Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 667: It’s easy to ask God but hard to send him away

Seeing that Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi were about to be taken into the police car by Police Officer Mao, Xie Liaosha and others couldn't hold back anymore, and they were about to rush over with eager eyes.

But Wang Ye stopped him again with his eyes.

Wang Ye did not argue or resist, but followed the policeman, Nalan Yaqi, Milly and other girls into the police car next to him.

The car door opened, and Wang Ye and others filed in amid the scoldings of police officer Mao.

As soon as I entered, a strong smell came from the car.

Nalan Yaqi, Milly and the other girls quickly covered their noses.

Obviously, this police station has not updated its "equipment" and it has not yet been their turn to purchase new vehicles.

The vehicles used were purchased many years ago and were already dilapidated.

The interior of the carriage is indeed reinforced with steel bars. It is not an exaggeration to call it an "iron cage"...

Against both sides of the carriage, there is a long and narrow bench, which is the chair.

Wang Ye, Nalan Yaqi, Milly and several of her classmates almost filled the entire carriage.

With the sound of the door slamming, the car also started to start, obviously trying to pull them to the police station.

Through the narrow car window, Milly and the other girls looked out. All of them had pale faces, obviously very frightened.

After all, they can be regarded as his "compatriots". Wang Ye smiled and comforted them: "Don't be afraid, it's okay. You don't need to say anything when you get to the police station. I will negotiate with them."

What he said was not a joke, Wang Ye naturally had this confidence.

When I arrived at the police station after a while, all I needed was a phone call from him or showing off his Duma work permit. Not to mention scaring the shit out of these stupid policemen, at least he would do what he said and no one would dare to disobey him.

The reason why he didn't reveal his identity on the spot just now, but followed Milly and the others to the police station in a police car, of course Wang Ye had other plans.

He wants to take this opportunity to rectify Moscow's police system!

Normally, although he is the deputy speaker of the Duma and has great power, he cannot reach into the police system for no reason.

After all, this department is not directly managed by the Duma, but belongs to the government department.

The Duma has only supervisory power, not management power.

But now, the deputy speaker of the Duma has been caught in the police station without looking at anything, and Wang Ye has enough reasons to "accountability" the police system.

Can’t this supervisory power be fully used...

Wait a minute, Wang Ye is going to let the people in this police station understand what "it's easy to invite God but hard to send away"!


Now that there were no outsiders, Milly and the others were emboldened.

Hearing what Wang Ye said, I felt a little more at ease. At least there was a "senior" who spoke Russian well. It was like everyone had a backbone.

"Senior, do you think they will lock us up? But...but we really only have temporary visas, and the official visas haven't been issued yet. What should we do?" Milly asked with red eyes.

She was already at a loss and regretted why she had come to visit Weedenham when she had nothing to do.

I have long heard that the police here are very bad and like to cause trouble for foreigners. I still don't believe it.

It's fine now, I was taken away directly...

"How is that possible! Misha will not allow them to do this! By the way, Misha, why didn't you just..." Nalan Yaqi blurted out.

Wang Ye naturally knew what she wanted to say next, so he shook his head and stopped her from continuing.

Nalan Yaqi stopped immediately. Although she didn't know what Wang Ye's purpose was, she had absolute confidence in Wang Ye!

Just kidding, if the deputy speaker of the Duma and the head of the Economic Committee could be embarrassed by a small police station, that would be really outrageous!

After a while, the car stopped and the rear door was opened.

The Mao policeman had a straight face and told Wang Ye and others to get down.

This police station should be not far from Weedenham, otherwise, it would not have been possible to arrive so quickly.

Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi got out of the car and walked into the police office building under the leadership of the police officer.

This building is not high, a four-story building with a brick-red exterior, which is very common here in Moscow.

There is a huge police badge hanging above the main entrance, and there is a flagpole on the roof with the national flag on it.

When I walked into the lobby of the building, I met another police officer. When I saw this rough policeman coming in with a few people, he smiled and asked: "Sergey, business is good today, we brought so many people back. But look They all look like students, so the fine won’t be much, haha.”

The hairy policeman named Sergey laughed and cursed, "That's level one!"

He was actually quite depressed. Bringing people back was not a good business.

If the business is really good, you should put the "fine" in your pocket on the spot...

But Wang Ye finally figured it out. People in this police station should have done similar things a lot!


After bringing Wang Ye and others into an empty interrogation room, Sergey said lazily: "Take out all your belongings and put them in this tray. Pick them up when you leave."

After saying that, an iron tray was brought over. This should also be a process.

Milly and the other girls were very obedient and quickly took out their mobile phones, cameras, wallets and other items from their pockets and put them in.

Nalan Yaqi looked at Wang Ye, meaning do you want to hand it over?

Wang Ye nodded, reached out for his phone and put it on the tray.

Sergey's eyelids jumped when he saw Wang Ye's mobile phone.

Although he is just a young police officer, he can still tell the difference between a good phone and a bad one.

The mobile phone that this "overseas student" brought over was different from the popular ones on the market, especially the brand, "VERTU"!

He knew this brand because the head of his bureau used this brand of mobile phone, which was said to be quite expensive!

Can an international student afford such an expensive mobile phone...

Before he could ask anything, a watch was handed over, and the light from the chandelier above his head shone on it, making Sergey's eyes dazzled!

Although I don’t know what kind of watch this is, look at the workmanship and the ingenious transparent back!

And the luster of precious metal that exudes luxury...

Sergey understood that this watch was probably quite complicated!

This wasn't over yet, because what Wang Ye handed over next almost made him jump in fright.

A holstered pistol...


This is Wang Ye's sidearm. He didn't originally want to bring it.

But before setting off, Seryosha specially brought it to Wang Ye to wear it with him.

Because although a few of them followed him, they were not for personal protection after all. Seryozha was worried that if something unexpected happened, they would not be able to protect him enough.

If Wang Ye carries a gun with him, he can buy them some time.

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