Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 704 Reasonable Valuation

The things that the Constantine family has to offer should be viewed in two parts.

On the surface, it is a 200,000-ton super cruise ship that can directly help the Kitty Eagle Group to open up a new tourist route and a new large-scale gaming center.

After all, once this thing is sailed on the high seas, it will not be restricted by the law. Tourists from any country can vacation, consume, and gamble on the cruise ship...

Moreover, Petersburg has the largest port in Russia, from which you can get old tourists on board!

As for the secret, the LaConstantine family's investment in the Kitty Eagle Group is equivalent to putting another "protective cover" on the Kitty Eagle Group.

After all, the relationship between their family and the Kremlin cannot be ignored.

Being able to almost monopolize the entire Russian communications industry in obscurity shows how powerful the Constantine family is!

To be honest, in his "previous life", Wang Ye had never heard of this family after staying in Russia for so many years.

This shows that this family's style of doing things is relatively low-key, and they are the kind of people who make a fortune in silence.

Wang Ye feels more at ease working with this kind of person.

After considering this clearly, Wang Ye basically agreed to let the Constantine family invest in the Kitty Eagle Group.

But now there is still a more critical issue that needs to be discussed clearly before a final decision can be made.

"I wonder how many shares Mr. Constantine wants to invest in this cruise ship?" he asked with a smile.

The current Kitty Eagle Group has only two shareholders, Wang Ye and the He family. Wang Ye holds 80% of the shares and is the largest shareholder. The He family only holds 20% of the shares and is considered a small shareholder.

Moreover, Kitty Eagle Group is not listed, so it is difficult to value it.

The business scope is mainly gambling, as well as accommodation, catering, tourism, etc.

Revenue is not low, but it is not too high either. It cannot be compared with giants such as Yukos and Gazprom.

But Kitty Eagle Group’s net profit is not low!

It is estimated that by the end of this year, even if the business does not expand again, the net profit will reach about US$800 million!

Even more.

Therefore, when new shareholders are introduced, how to value the company is a big problem.

If the valuation is low, then Wang Ye will definitely not be happy, and he will obviously suffer a loss.

But if the valuation is too high, can the Constantine family agree? After all, they spent real money on a super cruise ship worth a billion dollars.

There is also a lot of invisible support, such as connections, political influence, etc. These things cannot be measured by how much money they have, but sometimes they are more important than money! ,


After hearing Wang Ye's question, Constantine also pondered for a moment, apparently thinking about this issue as well.

However, Wang Ye believed that the matter proposed by Constantine was definitely not a temporary idea.

Before he came, at least within the Constantine family, they should have discussed it, and they should also have a preliminary estimate of the valuation of Kitty Eagle Group.

The reason why I didn't answer myself immediately was just for show...

Without letting Wang Ye wait too long, Constantine raised his head and asked tentatively: "I don't know the overall revenue and specific financial situation of Kitty Eagle Group last year, but I made a rough estimate and it's worth three billion. A U.S. knife should be a reasonable number.”

Three billion dollars...

To be honest, it was a bit beyond Wang Ye’s expectations!

His psychological price is actually more than two billion US dollars, which is acceptable.

Wang Ye glanced at Constantine in surprise, thinking that the old fox wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and "blackmail" him.

It turned out not to be the case at all.

Now look at it, Constantine is simply doing "charity"!

Of course, even if the Kitty Eagle Group is valued at three billion US dollars, the Constantine family will not lose money, it will just make a little less.

"This valuation is still acceptable, but I need to discuss this matter with my partners, and I can't give you an answer yet." Wang Ye said cheerfully.

Based on his shareholding, it means that this matter has been settled, and Miss He will definitely not have any objections.

Constantine laughed heartily, "Haha, it's refreshing! I just like to deal with people with your personality. Okay, it's almost time, let's have dinner. No outsiders are invited tonight, they are all family members, so there is no need to meet outsiders. good."


Indeed, as Constantine said, the dozens of people at the dinner were all members of Rosiana's family.

The old man has eight sons and daughters alone!

In addition, he has six brothers and sisters, as well as the children of his brothers and sisters...

In the spacious dining room, there is a huge long oak dining table.

Constantine sat in the first place, Wang Ye sat in the guest seat, Rosiana sat beside him, and then there were two rows of relatives of Rosiana on both sides.

As for the names of these people, Wang Ye basically didn't remember any of them...

Anyway, they are not important roles, so he does not need to spend time writing them down.

Of course, there were so many relatives of Rosiana present, and everyone remembered Wang Ye firmly.

After all, in the top circles of Petersburg, the name "Mikhail" is also a legend!

They have heard of this name a long time ago, but people who are not part of the family's inner circle don't know the relationship between Rosiana and Wang Ye.

After dinner, we moved to the small living room and continued chatting over coffee.

But this time, there were more people participating.

In addition to Constantine, there are Rosiana, her parents, and several other children of Constantine.

Wang Ye stayed in this old castle that night. It looked like a very "ancient" building on the outside, but the interior decoration was still very modern.

Before going to bed, Wang Ye had a phone call with Miss He, told her about the Constantine family's plan to invest in the Kitty Eagle Group, and asked for her opinion.

As Wang Ye expected, Miss He readily agreed.

It was quite a surprise for the Constantine family to come up with a super cruise ship. This thing may not be of much use to other companies.

But for a company like Kitty Eagle Group, which mainly engages in gambling and tourism, it is very useful.

She volunteered that after the cruise ship arrived, she would organize a professional team to come over and inspect it to see how the cruise ship could be better utilized.

Of course, the high seas gaming business must be available, as this can also broaden the target customer base of the Kitty Eagle Group.

Originally, if Lao Maozi wanted to come and play, he could only arrange to go to Crimea. It was quite troublesome to go back and forth.

Well now, you can board the ship directly from the port of Petersburg and sail to the high seas to have fun...

Moreover, cruise vacations are very popular in Europe, and they are all high-end customers, which fits the positioning of Kitty Eagle Group very well!


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