Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 712 There will be turmoil

The security base built in Mumu's tribe is already very mature.

It covers a large area and is located right next to the diamond mining area.

Firstly, it is relatively remote and not many people live here, which makes it convenient to set up a security base.

Secondly, you can also directly protect the mining area. Thousands of armed personnel are here. If others want to rob the mining area, it can only be said that they have taken the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage...

Everything about this base was good, but there was one thing that made Petrov not satisfied.

That is not close to the sea!

Every time you transport people and materials, you have to say goodbye to another country. Although most countries in Africa have almost no so-called national borders, and no one cares about smuggling.

You can cross the borders of other countries without going through any formalities...

But it is still quite troublesome and difficult to navigate.

But Petrov is planning to build a standard airstrip directly in this security base!

I just recently purchased a batch of transport aircraft. After the runway is built in the future, it will be much more convenient to transport materials and personnel.

As for whether transporting so many people and equipment and weapons will cause dissatisfaction from the Burkina Faso government.

In fact, there is no need to worry.

Mumu's tribe is quite far away from the capital of Burkina Faso. The local area is full of tribal members, and transportation and communications are not developed.

In addition, the security base is also relatively low-key.

In addition to asking Mumu to help purchase drinking water, fruits and vegetables, the base even generates electricity by itself.

There is relatively little contact with the outside world, and the security base is very strictly guarded and no outsiders are allowed in or out.

Even in the Mumu tribe, many people don't know the existence of this security base.


In fact, Petrov has no regard for Burkina Faso's government troops at all.

He has already understood that Burkina Faso, like many small African countries, belongs to the J government.

In other words, state power was seized through a coup!

The current leader, Compaoré, launched a coup in the 1980s, directly killing the then president and replacing him with himself.

However, it has been almost twenty years since he was re-elected...

Although the entire country has a population of nearly 20 million, it stands to reason that there should be a large number of troops.

But in the final analysis, they are still too poor to support so many people.

Therefore, the total number of government troops is just over 5,000.

And most people are basically not equipped with any weapons and equipment, or they are still using outdated antiques from the World War II era.

The most elite force is the General T Mansion Guards, with as many as 1,500 people!

The weapons and equipment are relatively sophisticated, at least they use modern weapons and equipment, imported goods!

Moreover, this armed force is not only responsible for protecting the General Office, but is also responsible for public security, criminal cases, and emergency explosion prevention in the capital...

Of course, this force is also the core force controlled by Compaore!

How could he have sat in that position for so long without the support of this team.


Oh, it is worth mentioning that Burkina Faso does not have a navy. After all, it is not close to the sea and is a landlocked country, so it is impossible to have a navy.

As for the Air Force, it does have it, including pilots, logistics personnel, and technical personnel...

All people put together, there are less than two hundred.

The aircraft were still propeller-driven fighters from the Second World War that had been left over from France, and there were less than ten of them.

The most advanced aircraft should be Compaoré’s special plane...

The only such team that can fight a little is the General T Mansion Guards, but Petrov believes that in front of Wagner's security personnel, this guard team is absolutely vulnerable.

In terms of numbers, Wagner Company can mobilize 5,000 combatants at any time.

Not to mention equipment, light and heavy weapons, the 10,000-ton patrol has no place here.

But just the various types of armed helicopters and infantry armored vehicles would be a dimensionality-reducing blow to Burkina Faso's troops!

As for the government forces’ few outdated propeller-driven fighter planes, they probably can’t fly as high as helicopters…

That is to say, he is concerned about the international influence. Otherwise, Petrov would probably want to "requisition" Compaoré's General Palace, or have his subordinates take the Guards of the General Palace to practice!

Nominally, Wagner Security Company is employed by Mumu's tribe and is responsible for security work in the diamond mining area.

It's just that the Wagner Security Company sent a lot of people...

There are more security personnel than mining workers, which is a bit outrageous.

Of course, the capital of Burkina Faso probably doesn’t know about this kind of thing.


Today, Mumu came to the security base to inspect the training of the new recruits.

Under the strict and demanding requirements of the instructors, the little guys have made rapid progress. They have good physical fitness and can endure hardships. The training effect is still very good.

Because these recruits all know how rare it is to get such a "job".

At that time, the admission rate reached an astonishing 1 in 100!

In other words, a full 50,000 people came to apply, but only 500 were admitted.

Moreover, if you do not perform well during training, you may be eliminated at any time. This is clearly written in the contract.

Therefore, everyone worked hard during training at the security base.

They say that Xiao Hei is lazy and does not want to make progress, but this is actually a misunderstanding.

Among Xiaohei, there are many people who can endure hardships and stand hard work, especially when they see hope.

You only need to train your physical fitness and practice shooting with the instructor every day, which is really not a hardship.

But the food at the security base is really good. Every meal is rich in fish and meat. Just for these three meals a day, they have to grit their teeth and persevere.

After the inspection, Mumu felt very satisfied.

While chatting with Petrov in the office, he suddenly mentioned something.

"Two days ago, the chief of a large tribe came here to visit me in person. Their tribe and our tribe have been friendly for generations, but they are just a little far apart.

Their territory is closer to the capital. The last time our tribe competed with other tribes for mining areas, they even supported a batch of weapons and ammunition.

Oh, these are not the key points, I just want to tell you that this tribe is trustworthy.

He told me something, saying that the capital has been a bit uneasy recently.

After some time, there may be a... turmoil.

This time, I also wanted to join forces with our tribe to see if we could get any benefits from it.


After hearing what Mumu said, Petrov's heart moved.

Although Mumu didn't explain it in detail, maybe even Mumu himself didn't know much about it. Some details still need to be verified.

But Petrov has grasped the key point, and Burkina Faso may be in turmoil next!

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