...". Anyway, no one could treat this moment calmly when they really saw Wang Ye.

Although everyone has heard that Mikhail is particularly young.

But when I saw it with my own eyes, I still couldn’t believe it.

This young man, who looks to be in his twenties, is the largest oligarch in Russia at the moment, and is even the deputy speaker of the Duma...

How incredible!

People who live in such an environment in China really can't imagine how a young man like Mikhail can achieve such achievements.

You know, in China, no matter how good your background is or how strong your abilities are.

At this age, at the end of the day, he is just the secretary of a high-ranking official, and he cannot even be the top secretary!

In terms of level, it can never be Z, at most it is F.

Think about Mikhail's level again...


Others may be shocked by Wang Ye's youth, but the leader of the inspection team, the president of the association, cannot sit idle.

Mr. Liu also stood up quickly. He did not dare to come over to say hello. He looked at Zhang Guangming eagerly, waiting for Zhang Guangming to introduce him.

Fortunately, Zhang Guangming obviously understands this.

After he greeted Wang Ye, he turned around and waved to Mr. Liu, asking him to come over.

Mr. Liu walked over quickly, almost at a trot.

Without saying anything, he first bowed to Wang Ye with a smile on his face to show respect...

This made Wang Ye quite embarrassed. After all, Mr. Liu was older than Wang Ye's father.

But he didn't show anything, because in this situation, based on his status, others must respect him.

"Boss, this is Mr. Liu, the president of the Small Electrical Appliances Association from China. Mr. Liu, no need for me to introduce him, this is Speaker Mikhail, the boss of our New Sun Group." Zhang Guangming said. The two introduced.

Mr. Liu just wanted to say hello to Wang Ye using the two sentences he had just learned in Russian, but he heard Wang Ye say in very fluent Chinese: "Hello Mr. Liu, you are welcome to come to Russia to investigate investment. New Sun Group will We will provide you with the best business environment and solve all your worries, so that you can only focus on doing business.”

This shocked Mr. Liu.

Why does this old man still speak Chinese so well...

Zhang Guangming, who was standing next to him, obviously noticed his surprise and introduced with a smile: "Our boss is a Chinese-Russian, so he speaks Chinese very well."

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