Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 686 The world’s number one security company

Also, Wagner Security Company really needs to count them, there are definitely a lot of planes.

Although they are all helicopters, they do not have real fighter jets.

But there are many types of Wagner helicopters, and there are even more of them.

The total number of helicopters in several bases has exceeded 100!

This number is quite staggering, more than the number of helicopters owned by many countries.

Although most of them were replaced by Mao's regular army, they are all older helicopters.

But with proper maintenance, it can still be used normally, and it is surprisingly cheap to purchase.

As for warships, Wagner has a complete fleet with certain combat effectiveness, and even the capital ship is a 10,000-ton cruiser.

This is unique in the world, and other security companies, including Blackwater, probably wouldn't even dare to think about it!

Also, in terms of the number of personnel, Blackwater seems to have more than 20,000 people, while Wagner only has a total of 15,000 or 6,000, which seems to be a little less.

But you must know that Wagner can actually pull out more than 8,000 combatants!

And they are all real elite special warriors!

On the Blackwater side, there are no more than four thousand combatants.

In terms of combat effectiveness, after all, the two sides haven't really fought each other yet, so it's hard to say...

However, Blackwater's main battlefield is in the Middle East, not Africa, so if the two companies want to touch each other, there should be no chance in the short term.

Unless Wagner also wants to develop into the Middle East, or Blackwater wants to enter the African continent.


Wang Ye was also very satisfied to hear that Petrov was so confident.

He spent so much money, it must be several hundred million dollars...

Maybe we will continue to invest in it in the future, and the establishment of Wagner Company occupies the right time, place and people!

You need people, money, and equipment.

If this fails to become the strongest security company in the world, then it is a failure!

Of course, the current strength is only on paper, and it will be empty without actual combat.

But at the very least, from a book perspective, Wagner Company has surpassed Blackwater and become the world's number one security company.

"Yes, in the next period of time, you should go and run the African continent well. It's best to find a few more gold and diamond mines, otherwise I won't be able to support so many people, haha." Wang Ye joked road.

Petrov also knew how big Wang Ye’s stall was.

The amount of investment from Crimea alone is staggering!

Even if Wang Ye can make money, there will still be several "big holes" that need to be filled.

Wagner Company cannot always rely on Wang Ye's "blood transfusion". It must be able to "make blood" on its own, embark on the path of supporting itself, and even feed back other industries of the boss!

This is what I, the general manager of the company, should do, otherwise, I am unqualified.


The two were talking here, and Rosiana, who was listening in, was flipping through some confidential information about Wagner that Petrov had brought over.

Including a large number of weapons and equipment that will be purchased soon.

Looking at the large row on the purchase list, "100 infantry armored vehicles, 20 T72 main battle tanks, 50 Ka-60 helicopters..."

Even the last row clearly says "5 IL-76 transport aircraft"!

Those armored vehicles and tanks in front are just that. After all, there are a lot of these equipment in the army, and a lot of them are idle.

There is no need to re-produce them, just buy the ones that are idle in the army.

But the Ka-60 helicopter and IL-76 are a bit outrageous!

You know, the Ka-60 multi-purpose helicopter has just come out, and the regular troops don't have the money to purchase replacements yet. So the Wagner Security Company is going to purchase fifty of them?

And what’s going on with that IL-76!

This is a large military transport aircraft with a range of 5,000 kilometers and can transport more than 200 fully armed soldiers at a time!

Five IL-76s means that Wagner Security Company can send a thousand combatants to many places around the world at one time...

If she had seen this purchase list a few days ago, Rosiana's first reaction would be what Wagner wanted to do!

What does Wang Ye want to do!

Should you go talk to your adoptive father and ask him to pay attention to Wang Ye's activities...

But now, her mind has changed. Her first reaction was how much it would cost to purchase so much equipment, especially a big guy like the IL-76!

This Petrov doesn't want to "cheat" Wang Ye's money!

That's not okay. I have to remind Wang Ye to be careful about this guy...


Wang Ye was chatting with Petrov when Rosiana quietly touched his arm, handed over a document and asked, "Have you read this?"

He took it over and scanned it. It was a list of equipment that Wagner Company would purchase next. Petrov had just brought it over, but Wang Ye had not had time to look at it.

He said: "Not yet, what's wrong?"

"Look at the bottom two items on the list," Rosiana reminded.

Wang Ye turned directly to the end of the list, took a look, and was stunned.

Petrov only told him that he would purchase some aircraft this time to supplement Wagner's long-range delivery capabilities.

But it did not specify what type of aircraft it would purchase.

So Wang Ye thought that this time it was still the same as before, purchasing second-hand helicopters from the military. It didn't cost a lot of money. After all, they were all "friendly prices", so he didn't care.

But when he saw the "Ka-60 helicopter" and "Il-76 large transport aircraft", Wang Ye felt something was wrong.

Don’t forget, he also holds the position of chairman of United Airlines Group!

He also knows the prices of these two types of aircraft!

The Ka-60 is a new helicopter launched a few years ago. It has powerful performance and is called the "Russian Black Hawk".

The price is not cheap either. The external quotation is US$10 million per unit!

Of course, this price is already much cheaper than the "genuine" Black Hawk.

But if 50 cards are stuck at 60, it will cost 500 million U.S. dollars!

As for the IL-76, it is even more famous. It is considered one of Russia’s ace aircraft and is exported to many countries around the world.

The price is quite "reasonable", $100 million per unit...


There is no need to look at anything else in this equipment purchase list. These two types of aircraft alone cost a billion dollars in total!

Petrov really dares to open his mouth...

Wang Ye frowned because he had not prepared so much funds for Petrov, and the last time Petrov reported to him, he did not say that he needed so much money.

I originally thought that with 50 to 60 million US dollars, I could purchase all weapons and equipment.

Who knows, now I can’t even afford an IL-76!

He turned to look at Petrov, wanting to hear how Petrov would explain this...

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