Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 680 Shock at Sea

This is not a tourist destination, and of course there is no private yacht sightseeing at sea.

And speedboats happen to be the standard equipment for pirates!

This kind of boat is small, fast, cheap, and easy to drive and control.

Therefore, in some of the more "famous" straits in the world, if you see a speedboat rushing towards you, you can immediately be sure that it is definitely a pirate!

"Hurry up! Pull out the high-pressure water cannon and don't let them get close to our tanker! I'm going to call for help!"

the bearded captain roared.

Naturally, he wanted to ask for help from Da Mao's naval fleet, but this kind of thing depended on luck.

If Da Mao's warships were nearby, it might still be too late.

If the distance is too far, then you can only pray by yourself...

On the deck, several crew members had already pulled high-pressure water cannons to the side of the ship. There were indeed several speedboats rushing towards the cruise ship like arrows. The distance was already very close.

You can see it on the oil tanker. On the speedboats, there are several guys with turbans on their heads and waving AKs in their hands.

He didn't know what he was shouting in his mouth.

This kind of tanker is not equipped with any weapons, and high-pressure water cannons are the only means of self-protection.

It just so happens that when going on missions in the past, several oil tankers usually traveled together, and they would also pay for warships to escort them.

But this time, because there were no tankers departing at the same time and the warships were busy with tasks, they took time out.

That’s why the oil tanker Petersburg set out on its own, thinking that it would be less unlucky and that it wouldn’t happen to encounter pirates while traveling alone!

It's scary as hell, but they actually encountered it!


Several speedboats have arrived next to the oil tanker, and the pirates on the speedboats have raised their AKs to shoot at it.

Along with the "bang bang bang" gunfire, bullets flew over the heads of the crew.

Several crew members tremblingly opened the high-pressure water cannon, and a straight white line rushed towards the pirate speedboat below, directly knocking two pirates on one of the speedboats into the sea.

But it was of no avail, for the crew saw several ropes already hanging on the deck, and in different directions.

Some pirates were already climbing up with great agility.

In the control room, the bearded captain had already made the emergency call.

He briefly talked about his encounter with pirates, and then reported his location.

A few seconds later, he heard the reply on the phone.

They were told to hide, as long as they didn't get captured by the pirates, and a warship would come quickly nearby.

Exactly how fast, I didn't say on the phone.

But this also gave the bearded captain reassurance that at least there was hope...


He rushed out of the control room and came to the deck, where he saw the crew members staggering towards him.

"Captain, we can't hold on anymore! Not only do they have guns, but they also have rocket launchers. If we hadn't run fast and turned off the high-pressure water cannon, they would have fired the rocket launchers." A crew member said with a look of horror on his face. .

The bearded captain also made a prompt decision.

He immediately turned on the intercom and ordered urgently: "Power room personnel, immediately shut down all power systems and stop the ship. The rest of the people retreat to the safe house in the inner warehouse, everyone, immediately! Immediately!"

They don't know how long it will take for the rescue warships to arrive. They can only protect themselves now.

With no weapons on their bodies, they had no power to fight back in front of those ferocious pirates.

Fortunately, large cruise ships like this have safe houses that take this situation into consideration.

The safe house is an all-steel structure that stores fresh water and food. You only need to lock the door from the inside. It is not difficult to open it from the outside.

After all, the door and walls are made of huge thick steel plates!


The crew had just retreated into the safe house and locked the door.

On the deck, more than twenty pirates had climbed up along the rope.

In this operation, there was basically no resistance and no casualties. The pirates also excitedly fired a round of fire into the sky.

This is also a deterrent to the people on the ship not to act rashly, otherwise they will lose their lives!

Normally, pirates seek wealth without harming others.

After all, every crew member means a huge ransom!

As long as the other party's company and relatives are willing to spend money, that person can still go back safely.

But if the other party is ignorant and unwilling to pay a high ransom, then I'm sorry, pirates don't do charity...

"Boss, everyone on the ship has disappeared. I don't know where they went. In addition, although the ship is flying the Libyan flag, we found a lot of Russian flags in the cabin..."

After a round of inspection, a pirate ran to report to the pirate leader standing on the deck.

The pirate leader frowned upon hearing this, something wasn't right!

It seems that this ship is not a Libyan oil tanker with no background as stated in the information I received.

This is bad, and it will offend the big country Russia...

But then he thought about it, this is what he was originally doing, why would he be a pirate if he was afraid of this and that?

So what about Lao Maozi!

He captured all their crew members and took the ship hostage. The old man also had to pay a ransom!

So, he said: "Isn't it obvious? The person must have hid in the safe house. Find the location of the safe house immediately, break open the door, and hurry up. I'm worried that a warship will come."

That being said, the pirate leader was actually not very worried.

This is on the sea!

So what if the other party asks for help, there will never happen to be a Russian warship nearby.

If the distance is a little further, it will take a day or two to get there.

By that time, I had already driven away the tanker...

Although Somalia is poor and backward, and has little ability to protect itself, it is impossible for other countries to directly send warships to Somalia's territorial waters.

The consequences of doing so are very serious.

After all, it is considered an invasion of other countries!

Therefore, as long as the pirates break open the safe house, capture the crew, force them to start the power system, and drive the tanker into Somali territorial waters.

This is done!


The safe house was not difficult to find. The experienced pirates quickly discovered the entrance to the safe house after careful searching.

It's a bit difficult to break through directly. Even if you use a rocket launcher to blast it, it probably won't be able to blast it open.

Besides, "high-end goods" like rocket launchers are strategic weapons for pirates!

Not willing to use it easily...

They also have their own way to force the people inside the safe house to open the door and surrender!

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